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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习高考提能练二十三Module5ATripAlongtheThreeGorges外研版必修.阅读理解A(xx南昌十校二模)Tour operators have seasonal deals on holidays to Canada, Australia and other countries in a new year.AustravelHolidaymakers can save up to 30% on a trip to Australia with the Austravel sale, which runs for about a month. It also includes a fortnightlong trip to Perth and a west coast selfdrive trip from 795pp including flights in May or July.austravel. Canadian AffairThe leading UK tour operator to Canada will be offering savings of up to 140pp during its winter sale. This includes a threenight city break to Toronto, including return flights, for just 399, if you book before 24 December. Other deals continue until 31 December.canadianaffair. Thomson and First Choice Some deals are being launched this week by Thomson and First Choice, with early booking offers including free places for kids, lower deposits and up to 300 off per couple on a lot of destinations.thomson. co. uk, firstchoice. co. ukEurocampThe camping pany is offering thousands of Easter and May halfterm holidays for under 350, such as an Easter break at La Baume on the French Riviera for just 25 a night, based on a stay in a twobedroom holiday home. Early bookers can save up to 25% and secure a holiday with a deposit of just 99.eurocamp. co. ukKuoni Running from Christmas Eve, the Kuoni sale includes a wide range of offers. These offers include ten nights full board in the Maldives from 1,599 and seven nights in Phuket, Thailand from 999 per personboth including flights and transfers(换乘)kuoni. co. uk【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了几个旅游公司提供的优惠活动。1How long may you stay in Perth with Austravel?AOne month.BTwo weeks.COne week. DFour nights.答案与解析:B细节理解题。根据Austravel部分中的“It also includes a fortnightlong trip to Perth”可知,Austravel提供给游客为期14天的Perth之游。fortnight意为“两周,十四天”。2What does the author say about Thomson and First Choice? AIt requires no deposit. BIt offers cheap return flights. CIt is suitable for family travel. DIt can save up to 300 per person.答案与解析:C推理判断题。根据Thomson and First Choice部分中的“including free places for kids,lower deposits and up to 300 off per couple”可知,Thomson and First Choice提供对孩子免费的地方,以及针对夫妇的折扣。所以它对家庭出游来说很合适。3What do Eurocamp and Kuoni have in mon? ABoth have various offers. BBoth include flights. CBoth offer a discount for early booking. DBoth need a deposit to secure a holiday.答案与解析:A推理判断题。根据Eurocamp部分中的“The camping pany is offering thousands of Easter and May halfterm holidays”可知,Eurocamp 提供数千种假日出游选择;根据Kuoni部分中的“the Kuoni sale includes a wide range of offers”可知,Kuoni也为游客提供各种各样的出游选择。B(xx安徽百所重点高中二模)I had the honour of being elected chief of my tribe (部落). With the title came great responsibility. It was my job to make peace with the Maori Tamaki tribe, whose village we visited. Their soldiers jumped from a canoe and faced us down with fierce crying, sticking eyes and much noise of sticks. They laid a palm leaf on the ground and, as head, I was forced to accept this peace offering by picking it up, then touching noses with their chief. “Kia ora,” he said, weling us into the woodland home of his people.My “tribe” was my New Zealand coach tour group, who had forced me into being their leader. Wed been warned that the ceremony was a serious occasion and that to laugh or even smile would be considered rude to the Tamaki. After that it was nonstop fun as they demonstrated their ancient customs and I received instruction in performing the haka, the war dance immortalized (使不朽) by the All Blacks rugby team.Then they pulled our dinner of lamb, beef and vegetables out of the ground. It had been slowcooked in the heat just below the surface in the geothermal (地热的) area of North Island, a Maori tradition known as a hangi that goes back an extremely long period of time.Obviously, this form of it is put on for tourists but it was hugely enjoyable. The journey back to the hotel was alone worth the effort, our elder Maori driver being deserving of his own television show. “The wheels on the bus go round and round,” he got us singing, while he circuited a roundabout three times.A couple of days from the end of our trip, there was still something missing, a New Zealand icon I wanted to see to make my grand tour plete. Riding over a ridge, there it was Aotearoa. The Maori name for New Zealand translates as “the land of the long white cloud”. Can I say “Kia ora, Aotearoa?” You bet I can.【语篇解读】本文为记叙文,作者讲述了他去新西兰旅游时接触到的毛利文化。4How were the visitors greeted in the tribe?AThe soldiers made a palm leaf road.BThe soldiers touched their noses.CThe soldiers shook sticks fiercely.DThe soldiers made noise with shut eyes.答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Their soldiers jumped from a canoe and faced us down with fierce crying, sticking eyes and much noise of sticks. They laid a palm leaf on the ground and”可知,毛利部落的勇士们从独木舟上跳下来,用狂热的叫喊、瞪大的眼睛和巨大的棍棒晃动声将作者一行人镇住了,他们还在地面上放置一片棕榈叶。这些都是毛利人对游客表示欢迎的方式。5Which refers to the Maori cooking custom?AKia ora. BHaka.CHangi. DTamaki.答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Then they pulled our dinner of lamb, beef and vegetables out of the ground. It had been slowcooked in the heat. a Maori tradition known as a hangi”可知,在地下土炉中烹制食物是毛利饮食传统,这被称为hangi.6What does the author think of the driver?AHe was good at singing.BHe made the journey memorable.CHe was not familiar with the road.DHe performed well on a TV show.答案与解析:B推理判断题。根据第四段的“The journey back to the hotel was alone worth the effort, our elder Maori driver being deserving of his own television show.”可知,作者一行人的回宾馆之旅让他们难忘:有表演天赋的毛利老司机让作者他们一路欢歌,故选B。7What is the best title for the text?AA taste of Maori cultureBHello, New ZealandCThe honour of being a tribe chiefDThe best of New Zealand答案与解析:A考查主旨要义。作者作为赴新西兰的旅游团的队长,在旅游中有幸接触毛利文化,这给作者留下了深刻的印象,故A项“体验毛利文化”作标题最佳。C(xx济南模拟)Seven years ago, back in xx, some reports covered a story that the worlds longest railway tunnel was under construction in Switzerland. At that point it had already been under construction for over a decade. It had been voted to be built nearly a quarter of a century ago! The idea to build it could date back to nearly 70 years ago about as old as some of your grandparents!Yesterday, it was finally ready!Its about 35 miles long and runs 7,500 feet beneath the Swiss Alps, a famous mountain range in Switzerland. It even runs under an old tunnel that was there before. It took a total of 17 years to build at a cost of $12 billion! 28 million tons of rock were dug. Two million truckloads of earth were removed!The tunnel connects northern and southern Europe. The opening of this tunnel was such a big deal that the Germanys leader, Chancellor Angela Merkel, Frances president, Francois Hollande, and Italys prime minister, Matteo Renzi, were all there to celebrate, as was Austrias chancellor Christian Kern.Its called the Gotthard Base Tunnel. Eventually, 325 freight and passenger trains will go through the tunnel, relieving a lot of traffic on the roadways there and making it a more environmentally friendly option. The Gotthard Base Tunnel is a wonder of engineering and makes us want to visit it!【解题导读】本文介绍了戈特哈德隧道的建成及其相关情况和由此带来的意义。8When did people first have the idea of building the tunnel?AAbout 70 years ago.BHalf a century ago.CTwenty five years ago.DSeven years ago.答案与解析:A细节理解题。从文章第一段最后一句“The idea to build it could date back to nearly 70 years ago about as old as some of your grandparents”可知,大约70年前人们第一次有建造该隧道的想法。9What can we learn about the tunnel?AIt used to be an old tunnel.BIt has just been pleted.CIt connects all European countries.DIt runs over a range of mountains.答案与解析:B细节理解题。从文章第二段“Yesterday, it was finally ready”可知,该隧道刚刚竣工。10What may be the purpose of building the tunnel?ATo improve traffic.BTo increase employment.CTo attract donation.DTo stop pollution.答案与解析:A细节理解题。从文章最后一段的“relieving a lot of traffic on the roadways there and making it a more environmentally friendly option”可知,该铁路隧道修建的目的是缓解交通压力。11What can be inferred about the tunnel?AIt will cause conflicts among countries.BIt will be of little benefit to the locals.CIt may do damage to the environment.DIt may bee a tourist attraction.答案与解析:D推理判断题。从文章最后一句中的“makes us want to visit it”可推知,该铁路隧道可能会成为一个旅游胜地。D(xx长沙市高中毕业生五月供题)If youre looking for information you can trust a bout kids and teens, youve e to the right place. KidsHealth is the mostvisited website for information about health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years.On a typical weekday,KidsHealth gets as many as a million visits. One of the things that make KidsHealth special is that its really four sites in one: with sections for parents, for kids, for teens, and for educators. KidsHealth is more than just the facts about health. It also provides families with advice about a wide range of problems that affect children and teens.To do this, our editorial staff always municates plex medical information in language that readers can understand and use. And all KidsHealth articles, games, and other content go through a rigorous medical review by medical experts to ensure that the information is as reliable and uptodate as possible.Along the way, KidsHealth has received its share of recognition, including four Webby Awards (Best Family/Parenting Site and Best Health Site on the Web), the Parents Choice Gold Award, the Teachers Choice Award for Family, and the International Pirelli Award for best educational media for students.KidsHealth cannot take the place of an inperson visit with a doctor,who can perform examinations and answer questions. But we work with foundations and other groups that support our goal: helping with the healthy growth of families. They help to fund additional KidsHealth educational programs and inspire families to make the best choices possible. We wele you to join us in supporting families.We depend on our millions of visitors to let us know their thoughts about KidsHealth, how weve been helpful, and ways we can improve the site. If you have a correction to request, please send that along, too. I guarantee well listen.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了KidsHealth网站的相关信息。12Whats the text mainly intended for?AIntroducing a website.BAdvertising for visitors.CAppealing for sponsorship.DDrawing attention to kids health答案与解析:A目的意图题。文章第一段已经点明主题,再结合全文的整体内容可知,本文主要是介绍一家网站的,故选A。13Which of the following words can replace the underlined word “rigorous” in Paragraph 3?AUnnecessary. BStrict.CCasual. DPotential.答案与解析:B考查词义猜测。根据画线词所在句中的“review by medical experts to ensure that the information is as reliable and uptodate as possible”可知,该网站上的所有文章、游戏和其他内容都要经过专家的严格审查,以确保其可靠性,画线词表示“严格的”,故选B。14What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?AThe huge reliability of KidsHealth.BThe wide popularity of KidsHealth.CThe educational role of KidsHealth.DThe great achievements of KidsHealth.答案与解析:D段落大意题。根据第四段的“KidsHealth has received its share of recognition”并结合整段内容可知,该网站得到了广泛认可,获得了一些奖项,即取得了巨大成就,故选D。15What can we know about KidsHealth from the text?AIt is not intended for adults.BIt shows only healthrelated facts.CIt aims at helping families grow up healthily.DIts contents are sometimes difficult to understand.答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段第二句“But we work with foundations and other groups that support our goal: helping with the healthy growth of families”可知,KidsHealth 网站的宗旨是帮助家庭健康成长,故选C。.七选五(xx济南模拟)While you are travelling abroad, cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes, which can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill feeling between individuals. _1_Touching Someone_2_ In Mediterranean countries, if you dont touch someones arm when talking to them or if you dont greet them with kisses or a warm hug, youll be considered cold. But backslap (拍背) someone who isnt a family member or a good friend in Korea, and youll make them unfortable. In Thailand, the head is considered sacred never even pat a child on the head.Talking over DinnerIn some countries, like China, Japan and some African nations, the food is the thing, so dont start chatting about your days adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner._3_ Its not because your group is unfriendly, but because mealtimes are for eating, not talking. Removing Your Shoes or NotTake off your shoes when arriving at the door of a London dinner party and the hostess will find you uncivilized, but fail to remove your shoes before entering a home in Asia, Hawaii, or the Pacific Islands and youll be considered disrespectful. So,if you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces. _4_Once you are on the ground of a different country, remain highly sensitive to native behavior. _5_ And dont feel offended if something seems offensive like queue jumping. After all, this is a global village, and we are all very different.APersonal space varies as you travel the globe.BAsians consider removing shoes impolite at home.CNever be pletely surprised by anything.DThe linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his idea.ELook out for the following cultural mistakes and try to avoid them.FIf not, keep the shoes on.GYoull likely be met with silence.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,讲述了一些出国旅游时应当注意的文化上的错误。【段意梳理】第一段:外出旅游时,文化方面的错误比语言方面的错误更容易造成误解。第二段:触碰某人。不同国家对于触碰某人有不同的习俗。第三至四段:边吃边谈。在一些国家如中国、日本和一些非洲国家,吃饭时不说话。第五段:是否脱鞋。不同国家对进门是否脱鞋也有不同的习俗。第六段:当你在国外时,应当对当地的习俗保持高度的敏感。1答案与解析:E该空是一个总结句,用来引出下面要提到的话题,起承上启下的作用,故选E项。2答案与解析:A结合小标题“Touching Someone”及下文提到的不同国家对于触碰有不同的习俗可知,不同的地方对个人空间的理解各不相同。故选A项。3答案与解析:G上文介绍在中国、日本和一些非洲国家,吃饭时不要闲谈。由此可知,吃饭时要保持沉默,只有G项与此项关。故选G项。4答案与解析:F该空与前一句是相反的情况,上文提到“如果你在门口看到一排鞋子,就松开你的鞋带”,接下来就应当描写与之相反的情况,故选F项。5答案与解析:C从空后的“And dont. like queue different”可知,此空与该句表并列关系,也应是“不要”,故选C项。

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