2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Men and women different roles in society教案 冀教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Men and women different roles in society教案 冀教版必修1Step I. Go over the new words.Have a dictation to the following words.express, entrance, extremely, petitive, fascinating, type, creative, block, cozy, wealthy, unsinkable, make friends, live a life, agree with, find out, try out for, focus on, consist ofStep II. Reading1. Read through the whole text and let them do the following simple questions. Judge the following sentences whether are true or false.A. Jenny and Li Ming are good friends.B. Li Ming invited some friends over to his house on a Sunday afternoon.C. One of Li Ming buddies said he wanted to bee a welder after high school.D. Most people think a welder is a mans jib.E. In Jennys opinion, girls can do many jobs they want at present.F. Qian Qian thinks being a nurse or a teacher is more suitable for women.G. Li Ming is sensitive and caring person. He isnt afraid of spiders.H. Jenny likes Li Ming for exactly who he is.2. Read the text more carefully and then answer the following questions.A. Should men and women play the different roles that they are expected to play?B. Why do you think Qianqian was unhappy when Jenny tried to stop her from bringing a drink to Li Ming?C. Why do you think Li Ming was so embarrassed when Jenny pick the spider off his shoes?D. “You dont have to be one way or another just because people expect men or women to be that Way.” How do you understand the sentence? Step III. Language points Useful phrases: for some reason hang out on a Sunday afternoon after high school make a lot of money think that way do a favor for somebody be free to do something pick something off be supposed to do somethingDifficult sentences:A. “A welder is someone who joins two pieces together by heating the edges and fixing them,” explained Jenny with the help pf gestures.B. I think we should all be free to be exactly who we are.C. You dont have to be one way or another just because people expect men or women to be that way.D. In 1960, she traveled to Moscow Conservatory of music, where she studied conducting theory and opera music.Step IV. Exercises 根据首字母完成句子。A. Li Mings father is an o_ worker in his factory, not a leader.B. As we all know, everyone in the s_ should respect teachers.C. If you cannot make yourself understood by your words, you may make a g_ to help you.D. He is very s_ on the subject of religion.E. Sewing was often considered a f_ occupation.F. The boys poor health c_ his parents.G. He i_ that he is right, although many people have told him that he is wrong.H. Do you think this present is s_ for such a little baby?I. In class we should be a_, or we cannot follow the teacher.J. What book will be p_ by Qiong Yao?Step V. Homework Ex. 1.2Section Two and Section ThreeStep I. Revision Have a word dictation.respect, reach for, ordinary, detail, carpenter, nowadays, curious, female, suitable, sensitive, concern, scream, wave, be supposed to, be concerned about, do a favor for Step II. Build the skills 1. Build your vocabulary. Let Ss finish the exercises first and then check the answers. Let them conclude that -ed describe people and -ing describe things.While do the exercise 2 remind them of the form of the verbs.2. Build your listening skillsLet them first read the questions and then listen. Let them listen twice, if necessary, more till they understand.3. Build your speaking skillsLet them know the importance of word stress and pay attention to it in reading. Let them read the dialogue loudly in pairs.4. Build your writing skillsWrite a position about the roles played by men and women.Step III. Grammar Direct Speech and Indirect Speech 1. Write some sentences on the blackboard and try let one student to read and let the third one to retell. A. I am a teacher. B. I can make a lot of money doing this job. C. Do you know what a carpenter is? D. How can I change my personality?Let them conclude.2. (1) Tense: A. She said, “The books cover is torn.” She said that the books cover was torn.B. She said, “The kids are getting sort of wild.” She said that the kids were getting sort of wild.C. She said, “They have tasted the cheese.” She said that they had tasted the cheese.D. She said, “Victoria has been humming.” She said that Victoria had been humming.E. She said, “You can prevent the accident.” She said that I could prevent the accident.F. “He practiced writing English last week,” She said. She said that he had practiced writing English the week before. (2) Person A. “I like the music but I dont like the performance,” he said. He said that he liked the music but he didnt like the performance. B. “You should not overlook your fault,” Mike said to me.Mike told me that I should not overlook my fault. (3) that/these it they/that those A. She said, “You depend on this,” She said that he might depend on it. B. I bought these fruits for you.” Jane said. Jane said that she had bought those for me. (4) 时间地点状语 (5) that 陈述句whether or if 一般疑问句2. Exercises: change them into Indirect Speech A. He said, “I like it very much.”B. She said, “I am cooking supper now.”C. He said to me, “I had finished my homework before supper.”D. The teacher said, “Light travels much fast than sound.”E. The teacher said, “Columbus discovered America in 1492.”Step IV. Homework Preview Section 4Section FourStep I. Revision Change the following sentences into indirect Speech.1. “Cant a friend do a favor for a friend?” Asked QianQian.2. “Why are you getting a drink for Li Ming?” Jenny demanded.3. “Does this make me unladylike?” She asked.4. “I love to play football and I am interested in cars,” she continued.Step II. Listen and read Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation.Then read the texts and answer the follow questions:1. True or falseA. Like most young women of her time, Qiu Jin wasnt able to receive a good education.B. Qiu Jin wasnt satisfied with her marriage and left her husband to study in Japan in 1903.C. Qiu Jin fought for womens rights.D. Qiu Jin was a symbol of womens independence in China.2. A. Where did zheng Xiaoying study conducting theory?B. What achievements has she made?C. What do you think of her? 3. A. What has happened to the roles of women in society? B. What achievements have women made? C. What does “run for public office” mean? Step III. Language pointson different occasionsbe forced to do something by in charge of in the charge ofcall forcall on somebody to do sth.have their feet boundbe dependent onfight againstforbe replaced byjoin forces withstruggle forletoutbring an end tobe recognized asa symbol ofrise totake the podiumnot onlybut alsoplay the role ofrun forbe appointed asbe open toLet them find out in the text and guess the meanings. If possible, make a sentence with each one. Leave several minutes to solve some difficult points.Step IV. Exercise Choose the best answer.1. After we moved into the new house, our neighbor came to _ us. A. call on B. call in C. call at D. call for2. How about Alice? _.A. She had married for two years.B. She married well.C. She married with a rich man.D. She is going to marry to Zhang Lin.3. I am terribly sorry I _ you. Its all right. It _ five years since we last met, you know. A. dont recognize; is B. havent recognized; has been C. havent recognized; was D. didnt recognize; is4. Italy has bee more dependent _ exports than any other large developed country. A. at B. on C. to D. forStep V. Homework Finish all the exercises in this unit.


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