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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2Wishyouwerehere0【教学内容与教学要求】 一、 教学内容: Wish you were here二、教学要求: 1学会谈论旅行冒险计划。 2交际英语:非正式信件。 3将来进行时。 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、 重要单词: adventure, zebra, giraffe, beach, rainforest, astonishing, dusty, camel, torch, rough, backpack, supply, scare, handwritten, sunset, sunrise, local, bite, envy, parka, towel, pass, waterproof, bandage, scissors, aspirin, thermometer, schedule, imply. 二、重点词组: Sahara Desert撒哈拉沙漠, River Nile尼罗河, Mount Kilimanjaro乞力马扎罗山, Yellow Crane Tower黄鹤楼, white water rafting激浪漂流, go trekking长途跋涉旅行, life jacket救生衣, go on a trip去旅行, in case以防万一, in the dark在黑暗中, upside down颠倒,上下翻转过来, scare away吓跑, up close靠近地, water purifying tablet净化水用的药片, first aid kit急救箱, remindof提醒, make enquiries询问, places of interest名胜, The British Tourism Board英国旅游局,in progress进行中, over a period of time在一段时间内, look forward to期待。 三、【语法】 将来进行时 将来进行时是一种兼具将来时和进行时特点的时态,它使所表述的内容更形象生动,主要表示将来某一时刻正在进行的动作,或表示要在将来某一时刻开始,并继续下去的动作。也可以用来表示礼貌的询问、请求等。例如: 1. 将来进行时表示将来某一时刻某动作正在进行。例: This time tomorrow we will be flying over the Gobi Desert. I shall be having a meeting with the board this afternoon. 2. 将来进行时常常用来表示将来的某件事是已经决定了的。例: The students will be traveling to Nanjing by bus。 The president will be making a speech on TV at 8 this evening. 3. 将来进行时可以用来客气地询问别人的打算。例: Will you be staying with your sister while you are in Florida? Will you be working when I e to see you? Will you be passing this way soon? 4. 表示对将来的揣测或期待。例如: I know you will be fooling around with my puter while I am away. We will be celebrating the new year with my grandparents next weekend. 【难点讲解】 1. A little way down the river from Lake Victoria, the water actually gets quite rough. 从维多利亚湖出发沿尼罗河向下游不远,河水就变得很湍急。 Actually有一个不常见的意思“居然”,本来河流刚刚离开湖水,按常理水流不会很急,但尼罗河过了维多利亚湖之后落差增大,水流湍急。 Rough粗糙的、粗野的,指水流时可以做“湍急、浪大”的意思。 2. You have to wear special clothing, a helmet, and a life jacket, just in case your raft gets turned upside down or sinks. 你必须穿专门的服装,戴头盔、穿救生衣,以防筏子翻船或沉底。 gets turned upside down被(急流冲得)翻过来,get+过去分词,表示被动的意思,如:get hurt受伤,get caught被抓、挂住,get killed被杀。 有关case 的常见词组:not the case不是实情、并非如此, in case (of)以防万一, in that case既然如此, in any case无论如何, in no case决不, a case in point恰当的例子。请阅读下面的例句: a. Some people believe they can buy everything with money, but this is not always the case. b. Youd better take an umbrella, just in case. c. You can use this gun to defend yourself in case of emergency(紧急情况). d. In no case should we forget our duty.(in no case在句首,句子要倒装) e. The U.S is always trying to make other countries accept its values;what has been happening in Iraq is a good case in point. f. In any case, we shouldnt stay slim at the cost of(以为代价) our health. g. Many accidents have happened at this crossing. In that case, we must drive more carefully when we pass it. 3. Mountain climbing can be very tiring, and many people feel sick as the air gets thinner, so Colin and I will make sure that we will get enough rest after sunset. 爬山会很累人,随着空气变得稀薄许多人觉得恶心,所以我和克林将确保天黑以后得到充分的休息。 Tiring令人疲劳, tired感到疲劳。类似的分词还有:exciting/tired, interesting/interested, disappointing/disappointed, moving/moved等。 Sick和ill都表示“有病的”,但ill表示“有病”时只能作表语。例如a sick boy, the boy is ill/sick. 另外ill还有“恶劣、不良、不利”等意思,如ill-mannered没教养的,ill-treated受虐待的,ill will 恶意。Sick作“恶心”讲时也只能作表语。Sick常见的词组有:sea sick晕船,home sick想家 love sick相思。 Make sure确保、务必,后面加从句。例如: Make sure every one gets a copy. I want to make sure that no one is left out. 4. We will live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do, including cows blood! 我们将在村庄里和当地人一起生活,他们吃喝什么,我们就吃喝什么,包括喝牛血。 一些疑问代词和疑问副词ever表示“无论”,如whoever无论是谁, wherever无论那里, whatever无论什么, whenever无论何时,however无论怎样、然而。请看例句: Wherever you are, you must remember you are a Chinese. However hard I tried, I could not forget the sad day. Whoever is interested in the project can sign up for a membership. 现在分词短语including cows blood作状语,补充说明whatever they do。 注意include和contain的区别:当我们用“主语include宾语”时,主语通常是某类事物的整体,宾语是这类事物的个体。而用contain时,主语和宾语是“集合”与“元素”之间的关系。例如: This food contains many kinds of nutrients.这种食品含有多种营养物质。 The nutrients include protein, minerals, vitamins and fiber.这些营养物质包括蛋白质、矿物质、维生素和纤维。 5. Six days sounds like a long time to be traveling on camels. 连续六天骑骆驼旅行的时间可不算太短。 to be traveling是不定式的进行体,强调动作的持续性。试比较: He seemed to enjoy the party.他似乎很喜欢这个晚会。 He seemed to be enjoying the party.他好像在这个晚会上正玩的开心。 6. trip, travel, journey and tour. Trip:n(短途)旅行、远足,常见用法有go on a trip, a trip to., a round trip(往返程)。Travel:vi, vt, n(尤指长途)旅行、游历,移动,如go traveling, travel round the world, Light travels very fast。 Journey:n, vi(尤指到远方去)旅行、旅程、旅途。如go on a journey to India, Journey to the West, the end of your journey。 Tour:旅游、漫游、周游、巡回;观光、游览。如a bus tour of France, a tour of the Summer Palace。注意,traveler译为旅客,tourist 译为游客


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