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2019-2020年高中英语Unit7TheSeaPeriodThree课堂讲义北师大版必修.单词检测1energetic adj.有活力的energy n能量2discovery n发现discover v发现 3educate vt.教育education n教育educator n教育家4uptodate adj.最新的;现代的5attraction n吸引人的地方attract v吸引attractive adj.有吸引力的 6discount n折扣,减价7trick n戏法,把戏8measure vi.& vt.度量;(长度、数量)为;测量measurement n测量9length n长度,长long adj.长的10centimetre n厘米.短语检测1less.than比少2every two hours每两个小时3watch out注意,当心4do tricks耍诡计,恶作剧5in length在长度方面1Its three times as big underwater.水下部分是水上部分的三倍。2Some fish attract other fish with a light on their bodyand then eat them!有些鱼用它们身体上的一种光吸引其他的鱼然后把它们吃掉!3On the one hand,we loved most of the attractions,.On the other hand,I didnt think that the caf was as good as it should be.一方面,我们喜欢大部分有吸引力的东西另一方面,我认为这个咖啡馆不如想像的那么好。.课文阅读理解1The tiniest fish is a fly in your house.Anot as big as Bas big asCtwice the size of Dthree times as big as答案A2There are fantastic dolphins shows .Aeach two hours Bevery two hoursCevery second hours Devery three hours答案B3Discovery Pool is especially for .Aadults only Bbigger childrenCyounger children Dold people答案C4The most uptodate attraction is .APolar WorldBOcean FloorCDiscovery PoolDVirtual Reality Voyage答案D.课文语法填空Wele 1.to Underwater World.You can watch the polar bears,a real iceberg,acrobatic seals and meet the friendly penguins in the “Polar World”If you go to the “Ocean Floor”,you can see the most beautiful coral and the most unusual fish that appear 2.to fly (fly) through the water.In the “Sea Theatre”,you can see our intelligent dolphins.And in the “Discovery Pool”,younger children can touch crabs and other smaller creatures.3.They can be educated about daily life on the beach in this 4.exciting (excite) area.And on the “Virtual Reality Voyage”,you can enjoy some of 5.the strangest fish in the world.You can see the prettiest fish that use a light on 6.their body to attract other fish,the noisiest fish 7.that can produce sounds almost twice as loud as your speaking voice and the tiniest fish that is 8.smaller (small) than a fly.Here you can also swim 9.with dolphins and face an attack by the most 10.dangerous (danger) creature in the seathe great white shark.1attract vt.吸引;招引(1)(原句)Some fish attract other fish with a light on their bodyand then eat them!有些鱼用它们身体上的一种光吸引其他的鱼然后把它们吃掉!归纳拓展(1)attract ones attention引起某人的注意attract sb.to.把某人吸引到be attracted by 被所吸引(2)attractive adj.吸引人的;诱人的(3)attraction n吸引人的地方;吸引;爱慕tourist attraction旅游胜地(2)Why does mutual gazing increase attraction?为什么互相凝视能够增强吸引力呢?(3)The teacher paused to attract the students attention.老师停顿了一下来吸引学生的注意力。即时跟踪(1)用attract的正确形式填空He was attracted by her beauty.Icecream is attractive to children.Im familiar with the tourist attractions in Weihai.(2)Can you tell me some of the attraction here?(单句改错) attractionattractions2discount n折扣,减价;v.打折扣;不重视(1)(原句)Special discount before the 22nd so the sooner the better!22日前特价,越早(订票)越好!(2)The store discounted all clothing for sale.该店服装全部减价出售。归纳拓展at a discount打折discount price折扣价(3)His information is not to be discounted.他的消息不能不重视。(4)These goods will be sold at a discount.这些货物将减价出售。注意:discount指某物减价出售时所减去的百分比。中文“折扣”意为扣除所减之百分比后余下的百分比。换句话说,中文说九折,英文是10% discount。即时跟踪(1)他们向坐火车出行的学生提供九折优惠。They give/offer a 10 percent discount on rail travel for students.(2)对他的话你不可全信。You should accept his statement with a discount.You should discount much of what he says.(3)They are selling oldfashioned clothes at discount.(单句改错)at后加a3trick n戏法;窍门;vt.欺骗,戏弄(1)(原句)I think its cruel to make them do tricks.我认为让他们表演戏法太残酷了。归纳拓展play tricks/a trick on sb.戏弄某人;开某人的玩笑trick sb.out of sth.从某人处骗取某物trick sb.into doing sth.哄骗某人做某事(2)He always plays tricks on his sister.他总是开他妹妹的玩笑。(3)Her partner tried to trick her out of her share.她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份。(4)The merchant tricked him into buying the fake gold.商人欺骗他买了假的金子。即时跟踪(1)他骗我借给了他100美元。He tricked me into lending him 100.(2)孩子们喜欢捉弄老师。The children loved to play tricks on their teacher.(3)They tricked me into make a mistake.(单句改错)makemaking4measure vi.& vt.(长度、数量)为;测量;打量;估量;n.U尺寸;量度;C措施;法规(1)(原句)Bigger dolphins can measure four metres in length.更大的海豚长达四米(2)The room measures approximately 12 feet by 13 feet.这房间大约是宽12英尺,长13英尺。归纳拓展take sb.s measure/take the measure of sb.给某人量尺寸a measure of.测试(判断)的方法take measures/steps/action to do sth.采取措施做某事make.to ones measure依照某人的尺寸做(3)We should take measures to improve the living conditions of the people.我们应当采取措施提高人们的生活水平。(4)He made a coat for me to my measure.他依照尺寸给我做了一件大衣。注意:(1)measure还可用作连系动词,意思为“规格(或尺寸)为”,没有被动式,不用于进行时。(2)measure作“措施,手段,方法”时,通常用复数形式。即时跟踪(1)Its hard to measure(评估) his ability when we havent seen his work.(2)In the old days,my mother always made new clothes to my own measure(按我的尺寸) with Spring Festival ing.(3)The government has promised to take measure to help the unemployed.(单句改错) measuremeasures1every two hours每两小时(1)(原句)There are fantastic shows every two hours.每两小时有一场精彩的表演。归纳拓展every基数词复数名词,意为“每”。every序数词单数名词,意为“每第”。every other单数名词,意为“每隔一”。every few复数名词,意为“每隔几”。(2)Please e to see me every other day/every two days.请每隔一天来看我一次。(3)These plants are watered every other day.这些植物要每隔一天浇一回。(4)Youd better plant a tree every five metres/every fifth metre.你最好每5米植一棵树。即时跟踪(1)The doctor es to the hospital every other day.(句型转换)The doctor es to the hospital every two days.(2)I go to the gym every other days before work.(单句改错)daysday2watch out注意;当心(1)(原句)They have a huge mouth and can eat fish as big as themselves.Watch out!它们的嘴很大,可以吞下与它们自身一样大的鱼。当心!归纳拓展watch out for当心,提防;注意(后需跟宾语)watch over照看,看守;保护Watch it!(口语)小心!当心!be on watch值班;监督keep a watch on监视(2)Watch out!Theres a car ing.小心!有辆车过来了。(3)Watch out for the tall man in a black hat.注意那个戴黑帽子的高个子男人。(4)This is how you watch over my daughter?你就这样照看我的女儿?即时跟踪(1)The mother bird is watching over(照看) her young.(2)He slipped out when nobody was on watch(监视)(3)While walking in the street,you should watch out for the cars(当心汽车)(4)We have to watch out fast traffic along here.(单句改错)out后加for1倍数表达法(1)(原句1)Its three times as big underwater.水下部分是水上部分的三倍。(2)(原句2)Some fish can produce sounds almost twice as loud as your speaking voice!有些鱼发出的声音几乎是你讲话声音的两倍!归纳拓展常用的倍数表达法:(1)“A倍数形容词或副词的比较级thanB”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。(2)“A倍数as形容词或副词的原级asB”,表示“A是B的多少倍”。(3)“A倍数the size/height/length/width,etc.ofB”,表示“A是B的多少倍”。(4)A倍数what从句。(3)The car runs twice faster than that truck.这辆小汽车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍。(4)This big stone is three times as heavy as that one.这块大石头的重量是那块的三倍。(5)This hill is four times the height of that small one.这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。即时跟踪(1)The rope is 3 times as long as that one.(句型转换)The rope is 3 times the length of that one.The rope is twice longer than that one.(2)The worlds population has grown to more than six times that it was in 1800.(单句改错)thatwhat2on the one hand.,on the other hand.(1)(原句)On the one hand,we loved most of the attractions.On the other hand,I didnt think that the caf was as good as it should be.一方面,我们喜欢大部分有吸引力的东西另一方面,我认为这个咖啡馆不如想像的那么好。归纳拓展on the one hand.,on the other hand连接的是两个并列句,意思是“一方面另一方面”。类似的结构还有:for one thing.for another用于表示两个相对应的观点。(2)On the one hand,the job doesnt pay very much,but on the other hand,I cant get another one.一方面这份工作报酬不高,但另一方面我又找不到其他工作。即时跟踪(1)一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿搬家。On the one hand I want to sell the house,but on the other hand I cant bear the thought of moving.(2)一方面这件外套的颜色不适合你,另一方面它太贵了。For one thing the color of the coat doesnt suit you;for another (thing) its too expensive.单词拼写1If you warm ice it will melt(融化) into water.2Will I get a discount(折扣) if I buy a whole case of wine?3Parents should educate(教育) their children to behave well.4This is an uptodate(最新的) map.5The discovery(发现) that her assistant had lied made Patty decide to fire him.6They measured(测量) the field and found it was about 20 acres.选词填空1The store has taken measures to guard against shoplifters.2He made a loud noise to attract my attention.3Watch out!The old man seems to be dimsighted.4The supermarkets are selling some meat and fish at a discount.5The monkey is very clever and sometimes it can play tricks on the tourists.完成句子1小偷双手捆着被带了进来。The thief was brought in with his hands tied.2新扩建的广场是未扩建时的四倍大。The newly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one.3一方面我没有时间;另一方面我没钱。因此我不能去国外看你。On the one hand,I have no time;on the other hand,I have no money.So I cant go abroad to visit you.4我们今年生产的粮食比去年增长一倍。We have produced twice more grain this year than we did last year.5请每六个小时吃次药。Please take the medicine every six hours/every sixth hour.语境填词A)用所提供单词的正确形式填空1The room is 15 feet in length(long) and 10 feet in breadth.2We must take measures to protect (protect) our earth from being polluted.3Dont play tricks(trick) on others.Its impolite.4Niagara Falls is a great tourist attraction (attract),drawing millions of visitors every year.5With you standing(stand) there,we cant work.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)6That guy tricked me into paying too much money!7It was to my own measure that the tailor made a suit.8I bought these books at a discount and had two hundred dollars saved.9Watch out for the dog when you enter the house.10I cant go out with all these dishes to wash.阅读理解There are plenty of reasons that have put sea turtles in danger.Here are some.The sea turtles tend to live in water,but the females e over to lands for nesting.This is the time when they are in the most vulnerable (脆弱的) position.Their nesting areas have been taken over by human settlements and recreation development.This has forced them to search for areas that are less suitable for nesting.The egg is the first step for a sea turtle to have a chance of life.And this first step of life has bee vulnerable in many countries.The sea turtles have no way to protect their eggs.As a result,the poachers (侵入者) have an opportunity to steal their eggs.The sea turtles are caught in shrimping vessels (捕虾船) that use nets.The nets can drown these poor creatures.They die,as the nets are not pulled out fast.Gill nets and drilling for oil also trigger habitat destruction and injury to the animal.One female sea turtle can lay hundreds of eggs in one nesting season.These eggs are preyed on by crabs (螃蟹),foxes,birds,and humans,as they make their run towards the sea.By the time they reach the shallow water,half of them have been removed by their predators (捕食者) on land and some are eaten up by fish in water.Only a few lucky ones win the battle of survival and live past their 1st birthday!The sea turtles take more than a decade to reach maturity.Then they start breeding and adult turtles have to live for many years to maintain the balance of population.However,as mentioned above,the adults face a lot of hardships for surviving.Pollution,long lines of fishing fleets,high seas,and even tumors,etc.,all cause death of these massive,beautiful species.11When sea turtles are nesting,probably .Athey are not afraid of humansBthey usually hide behind big rocksCthey dont have anything to protect themDthey pay no attention to their surroundings答案C解析推理判断题。根据第二段中的“This is the time when they are in the most vulnerable(脆弱的) position.”可推知,海龟在筑巢时没有什么保护措施。故选C。12What does the underlined word “trigger” in Paragraph 4 mean?AOffer. BCause.CReplace. DPrevent.答案B解析词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句“Gill nets and drilling for oil also trigger habitat destruction and injury to the animal.”可知,这里指这两种因素也会“导致”它们的栖息地受损以及对它们造成伤害。故选B。13According to Paragraph 5,it is implied that when moving to water,sea turtle babies .Acan easily get lostBcan move very fastCdont know theyre in dangerDare hard to survive答案D解析推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Only a few lucky ones win the battle of survival and live past their 1st birthday!”可知,幼海龟在通往海里的途中很难存活下来。故选D。.完形填空I was a new teacher,and I gave an honest mark on the students work.In Brains 14 ,the grades were awfully low.He couldnt read his own handwriting.But he was a 15 student.He discussed adult subjects with nearly adult understanding.His work in no way reflected(反映) his 16 .I had worried myself sick over Brains mother ing to see me.So when Brains mother entered the room,my palms(手掌) were 17 .I was pletely unprepared for her kisses on both my cheeks.“I came to thank you,” she said,surprising me beyond speech. 18 me,Brain had bee a different person.She talked of how he 19 me,he had begun to make friends,and for the first time in his twelve years,he had 20 spent an afternoon at a friends house.She wanted to tell me how 21 she was for the selfrespect I had developed in her son.She kissed me again and left.I sat,surprised,for about half an hour, 22 what had just happened.How did I make such a lifechanging difference to that boy without 23 knowing it?What I finally came to 24 was one day,when some students were 25 performances in front of the class.Jeanne spoke 26 ,and to encourage her to raise her voice,I said,“Speak up.Brain is the expert on this.He is the 27 one you have to convince,and he cant hear you in the 28 of the room.” That was it.From that day on,Brain had sat up 29 ,paid more attention,smiled more,and became happy.And it was all because he 30 to be the last kid in the last row.The boy who most needed 31 was the one who took the last seat that day.It taught me the most 32 lesson over the years of my teaching career,and Im thankful that it came early and positively.A small kindness can indeed make a 33 .14A.case BmindCopinion Dcondition答案A解析根据后半句“the grades were awfully low” 可知,Brain的情况是成绩非常低。case情况。故选A。15.A.ordinary BbrightCcurious Dgenerous答案B解析根据下文“He discussed adult subjects with nearly adult understanding.”可知,Brain是一个很聪明的学生。bright聪明的。故选B。16A.ability BcourageCfeelings Ddream答案A解析根据上文“He discussed adult subjects with nearly adult understanding.”可知他和别人讨论问题时,能够以成年人的思维来思考问题,这说明他的成绩不能反映他的能力。ability能力。故选A。17A.shaking BsweatingCclapping Dwaving答案B解析根据上文“I had worried myself sick over Brains mother ing to see me.”可知,Brain的妈妈走进房间的时候,我的手掌都出汗了。sweat出汗。故选B。18A.Because of BIn spite ofCApart from DIn favor of答案A解析根据下文可知,正是我无心的一句表扬,让Brian有了很大变化。because of因为。故选A。19A.loved BimpressedCpleased Dcriticized答案A解析根据下文“he had begun to make friends,and for the first time in his twelve years,he had spent an afternoon at a friends house.”可知,Brain的妈妈说他很爱我,而且他也开始交朋友了。love爱。故选A。20A.gradually BsteadilyCrecently Dobviously答案C解析根据本句中的过去完成时可知,本题应该选recently。Brain 最近有一个下午都和朋友在一起。这是Brain的母亲在叙述他的变化。故选C。21A.delightful BgratefulCrespectful Dpainful答案B解析根据上文“I came to thank you,”可知,她想告诉我她多么感激我培养了她儿子的自尊。grateful感激的。故选B。22A.imagining BwonderingCobserving Dregretting答案B解析我惊讶地坐在那里大约半个小时,想知道发生了什么事情。wonder想知道。故选B。23A.also BevenCalways Dstill答案B解析我自己甚至都不清楚自己做了什么对那个男孩产生了如此巨大的影响呢?使用even表示强调。故选B。24A.expect BacceptCbelieve Dremember答案D解析之前我一直在想究竟是什么事情改变了Brain,最终我记起来了。动词remember与上文的wonder一致,故选D。25A.writing BmakingCediting Dspeaking答案B解析当时几个学生在教室前面做表演。make performances表演。故选B。26A.silently BfirmlyCcalmly Dquietly答案D解析根据下文“to encourage her to raise her voice”可知,Jeanne说话声音很小。quietly安静地。故选D。27A.lucky BlonelyCvery Dlikely答案C解析根据上文“Brain is the expert on this.”可知,他正是你要说服的人。very在此表示强调,意为“非常,正是”。故选C。28A.entrance BmiddleCfront Dback答案D解析根据上文“he cant hear you”可知,Brain坐在教室的后面。back后面。故选D。29A.straighter BhigherClower Dsmoother答案A解析从那天开始Brain坐得更直了,更认真,笑得更多,也变得开心了。straight直的。故选A。30A.intended BclaimedCattempted Dhappened答案D解析所有这一切都因为碰巧他是班级里坐在最后一排的孩子,也是最需要表扬的孩子。happen碰巧。故选D。31A.change BpraiseCthanks Dvisits答案B解析见上一题解析。通常被老师忽视坐在教室后面的孩子都需要表扬和鼓励。praise表扬。故选B。32A.difficult BlivelyCvaluable Denjoyable答案C解析这件事情给我的教育事业一个很珍贵的教训,我很感激它是在我刚刚开始教书时就出现的。valuable珍贵的。故选C。33A.living BdifferenceCeffect Dbreakthrough答案B解析一个小的善举确实有影响。make a difference有影响。故选B。.短文改错People had always been interested in bees.This interest may have begun with the honey what bees make.In the fact,it has been found that people have been eating honey for thousand of years.In the more recently past,people were interested in the way bees made honey.They admired the way bees seemed to working so hard.Some languages even developed expressions about people working like bees.In English,for example,we talk with a “busy bee”Now scientists has a new reason to be interested in bees.They have discovered that bees able to municate with each other.Research has revealed some surprised facts about this,but there are still many mysteries.答案People always been interested in bees.This interest may have begun with the honey bees make.In the fact,it has been found that people have been eating honey for of years.In the more past,people were interested in the way bees made honey.They admired the way bees seemed to so hard.Some languages even developed expressions about people working like bees.In English,for example,we talk a “busy bee”Now scientists a new reason to be interested in bees.They have discovered that bees able to municate with each other.Research has revealed some facts about this,but there are still many mysteries.


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