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2019-2020年高中英语Module9Unit1Reading(二)教学案Learning aims【学习目标】:1. To have a further understanding of the passage2. To learn some words and expressions in the passageImportant and difficult points【重点难点】:To learn to use some words and expressions一、课前预习【有关用法查一查】1. He is wearing sunglasses to _ his eyes _ the strong sunlight. A. defend; from B. protect; from C. prevent; from D. stop; from 2. More and more young people are fond _ playing tennis nowadays. A. on B. to C. in D. of3. It was _ cold outside. A. freeze B. freezing C. froze D. frozen4. Why didnt you buy the camera you had longed for?I had planned to. But I was 50 _.A. fewer B. less C. cheap D. short5. I got mixed up _ which side was right. A. with B. for C. in D. about6. Every weekend he goes fishing for _. A. recreation B. creation C. imagination D. encouragement7. He is _ to get there in time if he starts right now. A. possible B. probable C. likely D. impossible8. _ at the centre of the city, the club is easy to reach. A. Located B. Being located C. Locating D. Having located9. At the party there was food _. A. in abundant B. in large C. in abundance D. in number10. The CN Tower _ the Canadian National Tower, which _ the heart of Toronto. A. is for short; lies in B. is in short; lies in C. is short of; locates in D. is short for; is located in二、课堂探究【有疑有问议一议】1. defend vt.保卫, 防御,保护;为辩护常用结构:defend .from/against . 保卫免受/抵抗联想拓展defence n. 保卫(后常跟介词of);防御(后常跟介词against)in defence of 保卫;为辩护易混辨析defend/guard/protect/preserve defend表示“保卫”、“防御”, 应用范围很广, 其对象可以是具体的, 也可以是抽象的。defend oneself against 对为自己辩护防御敌人_guard 表示“注意观察、戒备, 以免受到可能的攻击或伤害”。guard a coastline _protect 表示“保护以免遭受到危险或伤害等”。保护儿童免受伤害 _.preserve 表示“防护、保存以免被分解或腐烂”。Salt preserves food from decay. _.2. freezing adj. 寒冷的,严寒的;冻结的;冰冻的联想拓展freeze v. 冻结;僵硬;结冰;停住;僵住 (过去式:froze;过去分词:frozen)易混辨析 freezing/frozenfreeze的现在分词(freezing)和过去分词(frozen)都可以作为形容词使用,但意思有所不同。freezing含有主动的意思,而frozen含有被动的意思。现在外面冷极了。_极为寒冷 _冰点 _幼苗被冻死了。The seedling . 3. locate vt. 确定的地点(或范围);把设置在;使坐落于;找出;确定的位置 . 该公司把它的分公司设在郊区。The pany its branch office the suburbs. 常用于被动语态使坐落(于);把设置(在)be located in 位于,坐落于. _(坐落于森林中), the house is invisible from the main road. 他们的工厂坐落在山脚下。Their factory _ _ _ the foot of the mountain.4. waste adj. 废弃的,无用的e.g. waste paper / waste landvt. 浪费;滥用;使荒芜waste time in doing sth. / on sth._Dont _.别把你的时间浪费在看电视上。waste ones words _5. abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的. 在方面丰富_ . 丰收_ . 丰年_6. for short 简称,缩略联想拓展be short for _ be short of _ in short _ for free (=without payment) _ for certain/sure(=without doubt) _. The USA (是的缩写)the United States of America. His name is James, but we just call him Jim _ _ (简称). This school (缺少) young teachers. I got the ticket (免费)from someone who didnt want it. He must live somewhere around. But I cant say _ (确定).7. mix n.& v.n. 混合;结合;混合配料v. 混合;调制;混淆mix sth. (up) _mix sb. up(about / over sth.) _mix A with B / mix A and B (together) 使一物与另一物混合; 拌和; 搀和e.g.很多妇女都能做到婚姻、事业两不误。_.联想拓展mixed adj. 混合的 mixture n. 混合,混合状态;混合之物课堂训练【学有所得练一练】:翻译下列短语和句子1. 冻死 _ 2. 富于 _3. 喜爱 _ 4. 简称,缩略 _5. 浪费时间干某事 _6. 他不得不防备看门狗咬他。(defendagainst)_7. 不要把正事和娱乐混在一起. (mixwith) _8. 这座大楼将建在市中心。(be located in)_9. 见到那位陌生人时,他脸上的笑容僵住了。(frozen)_10. 这个国家自然资源丰富。(is abundant in)_三、课后拓展【能力升华提一提】 page 6-10


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