2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 4 Carnival练习 外研版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 4 Carnival练习 外研版必修5.语法填空,单句训练1(xx合肥模拟改编)Hospital doctors dont go out very often as their work takes_ almost all their time.答案:up考查动词短语。句意:由于工作占用了几乎所有的时间,医生们不常出去。take up“占用(时间),占据(空间)”,符合句意。2(xx青岛模拟改编)There is no need _(rush) and its no use _(arrive) there too early.答案:to rush; arriving考查固定句式。句意:无需匆忙,太早到那儿也没用。Theres no need to do.“不需要做”;Its no use doing.“做没用”。3I picked up a copybook in the schoolyard yesterday _(mark) with name and class.答案:marked由句意可知,此处指“标有姓名和班级的一个抄写本”,过去分词短语作定语修饰copybook。4(xx天津模拟改编)The general manager insisted that the meaningless argument e to_end.答案:an句意:总经理坚持认为毫无意义的争论应该停止。e to an end“停止”。5(xx潍坊模拟改编)The builders _(extend) the road for three more miles.答案:extended句意:修建者把公路延长了三英里多。extend“伸出,延伸”,侧重长度、时间向某个方向延伸,符合句意。6(xx郑州模拟改编)The summer camp in group, _(consist) of 30 students, will start for Beijing and stay there for three weeks.答案:consisting句意:由30名学生组成的夏令营将赴北京并在那儿待上三周。consist of“由组成”。此处consisting of为现在分词短语作定语,相当于“ which consists of”。7(xx柳州模拟改编)Why dont we choose that road to save time?The bridge to it _(repair)答案:is being repaired考查时态。上下文语境表明讨论的是现在的情况,不选择那条路,是因为通往那条路的桥正在被修理,故用一般现在时的被动语态。8My _ must be playing tricks on me. Im sure I put that book on the desk.答案:memory考查名词。句意:我的记忆肯定在捉弄我,我确信我把那本书放在桌子上了。memory“记忆”,符合句意。9(xx泰安模拟改编)Tom found a _(hide) place in the trees to keep himself _(hide) from the enemy.答案:hiding; hidden句意:汤姆在树林里找到一个藏身之处以把自己掩藏起来躲过敌人。a hiding place“躲藏处”;keep sb./sth. hidden“把藏起来”,均为固定搭配。10He pretended _(read) an important paper when the boss entered.答案:to be reading考查不定式的时态。句意:老板进来时他假装正在看一份重要的文件。由句意可知,老板进来时他假装正在看文件,所以要用不定式的进行时态。.语法填空,篇章训练阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。At present, high school students are _1_ increasing pressure to study long hours every day. They spend over 8 hours a day studying at school, some of _2_ even have to attend extra classes in their spare time. This greatly affects their health and makes their parents and teachers _3_(concern). To help solve _4_ problem, recently, some relevant government departments have made a new _5_(regular) that no students shall go to school at weekends _6_ during official holidays. We support such a reform and we know that _7_ is essential and important for us students to balance study and relaxation. You see, New Years Day _8_(approach), and Ill make good use of the time to relax. Also, I e to realize that _9_ I can rest well, I will be able to study _10_(effective) when I e back to school.1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1.under2.whom3.concerned4.the/this5.regulation6.or7.it8.is approaching9.if10.effectively.完形填空When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter, he did not expect much. Yet right from the start, eight years ago, there was an unmon connection between him and the small black cat. He _1_ her Inky.“I grew up on a hundredacre farm and had only cats _2_playmates,” Kruger, the seventyyearold man says. “My hearing was damaged by the _3_ of farm equipment, so I learned to connect with _4_. They react to what they see and what you do.”Inky was a gentle cat, _5_ the house with five other cats. But on a January night in xx, Inky did _6_ that would set her apart from _7_ cats forever.Kruger had gone down to the basement to _8_ the wood stove for the night. When he was finished,he_9_ to the top of the stairs and reached to turn off the lights. In doing so, he slipped and _10_ his back against an old shelf. The heavy shelf came crashing down and sent Kruger down the stairs._11_ in a pool of blood on the basement floor,Kruger felt _12_ going into shock(休克). He shouted for help, _13_ his wife, Brenda, was asleep in their bedroom at the opposite end of the house._14_ Kruger noticed Inky watching from the top of the stairs.“Go get Brenda,” Kruger said to Inky.Inky _15_ to the bedroom door and scratched_16_ until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the _17_. Brenda found her husband _18_ the stairs and called 911. Kruger was rushed to the hospital. “I spent six months _19_ there,” says Kruger. “Although I became lame, I was blessed.” Since the accident, Inky has _20_ left Krugers side.语篇解读:本文讲述了一只猫和主人之间的感人故事。农场的男主人Kruger从动物收容所领养了一只小猫,没想到有一天这只小猫竟然救了主人的性命。从此这只猫与主人形影不离。1A.gave BchoseCnamedDremembered答案:C根据第三段的第一句“Inky was a gentle cat”可知,Inky是小猫的名字,此处指他给小猫取名叫Inky,故答案为C项。2A.like BasCexceptDamong答案:B句意:我在一个100英亩的农场上长大,只有小猫作我的伙伴。as在此意为“作为,当作”。3A.sound BalarmCnoiseDvoice答案:C根据语境可知,此处指他的听力受损,是被农机的噪音(noise)损坏的。4A.animals BfriendsCfarmersDneighbors答案:A根据该空后的“They react to what they see and what you do.”可知,此处的they只能看而不会说,故推断they指代animals。此处是指他逐渐学会了和小动物们交流,故选A项。5A.sharing BvisitingCdividingDdiscovering答案:Ashare sth.with“与共享/共用”,符合语境。此处指Inky和其他五只猫共同生活在一个房间里。6A.anything BnothingCsomethingDeverything答案:C句意:xx年1月的一个夜晚,Inky做了一件让它和其他普通的猫不同的事情。something“某事”,此处指代小猫下文所做的事情。7A.familiar BlovelyCordinaryDoutstanding答案:C根据句意和下文Inky救了主人的命可知,它与普通的猫不同,故选C项。8A.shut out Bshut offCshut downDshut up答案:B根据语境可知,此处应该是Kruger到地下室去关掉木柴火炉。shut out“关在外面”;shut off“切断,关掉”;shut down“关闭,停工”;shut up“闭嘴”。根据语境可知答案为B项。9A.marched BflewCstruggledDclimbed答案:D根据空后的“to the top of the stairs and reached”可知,此处是指Kruger爬到了楼梯最顶部,故选D项。10A.bent BhitCshookDpulled答案:B根据句中的“he slipped”可以推知,此处是指Kruger滑了下来,后背撞到了架子上。hit against“撞击,碰到”,符合语境。11A.Falling BLyingCAppearingDThinking答案:B上文提到Kruger从楼梯上摔下来,所以此处是受伤倒在了血泊中,故选B项。12A.it BitselfChimDhimself答案:D句意:Kruger觉得自己就要休克了。这里指的是他自己,应该用反身代词himself。13A.and BbutCorDso答案:B根据下文中的“Brenda,was asleep in their bedroom at the opposite end of the house.”可知,他的妻子在房子另一头的卧室里睡觉,所以尽管他大声喊,但是(but)没有人回应。14A.Thus BOtherwiseCThenDRather答案:C句意:接着(then),Kruger注意到Inky从楼梯上面往下看。15A.walked BranCreturnedDwithdrew答案:B根据上文中的“Go get Brenda”可知,Kruger让Inky去找Brenda,所以Inky跑到(run)卧室门口。16A.rapidly BsuddenlyCmadlyDurgently答案:C句意:Inky疯狂地(madly)抓卧室门,直到Brenda打开了门。rapidly“迅速地”;suddenly“突然”;madly“疯狂地”;urgently“紧急地”。根据语境可知,Inky很着急,所以抓门的动作应该是很疯狂的,故选C项。17A.bedroom BbasementCyardDhouse答案:B根据上文“in a pool of blood on the basement floor”可知,Kruger昏倒在地下室的地上,故答案为B项。18A.at the bottom of Bin the middle ofCat the top ofDin the front of答案:A根据上文的语境可知,Kruger从楼梯上摔了下来,故此处应该是在楼梯下找到了他,故答案为A项。19A.regretting BrestingCrelaxingDrecovering答案:D句意:我在医院里恢复了六个月。此处指在医院做康复治疗,故答案为D项。20A.never BeverCstillDalready答案:A猫救了Kruger的性命,所以在这次事故之后,Inky就再也没有(never)离开过Kruger的身边。其他三项不合语境。.阅读理解Parents are creating an “I want it now” generation by indulging childrens every demand at Christmas, say experts. Youngsters are being increasingly selfish, claim the education analysts.Consumersavvy children are forcing their families into racking up huge debts and risk being spoilt and dissatisfied in the future.Behavioural consultant Chris Calland said, “Parents are desperate to make Christmas into a magical fairy tale for their kids. Theres nothing wrong with that as such. The problem arises when it means always giving into all our childrens demandseven if they are beyond our price range or not ageappropriate.”Ms. Calland, who runs “Santa Says No” style sessions with colleague Nicky Hutchinson, added, “Many of us go into so much debt providing the gifts our children want that we spend the rest of the year paying off the bills. Yet so often the parcels weve carefully wrapped, once opened, are just pushed away because the very thing our little boy or girl was once so desperate for, they have now lost interest in.”Ms. Calland and Ms. Hutchinson have drawn up a list of guidelines to help parents manage their offsprings Christmas lists this year. They say that adults can actually improve their relationships with their children by resisting “pester (纠缠) power”Ms. Calland said, “All too often we say yes because we want an easier life when the fact is that were only building up problems for the future. We are helping create a generation of youngsters who are blind to the needs of others and the necessity of hard work.”“Children learn fastif we sometimes change our mind, they quickly realise it might be worth lying on the floor and screaming for it. Make sure you and your partner are working together on this. Be consistent. And try not to get caught up in petition with other families or friends.”语篇解读:本文是时文阅读。由于父母对孩子圣诞节的要求无限制地满足,产生了“I want it now”一代。1How is the “I want it now” generation created?AParents cant afford the gifts for their children.BParents bee heavily in debt.CParents are trying to make Christmas into a magical fairy tale.DParents give children whatever they want at Christmas.答案:D细节理解题。从第一段第一句可知“I want it now”一代的产生是由于父母对孩子圣诞节的要求无限制地满足。2What is the main problem with the “I want it now” generation?AThey are quite selfcentered.BThey like to live in fairy tales.CThey waste a lot of money on gifts.DThey cant keep their interest in gifts.答案:A细节理解题。从第一段最后一句中的“Youngsters are being increasingly selfish”以及倒数第二段中的“a generation of youngsters who are blind to the needs of others”可知“I want it now”一代很自私、以自我为中心。3What is probably the aim of “Santa Says No” style sessions?ATo advise on how to wrap gifts properly.BTo keep childrens interest in the gifts.CTo tell parents how to say no to childrens demands.DTo advise parents on what gifts to buy for children.答案:C推理判断题。根据第四、五段内容可知,“Santa Says No” style sessions的目的是教父母如何对孩子的无限制的要求说不。4According to the passage, we can infer that Ms. Calland intends to _.Aanalyze childrens behaviorBgive advice to parentsCintroduce a new generationDgive her support to parents答案:B推理判断题。综合分析Mr. Calland的话可知,Mr. Calland在本文中对父母提出了不要满足孩子的一切要求的建议。5Ms. Calland would agree that parents should _.Abuy nothing for children at ChristmasBchoose gifts carefully for childrenClet children choose their own giftsDavoid peting with others答案:D细节理解题。从最后一段最后一句“And try not to get caught up in petition with other families or friends”可知答案为D。


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