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2019-2020年高中英语必修5Unit3LifeintheFutureTeaching aims:1. Topic Predicting the good and bad changes in the future; alien creatures2. Useful words and expressions:Words: vehicle carriage mud bathroom temple private settlement impression constant constantly remind jet previous tablet capsule opening surrounding lack ache mask bend press swift swiftly master sight flash switch optimistic length extraordinary extraordinarily helmet assist agency skip require cocoa lemonade herbExpressions: take up remind of lose sight of catch sight of sweep up speed up assist in space agency3. Functional items:1). Making predictions Do you suppose that? Suppose that I wonder if Do you imagine that? I imagine that 2). Making conjectures about future Is it likely /unlikely that Possibly It is possible that Most likely Im sure . Probably Suppose that Probably Perhaps Maybe4. Grammar The Past Participle as the attributiveI followed him to collect a hovering carriage driven by puter.Tomorrow you will be ready for some visits organized by the pany.The past participle as the adverbialWorried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.Teaching proceduresPeriod 1 ReadingStep 1. Warming up1. Lead-in questions:1). How do you usually get to school?2). Where do you live, in a city or in the countryside?3). Where would you like to live in the future? (under the sea, on the moon, in a castle in the air or)4). Do you live in a flat or a house?5). Do you have a room of your own?6). What kind of housing would you like to have in the future?7). What would you like to have in your room?8). What can we use to build houses? (brick, stone, steel, glass, ice, wood, plastic, bamboo,)2. Task 1: Ss in pairs discuss and fill in the chart on page 17.Step 2. Pre-reading Task 2: Ss in groups of four discuss the following questions:1. Make a list of the problems human beings are facing today.2. What problems do you think people in the future will have overe? Which ones will still be there or even worse in AD 3005?Step 3. ReadingTask 3: Talking about the pictures Picture 11. What can you see in the picture?2. What are the people doing?3. Where do you think they are going?Picture 21. How many people can you see in the picture?2. Who are they, do you know?3. What else can you see in the picture?4. What can you use them for?Picture 31. What can you see in the picture/2. Where is Li Qiang?3. What is Li Qiang doing?4. What is the table and chairs made of?5. What is the wall made of? What function does it have?Task 4: Talking about Li Qiangs first impressions1. Ss go through the passage.2. Ss underline words, phrases, or sentences that are closely related to Li Qiangs first impressions.3. Check Ss findings.Task 5: Read the passage and discuss in pairs which changes are good or bad and write down your ideas in the chart.Good changes and reasons Bad changes and reasonsTime travelCan travel to different times as you whichAfter-effects of travelTransport Can move swiftlyDisorganized; difficult to find wayHouses Save living spaceShort of spaceTowns Busy; look like marketsEasy to get lostAir qualityOwn family oxygen supplyPoor quality in public placesStep 4. After- reading Task 6: Discussion 1. Ss have a class discussion and decide whether you think the writer has an optimistic or a pessimistic view of the future.2. What ideas do you think are believable in this story? Why?3. Which ideas do you think are too unrealistic? Why?4. Some people talk about the “good old days”. Some believe tomorrow will be better. How about you?Period 2. Language learning Step 1. Revision Ss try to retell the story with their own words.Step 2. Language points 1. vehicle: n. a machine usually with wheels and an engine which is used for transporting people or goods on land, particularly on roads.e.g Road vehicles include cars, buses and trucks.Tractors are farm vehicles. Vehicles include: car, bus, truck, plane, van, lorry, tractor, boat, ship, helicopter, space, shuttle, spaceship.2. surrounding: n. (pl.)thanks regardscongratulations3. v. + up take upsweep upcarry upspeed uplook upmake up4. take up my prize: means to make use of the prize some time after you won it.5. to master an idea: means to learn to control something.6. he was swept up into the centre of them: means Wang Ping is carried away from Li Qiang and up to the top of the high building nearby.Step 3. Learning about languageSs do part 1 and 2 of the discovering useful words and expressions.Step 4. Practice 1. Ask the Ss to do Ex.1 on page 56 Join the two halves of the sentences together using “as if, as though”. You use these clauses when you want to describe how a person feels or does something.2. Ss finish Ex 2 on page 56. See if the Ss can use the phrases “catch sight of, lose sight of” correctly.3. Ss try to do Ex 3 and 4 on page 56 and 57.Period 3. Extensive Reading Step 1. Pre-reading Ss in pairs talk about their future life.Step 2. Reading Task 1: Ss read the passage and fill in the following chart.Name of creatureMu -MuDimpods Moddock Size Tall and thin Small Small child when grownAppearance Black and white face, a pointed head, shell-covered legLike a little catVery large nose and hairy bofyColour Black and white faceBlue or purpleGreyPersonality Very friendlyInteresting and livelySlow and shy but friendly once approachedNumber of armsSixToo many to tellsixNumbers of legs One long leg covered by shellToo many to tellSixHow it moves Slowly and from side to sideSkip around fastRolls over and over like a ballVoice Whisper Shout oilFood Mixture of carrot juice and cocoaLemonade with herbsTask 2: With your partner, draw a picture of your alien. Then write a description based on your drawing and the notes in the chart. Show your drawing to your classmates and read your description to them.Step 3. Reading task (page 58)1. Ss read the passage first by skimming to find out the gist.2. In pairs get them to list the advantages of living in Saturation City.3. Get them to discover any problems in living underwater.4. Fill in the chart on page 59. e to this Meeting See the value of OUR undersea houses.Saturation City has:l Frequent shuttle-submarines to the surfacel Large personal spacel Good security for each familyl No household worries: own robot Cost: 20,000 RMB each Date: 17/8/3003 Time: 6:30pm Place: Hall of the school Period 4. Grammar The Past Participle as the attributive and adverbialStep 1. Revision Review the past participle as predicative and object plement.1. She looked tired with cooking.2. I ll have my watch repaired.Step 2. The Past Participle as the adverbial1. Give Ss some sentences with past participle and ask them to find the function of each one. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.2. Practice : Ss try to finish part 2 on page 20.Step 3. The Past Participle as the attributive1. Give Ss some sentences with past participle and ask them to find the function of each one. I followed him to collect a hovering carriage driven by puter.Tomorrow you will be ready for some visits organized by the pany.He is a retired worker.This is the question given2. 典型例题 1) The first textbook _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. have written B. to be written C. being written D. written答案D. 书与写作是被动关系,应用过去分词做定语表被动,相当于定语从句 which was written 2)Whats the language _ in Germany?A. speakingB. spoken C. be spokenD. to speak答案B. 主语language与谓语动词之间有被动的含义。spoken,在句中作定语,修饰主语language, spoken 与 language有被动关系。该句可以理解为:Whats the language (which is) spoken in German?3. Practice: Ss finish part 4 on page 21.Step 4. Practice Join the following sentences into one, using the past participle either as the attribute or adverbial.1. We have been told to read the book. It was written by a news reporter.2. We have all been very satisfied with the service in the space hotel. It was remended by Li Qing.3. The temple is under repair. It was built in 1900.4. The space vehicle can hold more than 100 space tourists. It was designed by a Chinese scientist.5. The plan will not be carried out until next month. It was discussed at last weeks meeting.6. As he was confused by the problem, he decided to turn to his teacher for help.7. Because she is worried about the missing child, she finds it difficult to go to school these days.8. As she was supported by her family, she decided to settle in the northwest of China.9. If he were given enough time, he would have finished the test paper.10. After she was accused of stealing the mobile phone in the office, she found that all her friends had deserted her.Period 5. Listening and speakingStep 1. Warm upAsk the Ss to talk about what they know about Mars and other planet.Step 2 Listening (page23) Task 1: Ss read the phrases on page 23 before listening to the tape for the first time and then tick the things that they hear.Task 2: Listen to the tape again and answer the questions on page 23.Step 3. Speaking Task 3: Ss in pairs, list some questions about what life will be like in their hometown in 1000 years time. 1. Ask Ss some questions to stimulate their ideas.What would you change first in your hometown and why?Does your hometown need a really good quality of life?What do you think is most important to keep for future generations?2. Let them brainstorm to answer these questions.3. Make notes of their ideas.4. Prepare the talk between them and let them get ready to give it to the class. Try to use the following expressions while talking: Suppose that Do you imagine that? I wonder if Is it possible that ? Is it likely/unlikely that ? Do you suppose that? Perhaps /Maybe / Possibly. Most likelyProbablyIm sureStep 4. Listening (page55) Xiao Feng has invented a new kind of quilt. It can “think” for itself and bee warmer or cooler according to the weather. Read the questions and then listen to the tape.Task 4: Ss listen to the recording and try to finish Ex 1 and 2 on page 55.Task 5: Ss listen to the tape again and fill in the form on page55.Step 5. Talking (on page 55) Task 6: Ss work in pairs. Imagine you are two inventors and you have designed a new product, which you want to sell. First, you need to decide on your product. It can be anything that people might find useful in the future. It might save them time, make work easier or help in munication. Second, you will have to explain to the class exactly how your product works. It can use any branch of science. Third, you need to show that people will be willing to use it.Period 6. Writing Step 1. Pre-writing The aim of this exercise is for students to use the information they have already collected to produce a finished piece of writing. As it is a report it should be formal and grammatical.Task 1: Ss gather information that they need and plan what they want to write.Step 2. While-writingTask 2: Ss write a report to the pany that built Saturation City and put forward your ideas on entertainment or sports.Writing tips: Ss make a plan: the report should contain several paragraphs. Think carefully about your ideas and put them into paragraphs.Paragraph 1: why I am writing a report.Paragraph 2 & 3: entertainment and sportsParagraph 4: How I think my ideas will help Think about the style of writing. It needs to be formal. So you should use plete sentences and correct grammar. Do not use any short phrases or dialogues. When you have finished, show it to your partner.


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