2019-2020年高考英语 复习讲练测教案11.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 复习讲练测教案11千里之行,始于足下。A journey of one thousand miles begins with the first step!这里的佳句背诵是为了Step 的满分作文趁热打铁,佳句活用1现如今网上购物是很常见的现象。 Nowadays,it is a mon phenomenon that people make a purchase on line.2这是表现你友善的一种方法。It is a way to express your kindness.3上网玩游戏是要浪费时间的,而这些时间该用来学习或休息。 Playing games on line takes time,while this should be spent on study or rest.4朗读英语对于学好英语很有好处。Reading is of great help to learn English.5不是你来自哪里,而是你的职业才是至关重要的。It is what you do,not where you e from that matters.1现如今,越来越多的中学生在网上开博客是常见的现象。_2这是释放压力的一种方法。_3管理博客要花很多时间和精力,而这些本该花在他们的主要任务学习上。_4博客本身害处不大。_5你对此事的态度至关重要。_经典句型、结构提炼对照修改,再次背诵1it is名词同位语从句某件事是2it is a way to do 是做某事的一种方法3while,表示对比或转折。4be of名词be该名词的形容词5it is/was被强调部分that/who其他成分强调句型1Nowadays,it is a mon phenomenon that more and more high school students open their own blogs on the Internet.2It is a way to release their pressure.3Managing ones blog will take a lot of time and energy,while this should be used to study which is their main task.4Blog itself is of little harm.5It is your attitude towards it that matters.Step 不积小流,无以成江海。Step after step the ladder is ascended.这里的佳句背诵是为了Step 的满分作文趁热打铁,佳句活用1一方面,它可以让我们懂得什么是幸福。For one thing,it enables us to understand what happiness is.2然而,很多人持反对意见。However,a majority of people hold an opposite opinion.3就我个人而言,我的确喜欢开着窗户睡觉。From my point of view,I do like sleeping with the window open.4我只有找到了工作才有足够的钱上学。Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school.5因为吸烟的缘故,我父亲经常咳嗽。As a consequence of smoking,my father coughs frequently.1一方面,它可以为他们展示自己的才干提供一个平台。_2相当多的家长和老师持不同的观点。_3在我看来,我非常支持这种活动。_4只有我们掌握了这些能力,我们才能开个成功的博客。_5因此,我们在管理博客的过程中提高自己。_经典句型提炼与拓展对照修改,再次背诵表明观点与看法:1)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth.2)People have different opinions on this problem.3)There exist different opinions on this problem.4)People take different views of(on)the question.5)Some people believe that.Others argue that.1For one thing,it can provide a platform to show their talents.2Quite a few parents and teachers hold a different view. 3In my opinion,I do approve of this activity.4Only if we master these abilities can we make a successful blog.5As a consequence,we improve ourselves in the process of organizing our blogs.Step 今天的成功可以复制。Todays success can be replicated.Step 和Step 的背诵是为了考场写作的成功开始连句成文,体验成功复习Step 和Step 背诵的句子及过渡词,然后写下面的作文:请根据下面提示,结合生活中的事例,用英语写一篇短文。Many high school students open their own blogs on the Internet.Teachers and parents have different views about this.注意:1无需写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;2除诗歌外,文体不限;3内容必须结合校园生活中的一个事例;4词数不少于120个。5参考词汇:开博客open ones blogNowadays,it is mon that more and more high school students open their own blogs on the Internet.They think,for one thing,it can provide a platform to show their talents.For another,it helps release their pressure.However,our parents and teachers hold a different view that managing ones blog will take a lot of time and energy,which otherwise could be dedicated to study.In my opinion,blogging can benefit us students in many ways.Opening and organizing an eyecatching blog needs various abilities such as writing,designing,being skilful at puter and so on.Only if we master these abilities can one bee a popular blogger.As a result,we improve ourselves in the process of organizing our blogs.Admittedly,some bloggers may be a little out of control in that they can be found on their blogs at any moment.In this way,blogging bees a big distraction from ones normal work and life.Blog itself is of little harm.It is the bloggers attitude towards it that matters.We should seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.Unit 1Getting along with others1_ vt.背叛,出卖_ n. 背叛,出卖2_ v. 假装,装扮;扮作_ adj. 假装的3_ adj. 愉快的,高兴的;令人愉快的_ v.喝彩,欢呼;_ adv. 欢快地,高兴地4_ v. 接受,承认,容许_ n. 承认,供认5_ adv. 真诚地,诚恳地,衷心地_ adj. 真实的,正确的_ n. 真理,事实6_ v. 宽恕,原谅_ n. 宽恕,原谅7_ adj. 极坏的,糟糕的,恐怖的;令人震惊的_ n. 惊骇,令人恐惧的事物8_ adj. 内疚的,有罪的_ n. 内疚,自责9_ adj. 伤人的;残忍的,残酷的_ n. 残忍,残酷_ adv.残忍地10_ v. 争论,争吵_ n. 争论,争吵11_ vi. 道歉_ n. 道歉12_ adj.易生气的;敏感的;体贴的_ n.感觉13_ adj.有天赋的;有天才的_ n. 礼物,天赋14_ n.娱乐,消遣_ vt.给提供娱乐;逗乐15_ n.身份_ vt.鉴定,识别16_ adj. 小心的,谨慎的_ n. 小心,谨慎17_ v. 回应,做出反应_ n. 反应,回应18_ n. 安全_ vt.保护;adj. 安全的19_ n.复习;修订;修改_ vt.校正,修订1After a_ to us for his being late,he went to his desk and sat down.2He felt b_ when he found out the truth that his best friend hadnt kept his secret.3This problem is very serious and so it cant be o_.4Be c_ when you drive on icy roads.5The king showed no m_ and killed all the prisoners.6His _(评论)show that he misunderstands my position on the question.7pared with his sister,Jerry is even more _(敏感的)to,and more easily troubled by,emotional and relationship problems.8She _(发誓)that she didnt tell anyone the secret.9I went up to greet him,but he didnt _(应答)at all.10The musician had little _(了解)with modern science.1be _ of 为感到骄傲2feel _ doing sth.想做某事3_ ones word 信守诺言4spy _ 暗中窥视/监听5laugh _ ones back在背后嘲笑某人6_ to 属于7keep pace _ 与步调一致8_ a result of 作为的结果9get _ with 生气10accuse sb._ sth.指责/指控某人某事11apologize to sb._ sth.因某事向某人道歉12be _ to do sth.决心做某事13cant help _ sth.禁不住做某事14be _ of 感到羞愧15lie _ 在于16in _ 公开地17be gifted _ 在方面有天赋18ever _ 自那以后19get _(用电话)接通20_ with 同意21look _ for 注意22get sb.into _ 使某人陷入困境23be _ on以为基础,以为根据24regardless _ 不顾,不管25end _ 最后成为,最终处于26make an _ 道歉27be _ to 尽心尽力做28look _ on 回顾29on the other _另一方面30e _ with提出,想出;设法拿出(钱等)1I thought that Hannah must have told my classmates about my grade after promising not to.我认为汉娜一定在答应我不会告诉任何人之后将我的分数告诉同学们了。句型提炼:句尾不定式符号to后面的内容可省略(be动词及构成完成时的have除外)。2I dont think I can ever truly forgive her.我想我不会真的原谅她的。句型提炼:宾语从句的否定转移:当think,believe,suppose,imagine,expect等动词后接的宾语从句为含有not的否定句时,该否定词应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词。3Football is very important to me,but so is our friendship.足球对我而言很重要,但我们的友谊对我也很重要。句型提炼:表前者的情况同样适合后者,用“so/neither(nor)系动词be/助动词/情态动词名词/代词”句型。4Although you both said cruel things to each other,one of you has to be the first to admit that it was a mistake.尽管你们彼此都对对方说了残忍的话,你们有一个要首先承认那是个错误。句型提炼:the first,the last等后接动词不定式作定语,不定式和被修饰的词构成逻辑上的主谓关系。参考答案基础梳理整合词汇拓展1betray;betrayal2pretend;pretended3cheerful;cheer;cheerfully4admit;admission5truly;true;truth6forgive;forgiveness7horrible;horror8guilty;guilt9cruel;cruelty;cruelly10argue;argument11apologize;apology12sensitive;sense13gifted;gift14amusement;amuse15identity;identify16cautious;caution17respond;response18security;secure19revision;revise语境记词1apologizing2betrayed3overlooked4cautious5mercy6remarks7sensitive8swore9respond10acquaintance短语回顾1proud2like3keep4on5behind6belong7with8as9angry10of11for12determined13doing14ashamed15with16public17at18since19through20agree21out22trouble23based24of25up26apology27mitted28back29hand30up

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