2019-2020年高二英语Unit3 Art and architecture教案一.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit3 Art and architecture教案一课程标准要求掌握的项目目标1Talking about and architecture 2Talking about architects and their works3Talking about works ofaIt 4Talking about preferences词汇architecture architect preference design furniture taste sofa honey modem convenient block apartment style old-styled stand passage ugly construct construction steelconcrete impress roof balcony fantastic create seashell sail stadium net nest belongpaint aside rent development功能句式偏爱(Preference)Id rather I wouldnt feel happy ifI prefer something that Im much more interested inIm not very interested in I like seeing somethingIn my opinion I dont get very excited aboutWhat I like is I really preferIf Vou ask methen I Cant stand语法过去分词(短语)作宾语补足语We noticed the mailbag carried onto the trainEveryone was surprised t0 see the buildingsnished so soonPlease keep me informed oj how things are goingThey weFe happy to hear the work alrea匆如.课文听力S:Can I help you? what is it you are looking for? Furniture for the bedroom, the kitchen or the living room?D: Were looking for a fewthings, but we arent very sure yet. We bought a new flat, and we already have some furniture, but the new house is so big. We can use a few more things, and perhaps replace some very old pieces.A: I think we need a kitchen table, one that is large enough to have dinner with five or six people.S: Very well. Ifyou would like something modern, I suggest you think of something like this. The legs of the table are silver coloured while the table top is made of thick glass. Very beautiful and very easy to clean.D: Yes, I really like that.A: No. 1 dont like such cold and hard things. I think a table made of wood would look much nicer. Wood is warm, and makes you feel fortable.D: Honey, I knowyou like that, but Im afraid itll be too expensive.S: Thats no problem. I can show you some really nice modern tables that look as if they were made of wood.A: Great! We are also looking for something on the wall. Theres a big piece of white wall over the sofa.S: Were you thinking of a painting or perhaps a poster or something .D: Yes. Could you show us something?S: Something classical?A: Oh, no. You can show us something modern. I like classical things in the kitchen and the bedroom, but our living room is quite modern, isnt it, Danny?D: By the way, we are also still looking for two fortable chairs, something modern and classic at the same time. Would you have anything like that?S: Oh dear! Oh dear! What do you mean by that?A: Well, something classic and fine but also cool, you know.Answers to Exercise 1:kitchen table, wooden tablesAnswers to Exercise 2:True: 4, 5Answers to Exercise 3:1 things, replace, pieces 2 wood, would3 warm, fortable 4 wall, sofa5 something moderm课后听力The history of architecture in China and most European countries is very different. As a result, the way people look at art and architecture has also developed along different lines.Much of Chinas ancient architecture was constructed of wood. Only the Great Wall and city walls were made of large bricks. Earthquakes have occurred quite often in Chinas history. Besides that, many temples were destroyed by fire. Sometimes the fires were caused by accident. However, it also happened that emperors would destroy temples and architecture that were built in the past. They wanted to get rid of all architecture that reminded people of the former emperor. After burning the old temples and palaces, the emperor would have everything built new in the style that he preferred. Thats why all over China we find many temples that wererebuilt or restored about 250 to 300 years ago, during the age of Qianlong. Few temples are left over from earlier times.Much of Europes ancient architecture is 300 to 1,000 years old. Architects used natural materials, such as stone and brick to construct their buildings. There werent many earthquakes, and unlike China, European kings would usually not bum the churches and other architecture built before their time. They constructed new buildings in the style they preferred at other places.Wood is not a very strong material. Weather conditions make repairs necessary and by the end of about-100 years usually every part of a wooden construction has been replaced. So, although the design can be hundreds of years old, every part of the building may have been made less than a hundred years ago. Stone and brick are strong enough to stand the test of time. These materials do not need to be replaced. So when looking at old buildings in Europe, we are actually looking at what was built many centuries ago. While in China the architecture may be old, what we look at is in fact quite new.语篇领悟阅读本单元课文,完成下列各题(Passage 1 )1. Why did architects in the 1920s want their buildings un-natural?A. They didnt like traditional architecture style.B. They wanted to change peoples feelings of beauty.C. They didnt like building materials such as earth,stone, brick and wood.D. They like buildings materials such as steel, glass and concrete.2. In what ways is ancient architecture different from mod-ern architecture?A. materials, shapes B. roofs, cornersC. size, height D. balconies, windows3. Which of the following belongs to modern architecture?A. Taihe Dian. B. The Temple of Heaven.C. The Opera House is Sydney. D. The great European Cathedrals.(Passage 2)4. Old buildings are pulled down because A. they are too small B. they are too oldC. they are of no use any moreD. people dont like them any more5. Factory 798 was designed by A. Germans B. RussiansC. Germans and Russians D. Chinese and Russians6. Which is NoT the benefit for people working in an oldfactory building?A. The rent is low.B. It is convenient for artists to make large objects.C. It is fairly quiet there.D. People can visit there.主旨大意7.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of Passage 1 ?A. Ancient architecture is popular. B. Modern architecture is popular. C. Ancient buildings look more beautiful than modern ones.D. Different times,different styles of architecture.8. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of Passag2?A. Factory 798 is of great value in modern times.B. People should save architecture from the past.C. People should build more factories like Factory 798.D. People shouldnt pull down old buildings.推理判断9From Passage 1 we can infer that A. the writer prefers ancient buildings to modern onesB. the writer prefers traditional materials to modern onesC. the writer doesnt like modern architects at allD. the writer prefers buildings which look nature that look unnature. 10. From Passage 2 we can infer that A. Factory 798 was out of use for longB. people rent Factory 798 because of his German building styleC. in many large cities, people build many factories like factory 798D. old buildings can be only used as art centres 知识点1 prefer喜欢;偏好;宁愿(后接名词或代词、不定式、动名词、不定式复合结构、接从句)Which would you prefer , tea or coffee?茶和咖啡你喜欢哪一种?I prefer coffee我更喜欢咖啡。Jeffenson preferred to go and see in the people杰斐逊喜欢到人民中间去调查走访。Our families preferred going out west to celebrateAmerican 200 birthday我们全家人宁愿去西部旅行庆祝美国200周年庆典。I prefer you to stay here with me我愿意让你和我一起住在这儿。I prefer that you can phone me as soon as you arrive at your home我更愿意你一到家就给我打电话。l prefer science to languages我喜欢理科而不喜欢文科。I prefer reading to watching TV与看电视相比我更喜欢阅读。He preferred to die rather than give in 他宁死不屈 =Rather than give in,he preferred to die考题1 (1)Rather than on a crowded bus,he always prefers _ bicyele(全国高考题)Aride:ride Briding;rideCride;to ride Dt0 ride;riding 解析 分析句子结构可知,本题考查prefer to do sthrather than do sth的句型用法.该结构中可以将rather than do sth提前至句首以予强调。答案 C(2)一Which would you prefer ,tea 0r coffee? Im not thirstyThanks anywayAbetter;Neither Bbest;BothCmore;None D不填;Neinler解析prefer的含义为like doing sth else better,释义中已含有比较级的意味,因此在实际运用中,不再与比较或最高级连用;从答语的“不口渴”,可知,无论是茶还是咖啡,都不想品尝,因此否定两者用neither,而用来否定三者或以上的副词要用none。答案 D2impress压出印记;印上;给留下印象;强调He impressed the pot with his seal他把他的印记印在罐子上.The book didntimpress me at a11这本书没有给我留下一点印象。She impressed me as being very rude她给我的印象是十分粗鲁。He impressed me with the importance of the work他让我明白了工作的重要性。His first speech as president made a strong impression on his audience他当主席后的第一次演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。考题2 (1)The speech by the mayor of Shanghaii before the finalvoting for EXPO 20lO is strongly impressed my memoryAt0 Bover Cby D0n (xx年上海春季高考题)解析 句意表示“上海市的市长为争取xx年世博会的演讲给我留下了极为深刻的印象.”所缺介词与impress组成“给留下印象”讲,介词用on,为习惯表达。答案 D(2)Hea design on cloth。Apressed Bimpressed Cput Dplaced解析 句意表示“把设计图案印制在布上”,而press表示“按,压”不合题意。C、D两项只表示“放置”,也不合题意.答案 B3 creation J1创造creature n生命;生物Man creates himself.人类创造了他本身。Shakespeare created many ic characters莎士比亚创造了许多喜剧人物。That would create a wrong impression那会造成一个错误的印象。Her new dress created much excitement她的新衣引起了极大兴奋。考题3 It is the people who historyAcreate Binvent Cdiscover Dfind解析 易排除c、D两项,因为本题不是考查“找寻”的用法,而是考查“创造”。create指从无到有,从粗糙的原料到完美的产品,既可用于具体事物,也可用于抽象的事物;invent指经过研究,实验等手段设计或创造出前所未有的东西,常用于具体的东西。本句话的含义为“创造历史的正是人民大众。”答案A4fill up填写;斟满;占掉(时间);淤积I want you to fill up this form.我要你填这张表。Fill up the cask with hot water 请把热水瓶灌满开水。I filled the room up with furniture. 我把房间装满家具。The theatre filled up rapidly剧院很快坐满人。Ihe gutter has filled up with mud 沟槽里都是泥。考题4Seeing her lovely daughter running towards her,the young mothers heart tenderness and happinessAwas filled 0f BWas full withCWas filled with Dwas full by解析 本题考查“充满”的表达,除了用be filled with外,还可以用be full 0f。因为均是习语,所以不可更改两个词组的任何部分。答案 C5.stick贴、粘;插、扎;卡住、陷在里;伸出;突出,n棍 子 .手杖stick to坚持(真理、作法等);坚持干(某事)He stuck a needle in my arm 他把针扎进我的胳膊里。The key has stuck in the lock钥匙卡在锁里了。I stick to what I said/the truth.我坚持我所说的真理。考题5He had a great idea that one should whatever one had begunAinsist on Bstick to Cstick out Dstick with 解析 本题既考查了insist on与同义词sitck to的区别,又兼顾了stick outwith的用法。insist on后一般接v一ing形式,表示“坚持做某事”,很少直接接名词或从句。stick out意为“伸出;坚持到底(vi)”,stick with意为“和在一起;扎刺”,二者均不符合题意。 答案B6set aside存储;放在一边;取消(=put away)Each week he tried to set aside a few dollars 0f his salary每周他尽量从薪水中省下几块钱。My objections were set aside我的反对无人理会。Peter set aside the papers and reached for his cigarettes and matehes彼得把文件放在一边拿起了火柴。考题6 It is wise to have some money for old ageAput away Bkept upCgiven away D1aid out (全国高考题)解析 本题测试具体语境中动词的运用问题。keep up有“保持下去”之意,give away表示“免费赠送;分发”,lay out表示“花费,使用”,均不符合语境体现出来的“为年老而存钱”。答案A7share分享;分担;合用;共同具有 n.一份;一份责任、功劳;股票We need friends to share happiness and sorrow我们需要朋友分享幸福,分担悲伤,。Those chestnuts smegoodLets share them那些栗子闻起来真香,咱们一起吃咆。Everyone in the house shares the bathroom这所房子的人合用一个浴室。We all take an equal share我们都分到了均等的一份。考题7Let Harry play with your toys as well,Clare - you must learn to Asupport Bcare Cspare Dshare (xx年高考题)解析 support表示“支持;阐述;赡养”,care表示“关怀;在乎”,spare表示“抽出,均出”,均不符合语境所体现的“克劳尔,让亨利一起同你分享玩具玩”。本题考查从具体语境中选择词汇的用法。答案 D8taste的用法作名词讲时。有“味道;爱好;鉴赏力,品味”等意。作形容词讲时,有“有吸引力的;经精心挑选”的意思。作动词讲时,有“尝,品尝”之意。I dont 1ike the taste 0fthis coffee我不喜欢这杯咖啡的味道。She has developed a taste for modern art她渐渐培养出对现代艺术的爱好。The fumiture Was very tasteful家具十分雅致。Can I taste a piece 0f that cheese t0 see what itslike?我可以尝一尝那块干酪的味道吗?引申:(be)in bad taste指举止言谈粗俗;失当。Some 0f his ments were in bad tasteTasteless akj.庸俗;没味道;不得体Tasty adj.(tastier,tastiest)美味have a taste 0f sth有的味道The pudding has a taste 0foranges那布丁带有橙味考题8(1)The oranges taste _ Awell Bgood Cbadly Dwonderfully解析】 “尝起来”,taste后应跟形容词作表语。答案 B(2)Pop music is liked by many poople,but it is not_everyones tasteAwith Bin Con Dto解析 “适合某人的口味”应为短语to ones taste。答案 D(3)The cook_the soupIt_deliciousAtasted;tasted Bis tasted;is tastedCtasted;was tasted Di8 tasted;tastes解析 分析句子结构及用法可知,第一空测试taste作为实义动词的用法,含义为“品尝(某食物)”,是个及物动词;第二空因为有句未形容词delicious ,所以taste此时“摇身一变”,变成了连系动词,表示“尝起来”,后接形容词作表语,无被动式。9convenient adj方便。便利的Im willing to meet you on any day that is convenient for you我乐意在你方便的任何日期与你相见。考题9 e over and have a chat witlI me whenever_ Ayou will be convenient Bit wiU be convenient to youCyou are convenient Dit is convenient to you解析 It is+adj.for sbsthto do sth为固定词组。类似于convenient用法的还有necessary、national、important、impossible等等,这些形容词都是用来说明做某些事的特点,因而不可用人作主语,而应用于上述句型当中。答案D10复合形容词的构成(1)数词+名词,数词+名词-ed或数词+名词+单数+形容词a ten-speed bieyele 十速自行车(2)形容词+名词a full-timejob 专职工作(3)名词+现在分词Englingh-speaking countries 讲英语的国家(4)形容词+现在分词an ordinary-looking girl. 相貌一般的女孩(5)名词+过去分词a man-made satellite 人造卫星(6)副词+现在分词hard-working people 勤劳的人们(7)副词+过去分词a well-known doctor 著名医生考题10(1)The village is far away from here indeedIts_walkAa four hour Ba four hoursca four-hours Da four hours(xx年上海高考题)解析 “四小时的路程”有两种表达:a four hourswalk和afour-hour walk。答案D (2)His job is t0 sell the_carvings(雕)in the_ department 0f the pany(湖北省部分重点中学联考题)AWooden; sales Bwood;salesCWood;sale Dwooden;sale 解析在Wood与carve之间存在动宾关系:所以形成构词法时,用“名词+ V-ing形式,即wood carving;表示“销售”时。作定语要用sales。答案 B11表示“忍受”的三个词(组)它们是stand、bear与put up with。He cannot titand criticism他受不了批评。It will stand firing up to 1300它可以经受住高达1300度的度。If I were you I wonldnt put up with his behaviour any 1onger如果我是你,我将再也忍受不了他的行为。I cant bear the painmy brotherthis weather我受不了这苦痛我的弟弟这种天气。考题11 -Mum,it is nice weatherI want to skate this afternoon(xx-xx年海淀区期中练习题)-Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to_your weight?Astand Bbear Ccatch Dtake 解析 儿子想去滑冰,母亲担心冰层太薄,承受不住儿子的重量。所缺词表示“承担;承受重量负彬东西”等,应用bear。stand常用于人,指面对痛苦、艰难、侮辱等不畏缩后退,bear指能忍受磨难、冷静地面对现实,强调容忍的能力,常用于口语,常可与put up will连用。答案 B12表示“瞟;望”的三个词组(1)glance,指“很快地望一望,看一眼”,多与at连用。He glanced at tlle envelope and reeognized his athers handwriting他看了一下信封就认出来了他父亲的笔迹。I glanced aroundabouround the room我向屋子里四处看了看。(2)stare表示目不转晴地长时间的“注视”;(3)glare表示怒气冲冲地“盯着”,二者一般都与at连用。The two fighters glared at eaeh other两位斗士恶狠狠地盯着对方。Robinson stared at the footprintsfull 0f fear鲁滨逊盯着脚印看,心里充满了恐惧。考题12(1)一Do you like_in public?一I dont think soIt makes me nervousAto be glared Bbeing stared Cto be 100ked Dbeing stared at解析 表示“盯、看”时,后一般要接介词at,所以A、B项排除。c项中的1ook为不及物动词,本身就没有被动式,也被排除。句意为“你喜欢在大庭广众之下被人盯着看吗?”答案D(2)The two men stood_angrily at each other,while the crowdloeked on with amusementAstaring Bdaring Cdancing Dseeing解析 三个同义词中,只有glare可以与表示感情的词连用。本题中含有angrily,所以用glare。答案B13如何“举例子”takefor example举为一个例子for example(=for instance)例如Such as(=like)比如诸如and so on等等(进行概括,不一一列举)Chadies early films,such as(=like)City Lights,are well receivedTake Xiao Wang(for example)举小王为例。=Take Xiao Wang(for instanee)考题13 There are several people interested in your new plan,_Mr Jones and Dr SimpsonAthat is Bfor an example C1ike Dincluded解析that is作插入语,含义为“也就是说”,不用来举例子;for example是习惯用法,中间的an因为习惯而要省略;include含义为“包含”,也不用来举例,用来表示附加说明,而且放在名词前面时要用including,放在名词后面时才用included。答案 c141ook at与1ook after的次常见含义look at (1)(彻底)检查 (2)考虑,研究(3) 认为 (4)读;阅读My tooth aches,I think a dentist shotlld 1ook at it我牙痛,想找牙医检查一下。The government is looking at ways of reducing the number of stray dogs政府正研究减少野狗数目的方法。Different races and nation-alities 1ook at life differendIy不同种族和国籍的人对生命都有不同的看法。look after负责某事物our neighbours are looking after the garden whilewe are away我们不在家的时候,由邻居照料花园。考题14(1)r11le old womans son_all her financial affairsAdoes with B10eks after C100ks at Ddeals with解析look after有“料理,照料”的意思。题目意思为“这位老妇人的所有财务都由她的儿子打理。”答案 B(2)一I felt very bad these days0h,you should_your bodyAbuild up B1ook at Cthink Dtake care解析依题意,可知1ook at符合题意,在句中表示“彻底检查”之意。若选D项则加0f。若用build ones body则表示“强身健体”,也不完全符合题意。答案 B15句型A is to B what C is to D的用法这个句型是用来打比喻的,用已知来比喻未知。它的主句是作者要告诉读者的语义重点(新信息),而what从句只不过是读者已知的内容(道理)而已。what在这种句型中是关系代词,在语义上相当于that which(the thing which)。what从句在主句中起表语(主语补语)的作用,what在句中也起表语(主语补语)的作用。The Chinese munist Parst is to people what fish is to water中国共产党对于人民就像鱼对于水考题15 Reading is to the mind_food is to the bodyAwhat Bthat Cwhich Dof which (大学生竞赛题)解析 句意为“读书之于头脑正如食物之于身体。”What food is to the body这个从句表达的是读者已知、熟悉的内容,而reading is to the mind才是全句的语义重点。又如:Furniture is to the living room what playground equipment is to the playground家具对于卧室就像体育设施对于操场。答案A16“充当”的三种表达act as作“充当;起作用”。类似用法有 work asserve as . .He acted as chairman in my absence我不在时,他临时充当主席。He acted as secretary to the Board他担任董事会的秘书一职。He will serve as mayor他将任市长一职。The sofa served as a bed那张沙发作为床用。考题16_monitor of our class,little Mike decided to_his classmates heart and soulAServing as;serve BServing as;serve asCServing;serve as DServing;serve解析 本题要求区别serve与serve as的用法。前者为“为服务”,后者为“作为。从语境可知,第一空符合后者,第二空符合前者。答案A17“不顾”的两种表达despite作介词,意为“尽管(有某种情况)”。In spite of与其意义及用法完全相同,可以互换。He came to the meeting despite his serious illness尽管他的病很严重,他还是来出席会议了。Despite advanced years-he is 1earning t0 drive尽管有一大把年纪了,他还是开始学起开车来。In spite of the heavy rainshe went to school as usual尽管有大雨,她还像往常一样上学。考题17一You 1ook upsetAnything wrong?一I failed in the physics exam again_all the efforts I madeAin spite of Bbecause ofCbut for Das to (xx年武汉市供题训练题)解析 答语前半句意为“我的物理考试又失败了”,后半句意为“我作了全部努力”,两句之间存在着让步关系,所以填表示该关系的in spite of,相当于despite。而because of所表示的含义与情理不符,but for引导虚拟语气,也不合题意。As to表示“至于,关于”,被排除。答案A18“连接”的两种表达(1)join to作“把和连接在一起”。He joined the two pieces of wood with nails他用钉子把那两块木板钉起来。The worker are joining an island to the mainland by a bridge工人们正在架桥把一个小岛与大陆连起来。(2)同义词组为connectwith,强调用中间媒介或一定的手段把两个或多个物体在某一点上连接起来,但彼此较为独立。Buses and trucks connect the mountain villages with the outside公汽与卡车把山村和外界连起来了。考题18 (1)A good student must_what he reads_what he sees around himAconnect;to Bjoin;toCconnect;with Djoin;with解析本题测试了“把与连接起来”的表达,看起来B项与C项均可,但本题并未强调外形结合及连接后的独立性(join的用法),而是强调“关联;联系”:一个善于学习的学生应该把所学的知识与所见所闻联系起来。答案为C。(2)Countries all over the world are_with puterAjoined Bconnected Ctaken Drelated解析 join与relate均与介词to连用。只有be connected with才为正确表达。表示“由连接”。答案 B19“make+宾语+宾语补足语”的用法这个结构中的宾语补足语可以用名词、形容词、动词的过去分词、不定式、副词等表示宾语的情况或动作。make带不定式作宾语补足语时,要省略不定式符号,但当make用于被动语态时,不定式符号不能省略。 The Americans elected Bush their President美国人民选布什为他们的总统。We wi11 make our country richer and stronger我们将会使我们的国家变得更富强。He tried to speak clearly to make himself understood他尽量说得清楚些以使别人听懂他的话。Dont make him drink too much别让他喝得太多。考题19 (1)Little Tom doesnt have to be made_He always works hard (全国高考题)A1earn Bto learn C1earning D1earned 解析 从to be made可知,被动语


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