2019-2020年高二英语Module6 Unit3 Understanding each other教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Module6 Unit3 Understanding each other教案 牛津版 Wele to the unit Teaching goalsHelp the students learn how to talk about cultural differences and customs.Teaching important and difficult pointsEnable the students to talk about cultural differences and understand the use of examples.Teaching methods Discussion, reading and cooperative learning.Teaching aidsA puter and a projectorTeaching procedure and waysStep 1 Greetings and lead-inT: Good morning, class!Ss: Good morning, teacher!First, get the students to show different ways of greeting they know. And then discuss some other ways of greeting and the ways of greeting. Finally, get the students tell some other customs that are different in different parts of the world.Write the following names of countries on the blackboard.China, Japan, USA, Thailand, South America, the Middle East, DutchStep2: PresentationsT: Do you know there countries? Ss: Of course!T: How do the people from these counties greet each other?S:T: Now suppose you three are English. One is Mr. Bean. One day you meet Mrs. Brewer, one of your students, and her husband in the street. Please work in groups to make a dialogue. Any volunteers?S: T: You did a good job.S: T: Very good, another group?S:T: You are so excellent! A few days later, you meet again. How will you greet each other? Whod like to act out the situation?S:T: Excellent! Do you know how people greet each other in these countries? Please work in groups of three to show the ways of greeting, one explains, the other two show us. Any volunteers?T: Are your ways right? Please turn to page 33. Look at the pictures. Besides theses ways, do you know of any other ways of greeting that people around the world use?S:T: Why do people in different countries greet each other in different ways?S:T: Because their customs are different. Can you think of any other custom that is different in diffident parts of the world?Step 4: SummaryT: Today, we have discussed cultural differences and customs. And all of you have done a good job. I feel so happy with you. At the end of this class, I hope every one of you will behave properly if you get the chance to go aboard in the future!Stp5: HomeworkPreview Reading part Reading Objectives:1.To help Ss get a general idea about the text.2. To make Ss bee familiar with the detailed information about the text.3. To help Ss master Reading Strategy.Teaching important points:1.How to make the students understand the passage better.2.How to help the students finish all the exercises.3.How to help the students develop their creative, prehensive and consolidating abilities.Teaching aids: multimedia and blackboardInteraction Patterns: Teachers -class, individuals, pairsProcedures for teaching:Step 1 lead-in Ask students if they think there are differences between Americans and British people and what characteristics make them different from each other. You can begin the activity using the following sentences: People from different places or countries may be very different in some ways. Americans and British people, even though they speak the same language, have very different cultures.When we talk about British people, we may say they:l are a little bit reserved, especially the older generationsl dont talk very much to strangers l respect and are proud fo the traditions and history of Britainl love soccer, rugby and cricketas for the Americans, we tend to think they:l are enthusiastic, open-minded and easy to get along with l do not like to obey others and hate to be flatteredl love American football, baseball and basketballapart from their different characteristics, what are some of the other differences between them? In your opinion, why are there so many differences between them?Step 2 reading-prehensionA read the text quickly and answer the following question.1. Which country is Waled from? _2. Where does Peter e from? _3. Does everyone in Brunei wear yellow? _Step 3 listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. What does Thanksgiving celebrate?2. What is eaten at Thanksgiving?3. In the West, when is the polite time to open a present? Why?4. Why do guests expect a present at a wedding in Italy?5. What can you not drink at a wedding in Brunei?6. What should you do instead of pointing with your first finger in Brunei?7. What customs do Chinese cities and Brunei have in mon?Step4 put the subjects of the dialogue in the correct order. Write 1 to 7 in the blanks. Weddings _ Shoes _ Presents _ USA/UK cultural differences _ An American celebration _ Colour of clothing _ Pointing (gestures) _Step 5 language points 1accumulate vt/vi 积累He quickly accumulated a large fortune. They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data.堆积, 越积越多 If you dont clear away the rubbish regularly, it will just accumulate. In course of the years many books had accumulated in the house. A pile of work accumulated on his desk.2tradition n 传统观念、看法等的总称(不可数) What one thinks and feels is mainly due to tradition, habit and education. Its part of the tradition of our race一种传统习俗做法 (可数)Celebrating Christmas at Aunt Jeans is a family tradition. It is a tradition that women get married in long white dresses. 代代相传, 传说 (不可数)These songs have been preserved by tradition. According to tradition, the author of the Iliad and Odyssey was a blind poet named Homer. 3all the time一直地 It rained all the time.I kept it all the time to remind me of you.at a time 依次;每次 Take the pills two at a timeat all times 随时;永远 We should at all times be aware of our own shortings.We must at all times keep up with changing conditionsat one time 一度, 过去曾经 At one time I lived in Japan. At one time I used to play a lot of sport, but I seem to have lost interest now. 同时(做某事) They all tried to talk at one time.过去大多数中学教师是男性, 但现在女教师比男教师多多了。_at the time 那时候 I told you at the time that I thought you were stupid.4celebration n 庆祝 (不可数) I suppose we shall be having some sort of celebration for the bride. All night long the celebration of victory went on.庆祝活动(可数)There were celebrations in the streets.Even at St. Thomas Academy there was a celebration.That evening we organized a celebration. in celebration of The party was in celebration of mothers silver wedding.5clarify vt 阐明, 澄清His explanation clarified the mystery. The note is intended to clarify the situation. He clarified his stand on the issue. An example will help to clarify what I mean.6participate vi 参加, 参与(常和in连用) Participation nPortugal participated in the way by sending an army to France.Harris participated in the protests. Did you participate in the discussion? 7reception n 接待 (可数, 不可数)Jan had an enthusiastic reception when he returned home.We were given a warm reception.The winning team got a wonderful reception in their hometown.招待会 (可数) We had a big reception for the new coach.It was lady windermeres last reception before Easter.接受情况, 外界反应 (不可数)He calm reception of the bad news surprised us.Is radio reception good in your area?His new record had a favourable reception.reception desk 接待客人的办公桌Leave your key at reception. receipt n 收条(可数) 收到(不可数) be in receipt of 已收到, 接受We are in receipt of your letter two days ago.We are in receipt your payment.8adjust vt 调整, 调节, 使适应The desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.I must adjust my watch; it is slow.You cant see through a telescope unless it is adjusted correctly to your sight.vi 适应 Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness.My eyes havent adjust to the dark.You should adjust to a new climate. adjustable adj 可调动的, 可调节的 adjustment n 调整, 调节, 适应The newly-weds need a period of adjustment.9royal adj 王室的, 皇家的Some of the royal family of Spain are resident in Portugal.The royal family consists of the King and Queen and their relations.豪华的, 极好的 The millionaire treated us to a royal feast. (宴会)The astronauts received a royal wele.10Well, if you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what 本句为虚拟条件句, 表示与过去相反的假设。在这种情况下, 条件句中谓语动词一had done结构, 而主句中谓语动词用would/could/should/might have done 结构Eg. If you had prepared your lessons carefully, you could have passed the exam.If the hurricane had happened at night, there would have been more deaths.11. Well, its what we do in the west. 为名词性从句, 在句中作表语。 This book is just what I am looking for. All these are what you want in your life. 12. In the UK, the guests are expected to give presents to expect sb. to do sth. 的被动结构Do you expect me to stay after that? You are expected to work late if need be.Haller was expected to be waiting at that time. Word power Teaching aim: This section teaches English words borrowed from other languages. In parts A and B, students are presented with an outline article and a spidergram about the words that have been borrowed from other languages and incorporated into English. In Part C, students are asked to apply the words that they have learnt in Parts A and B to practical use. Students are expected to use these borrowed words to plete sentences and enlarge their English vocabulary. In Part D, idioms that connect a characteristic with an animal or a thing are presented to students.Teaching procedures:1. Lead in Ask students what they think is the most difficult part of studying English. They may say learning vocabulary is because there are too many English words and most of them have random spelling. Have students discuss and try to work out if there is a easy way to learn and remember English vocabulary. Provide students with the following tips:Remember the spelling of a word by its pronunciation.Remember the spelling of a word by analyzing the formation of the word.Remember the meaning of a word by making a sentence with it.Remember the meaning of a word by studying the origin of the word.You can encourage students to tell each other what methods they usually use in learning new words.2. Draw students attention to the origin of English words. You may begin the activity like this: English is one of the most widely-spoken languages in the word and it is used as the international working language in many places throughout the world.But where do the English language and all its words e from? Is it possible that English borrowed words from other languages? If so, can you give us some examples?You can ask students to give examples of English words that have been borrowed from other languages.Ask the students to have a discussion and tell them that knowing the origin may help them learn a word and sometimes it proves to be effective in remembering many new words.3. Vocabulary learning 1. Have students focus on the reading passage in Part A, which is an online article about English words borrowed from other languages. You can first ask students to read the article and analyze how words are borrowed from other languages and used in the English language. Ask students to finish the following table individually first. After that, remember to check answers with the whole class.Language Categories of wordsFrenchFood, entertainment, jobsGermanTools, mechanicals, equipment, snacks, geological termsItalianMusic, the arts, the militaryArabicSpices, chemicals, animals, food, mathematics2. Ask students to focus on Part B, which is a spidergram. Showing some of the words that have been borrowed from other languages and incorporated into English. Ask students to add more examples to the spidergram if possible.3. Ask students to focus on Part C, which serves as a strengthening exercise to check students ability to understand some new words and use them correctly. In order to fill in the blanks correctly, students have to understand the passage and the exact meanings of these words. Have students plete the exercise individually first and then check the answers with the class.4. You can use the following activity to further check students prehension of the passage.Which words are borrowed from Italian? What was Italy famous for in the 18th century?What does the writer think of the Germans?Which words are borrowed from German? What were the Arabs great for?5. Ask students to finish the two exercises on page 122 in Workbook. First they should plete the notes in Part A after listening to the recording, and then plete the e-mail in Part C. They can do these as their homework. Vocabulary extension Ask students to focus on Part D. In Part D, idioms that connect a characteristic with an animal or a thing are presented to students. These idioms all have a characteristic connection with an animal or a thing. Ask students to read the idiom and guess the meaning of each of them first. Then have students read explanations and learn their meanings. Have students do the exercises individually first and then check answers with the class.Grammar and usage 虚拟语气一 、概述语气是一种动词形式,表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度.虚拟语气表示说话人所说的并不是事实,而是一种假设,建议或主观愿望.二、本单元重点讲述了非真实条件句中虚拟语气的三种情况:1. 表示与现在事实相反的假设其基本结构是: 条件句中谓语动词用过去式(be的过去式用were), 主句用 would/ should/ could/ might + 动词原形.例如:If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.如果每个国民都懂得急救(的知识),许多生命就会得以挽救.( 含义是: 不是人人都懂得急救,所以很多生命得不到挽救.)If I were you, I wouldnt do it like that.如果我是你的话,我就不会这样做.2. 表示与过去事实相反的假设其基本结构是:条件句谓语动词用“had +p.p.”,而主句谓语动词用“would/ should/ could/might +have + p.p.”. 例如:If the hurricane had happened during the day-time, there would have been more deaths.如果飓风发生在白天,死亡人数会更多. (事实是: 飓风发生在午夜到早晨6点)If we had known that she was to arrive yesterday, we could have met her at the station.如果我们知道她昨天到,就可以到车站接她了.(事实是:我们不知道她昨天到,所以我们没能到车站去接她)3. 表示与将来事实相反的情况基本结构有三种: 条件句谓语动词用过去式(be 的过去式一般用were),主句用should/ would/ could/ might + 动词原形, 条件从句的谓语用should +动词原形,主句用should/ would/ could/ might + 动词原形; 条件从句的谓语用were to + 动词原形,主句与上同. 例如:If it rained tomorrow, out plan would be put off.假如明天下雨,我们的计划就得推迟. (最近天气很好.) (条件从句中的谓语动词用过去式,表示说话人认为下雨的可能性不大, 而如果用一般现在时的话,则表示说话人认为下雨的可能性很大)If he should see me, he would tell me.假如他看见我,就会告诉我. ( 用should + 动词原形强调一种有偶然实现的可能性,其现实性比用were to + 动词原形大, 比过去式 + 动词原形小)If he were to e, what should we say to him?假如他来了, 我们对他说什么呢? (用 were to +动词原形比较正式,多用于书面语中, 表示实现的可能性很小)根据以上情况,可总结如下:虚拟情况从句时态主句时态与现在事实相反一般过去时Would( 或 should, could, might) + 动词原形与将来事实相反动词过去时Should + 动词原形Were to + 动词原形Would( 或 should, could, might) + 动词原形与过去事实相反过去完成时Would ( 或 should, could, might) + have + 过去分词三、根据主从句所说明的时间概念,虚拟条件句又可以分为单一虚拟条件句和混合虚拟条件句.1. 单一虚拟条件句单一虚拟条件句指主句和从句与同一时间的事实相反的虚拟条件句. 例如:If it should rain tomorrow, the race would be put off.(主从句与将来事实相反) 如果明天下雨,比赛将推迟.If you had been more careful, you would have passed.( 主从句与过去事实相反) 如果你再仔细些,你就会通过的.If it were not for the leaning tower, the city of Pisa wouldnt be so famous.如果没有斜塔的话,比萨城也不会这么有名.( 主从句与现在事实相反)2. 混合虚拟条件句很多情况下,从句和主句并不与同一时间的事实相反.例如:If you had followed my advice, your English would be much better.如果当时你听了我的话,现在你的英语就会好多了.( 从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反)If he werent a kind-hearted man, he wouldnt have helped such a man as you that day.如果不是他这人很好心的话, 那天他决不会帮助一个像你这样的人的.( 从句是与现在情况相反的假设,主句表示与过去事实相反的假设.)If it hadnt been for you, I would have to make another trip there tomorrow.如果不是你的话, 我明天还要再走一趟.( 从句与过去事实相反,主句与将来事实相反.)注意: 在正式文体中,虚拟条件句的从句部分如果含有were, should或had, 可将if省略,再把were, should 或had 移到从句句首,实行倒装.例如:Were it to rain tomorrow, we would delay our trip.如果明天下雨,我们将推迟旅行.Had you attended the party, you would have met Jack.如果你参加了聚会,你会见到Jack 的.Should I get a rise, I would treat you to whisky.如果我能涨工资,就请你喝威士忌.Task Writing a letter to explain cultural misunderstandingsl Teaching objectives:1. learn about taboos in different cultures and understand what they can do or cannot do when they are in contact with people from different backgrounds2. learn to plete a text by listening3. review the ways to ask questions4. write a letter of an apology to explain misunderstandingsl Teaching focus and difficulties:1. writing down answers2. writing a letter to explain misunderstandingsTeaching methods:1. Listening, reading and thinking to get students to understand the text.2. Pair discussion and group discussion to get students to participate in the classroom activities.l Teaching aids:The multimedial Teaching procedures:l Step 1 Skills building 1: pleting a textTips on pleting a text by listening:1. Make sure you read the text first so you understand the subject of the text and the type of words that you are likely to hear.2. Try to guess the words that might be used to fill in the blanks.3. Look for clues in the sentences and in the words before or after the blanks.4. Decide if it is content words or grammar words that you are listening for.Step 2 ListeningYour school has some visitors from abroad. Your headmaster asked you and your classmate to show the guests around. Something puzzled you during the trip. Listen to the conversation between you and your classmate, and plete your diary entry on page 42.Step 3 ReadingA few days after you and your classmate had taken the visitors around Beijing your classmate found this article in a magazine. Circle the taboos that help explain some of the strange incidents that happened when you showed the visitors around.Suggested answers If you are from India, you may not eat beef because of your religion. If you are from the West, you probably would not like to eat chickens feet. In India, it is impolite to shake hands or give someone something with your left hand. Remember not to just put the business cards in your pocket without looking in Japan . Step 4 ListeningYou want more information about cultural habits, so you go to one of your teachers, who has traveled to the USA and Japan, for help. Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks in your notes below.Step 5 Skills building 2: asking questionsWhen we want to find out about something, we need to ask questions. We can use questions beginning with the following words:What when we want to find out about something specific.How when we want to find out the way something should be done.Which when we want to specify which one of a choice of possibilities.When - when we want to inquire about time.Why - when we want to find out a reason.Where - when we want to find out about the place in which something happened.Step 6 Practice You want to ask your classmate about the following things. Form your questions with the correct question words first, and then find a partner to answer questions. Answers can be found in the magazine article on page 43. Take turns asking questions.Suggested answers1. What food do the people from India not eat?2. Which hand shouldnt be used to shake hands with or give things to people from India?3. What do Japanese people have to buy when they travel anywhere?4. What should you do when a Japanese person gives you a business card?5. What does the OK sign mean for Japanese people?6. Why do people from the USA do not like crowded places?Step7 Skills building 3: writing a letter of apologyWhen writing a letter of apology, you need to include the following:n your add


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