2019-2020年高二英语Unit7 Canada教案 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit7 Canada教案 人教版教学目标Teaching aims了解和重点介绍加拿大的概况,因纽特人的历史和现状,如:加拿大的国土面积、人口、天气情况、主要资源及生产情况等;学习主谓一致的语法规则,了解和掌握一些常见的主谓一致现象。Teaching important and difficult points1.Wordsnotice, settle, differently, deal, race, skin, tool, tap, eastern, official, settler, struggle, freeze average, natural, exploit, ordinary, refer, tent, basic 2.Phrasesgenerally speaking, all the year round, a great deal of, clear up, official language, refer to, settle in, be famous for, make use of, from time to time, struggle against, below freezing 3. Useful expressions1. I thought you were from the States. 2. A lot of people cant tell the difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent. 3. What do you mean by?4. American spellings are used more and more in Canadian now. 5. That sounds strange.教学建议课文建议本单元涉及到加拿大的历史和风土人情,教师应精心设计此课的活动,形式以分组讨论,问答,图片展示,经历故事等。如:1)教师可展示加拿大的地图,教师通过准备好的问题,让学生知道它的地理位置及面积等。2)教师应给学生充分的时间阅读,教师可让学生从课文中找出典型的句子归纳加拿大的概况,并且进一步让学生讨论加拿大与中国的差异。3)教师为了提高学生的兴趣,可提供给学生一些加拿大的风景、名胜的图片和照片,相关的背景材料给学生们阅读,如:加拿大的主要城市,民族,国歌,宗教,名胜,河流等。写作建议本单元训练学生写中国和加拿大的区别,首次出现这样的练习,老师要给学生一些必要的提示。提醒学生都包括哪些方面,应先说什么,后说什么。先口头说出,再写下来。老师可先给学生一些问题,让学生回答,如学生回答对了,让学生把这些答语写出来,老师再指导学生将这些答语连成句子文章,比如:Same as ChinaDifferent from ChinaLarge landCanada has 2 official languagesWeather is different from area to area,long and hard, winters in the northSix time areasMany lakesSmaller populationMuch coal, oil and gasNo places as hot as south ChinaMore fresh waterA lot of forests教材分析本单元在对话课中主要介绍了美国英语和加拿大英语的不同点:如发音、用法和拼写等方面。课文用两篇文章让学生们简单了解加拿大国家的概况及文化背景知识,在27课中教材用一些练习帮助学生们了解和掌握主谓一致的用法和运用。教学重点难点1.be famous for的讲解以著名其同义词组为be (well)known forHangzhou is famous for its beautiful scenery. 杭州以优美的风景而闻名。be famous for 与be famous as的区别1) 当主语是表示人的名词be famous for表示“以某种知识技能、作品或特征而出名”be famous as则表示“以某种身份而出名”Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity. 爱因斯坦以他的相对论而出名。Einstein was famous as a great scientist.爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家而著称。2) 当主语是地点名词be famous for表示“以某种特产而出名”be famous as则表示“以什么样的产地或地方闻名”The area is famous for its green tea.这个地区以绿茶而出名。The area is famous as a great tea-producing place.这个地区以绿茶产地而出名。3)当主语是事物名词be famous for表示“以其内容、特征、价值等而被人所知”be famous as则表示“以某种形式而出名”This grammar book is famous for its practical usage.这本语法书以其实用性而为人所知。This book is famous as a reference book.这是一本有用的参考书。注意:be famous for后的介词宾语是主语所属内容,而be famous as后的介词宾语与主语是同位成分。例如:Einstein was famous as a great scientist. 可说成:Einstein was a great scientist.2.kind, sort和type的区别kind指性质相同,且有极相似之物质,在分类中可作为一类者。What kind of cake do you like best?你最喜欢哪一种饼?sort 可与kind互换使用,但较为含混,有时只表示大概此种而已。Sort有时有轻蔑的意味,相反kind 要庄重得多。He makes friends with all sorts of people.他同各种各样的人交朋友。type则指型,类型,比较具体,肯定等,而kind比较笼统,模糊。Men of his type are not to be trusted.像他那种类型的人不可信赖。3.As in China, the weather is different from area to area. 同中国的情况一样,加拿大的气候也随着地区的不同而不同。本句相当于一个省略的方式状语从句,相当于“As it is in China, ”。as用作连词,后面接从句,意思是“正如;和一样”。例:1)As is the last experiment,he got the same result this time.正如上次的实验一样,他这次获得了同样的结果。2)As in your country, we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south.正如你们国家的情况一样,我们在北方种小麦,南方种玉米。4.A lot of people cant tell difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent. 很多人区别不了美国英语口音与加拿大英语口音。tell the difference between 判别的区别,tell在这里意为“判别,区分”再如:The twin brothers arc very much alike. People cant tell one from the other孪生兄弟长得很相似,人们简直没法区分他们两个人。Young as he is, he can tell right from wrong尽管他还年轻,但他能辨别对错。the difference between 指的是两者之间的区别;the difference in指的是在某些方面的区别。如:Whats the difference in temperature between day and night? 白天和夜间的温差是多大?Coins have some differences in size, weight, shape and metal.硬币的差别体现在其尺寸、重量、形状和质地上。5. We fill our cars with “gas”,fillwith, “将装满”或“使充满”,如:Jack filled his pockets with chestnuts.杰克将口袋装栗子。fill with有“充满”之意,是不及物动词,如:Her eyes filled with tears. 他的两眼充满泪水。比较:Tears filled her eyes泪水充满了她的两眼。The room filled with heavy smoke满屋浓烟。比较:The heavy smoke filled the room. 浓烟满屋。be filled with与be full of的区别:be filled with为系表结构,如:The young man is filled with joy. 那青年内心充满喜悦。full of是短语形容词,含义与filled with相近,可充当状语、定语(后置)或表语。如:Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear克鲁索盯着那个脚印,满怀恐惧。(状语)He received several baskets full of cards, letters and telegrams of congratulations他收到了满满几篮子表示祝贺的卡片、贺信和贺电。(定语)As we returned to the home, everything I touched seemed to be full of life. 当我们回到家时,我所接触的样样东西似乎都洋溢着生命。(表语)6.Newspapers follow the American way.follow vt.l)“遵循”“按照行事”。例如:After the discussion, they decided that they should not follow Jims suggestion.经过讨论,他们决定不按杰姆的建议做。2)“弄懂”“听懂”。例如:I didnt quite follow you. Would you please explain it again? 我没有完全听懂你的话你再解释一下好吗?3)“跟之后走”。例如;The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a group of students老师走进教室,后面跟着一群学生4)“沿着”,例如:The railway follows the river for several miles铁路沿着河延伸了几英里。Follow the road until you e to the hotel沿着这条路一直走到旅馆。5)“跟着读”,例如:Now lets read the text. Follow me please现在我们朗读课文。请跟我读。7. Today many of them live in special areas where they can continue their way of life.今天许多印第安人住在特定的区域里,在那儿他们可以继续保留他们的生活方式。l)continue为及物动词,意为:“继续”,其后面可跟名词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语。例如:We continued our climb我们继续爬山。After that, he continued to devote himself to research work此后,他继续献身于研究工作。Though wounded, he continued fighting as if nothing had happened他尽管负了伤,但他仍然继续战斗,好像什么也没发生过似的。2)continue有“延伸”的意思,相当于“go farther”The desert continued as far as the eye could reach沙漠一望无际。3)continue有“持续”之意,常和last互换。The story is to be continued in the next issue这个故事在下期连载。8.The government has started a new school project in which Inuit teach their own young children政府已经开始实施一项新的办学计划,使因纽特人能教授自己的后代。1.start vt其后面可跟名词、代词、不定式和动名词作宾语,并且意义各不相同:1)开始We have started a new experiment我们已经开始了一项新的实验。2)开办He is collecting money to start a special school他正在筹集资金开办一所特别学校。3)使开始,使发动Because of the cold weather, we couldnt start the car this morning由于天气寒冷,今天早上我们发动不了汽车2.start vi1)表示“起程,开始旅行”We started for London at 6 oclock我们六点钟出发去伦敦。2)表示“开始工作,开始起作用,开始运转”The bus wont start汽车发动不起来。3.start后常加不定式或动名词表示“开始做某事”,即start to do或start doing,一般情况下可以互换,但下列情形中,往往选择其中之一。1)当我们谈论一项长期的习惯性的活动时,用动名词,如:How old were you when you first started playing the piano? 你最初弹钢琴的时候有多大?比较She sat down at the piano and started to play/playing the piano她在钢琴前坐下开始弹了 起来。2)在start本身为进行时态的时候,不使用动名词。Im starting to cook the dinner我正要开始煮饭。3)以上用法也适合于用begin表“开始”。注意:在一些习惯用法上,start和begin的搭配不同:e along, everybody. Lets start work at oncee along, everybody. Lets begin to work at once伙计们让我们立即干起来吧Today we start from page 15Today we begin at page 15今天我们从第 15页开始。9So, it is hoped that the way of Inuit life will be kept alive for many mare centuries. 这样,人们希望因纽特的人的生活方式保存更多的世纪。l)It is hoed that就相当于People hope that“人们希望”这样一个句型,像这样的句型还有:It is said that“据说,人们说”It is reported that“据报道,有报道说”It is announced that“据公布,据报道”It is suggested that“据建议,有人建议”例如:It is said that he is writing a new novel. Or: People say that he is writing a new novel.据说他正在写一部新小说。It is reported that a fire broke out in that village据报道那个村庄发生了一场火灾。It is suggested that the sports meet should be put off to next Friday有人建议把运动会改在下星期五开。2)keepalive使活着,使继续保持下去。keep为使动词,意为“使怎么样”后面可跟形容词、分词及介词短语作宾语补足语,如:Im sorry to keep you standing like that对不起,让你就这么站着。Please keep the door open请不要关门。Keep him away from the wet paint不要让他靠近未干的油漆。3)alive adj.常作表语或后置定语,意思是“活着的,存在的,在世上的”,如:They are the happiest children alive他们是当代最幸福的孩子们。An enemy officer was caught alive一名敌军官被活捉。After that war, all his fellows died, and only he was alive.那场战争后,他的同伴都死了,惟独他还活着。10.settle v.1)定居,安家落户After years of travel, we decided to settle here.He settled in the country after his retirement.2)在某处停歇或停留一时The bird settled on a branch.Clouds have settled over the mountain tops.3)使平静,镇静,放松Wait until all the excitement has settled.He had been quite anxious, but I managed to settle his mind.4)解决,处理,安排好Nothing is settled yet.Weve settled that we will leave next week.11.refer v.1)提到,说到,涉及到When I said some people were stupid, I wasnt referring to you.Dont refer to this matter again, please.2)与有关,关系到What I have to say refers to all of you.3)查询,查找If you dont know what this means, please refer to a dictionary.I referred to my watch for the exact time.12.freeze v.1)结冰,凝固Water freezes at 0.The government decided to freeze prices for six months.2)指天气,冷得使水结成冰,严寒Dont go out in such freezing weather.It may freeze tonight, so make sure the plants are covered.3)能冷冻储藏,冷藏Some fruits dont freeze well at all.He bought a packet of frozen peas for the girl.13.struggle against与struggle forstruggle against 和斗争,相当于fight against。struggle for 为而斗争, 相当于fight for。1)The revolutionaries struggle_ the freedom of all people.A. for B. with C. against D. to答案:A2)They struggled_ the strong wind and finally reached the village.A. for B. with C. against D .to答案:C语法-主谓一致1主语在形式上是复数, 而谓语动词则用单数。1) 表时间、重量、长度、距离等的名词, 尽管是复数形式, 但通常看作一个整体, 谓语动词用单数。Two hours is not enough for the work.两小时对于这工作是不够的。2) 以-ics 结尾表示学科名称的名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。Mathematics is my favourite subject数学是我最喜欢的科目。3) 书名、国名、组织机构等专有名词作主语, 谓语动词用单数。The United Nations was founded in 1945联合国成立于1945年。4) 有些用来表示由两个相同部分连成一体的复数名词, 如shoes, trousers等作主语时, 若前面有“一双”、“一条”之类的词时, 谓语动词用单数, 否则用复数。A pair of shoes is under the bed床下有一双鞋。My trousers are worn out我的裤子穿破了。2主语在形式上是单数, 而谓语动词则用复数。1) 有些集体名词, 如 police, people, cattle, 等, 形式上是单数, 但谓语动词要用复数。Traffic police are always very busy交警总是很忙。2) 有些形容词加上“the”, 表示一类人, 此时谓语动词要用复数。The old are taken good care of in our country在我们国家老人需要好好照顾。3谓语动词的单复数取决于主语的内涵有些集体名词, 如family, class, group, team 等作主语 时, 若作为一个整体, 谓语用单数, 若强调具体成员时, 谓语动词用复数。My family isnt very large.我的家不太大。My family are watching TV now我的家人现在看电视。4用不定代词作主语, 应注意:1) both 作主语, 谓语用复数。Both of them were at home yesterday他们俩昨天都在家。2) either和neither作主语, 谓语通常用单数。Has either of them told you about it? 有关此事, 他们中有人告诉过你吗?3) each 以及 any, some, no, every 构成的复合代词作主语, 谓语动词用单数。Is everybody here? 大家都到了吗?Each of us has something to say.我们每个人都有话要说。4) none 作主语, 既可用作单数, 也可用作复数, 但若none代替不可数的东西时, 谓语动词常用单数。None of the telephones is/are work没有一部电话能打。None of the water is fit to drink.没有一点水可供饮用。5) all 和some 作主语, 应根据其所代表的名词来决定其单复数。All has been explained全部内容都作了解释。All were very excited所有的人都非常兴奋。5在使用并列主语时, 应注意:1) 由“bothand”连接的主语, 谓语动词用复数。Both the boy and the girl are good at English男孩和女孩都擅长英语。2) 由 or, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also连接的主语, 谓语的单复数与邻近的主语保持一致Either you or he is wrong或者你或者他是错的。6There be句型中, 谓语的单复数也是要与其邻近的主语保持一致。There is a book and two pens on the desk.在桌子上有一本书和两支铅笔。主谓一致练习1. When the accident happened, the policeman and driver _ parking the police car.A. is B. was C. are D. were2. A number of scientists _ that the number of wild animals _ getting smaller and smaller.A. say; are B. say; is C. say; have been D. say; were3. Every boy and every girl as well as some teachers who _ to visit the museum_ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning.A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are4. One or two days _ quite enough to finish the work. _ you or Jim going to work with me?A. is; Is B. are; Is C. are; Are D. is; Are5. E-mail, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily munication.A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play6. _ of the forest _ pine trees, which _ at least three or four metres in height.A. Two third; are; are B. Two thirds; is; is C. Two third; is; are D. Two thirds; are; are7. The following _ some other examples with Chinese explanations.A. are B. is C. was D. were8. The Garth family, which _ rather a large one _ very fond of their old house.A. were; were B. was; were C. were; was D. was; was答案:1. was(主语指同一个人.) 2. B 3. C(定语从句修饰teachers,因此从句中谓语用复数形式。) 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. A(此句用了倒装结构,主语为some other examples.) 8. B教学设计方案:Lesson 25Teaching Aims1. Know about the difference between American English and Canadian English. 2. Practise in pairs,telling the difference between two things or two countries. 3. Study the language points in this lesson. Step I Revision and Warming - up1. The teacher may start like thisNow, boys and girls, weve learned English for nearly more than five years. In which countries in the world do the people speak English?The teacher collects the names of the countries, write them on the blackboard, and practise their pronunciation, especially word stress. England , Australia, New Zealand, America , Canada , and so on.Step II Introduction1)Say to the Ss: In the world there are so many English - speaking Countries. But do you know in different countries, people dont speak English in the same way. So, in this period, we are going to learn the difference between American English and Canadian English. In todays lesson, we are going to meet Dean; hes Canadian. He is talking about Canadian English. 2)Which of the following does he talk about: grammar, vocabulary, spelling or pronunciation?3)Write these words on the blackboard. Get the Ss to read the dialogue quickly and give the answers (Vocabulary, Spelling, Pronunciation)Step III Listening1.Play the tape of the dialogue for the Ss to listen and follow. Now Dean is talking about Canadian English. 2 Ask the Ss to answer the two questions. 1).Is an American accent very different from a Canadian accent?2).Do people have the same accent all over the country?Step Oral Practice1.Repeating and imitating the pronunciation and intonation about the dialogue.2.Ask the Ss to do pair work or group work to practise this dialogic. One plays the role of Dean and the other Fang Qun. Then change the roles.Step Summary of Lesson 25To the whole class. After learning the dialogue , what do we know about Canadian English ?Answer: There are just a few differences between a Canadian accent and an American accent. Most Canadians say news nju:z , but Americans say nu:z . Canadians mainly use American words, but they use quite a lot of British words too. Generally speaking, newsp apers follow the American way, but conference reports and schoolbooks use British spelling. In the eastern provinces, or some country areas, people speak quite differently from the rest of Canada.Step Language focusThe teacher presents the following points on slides or on a screen, and asks the Ss to explain the uses of them. The teacher helps them when they have difficulties. 1) tell the difference between 2) fillwith3) follow the American way4) That sounds strange.Step Workbook1.Wb Lesson 25 Ex. Call out one or two Ss and ask them to read aloud each sentence. Ask the class Right or Wrong? 2. Wb Lesson 25 Ex. 2 and 31).First let the Ss read the dialogue to make sure the Ss know the dialogue very well before they start doing Ex 2. Then call out one or two Ss to read out their pleted passage to the whole class to check the answers.2).Ex 3. First get the Ss to work in pairs or in groups and then ask several pairs to read out their dialogues.教学设计方案:Lesson 26Teaching Aims1. Learn Lesson 26 to get the brief ideas of Canada, such as the size, the weather, the history, the agriculture, energy, geography, and the language.2. The students are required to answer the questions raised both by the teacher and in the passage.Step Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Revise the dialogue in Lesson 25 by asking the Ss to act out their dialogue.3. Get the Ss to do some oral work with the key words and sentence patterns in Lesson 25.Step Introduction1)T: Today well learn something about Canada. What do you already know about this country? Is there anybody in our class who has ever been to Canada before? T encourages the Ss to discuss before .2) T shows a map of Canada, asking and answering the following questions. 1.Is Canada larger or smaller than China?Larger than China.2. What do you think the weather is like in Canada?Weather in the north, temperatures in the south, temperatures in the west.Step Listening and Word Study1.Play the tape and let Ss listen and follow.2.Deal with Part 3 and 4 on Page 35. Explain what the Ss have to do. Then let them work individually at this exercise, check them in the end.Step ReadingGet the Ss to read the passage carefully, paying attention to the correct way of saying the population, the size, the temperatures, and then get the Ss to answer the following.Step Practice1. Get the Ss to do SB Page 39, Part 3 word study. First explain to them what they have to do, then let them do this exercise individually and check their answers.2. Ask the Ss to do SB Page 39 Part 4, following the example and doing it in pairs and check their answers at the end.3. Get the Ss to do Note making and discussion. First make sure that the Ss know what to do, then ask them to do Note making individually and do the discussion in pairs or in groups.Step Further practise1)T organizes the Ss to divide several groups, talk about the topic is whats the most impression of the Canada for you? T gives them a few minutes to change their ideas ,then ask a group to talk in front of the class.2) According to the text, T let them work individually at this time, then T asks several Ss to say about it.Same as ChinaDifferent from ChinaLarge landCanada has 2 official languagesStep Workbook1). Lesson 26Ex.2. helps Ss revise the information about Canada and English numbers. After finishing their pair work, some of the Ss may be asked to read aloud the whole passage to the rest of the whole class.2).Before doing Ex 3, revise the phrases in the box by doing Chinese - English translation. Then open books. Let the Ss do the exercise in pairs and finally check the answers with the whole class.Step SummaryBooks closed. Get the Ss to tell the teacher as much information about Canada as they can.Answer:Canada is the second largest country in the world. The distance from east to west is over 5 500 kilometres and covers six of the worlds 24 time areas. The population of Canada is about 29 million and the capital is Ottawa. There are two official languages, French and English, as in China, the weather is different from area to area. Canada has one third of the worlds supply of fresh water. Most of the electricity is produced by water.Population29 millionEnglishFrench settlersSize5, 500 kilometresCovers six ofThe worlds 24 time areasCapitalOttawa EnergywatercoalOil, natural gasLanguageEnglishFrench WeatherDifferent from area to areanorth, winterlong, hard-60 average -10 summer 20 Jan 3 July 18Step HomeworkRetell the whole text, finish off the exercises left.探究活动1. 谈论:教师给学生分成几个小组,看哪个小组说得流利和词语准确,把话题写在黑板上If none of you have ever been to Canada before, in the future what place do you go there? 最后教师可分别评定结果。 2.介绍:学完这加拿课后,教师问学生们还知道哪些国家,教师可给学生们举几个国家例子,如介绍:芬兰,新加坡, 澳大利亚等。教师可给学生介绍意大利的概况,如写出这些关键词语,Italy looks like a boot. Rome is the capital of Italy. The Leaning Tower is the best Known building in Pisa. Galileo Galilei, was born in Pisa.让学生简单的介绍和说明。


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