2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Working the land Using Language 新人教必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Working the land Using Language 新人教必修4课前预习一、阅读课文,1. Which kind of farming makes green food? Chemical or Organic Farming?2. Read the passage quickly first to find out the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1: Para 2:.Para 3: 3. Read the text again and answer the questions: 1). What is the disadvantage of using chemical fertilizers? Chemical fertilizers kill both and bacteria and pests in the land, so they _ _ the land.Leaving _ _for a long time is not good for crops and animals and humans. These chemicals in the food supply is dangerous to peoples health by _ _ in their bodies and _ _ cancer or other illnesses。Fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers grow so fast that it is not full of _such as vitamins and , etc.2). What is organic farming?Organic farming means growing crops without _ _.4. 从课文中找出下列各句并译成汉语1) Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil, making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil.2) With these discoveries, some farmers and many customers are beginning to turn to organic farming.3)They focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease.4)This also keeps the air , soil, water and crops free from chemicals.二、当我们想用英语劝服别人做事我们可以用下列句型(查找出填上):Its a great pity thatThis is good value becauseWhat is the advantage of?实战演练一、用下列单词或短语的适当形式填空(有多余选项)satisfy, supply, lead, would rather, struggle, whatever, confuse, work, rid, sunburn, prefer to, certain There was an old goat that grew a lot of cabbages. He gathered in all his cabbages with the help of two rabbits. Then he gave each of them ten cabbages to express his thanks. But the goat got _1_ when he found that one of them was very happy while the other was not that happy. So the goat asked him , “Youre not _2_ with this?” “No, no. Thank you very much for the cabbages. But if I have a choice I would _3_ choose something else. ” said the rabbit. “Ok, you can choose _4_ you like from what I have.” “I wonder if you can teach me to grow cabbages,” the rabbit said, “ I often cant get enough food to eat. If I want to _5_ a good life , I must grow something of my own. So, I _6_ learn to work the land from you than just accept your cabbages.” _7_ the land is not that easy. In spring, you must _8_ the land of grass; in summer, your skin will be _9_ working in the field and in autumn, you must _10_ against bad weather to get in your crops. Did you really decide to do so ?” the goat asked. “Yes. Ive made up my mind.” “Ok!” With the help of the goat, one year later, the rabbit got a lot of cabbages of his own。二、补全对话A-D are all farmers in a local village.A: Here we have a nice piece of land, and I think the best we could do is to grow rice._1_B: _2_ I think it would be wrong to grow rice. We should grow more sugar-cane in our area.A: Yes, I have heard about that plant, but its far from sure that a sugar factory will be built here. As far as I can see , the best thing to do would be _3_ .D: Well, I dont think any of you is right. We have to make a choice, _4_. Wed better use the land to raise pigs.C: _5_ Because a lot of wood has been destroyed over the past forty years.A. Wouldnt it be better to plant trees on the land?B. We should give something back to nature.C. Rice is an important product and we can make good money growing rice.D. Well, I agree.E. Well, I disagree.F. and in my opinion we should raise pigs.G. to plant that field with rice.三、书面表达中国领土面积达960万 平方公里,气候因地而异。根据下表所给提示写一篇关于中国气候及农业的短文。词数:100-120.地区冬季夏季农作物南方凉爽;湿润炎热;潮湿宜种水稻北方寒冷;干燥炎热;多雨宜种小麦西部终年干旱少雨不利耕作,但部分地区盛产各种水果东部常年雨水充沛庄稼生长良好反馈检测一、单选1. With the help of the experts, the pany produced _ cars in xx as the year before.A. twice as many B. as many twice C. twice many as D. as twice much 2. Hit by a hammer, my foot became _.A. 3 times bigger than B. as big as 3 times C. the normal size 3 times D. 3 times the normal size3. Generous public funding of basic science would _ considerable benefits for the countrys health, wealth and security.A. result from B. lead to C. lie in D. settle down4. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes.A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. building up5. When his family was in hard times, the villagers supplied _ vegetables and food.A. to them B. for them C. them with D. them to1. 总的来说,这场演出令人失望。2. 我答应过不再评论你的衣着。.3. 商店已降低了商品价格的40%。.4. 对敌人的压力正逐渐加强。.三单句改错1. He found it very difficult to focus his attention in his text book.2. The highway led to Kelamayi was built five years ago.3. Now the young man regretted waste so much time when he was at school.4. I regret to saying that you cant see Mr. Wang now.5. We have made ment on his new works.


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