2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4《A Social Survey》说课稿1 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4A Social Survey说课稿1 外研版必修1教材分析外研社高一新课程教材第四模块这一部分内容主要是通过社会调查这个方法来使学生关注自己生活的社区及其发展,培养学生热爱家乡的意识和社会责任感。该教学模块安排有描写居家的两篇短文,介绍Xiamen的一篇文章,介绍社区的一篇听力材料,文化角部分是介绍西欧农村的阅读文章,以及围绕主题的一些口语和写作活动,学习的语法项目是现在完成时。根据新课标我设计教材内容和意图如下:让学生通过听文章和阅读文章来培养他们的听力和阅读能力,同时搭配上适当的问题,让学生有目的地去听去读,培养他们用英语获取信息和解决问题的能力,更好地理解文章内容;通过处理相关的知识点和重点词汇短语,可以帮助学生充实课文的学习;后面加上适当的讨论,巩固学习的效果并且培养学生的合作意识。以此为基础再设计安排一些语法学习和写作,培养他们的综合技能,为以后的学习作良好的铺垫。学情分析高一学生刚接触高中英语学习,又是新课程改革的第一批学生,他们的年龄特点等等这些都决定了他们对新事物的好奇心和强烈的求知欲,对新事物的热情是学生学习的优势。但是学生在英语基础上的差异和初高中英语要求的不同,使得学生要有时间去适应并调整,这些是学生学习英语存在的客观条件,教师要给予必要的指导和关注,才能使学生顺利地度过这个过渡时期。 根据新课程标准确立教学目标如下1. 知识与技能:围绕“My neighbourhood”这个话题通过有效的课堂活动训练学生的综合技能1. 掌握描写社区的词汇和相关表达;2. 学会介绍和描绘自己的家;3. 口头描述自己的社区;4. 写作关于社区的报告;5. 掌握现在完成时的用法。2. 过程与方法:通过听录音和阅读文章获取相关信息;通过观察分析教材中的句子来体现在完成时的构成和用法;教师指导和合作学习;引导学生积极地学习,主动探究;提高学生用英语去分析和解决问题的能力。3. 情感态度价值观:培养学生的合作意识;引导学生热爱自己的社区和家乡;通过引导学 生关注社区的发展来培养他们的社会责任感。 Period 1: Introduction, Reading & vocabularyTeaching aims: Enable the students to 1. learn more words to describe their homes2. grasp the main idea of the passage in reading and vocabulary.Teaching steps:1. Introduction: Vocabulary and writing Before opening the books, think about the neighbourhood you live in. Try to think out as many words as possible about buildings. stone, bricks, high-rise building, apartment, floor, storeyTurn to page 31. Read the words in Activity 1. Now tell me which words do you use to describe buildings?apartment, apartment block, five-story, high-rise building, floor, stone.2. Reading: Read about the homes of the two students. Tell us which one is more similar to yours. What kind of home do you like? Why?3. Language points: 1) sixteen-year-old Zhang Huaa five-storey apartment blockthe house is two storeys high 2) in the south of Chinain the northeast of the city4. Reading and Vocabulary ( page 32). First look at the picture. Do you know where this place is? Have you ever been to Xiamen or have you heard Xiamen? What do you know about it? Suppose I want to know something about a city. What should you tell me about it? Listen to the tape of the text and make a note of what you think is important about Xiamen. one of the most attractive, friendly, the most interesting cities, the climate, many tourists, modern, high-rise buildings, harbour, pretty parks, Gulangyu Island, restaurant5. Read the passage and answer the following questions:1.) Who is visiting whose hometown?2.) Where does Xiao Li live?3.) Whats the climate/weather like there?4.) Which district is the most interesting part of Xiamen?5.) What is Gulangyu Island like?6. Try to finish Activity 1 and Activity 2.7. Read the text again and try to say something about the lively city-Xiamen.8. Ask some to tell about the city with the help of this clue. hometownbeautiful citiesfriendly fortunateclimate apartmentbusiness districtshopping mallsdress present harbordistrictislandrestaurant.9. Homework: 1) Read the passage several times to get more familiar with the information in it. 2) Try to retell about the city.Period 2: Reading and vocabularyTeaching aims: Enable the students 1. to be more familiar with the passage2. to master the usage of some language pointsTeaching steps:1. Revision.First revise the words on page 31. Ask the following questions:1、Do you remember Zhang Hua? Say something about him;2、Lin Xiaoyun lives in the north of China.Please give some more details. Now revise the passage learned in last period. Please point out the mistakes in the following passage. Try to use the information you got last period. John is visiting Xiao Lis hometown, Hainan. They havent seen each other for 7 years. This is the second time John has visited there. He thinks Xiamen is one of the most boring places he has been to. Xiao Li loves living by the roadside. He and John are walking around Xiamen, talking about the weather, the apartment block, the business district, the western district and Gulangyu Island, but not the moon. At last they are too hungry (starving) to drive on. So they park the car and go over to a mutton restaurant for lunch.2. Paraphrase these sentences petition1. Its been six years since we last saw each other.2. It can be quite cold in the winter.3. They can be a nuisance in the summer.4. Its a gorgeous island with some really interesting architecture.5. Now we are approaching the harbor.6. So they tell me.7. Im starving.3. What causes the difficulty when you are reading?1. Students give examples of some words and sentences. The teacher gives help.2, Students talk about the paraphrasing exercises in pairs or in groups to make sure of their meanings.4. Deal with some language points: 1) Its great/ nice/ a pleasure to meet/ to see you.Great/ Nice to meet/ to see you.I am pleased/ glad to see you.Pleased/ Glad to see you. 2) This/ It is the first/ second/ last time that-clause(完成时态) 3) What + be + subject + like? 4) Sounds OK to me. = That/ It sounds OK to me. sound interesting/ smell good/ taste delicious/ feel soft 5) the rent/ price is very high/ low 不说:the rent/ price is very dear/ expensive/ cheap 6) So they tell me. 他们就是这样告诉我的。 So + subject + 助动词 So + 助动词+ 另一主语 Neither/ Nor + 助动词 + 另一主语 It is the same with So it is with. 7) a nice little fish restaurant 形容词的位置5. Deal with Activity 3. 6. Deal with Activity 4. 7. Thinking. Take Xiamen as example, and think what makes a city lively and attractive?(A lively city usually has more chances. Our hometown, Harbin, is going to wele the xx Worlds College Students Winter Games.)8. Role-playing Suppose one of your foreign friends es to Jincheng and he/she may know something or nothing about Jincheng. As a local citizen, try to introduce what is special about Jincheng to him/her. 9. Homework: Make some sentences using the language points learned in this period.Period 3: Listening & vocabulary, Pronunciation, Everyday EnglishTeaching aims: Enabling the students 1. Learn to grasp the general meaning of the text by listening it; 2. Learn to get specific information;3. Learn to talk about your neighborhood mittee;4. Learn to read sentences by stressing some words.5. Learn to show positions and directionsTeaching steps:Step1: Look at the picture and read the words in the table in activity 1 and guess: 1. Whats happening in the picture?2. What do you think the listening text is about?Step2: Listen to the whole passage and check your predictions.Step3: Listen to Part 2 and plete the chart Step4: Activity 4 Talk about your own neighbourhood mittee, referring the following questions.Step5: Learning to learn: How to improve your listening by picking up radio & TV programmes.Step 6: PronunciationStep 7: Everyday EnglishStep 6: HomeworkPlease write a short passage about your neighborhood mittee.Period 4: Grammar, Function and speaking , writingTeaching aims: Enabling the students 1. to be more familiar with some language points 2. to master the usage of present perfect tense3. Grasp the usage of “ and & “ but”;Teaching steps:1. Ask some students to translate some sentences. 1) 这是我今年第二次看到你。 This is the second time I have seen you this year. 2)这个农民用他的牛换了五头羊。 The farmer exchanged his cow for five goats. 3) 好久没有像昨夜那么快乐了。 Its been a long time since I enjoyed myself so much as last night. 4) - 运动会已经推迟到十月31日。- 我听说也是这样。 -The sports meeting has been put off until October 31. -So I have heard.2. Grammar 1 Present perfect tense 1 Look at these sentences from A lively city. Answer the questions.plete these sentences. Use either the past simple or the present perfect tense.总结:现在完成时的用法之一是:过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响。人们使用现在完成时时,并不关心动作何时发生,只关心这个动作和现在有无联系或者对现在产生的影响。人们使用一般过去时时,注意力在于过去某时发生的动作。试比较:1)A: Has the plane arrived? B: Yes. A: When did it arrive? B: Half an hour ago.2) He is not in. He has gone to town. He just left before you came.3) A: Would you like to have lunch here? B: No. Thanks. I have had lunch already. I had it in the school canteen.3. Grammar 2. Present perfect tense 2. Look at the sentences from the passage in Listening and Vocabulary activity 2. Decide which sentences Put the verbs into two groups; plete each sentence with one of the verbs below. Use the present perfect tense. Look at these sentences using the present perfect tense. Look at the phrases in bold. Which phrases have the same meaning? Now make some sentences with the phrases: for + some time, so far, up to now, till now Correct the mistakes if any.4. Function and speaking Learn how to show positions and directions5. Writing: Learn to use the words “and” & “but” by pleting the short passage. Then read it aloud and pay special attention to the two words.6. Homework: Workbook page 85.Period 5: Cultural corner Teaching aims: Enabling the students 1. Train studentsintegrating skills and grasp information about villages in western Europe2. Raise studentscooperation awareness ;3. Raise students awareness of loving their homeland;Teaching steps: Step1: Revise the reading passage on page 32 by asking some questions.Step2: Revise how to show positions and directions.Step3: Revise grammar “ The present perfect tense”Ask some students to translate some sentences. 1) 这是我今年第二次看到你。 This is the second time I have seen you this year. 2)这个农民用他的牛换了五头羊。 The farmer exchanged his cow for five goats. 3) 好久没有像昨夜那么快乐了。 Its been a long time since I enjoyed myself so much as last night. 4) - 运动会已经推迟到十月31日。- 我听说也是这样。 -The sports meeting has been put off until October 31. -So I have heard.Step4: Show two pictures to Ss Tell: which one is the city and which is the village ? Give your description of city and village in your mind .A city is usually ( rich / modern)A village is usually (small / poor)What is your idea of Europe?What about villages in western Europe ? Step5: Brian storming: ask Ss two questions about the pictures.1. Can you give a description to the countryside in western Europe using only two words?2. What do you know happens to the countryside now?Step6: Listen and answer 1. Is life difficult or easy for villagers?2 . Who have bought a “second home ” in the village? Step7: Read the text and answer the following questions. 1. In which countries is the country-side changing? 2. What are the problems? 3. What will be resulted in by these problems? 4. What can you do to save the countryside in western Europe?Step8: Task ( P40) Activity 1 : Work in groups ( group the students according to where they live) and tell your group members what you know about your neighborhood. Make a list of the information. In order to finish your presentation, you have to should the responsibility of doing the following work: 1) contact your neighborhood mittee and do a survey. Ask them what they have done recently.2) Write a report about recent changes in your neighborhood based on the collected information.3) Make powerpoints ( PPT ) in preparation for your final presentation in next class.Discuss which work you will do. Make sure every group member is involved in the task.Step9:Homework: Prepare for your presentation: Finish your tasks .Period 6: Presentation & EvaluationTeaching aims: Enabling the students 1. Give a report of their neighborhood mittee ;2. Evaluate their study of this module;Teaching steps:Step 1: Group work Let students work in groups and prepare their presentation.Step 2: Presentation Ask different groups to make presentations before the class.Step 3: Evaluation: Module file Let students have a self-check Then the teacher can check by asking some questions and using some exercises.Collect from the students any problems with their study of this module. The teacher helps them to solve the problems.Homework: Preview next module


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