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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3puters课文教学案2新人教版必修2课前预习案Read the passage quickly and silently, try to find out the general idea. 1) Main idea: This passage is about_. 2) Who is the speaker in this story? _.课中探究案一、检查反馈,导入新课。听写单词:_二、目标定位,确定重点。三、自主探究,教师点拨。阅读课文,完成以下任务:任务1:Find the topic sentence of each paragraph and the supporting details.【提示】A topic sentence sets out the main idea of a paragraph.A topic sentence is usually the first or last sentence of a paragraph.Paragraph1: _. calculating machineanalytical machineuniversal machinelaptopParagraph2:_. tubestransistorschipsnetworkWorld Wide WebParagraph 3: _.使用范围:munications/finance/trade/robots/mobile phones/medical operations/space rockets /providing a life of high quality。任务2. Finish the timeline1642: _1822: _: _1940s: _: the first family of puters was connected to each other.1970s: _Now: _任务3. Find the important phrases from the text.1.被当作是 _2.技术革命_3.从那时起 _ 4.在体积上 _ 5.直到20世纪40年代_6.随时间的推移_7.个人电脑 _ 8.结果 _9.在20世纪60年代初 _ 10.独自;单独_11.和分享 _ 12.在 方面重要_13.探测月球,火星 _ 14.提供给某人某物 _15.高质量的 _ 16.充满 _17.一位忠实的朋友 _四、尝试演练,合作解疑。1. He asked some questions _had nothing to _this lesson.A. where ; deal with B. that; do with C. that; deal with D. where; do with2. The farmers use specially trained dogs to _ their sheep at night.A. watch B. watch over C. watch out D. watch for3. -Hey, look at the girl with long hair. What a beauty!-_! Here es a bicycle.A. Care for B. Sounds great C. Watch out D. Blow off4. Tom always works very hard at his lessons. _, he passed the entrance examination easily.5. Im very tired now but _ I must finish the work today.A. anything B. anyone C. anyhow D. anywhere五、当堂检测,拓展延伸。完成练习册28页练习。六、课堂小结,布置作业。预习第二课时


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