2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit7 Living with disease(第三课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit7 Living with disease(第三课时).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit7 Living with disease(第三课时).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit7 Living with disease(第三课时)Teaching Aims :1Learn and review some useful words.2Learn to use the Subjunctive Mood: If l were you 1 wish I couldTeaching Important Points:1Master some opposites2Learn to guess the missing words and use them correctly according to the given sentences3Grammar:The Subjunctive MoodTeaching Difficult Points:Use the right verbform in the Subjunctive MoodTeaching Methods:1Practising to master each language point2Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in classTeaching Aids:1a projector2the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step I Greetings Greet the whole class as usualStep Revision and LeadinT:Yesterday,we read a passage about an AIDS patient named Xiao HuaCan you tell the story about her? Ss:Yes T:Any volunteer? S:I wi11 tryXiao Hua is fifteen and lives in a province in Southern ChinaHer mother contracted the HIV virus when she was twentyeight,and she died of AIDS only three years after Xiao Hua was bornUnluckily,Xiao Hua was born dying with AIDSAlthough she has her father,who is also infected with AIDS, to take care of her, they cannot afford the drugs to treat her illnessXiao Hua knows that she will die before she has a chance to grow o1d, but she does not let that knowledge discourage her. Instead,she decided to use the limited time she has left to do something to help othersShe not only help people learn more about how to protect themselves, but also persuade people to show care and love to AIDS patientsShe makes her life happy and beautiful T:Thank youSit down,pleaseBesides, weve learnt some useful words and sentence structures in itToday we11 practise using themNow,lets learn the new words in this periodLook at the screen (Teacher shows the screen and deals with the words briefly) visiblevIzbladj. defensivedIfensIvadj identifyaldentIfaIvt strangerstreInd(r)n meaningfulmi:nIfladj boyfriendboIfrendn bi11ionairebIljne(r)n Step Word Study T:Well,now please open your books at Page 52, Look at the first part-Word studyChoose the right word in each sentenceTurn to next page and lets study the example“visible” and “invisible”,which are opposite in meaning,are given in the bracketThe prefix “in一”gives a negative meaningAccording to the meaning of the given sentence“invisible” is chosen. Have you understood the example?(Bb: visibleinvisible) Ss:YesT:In the following sentences,some other pairs of opposites are given in the bracketsNow please work in pairs to choose the proper word for each sentenceAfter a while, I will check your answers Suggested answers: 1infected with 2incurable 3imaginary 4.defenseless (Teacher writes each pair of opposite on the blackboard)T:Well doneNow its your turn to make sentencesLook at the next partFour pairs or opposites are listedYou are asked to use one of each pair of the words to make your own sentences. Then show them to your partner and correct each others errorsAre you clear?Ss:YesSuggested sentences:11n winter, plants should be protected from the cold The so1diers were unprotected against the enemys surprise attacks2He said something proper for the occasion. Laughing and joking are considered improper behaviour at a funeral3She was suffering from a headache She enjoys listening to music4Our teacher encouraged us to speak English in class Dont discourage her;shes doing her best(Bb:protectedunprotected;properimproper;sufferenjoy;encouragediscourage)T:Next,1ook at the third partRead the following sentences and try to find a word from the text to plete each sentenceStudy the example first, Then finish your work individuallyAt the end,check your answers with your partner and correct mistakes Suggested answers: 1persuaded 2patients 3drugs 4infected 5suffering 6cure 7contracted 8virusStep IV GrammarT:Well,so much for Word study1n the text about Xiao Hua, weve also learnt some sentences in the Subjunctive MoodNow please look at the sentences on the screenlI wish I could remember more about my mum2I wish she were here with me and that we werent sick3I wish people would find out the facts and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person4If I were you,I would give an AIDS patient a hug5If I had HIV,I would know because I would feel sickPay attention to the underlined partsWe can see the Subjunctive Mood in each sentence is expressed with a special verbformFor example,after “wish ”and “as if”, a past tense is used to express a present meaning,“would +an infinitive ”to express a future meaningIs that so?Ss:YesT:Then what about the verb form after “if ”? Ss:The past tense is used in the ifclause and “would +an infinitive ”is used in the main clause to express a present or future meaningT:Quite rightAnd we should remember the Subjunctive form “were” is often used instead of “was”; “was ”is possible more mon in conversational EnglishAre you clear?Ss:Yes (Bb:I wish;as if;lf I were,)T:A11 rightNow please write sentences to explain the sentences on the screen For example, the first sentence “I wish I could ”means “It is a great pity that I dont remember much about my mum”Can you understand?Ss:YesT:OKNow please prepare for a while. Then Ill check your workSuggested answers:2It is a great pity that she is not here with me but died of AIDS and that Im sick,too3I want people to find out the facts and not consider me as a bad or dangerous person4I suggest that you give an AIDS patient a hug5Imagine that I have HIVI will know because I wi11 feel sickT:Well done! Now,please 1ook at the pictures in our books and make wishes using the Subjunctive MoodSuggested answers: I wish I would bee an engineer I wish I were one of the stars in the sky I wish I could get a big house(Then teacher asks the students to finish the rest of the parts in Grammar, First individuallyThen check in pairsAt the end,teacher asks some students to read their answers and check with the whole class)Suggested answers:Part 3:1I wish I could solve my problems 2I wish I had not been working so hard 3I wish I could forget the terrible scene 4I wish we had enough money 5I wish the performance would go well 6I wish I had many friendsPart 4:1If I had enough money,I would want to buy these books 2If it were not co1d and wet outside,we would let the children play in the garden 3If you were not wasting so much time to play puter games,I would be like you 41f he had not to work hard all day 1ong, he would have time to do the shoppingPart 5:1If I were a famous person for a day,I would help to spread knowledge about AIDS 2If I could be invisible for a day, I would be free and relax without any study oppression 3If I were a billionaire, I would help children living with AIDS like Xiao Hua 4If I could change one thing about myself,I would be very happy to change my height 5If I were the teacher,I would love my students as if they were my children Part 6:1Sarah looks at her husband as if he were a stranger 2They are talking as if they were friends 3Mr Hammer speaks to me as if I were a kid 4I remember the whole thing as if it had happened yesterdayStep V Summary and Homework T:In this class, weve mainly done some exercises to practise using opposites and the Subjunctive MoodAfter class,please practise more and preview the contents of the next periodStep The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 7 Living with disease The Third Period IOpposites: visibleinvisible,infected withimmune to curableincurable,imaginaryreal defensive defenseless,protectedunprotected properunproper,sufferenjoy encouragediscourage IIGrammar: were/did(present) I with that would + do(future) were/did(present) as if would + do(future) If I were,would doStep Record after Teaching

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