2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Surprises at the studio-grammar教案 牛津上海版S1A.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Surprises at the studio-grammar教案 牛津上海版S1A一、章节分析(language section ) (一)综述直接引语是直接引述别人的原话。间接引语用于转述他人的话,包括转述问题、请求、命令、指示和事实等。间接引语通常用从句来表示。(二)目标掌握用间接引语来陈述事实,或问题或请求和指示。(三)重点和难点直接引语到间接引语的转换时,注意人称,时态,状语,动词和指示代词相应的变化,还要注意引导词以及谓语动词的选择。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Lead in 通过一个具体的情景引入该语法项目的教学,让学生明白间接英语使用的场合和功能。具体处理这部分内容的建议以及相关的背景见链接1。presentation 这是本课的主体部分,要体现该语法的语用功能,包括l 教师可以设计具体的语境帮助学生理解语法规则。l 教师可以提供具体的例句。 l 通过提供更多的语境来培养学生中加深对该语法的理解,完成课本中的相关练习。l 学生掌握如何用间接引语陈述事实和问题,以及请求和指示。相关的建议和练习见链接2。牛津英语一课一练导学与测试P77-78 牛津英语教学参考PT 78高中英语强化训练P198Production 这是该语法拓展部分活动,目的是让学生学会在交际中和书写中正确的使用间接引语,可以设计成任务型活动。 链接3中提供了一个处理该部分内容的教案或课件。链接1说明:以情景自然的引入该语法现象,让学生不仅理解该语法的形式,并且体会该语法的语用功能。1 让学生先看课本上的两张图片,然后教师提问 “You want to tell the boss what Tim said. What would you say?”,并引出教学内容间接引语。There are two ways of doing this:You can repeat Tims words (direct speech).Tim said “We need another contestant.”Or you can use reported speech.Tim said that they needed another contestant.2 给学生更多富有情境性的例子,让学生体会,比较两种引语的不同,找出规律。学生会得出结论:时态不同,结构不同(使用引号)You met Judy. Here are some of the things she said to you in direct speech:My parents are very well.Im going to learn to drive a car.John has given up his job.I cant e to the party on Friday.I want to go away for a holiday but I dont know where to go.Im going away for a few days. Ill phone you when I get back. Later you tell somebody what Judy said. You use reported speech:Judy said that her parents were very well.She said that she was going to learn to drive a car.She said that John had given up his job.She said that she couldnt e to the party on Friday.She said that she wanted to go away for holiday but (she) didnt know where to go.She said that she was going away for a few days and would phone me when she got back.链接2说明:让学生独立的分析比较,找出语法形式转换的规律。1让学生阅读和分析A1, 归纳出时态变化的规律,注意转述时所用的动词。Am/is -wasarewere will-wouldhave/has-hadcan -could do /does-didMade-had made want/like/knowwanted/liked/knew etc2 师生共同归纳从直接引语到间接引语的时态和人称的变化。直接引语间接引语动词时态一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时一般过去时过去完成时一般将来时can, maymust一般过去时过去进行时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时(不变)过去将来时could, mighthad to时间状语NowTodayYesterdayLast weekTomorrowNext yearTwo days agoThenThat dayThe day beforeThe week beforeThe next dayThe next yearTwo days before指示代词ThistheseThatThose动词变化eBringGotake地点状语herethere3 讲解一些需要注意的语法难点:1) 直接引语如果是客观真理,改为间接引语时,时态不变。如The teacher said: “The earth goes round the sun.”The teacher said (that) the earth goes round the sun.2) 直接引语如果有明确的表示过去的时间状语,时态不变。如:Peter said: “I was born in 1978.”Peter said that he was born in 1978.3) 如果在当时或当天转述,则一些时间状语如yesterday, tomorrow等不变。4) 引导词以及谓语动词的选择直接引语引导词谓语动词例子陈述句that 可省略say, tellIve forgotten his name. Mary said.Mary said that she had forgotten his name.You ve made the same mistake again, Jack, the teacher said.The teacher told Jack (that) he had made the same mistake again.一般疑问句反意疑问句选择疑问句if or whetherif or whetherwhetheraskIs the window open or closed?he said to me.He asked me whether the window was open or closed.特殊疑问句原来的疑问词从句用陈述居语序askWho is the man over there? she asked.She asked who the man over there was.祁使句不定式结构ask/tell/order sb to doask/tell/order sb not to doRaise your hands, please.the teacher said to the students.The teacher asked the students to raise their hands.Dont take off your coat, Tom.Mr. Smith said.Mr. Smith told Tom not to take off his coat.4让学生完成课本第78页的练习A1,第79页的练习A2,A3, 第80页的练习B, 第81页的练习C1,C2,C3 。链接3说明:提供学生的语法练习应该有上下文的语境,并带有语言交际的特点。1 给学生更多的带有上下文语境的语法练习。E.g.Ex A1)-The restaurant is expensive.-Is it? I thought that you said it was cheap.2) Ann is ing to the party tonight. -Is she? I thought you said she _.3) Ann likes Paul. - Does she? I thought _.4) I know lots of people. - Do you? I thought you said you _.5) I ll be here next week. -Will you ? _.6) I can speak a little French. - Can you ? _.7) I havent been to the cinema for ages. - Havent you? _.Ex B The following sentences are direct speech:Dont wait for me if Im late.Will you marry me?Hurry up!Can you open your bag, please?Mind your own business.Please slow down!Could you repeat what you said, please?Dont worry, Sue.Do you think you could give me a hand, Tom?Now choose one of these to plete each sentence below. Use reported speech.1) Bill was taking a long time to get ready, so I told me to hurry up.2) Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked _.3) Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I told _.4) I couldnt move the piano alone, I told _.5) The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and _.6) I had difficulty understanding him, so I _.7) I didnt want to delay Ann, so I _.8) John was very much in love with Mary, so he _.9) He started asking me personal questions, so _.一份教案Step One Introduction1 Present a picture in the textbook and ask questions to introduce the grammatical item.You want to tell the boss what Tim said. What would you say?There are two ways of doing this:You can repeat Tims words (direct speech).Tim said “We need another contestant.”Or you can use reported speech.Tim said that they needed another contestant.2 Present more situational examplesYou met Judy. Here are some of the things she said to you in direct speech:My parents are very well.Im going to learn to drive a car.John has given up his job.I cant e to the party on Friday.I want to go away for a holiday but I dont know where to go.Im going away for a few days. Ill phone you when I get back. Later you tell somebody what Judy said. You use reported speech:Judy said that her parents were very well.She said that she was going to learn to drive a car.She said that John had given up his job.She said that she couldnt e to the party on Friday.She said that she wanted to go away for holiday but (she) didnt know where to go.She said that she was going away for a few days and would phone me when she got back.3 Ask students to pare direct speech and indirect speech.When we use reported speech, the main verb of the sentence is usually past (Tom said that/ I told her thatetc). The rest of the sentence is usually past, too.You can leave out that:Tim said (that ) they needed another contestant.In general, the present form in direct speech changes to the past form in reported speech:Am/is -wasarewere will-wouldhave/has-hadcan -could do /does-didMade-had made want/like/knowwanted/liked/knew etc4 Explain the Grammatical rulesStep Two Practice1 Ask students to plete Exercise A22 Ask students to study the picture on P80 and read the requirements.3 Ask questions:In what situations do we need to report instructions and requests? Give examples4 plete Ex B5 Ask students to study C and then plete Ex CStep Three Consolidate1 Give students some more exercises to practice.


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