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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module1DeepSouthOurBodyandHealthyHabits课时作业提升练外研版必修. 阅读理解AIn 1990, 22-year-old Christopher McCandless gave up his career plans, left behind everyone he knew, donated all his savings to charity, and went off on an adventure, hiking his way through America to Alaska. Of course, this is an unusual story. Most college graduates would not do so. However, studies show that in teenage years, people are more likely to try out new experiences. For example, instead of working his way up the same organisation like his grandfather did, a 15-year-old may dream about being a travelleronly to find in his early 20s that this attraction of new places is fading and change is less attractive. The reason why people bee less keen to change as they get older may be that people generally have similar life patterns and demands. Most people aim to find a job and a partner. As they get older, they may have young children and elderly family members to look after. These responsibilities cannot be achieved without some degree of steadiness, which means that new experiences and ideas may not have a place in the persons life. New experiences may bring excitement as well as insecurity, and so most people prefer to stay with the familiar. However, not every individual is the same. A child may want to play a different game every day and get fed up if nothing changes at the kindergarten. Another may play with the same children and toys on every visit. Young children who avoid new experiences will grow up to be more traditional than others. Psychologists(心理学家)argue that those who have more open personalities as children are more open than others might be when they are older and that young men have a greater interest in novelty than women, although as they age, this desire for new experiences fades more quickly than it does in women. 【文章大意】通过Christopher McCandless的经历引出本文的话题: 青少年更容易接受冒险的生活。进而分析了稍大一点的人不愿意冒险的原因。但这些也会因人、因性别而异。1. The first paragraph serves as a(n)_. A. explanationB. introductionC. mentD. background【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据文章的内容可知通过Christopher McCandless的经历引出本文的话题: 青少年更容易接受冒险的生活。2. What does the author think is the key factor that prevents people trying out new experiences? A. Responsibility. B. Partnership. C. Age. D. Education. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段As they get older, they may have young children and elderly family members to look after. These responsibilities cannot be achieved without some degree of steadiness, which means that new. . . 可知随着年龄的增长人们有了养活孩子、孝敬老人的责任, 而这些需要稳定, 故选A项。3. The underlined phrase“interest in novelty”(Para. 4)most probably means_. A. independenceB. excitementC. securityD. curiosity【解析】选D。词义猜测题。根据本句中后面的从句although as they age, this desire for new experiences fades more quickly than it does in women. 可知是对新经历的渴望, 即好奇心。4. According to the passage, we can infer that_. A. as one gets older, he prefers the old patterns of life. B. a teenager is not interested in a new start before graduation. C. women are more likely to try new things than men of the same age. D. a child who likes different games may not like to change after growing up. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的内容可知随着年龄的增长, 人们对外界的好奇逐渐变淡, 他们更愿意选择传统的生活模式, 娶妻生子, 有稳定的工作。B(xx郑州模拟)Can eating a chocolate bar every day really prevent age-related memory loss? No. But a new research shows that large amounts of flavones, substances found in cocoa, tea and some kinds of vegetables, may improve age-related memory failure. Dr. Scott Small is a professor of neurology(神经病学)at Columbia University in New York City. He is the lead writer of a research paper describing the effects of cocoa flavones on brain activity. His study involved 37 volunteers aged between 50 and 69. Researchers gave them a high-level flavones drink made from cocoa beans or a low-level flavones drink. For a period of three months, some subjects got 900 milligrams of flavones a day. The others got 10 milligrams of flavones each day. Brain imaging and memory tests were given to each study subject before and after the study. Dr. Small says that the subjects who had the high-level flavones drink showed much improvement on memory tests. The researchers warn that more work is needed to be done because this study was performed only on a small group. Dr. Jo ann Manson is the lead researcher of a four-year study involving 18, 000 adults. This study will use flavones capsules(胶囊). The study subjects will be divided into two groups and will take two pills per day. The capsules used will all look the same. But one groups capsules will contain flavones, while the other group will take capsules made of an inactive substance, or placebo. Dr. Manson says its not necessary for people to start eating more chocolate, because 3 persons would have to eat a huge amount of chocolate to get the same level of flavones given to the rest subjects. He adds many manufacturers have planned to remove the flavones from their chocolate products. Similarly, Dr. Manson says a cocoa-based flavones extract(提取)may be developed in the future. But he says that more studies are needed to see how much flavones is good for our health. 【文章大意】研究人员发现, 每天吃巧克力并不能真正阻止因年龄而导致的记忆力减退, 但是大量的黄酮以及在可可粉、茶叶和一些蔬菜中找到的物质可能有助于改善记忆力衰退。5. What was done to the subjects after Dr. Smalls study? A. They were asked to take a high-level flavones drink. B. They were given capsules containing flavones. C. They were given brain imaging and memory tests. D. They were asked to take two pills of flavones capsules per day. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Brain imaging and memory tests were given to each study subject before and after the study. 可知。6. Whats the similarity of the two experiments? A. Both use high-level flavones capsules. B. The number of the subjects is the same. C. Drinks and placebos are used in both experiments. D. The subjects are divided into two groups in both experiments. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段For a period of three months, some subjects got 900 milligrams of flavones a day. The others got 10 milligrams of flavones each day. 和第三段The study subjects will be divided into two groups and will take two pills per day. 可知。7. Why will Dr. Manson carry out the four-year study? A. To prove the first experiment is wrong. B. To carry out the experiment further. C. To test how much flavones can improve our memory. D. To show eating chocolate is better to improve memory. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一句But he says that more studies are needed to see how much flavones is good for our health. 可知。8. What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. Its not necessary for us to eat chocolate. B. The more we eat flavones, the better our health will be. C. In the future we can get flavones without eating chocolate. D. Its easy for people to get the same level of flavones given to the test subjects. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段He adds many manufacturers have planned to remove the flavones from their chocolate products. 可知。. 完形填空Two men were moose(驼鹿)hunters. Every year they1a plane to take them to Canada. This year hunting was especially2and in a few days just they each3a moose. They radioed for their4to e to pick them up. When the plane arrived, the pilot took one5at the animals and told the hunters they could not take such a6load along. “But we spent all7hunting for these moose, ”they protested. “And besides, the pilot we hired last year wasnt8about the mooses weight. ”After much argument, the pilot9gave in. The heavy plane was only in the air for a few minutes10it lost altitude and11into the side of a mountain. As the men12out of the wreckage(残骸), one hunter asked, “Where are we? ”His friend answered, “About a mile farther than we did last year! ”They had been13a moose into a plane year after year and crashing! Keep doing the same things and you will keep getting the same14. It is the case with flying and it is15of living. What is not working16for you? A habit you are trying to break? A relationship with a parent or spouse(配偶)or child or friend? What is a17of on-going frustration? Getting18to that project you keep promising to plete? Never having enough money to pay the bills? The truth is, if you keep doing the same things you will keep getting the same outes. So, if you dont like the way things are19out, something must change. Are you ready to try something20? 【文章大意】本文主要是通过讲述两个人狩猎驼鹿的经历来说明思维灵活、穷则思变的重要性。1. A. boughtB. rentedC. borrowedD. boarded【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。两个人租了一架飞机去狩猎驼鹿, 根据下文他们两个和飞机驾驶员的争论可知, 飞机只能是他们自己租的, 而不是买的。2. A. difficultB. badC. busyD. good【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。每个人都狩猎到了一头驼鹿, 说明本年的狩猎非常好。3. A. attackedB. tookC. baggedD. bought【解析】选C。词义辨析题。根据句意可知“他们两个每人都猎获了一头驼鹿”。bag此处是“猎获”的意思。4. A. friendB. pilotC. partnerD. trainer【解析】选B。词汇复现题。根据第二段第一句话, 飞机来接他们, 开飞机的是pilot。5. A. lookB. pictureC. sightD. view【解析】选A。固定搭配题。take one look at看, 是固定短语。6. A. lightB. tallC. heavyD. full【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据下文飞机坠毁可知, 飞机不能承载这么重的负荷。7. A. weekB. monthC. dayD. year【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。由前面的a few days可知, 他们是花费了整周的时间去狩猎。8. A. pleasedB. angryC. frightenedD. worried【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据句意“去年我们雇用的飞行员不担心驼鹿的重量, 你怎么就担心? ”可知选D项。9. A. finallyB. hardlyC. willinglyD. fortunately【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据下文, 他载上了驼鹿。可推知飞行员最终屈服。10. A. whileB. sinceC. whenD. though【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据前后文的语意可知应为when引导的时间状语从句, 当的时候。11. A. settledB. explodedC. flewD. crashed【解析】选D。词汇复现题。根据下一段最后可知飞机坠毁, crash是最准确的表达方式。12. A. struggledB. foughtC. pushedD. walked【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。飞机坠落后, 里面的人应该挣扎着从飞机残骸里走出来。struggle使劲移动; 尽力逃脱。13. A. fillingB. packingC. loadingD. sending【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据句意可知他们年年如此, 每年都往飞机里装载一头驼鹿, 并且坠毁。load加载; 装载; 装货。14. A. effectsB. resultsC. rewardsD. troubles【解析】选B。词汇复现题。根据句意“做相同的事情, 就会得到相同的结果”及最后一段的第一句话可知选B项。15. A. trueB. realC. rightD. same【解析】选A。固定搭配题。根据前文“It is the case with flying飞行是这样”可知生活也是这样。be true of也是如此。16. A. hardB. wellC. especiallyD. fairly【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据句意“什么事情进行得不顺利让你不高兴了? ”。work well进展顺利。17. A. reasonB. basisC. causeD. key【解析】选C。词义辨析题。根据句意“一直都遭受挫折的原因是什么? ”可知选cause(原因)。reason和介词for搭配。故可排除。18. A. overB. awayC. throughD. around【解析】选D。词汇搭配题。get around to sth. 抽时间做, 找时间做, 即抽时间完成你许诺的事情。19. A. gettingB. turningC. makingD. running【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据句意“如果你不喜欢事情发展的状况, 那么有些事情就需要改变了。”turn out发展, 发生, 符合语境。20. A. differentB. beautifulC. magicD. interesting【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据上一句“something must change”可知下文意思应为“你准备好尝试一下不同的东西了吗? ”。. 语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Dubai plans to build a tower that will stand 1. _ (high)than its Burj Khalifa, currently the worlds tallest skyscraper, property developer(地产开发商)Emaar said. The viewing tower 2. _ (cost)around 1 billion dollars and will be much taller than Burj Khalifa, Emaar chairman Mohamed Alabbar told 3. _ (report)as he explained details of the project. 4. _ he said that the final height will 5. _ (announce)upon pletion, adding that his pany would like to present the tower as a“gift to the city before 2020”, the year Dubai hosts the world Expo trading fair. 6. _ (design)by Swiss architect Santiago Calatrava Valls, the tower will have observation decks(观景平台), apart from 18 to 20 mixed-use floors 7. _ will host restaurants and a boutique hotel, Alabbar said. Alabbar described the new structure as 8. _ “elegant monument”which would add value to property being developed by the pany along the citys creek. “Many would like to have a view”when considering 9. _ (buy)a property, he said. Dubai has established a reputation for building dozens of skyscrapers, which have transformed 10. _ (it)skyline. 1.【解析】higher。考查比较级。根据句中的关键词than可知此处表示两者的对比。2.【解析】will cost。考查动词时态。句意: 这个观光塔将会耗资约10亿美元。根据and后面的will be也可知答案。3.【解析】reporters。句意: 伊玛尔公司的董事长穆罕默德阿拉巴尔在披露该项目的细节时告诉记者们。4.【解析】But。根据上下句的句意可知, 此处表示转折关系, 前面说到耗资、观光塔的高度等问题, 后面说最终的高度将在临近工程结束时才会揭晓。【规律方法】有关语法填空中的“自由式填空”部分, 首先考生应该清楚哪些词的考查涉及这一考试形式: 介词、冠词、连词和代词等; 然后要分析清句子结构, 判定填写的词类。例如: 如果是名词前设空, 很有可能考查冠词, 如果是两个分句之间设空, 很有可能考查连词。5.【解析】be announced。考查被动语态。句中的the final height与谓语动词announce之间为被动关系。6.【解析】Designed。考查非谓语动词。动词design与其逻辑主语the tower之间为被动关系。7.【解析】that/which。考查定语从句。句意: 这座塔由瑞士建筑师圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦瓦尔斯设计, 将建造一个观景平台, 而且还会有18到20层的多用途楼层, 同时有餐馆以及精品酒店。分析句子结构可知, 定语从句中缺少主语, 指物, 故用that/which。8.【解析】an。考查冠词。句意: 阿拉巴尔称新建筑为“一座优雅的纪念碑”。此处表示数量“一座”。9.【解析】buying。consider doing sth. 意为“考虑做某事”。10.【解析】its。考查代词。句子主语与空后的名词是所属关系, 应用形容词性物主代词。


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