2019-2020年高中英语优秀教案:Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”Period 2 Learning.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语优秀教案:Unit 5Canada“The True North”Period 2LearningPeriod 2Learning about language: Important language points整体设计教材分析This is the second teaching period of this unit. The teacher can first check students homework and offer chances for students to review what they learned during the first period.The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words, expressions and sentence patterns in the parts Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading and prehending. In order to make students understand these important points thoroughly, we can first get students to understand their meanings in the context, then give some explanations about them, later offer some practice to make students master their usages. Some new words and expressions, such as surround, measure, confirm, impress, rather than, manage to do, and so on are very useful and important. So are the sentence patterns “The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. ” and “It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters. ” We ought to pay more attention to them and design special exercises.At the end of the class, the teacher can make students do more exercises for consolidation. In doing so, they can learn, grasp and use these important language points well.教学重点1. Enable students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as surround, measure, confirm, impress, rather than, manage to do, etc.2. Get students to master the patterns “The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. ” and “It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters. ”教学难点1. Let students learn the usage of the expression “manage to do”.2. Enable students to learn the sentence pattern “The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. ”3. Get students to understand some difficult and long sentences.三维目标知识目标1. Get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions in this part.2. Let students learn the following important useful sentence patterns:1)Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. (rather than. . . )2)The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. (noun clause as the appositive)3)Going eastward, youll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. (present participle used as adverbial)4)Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbor make Vancouver one of Canadas most popular cities to live in. (make+O+O. C. )5)It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters. (“pronoun+doing” used as adverbial)6)Because of the Great Lakes, they learned, Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. (more. . . than any other. . . )能力目标1. Get students to use some useful new words and expressions correctly.2. Enable students to make sentences after the useful sentence patterns.情感目标1. Stimulate students interests in learning English.2. Develop students spirit of cooperation and teamwork.教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some students to retell the passage A TRIP ON “THE TRUE NORTH”.Step 2 Reading and findingGet students to read through Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading and prehending to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in these parts.Read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book after class. Try to keep them in mind.Step 3 Practice for useful words and expressions1. Turn to Page 36. Go through the exercises in Discovering useful words and expressions with students and make sure they know what to do.2. Give them several minutes to finish the exercises. They first do them individually, then discuss and check them with their partner.3. Check the answers with the whole class and explain the problems they meet where necessary.Step 4 Studying important language points1. Canada is a multicultural country.加拿大是一个多元文化国家。multi-是一个前缀, 意思是“多”。例如: multiparty多党的multinational多国的; 多民族的multipurpose多种用途的multiform多种形式的multistory多层的multimedia多媒体a multicultural country多元文化国家2. Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast.李黛予和她的表妹刘倩要去加拿大大西洋海岸的蒙特利尔市看望她们的表兄妹。the Atlantic coast大西洋沿岸地区trip n. (usually short) journey, esp. for pleasure(通常指短途的)行走; 旅行(尤指娱乐性的)与trip搭配的主要动词和介词: be on a trip to. . . /go on a trip to. . . /make a trip to. . . /take a trip to. . .a trip to the seaside 海滨之行a honeymoon trip to Paris 前往巴黎的蜜月之旅He is on a business trip. 他出差在外。My father will make a trip to New York next week.我父亲下礼拜要到纽约去。3. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train west to east across Canada.她们不想一路乘飞机, 而决定先飞到温哥华, 再从西海岸乘火车横穿加拿大到达东海岸。rather than prep. in preference to (sb. /sth. ); instead of 与其(某人/某物); 不愿; 不要Ill have a lemonade rather than a coke.我想喝柠檬汁, 不想喝可乐。He was busy writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper.他正忙于写信而不是读报。4. Going eastward, youll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities.一路向东行, 你会经过一座座山脉, 上千个湖泊、森林, 还有宽阔的河流和许多大城市。Going eastward是现在分词短语, 用作状语, 表示时间, 相当于时间状语从句when you go eastward。eastward也作eastwards, 副词, 意为“向东”。例如:They sailed eastward. 他们向东航行。We couldnt decide whether to go eastward or westward.我们难以决定是向东走还是向西走。-ward(s)是一个后缀, 意思是“朝着; 向着; 对着”。例如: westward(s)向西southward(s) 向南northward(s)向北foreword(s)向前backward(s)向后outward(s) 向外thousands of成千上万的。注意million, billion, thousand, hundred, score, dozen之前有确定的数字时, 不论后面有无of, 词尾都不加s。例如:five hundred students 500 名学生five hundred of them 他们当中的500人five score people 100人five dozen eggs 五打鸡蛋如果前面没有确定的数字而后接of时, 词尾都加s。例如:thousands of goats成千上万只山羊scores of years几十年5. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5500 kilometres from coast to coast.有些人认为可以在不到5天的时间里横跨加拿大, 但是他们忘了加拿大从东海岸到西海岸有5500千米这个事实。这是一个并列复合句。前一分句中的that you can cross Canada in less than five days作idea的同位语, 是同位语从句; 后一分句中的that Canada is 5500 kilometers from coast to coast作fact的同位语, 也是同位语从句。6. People say it is Canadas most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.人们说温哥华是加拿大最美丽的城市, 因为它被群山和太平洋所包围。surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean是过去分词短语, 用作状语, 表示原因, 相当于原因状语从句as it is surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean。surround vt. (cause sb. /sth. to) move into position all round sb. /sth. 包围; 围住; 环绕; 围绕。常用下列结构:surround sb. /sth. with sb. /sth.sth. /sb. be surrounded by/with sth.The fence surrounds the school. 篱笆环绕着学校。They have surrounded the town with troops.他们出动军队包围了该城。The house is surrounded by high walls.房子的四周有高墙。7. Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbour make Vancouver one of Canadas most popular cities to live in.落基山脉可以滑雪, 海港供你扬帆, 这些使得温哥华成为加拿大最受欢迎的居住城市之一。Skiing in the Rocky Mountains和sailing in the harbor是两个动名词短语, 在句中作主语。动名词作主语时, 谓语动词通常用单数, 但若两个或两个以上的动名词一起作主语, 谓语动词则用复数。例如:Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。Fishing and swimming are my favorite sports.钓鱼和游泳是我最喜爱的运动项目。make Vancouver one of Canadas most popular cities to live in是“make+O. +O. C. ”结构。当make表示“使; 让”等时, 后面跟复合宾语结构, 其中宾语补足语可以由名词、形容词等充当。例如:Karl Marx made London the base for his revolutionary work.卡尔马克思把伦敦作为他从事革命工作的基地。8. The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world.温哥华以北的海岸生长着世界上最古老, 最美丽的森林。north of=to the north of 表示“在的北方”。其他方位词, 如: east, west, south, southeast, northeast等, 都有类似的用法。例如:He lives (to the) east of Los Angeles.他住在洛杉矶以东(的地方)。Its about four hundred kilometers northeast of Toronto. . .它在多伦多东北大约400千米处9. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters.那儿的湿度很大, 所以树都长得特别高, 有的超过90米。some measuring over 90 meters是独立主格结构, 在句中作状语。measure1)vi. & vt. find the size, length, volume, etc. of (sth. ) by paring it with a standard unit测量assess (sth. ); gauge估计; 衡量; 判定be (a certain size, length, volume, etc. )为(某体积、长度、容积等)Mother measured me to see what size of dress I should have.母亲给我量尺寸, 好知道我该穿多大号的衣服。Its hard to measure his ability when we havent seen his work.没有见过他的作品, 很难估计他的能力。The room measures 10 meters across.这间屋宽10米。2)n. standard or system used in stating the size, quantity or degree of sth. 计量制unit used in such a standard or system计量单位action taken to achieve a purpose措施Which measure do they use? 他们用哪一种计量制?The meter is a measure of length. 米是长度单位。They took strong measures against dangerous drivers.他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。10. That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats.那天下午表姐妹俩才登上火车落了座。settle down: sit or lie in a fortable position; adopt a more stable or quiet way of life; get used to a new way of life, job, etc. 安稳坐下; 安居下来; 适应起来His grandfather settled down in the armchair with a newspaper.他爷爷手拿报纸坐在扶手椅里。Have you settled down in your new job yet?你适应新工作了吗?settle (sb. ) down: (cause sb. to) bee calm, less restless, etc. (使某人)安静、安顿、安心等Wait until the children settle down before you start the lesson.等孩子们都静下心来再开始上课。The chairman tried to settle the audience down.主席尽力让听众安静下来。11. Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.那天一早, 当穿过落基山脉时, 他们设法看到了几只野山羊, 甚至还看到了大灰熊和鹰。manage to do: succeed in doing (sth. )设法做成了(某事)The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time.这位飞行员设法绕气球飞了一阵。At first, no ready technical data were available, but we managed to go without.起初, 我们没有现成的技术资料, 但也设法照样干下去了。He managed to avoid an accident.他设法避免了事故。【辨析】manage to do & try to domanage to do的意思是“设法做成了(某事)”, 强调结果。try to do的意思是“努力做(某事); 尽力做(某事)”, 不强调结果。请比较:I just about managed to get up the stairs.我总算挣扎着上了楼。He said he tried to be here on time.他说他尽量按时到这儿来。catch sight of: see (sb. /sth. ) for a moment一眼瞥见(某人/某事物)She caught sight of a car in the distance.她一眼瞥见远处的汽车。12. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.他们中许多人都有骑野马的才能, 他们能赢得几千美元的奖金。have a gift for: have natural talent or ability in (sth. /doing sth. )在方面有天分; 有天赋It seems he has a gift for music. 好像他对音乐有些天赋。She has a gift for learning languages.她对学语言有天赋。Step 5 Using words, expressions and patternsDo Exercises in Using words and expressions on Pages 70-71.The following procedures may be followed:1. Go through the exercises with students and make sure they know what to do.2. Several minutes for students to finish them individually, and then discuss and check them with their partner.3. Check the answers with the whole class.4. If time permits, explain the problems students meet where necessary.Step 6 Homework1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.2. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.设计方案(二)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some students to dictate some useful new words and expressions.Step 2 Vocabulary study1. Let students review the new words and expressions in Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading and prehending and give time to students to ask their own questions.2. Ask students to learn some new words using the word formation.3. Explain some key new words and expressions.Step 3 Practice for useful words and expressionsLet students do the following exercises and check the answers after most of them finish.1. Find words that mean the same to fill in the blanks.1)_ bags that people take with them when they travel2)_ a government member who is in charge of a government department3)_ a short informal test4)_ to take to someone in a friendly, informal way5)_ on or onto a ship, plane, bus or train6)_ general appearance of nature around you, especially beautiful nature7)_ in or by a very small amount, so small that it almost cannot be seen8)_ to be all around somebody or something on every side2. Guess the meanings of the words below according to the word formation.multi-=many-ward(s)=in a certain directionmulticulturalmulticoloredeastward(s)forward(s)multinationalmultimediaupward(s)outward(s)multistor(e)ymulti-channeldownward(s)backward(s)3. Make sentences with the useful expressions below.rather thansettle downmanage to docatch sight ofhave a gift forStep 4 Sentence focusAsk students to read through the Warming Up and Reading again to find out the difficult sentences they cant understand and give time to students to ask their own questions. Explain them to the class.Step 5 Workbook exercises for consolidationAsk students to do the exercises in Using words and expressions on Pages 70-71 to consolidate what they have learned in this period.Step 6 Homework1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.2. Finish off the Workbook exercises.3. Do Exercise 3 on Pages 70-71 in the exercise book.板书设计Unit 5Canada“The True North”Learning about language: Important language pointsImportantvocabularyquiz, Canadian, minister, continent, baggage, chat, scenery, eastward, westward, upward, surround, harbor, measure, aboard, eagle, within, border, slight, slightly, acre, urban, prime minister, rather than, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, have a gift for1)Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. (rather than. . . )2)The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. (noun clause as the appositive)3)Going eastward, youll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. (present participle used as adverbial)4)Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbor make Vancouver one of Canadas most popular cities to live in. (make+O+O. C. )5)It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters. (“pronoun+doing” used as adverbial)6)Because of the Great Lakes, they learned, Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. (more. . . than any other. . . )活动与探究Read books and surf the Internet to find as much information about Canada as you can. Take notes and pare it with China, trying to find out their similarities and differences.SAME AS CHINADIFFERENT FROM CHINASuggested answers:SAME AS CHINADIFFERENT FROM CHINA1. vast land2. weather different from area to area; long hard winter in the north3. multicultural4. rich natural resources: lakes, rivers; coal, oil and gas1. two official languages2. six time areas3. smaller population4. no places as hot as South China5. more fresh water and forests6. only one neighboring country


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