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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit1LearningStrategiesandHabits课下练重庆大学版必修If you are a high school student who will graduate in xx, or xx, we invite you to explore all that Harvards Secondary School Program has to offer.Challenge yourself academically while attending college coursesNeuroscience, philosophy, creative writing, and puter science these are just a few of the 200plus courses you can choose from.Branch out from typical high school offerings, and explore more advanced topics that you have no chance to learn back home.Youll study with Harvard teachers who teach the same courses to Harvard College students during the academic year.Expand your world viewLearn and connect with students from all over the globe.Youll broaden your horizons, build a lasting network of diverse individuals, and gain a better understanding of other cultures.On campus you can enjoy all that Harvard has to offer.Conduct experiments in Harvard labs, perform research in the worlds largest university library, or work out in our fully equipped fitness facilities(设施)Bee a strong college applicantYou can participate in a variety of activities that expose you to college academics, campus life, and the admission process, including:A college fair with more than 60 colleges, including Duke, Stanford, Columbia, the University of North Carolina, and many moreOrganized visits to New England colleges such as Brown and YaleCollege counseling sessions with assistant deans who can help you select the university thats right for youWorkshops to prepare you to write a college application essay or take college examsThe transformation begins hereFrom the moment you step on campus, youll be lost in the Harvard experience.Along with fellow students from around the world, youll learn, grow, and have fun in the process.语篇解读:本文是一则广告,主要介绍了哈佛大学中学项目为即将在xx或xx年毕业的高中生举办的活动。1What do we know about the courses offered?AThey will last for about 2 years.BTheyre unavailable in high school.CTherere just a few choices.DTheyre specially designed for high school students.解析:选B细节理解题。第二段提到了该项目提供200多种课程,紧接着说“Branch out from typical high school offerings .you have no chance to learn back home.”,由此可知,这些课程是高中没有的,故答案为B项。2What benefit can students get from the Program?AEnlarge their circle of friends.BImprove their attitude toward life.CFind where their interest lies.DBe more likely to be admitted to Harvard.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Learn and connect with students from all over the globe.”和最后一段中的“Along with fellow students . fun in the process.”可推知,在活动期间,你会结识来自世界各地的学生,这样就可以扩大自己的朋友圈。故选A项。3What can students do in the Program?AHave a tour of Yale University.BTake college entrance exams.CDecide on their future university.DJoin in various cultural activities.解析:选A细节理解题。根据Bee a strong college applicant部分中的“Organized visits to New England colleges such as Brown and Yale”可知,学生可以参观耶鲁大学。故选A项。4What is the purpose of the passage?ATo list ways of preparing for college.BTo advertise a program from 60 colleges.CTo introduce a studentcentered program.DTo show readers how excellent Harvard is.解析:选C写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了哈佛大学中学项目为即将在xx或xx年毕业的高中生举办的活动。故作者写作本文的目的是介绍一个以学生为中心的项目,C项符合题意。B(xx哈尔滨市第三中学一模)Babies dont learn to talk just from hearing sounds. They are lipreaders too. It happens during the stage when a babys babbling (咿呀声) gradually changes from unclear voices into that first “mama” or “dada”. The baby in order to do like you has to figure out how to shape their lips to make that particular sound they are hearing, according to developmental psychologist David Lewkowicz of Florida Atlantic University, who led the study.Apparently it doesnt take them too long to absorb the movements that match basic sounds. By their first birthdays, babies start changing back to look you in the eye again. It offers more evidence that quality facetime with babies is very important for speech development more than, say, turning on the latest baby DVD.But Lewkowicz went a step further. He and his student Amy HansenTift tested nearly 180 babies, groups of them at ages 4,6,8,10 and 12 months. How? They showed videos of a woman speaking in English or Spanish to babies of English speakers. They found that when the speaker used English, the 4montholds gazed mostly into her eyes. The 6montholds spent equal amounts of time looking at the eyes and the mouth. The 8and 10montholds studied mostly the mouth. At 12 months, attention started changing back toward the speakers eyes.But what happened when these babies accustomed to English heard Spanish? The 12montholds studied the mouth longer, just like younger babies. They needed the extra information to recognize the unfamiliar sounds. That fits with research into bilingualism(双语)that shows babies brains adjust themselves to distinguishing the sounds of their native language over other languages in the first year of life.The continued lipreading shows the 1yearolds clearly still are fit for learning. Babies are so hard to study that this is “a fairly heroic data set”, says Duke University cognitive neuroscientist Greg Appelbaum, who found the research so fascinating that he wants to know more.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一项科学发现:婴儿不仅仅通过听声音来学习说话,他们还会通过观察说话者的口型来学习讲话。5According to the first paragraph, babies_.Amight get its voice “mama” by lipreadingBlearn to talk just from hearing the soundsClike to figure out how to shape their lipsDmunicate with parents through gestures解析:选A细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句“They are lipreaders too .that first mama ordada”可知,婴儿可能会通过读唇的方式发出“mama”的声音。故答案选A。6What is necessary in developing babies speech according to Lewkowicz?APlaying baby DVD nearby.BTeaching babies to read English.CSpeaking with babies face to face.DSpeaking different languages in front of babies.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“The baby in order to do .who led the study.”及第二段第三句“It offers more evidence .important for speech development”可推知,在婴儿的语言发展阶段,跟婴儿面对面讲话是有必要的。故答案选C。7Which of the following shows the right change of babies eye gaze according to the text?解析:选A细节理解题。根据第三段最后四句“They found that .the speakers eyes.”并结合所给选项可知,A项坐标图符合文中的描述。故答案选A。8What would be the best title of the text?ABabies Have Different Methods to TalkBBabies Try Lipreading in Learning to TalkCBabies Are Suitable to Learn Two LanguagesDBabies Can Easily Accept Foreign Language解析:选B标题归纳题。纵观全文,文章主要介绍了一项科学发现:婴儿不仅仅通过听声,还通过观察说话者的口型来学习说话。B项概括了文章主旨。故答案选B。C(xx重庆巴蜀中学模拟) If you are like most students, you probably sit still while learning a new language.However, sitting still may not always be the best way to learn.English learners can improve their language skills through movement, says Tamara Jones.She works at the English Language Center at Howard munity College in Maryland.So, what is the relationship between physical movement and the brain? The idea is that the brain and the body are joined together.This means that one affects the other.Many people are familiar with the idea that the brain tells the body to move.And many people are familiar with the idea that repeating an action over and over again helps your brain to remember.However, some research, such as a study by Morsella and Krauss, suggests that your body might help your brain to find memories.Specifically, movements we make with our body, such as hand gestures, may help us to remember and use the correct words.This idea is part of the reason why experts on learning strategies, which are ways to improve the learning process, suggest using movements.One learning approach, the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach, or CALLA, calls the use of movements “Using Your Kinesthetic (动觉的) Sense”Beyond helping the brain to find memories, movements also aid in learning, says Tamara Jones.“Theres a lot of research that suggests what you do with your body, you remember with your brain.And also, a lot of these physical movements will encourage us in class or in life, when we are practicing on our own, to repeat and repeat and repeat the word as we are doing the physical movement, and this also helps us remember the word.”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。研究表明,动起来有益于语言学习,也就是说大脑和肢体的结合有助于语言技能的提高。9Why does the author refer to Morsella and Krauss?ATo measure their achievement.BTo prove Jones opinion right.CTo introduce the theme of the passage.DTo present a monlyheld idea.解析:选B推理判断题。根据文章第一段的第三句“English learners can improve their language skills through movement”以及第三段中的“a study by Morsella and Krauss, suggests that your body might help your brain to find memories .”可知,Morsella和Krauss的观点是肢体可能有助于人们找寻记忆,记起并准确地使用单词,与文章首段中Tamara Jones的观点是一致的。因此作者提到这两个人是为了证明Tamara Jones的观点是正确的。故选B项。10How can physical movements affect ones learning?ABy shortening the repeating process.BBy motivating the brain to remember things.CBy helping one to study in a relaxed state.DBy enabling one to use advanced words.解析:选B推理判断题。根据文章第三段最后一句中的“movements we make with our body, such as hand gestures, may help us to remember and use the correct words”并结合最后一段的内容可知,肢体运动有助于刺激大脑进行记忆,由此可知选项B正确。11Which statement may Tamara Jones agree with?AKnowledge starts with practice.BThe body can control the brain deeply.CMovements help the brain work better.DLanguage learners must be more active.解析:选C细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的内容,尤其是第一句中的“Beyond helping the brain to find memories, movements also aid in learning”可知,Tamara Jones的观点应是身体运动能帮助大脑更好地工作,有助于提高英语学习者的语言技能。因此C正确。12What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph mean?APracticing English on your own.BSpeaking the word again and again.CGrasping an effective learning strategy.DRepeating words while moving your body.解析:选D代词指代题。根据最后一段最后一句中的“to repeat and repeat and repeat . and this also helps us remember the word”可知,this指代的应是and前的内容,即当我们在做身体运动时不断地重复单词。故选D。

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