2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 heroes Lesson 4 Superhero 教案 北师大版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 heroes Lesson 4 Superhero 教案 北师大版必修1重点词汇1.deadadv.完全地;绝对地He was dead lucky to get that job.他得到了那份工作, 真是太幸运了。拓展:dead是形容词,常作表语或定语,die是动词,常作谓语,dearh是名词,常作主语或宾语, 运用:翻译句子 他死了已经有4年了. 答案 :He has been dead for 4 years./ He died 4 years ago. / It is 4 years since he died.2. absolutely adv.当然;完全正确1-Shall I leave a little late? 我们可以迟一点离开吗?-Absolutely! 当然可以! 拓展:absolutely 还有“绝对地”,“完全地”之意,She made it absolutely clear.她把这个问题完全弄清楚了。 运用 :选择填空 She is an_brilliant scientist. A. absolute B.absolutely C. very D.best 答案: B 副词修饰形容词。 3.help.out 意为“帮助某人摆脱困境” 拓展: help sb.with sth. 帮助某人做某事 运用:He is always helping others _in trouble. A. out B.in C.into D. on 答案:A help.out 意为“帮助某人摆脱困境”。 4. In Evas story a girl rescued a dog from a burning building. 在伊娃的故事中,一个女孩从燃烧的楼房中救出了一条狗。 rescue sb/sth from 意为“从.中救出某人/某物”。 拓展: rescue可以作名词, rescue sb.=e to ones rescue 解救某人 运用:选择填空 He died trying to rescue the boy _ the big fire. A. of B.off C.from D.in答案 : C rescue sb/sth from 意为“从.中救出某人/某物”。5. admire vt. 钦佩;欣赏 (+for) We admire her for her diplomatic tact.我们佩服她的外交手腕。We admired him for his frankness.他的率直使我们对他更加敬佩。He admires your poems very much.他非常欣赏你的诗。拓展:admire vt. 1) 称赞,夸奖He admired her new hat.他称赞她的新帽子。2) (常用作反语)对.不胜佩服3)admire 和 respect 的区别 admire是钦佩,欣赏的意思.respect是尊敬的意思。运用:选择填空Those firefighters bravely succeeded in putting out the big fire. I really _ them for their bravery. A. appreciate B. value C. admire D. respect 答案:C 表达的是对消防员的钦佩和佩服,6. absolutely adv.1)绝对地,完全地Its absolutely no business of hers.这件事与她毫不相关。2)口) 用于对答)一点不错,完全对拓展:absolute adj. 1) 纯粹的;完全的 His story was an absolute lie.他的所述是十足的谎言。2)绝对的Theres no absolute standard for it.它没有绝对的标准。3)专制的An absolute ruler can do just as he please.一个专制的统治者可以为所欲为。4) 不容置疑的 The police have absolute proof of his guilt.警方有他犯罪的确凿证据。absolute n.绝对事物(可数名词)运用:选择填空- Is the book very useful to our study?- _.I have read it many times.A. Absolutely B. All right C. No D. May be 答案: A 知识巩固一. 翻译下列句子 1.别胡扯了!我们必须马上出发.答案 : e off it ! we must set out at once.2.无论何时我陷入麻烦,他都会帮我摆脱困境。 答案 : Whenever I am in trouble, he will help me out. 3.他们最终成功了。 答案 :They succeeded in the end. 4.她独自抚养了5个孩子。 答案 : She brought up 5 children on her own.二.根据中文提示或首字母或所给单词原形,填入所缺单词的正确形式。1.The theories should _(apply)in the language classroom.2. Young people often _ (appreciate) modern pictures better than anyone else. 3. The drought did a lot of _ (damage) to the crops. 4. They must_ (履行) their duties . 5. He found the idea a_ from the first, and now hes convinced its the only solution.答案:1. be applied 2. appreciate 3 . damage 4. take 5 . attractive Writing 本单元主要讲记叙文的 写作。记叙文有6要素:时间,地点,人物,事件,原因和结果。 以下是记叙文的常见写作步骤: 1.确定要写的主题和要素。2.确定事件发生的顺序。 3.列出提纲。 4.按照提纲写文章。 5.检查所写的文章。 巩固练习 有一天,你的朋友李雷带着狗正在河边散步,突然发现一个小孩掉进河里。他跳进河里去救那个小孩,最后在狗的帮助下把小孩救出并送回了家。 参考答案: One day,My friend, Li Lei, who was walking with his dog near a river saw a boy playing on thebridge.Suddenly, he saw the boy fall into the river. He ran towards the bridge followed by his dog as fast as possible and jumped into the river. But unfortunately, he didnt swim. Even so, he didnt give up; he tried to pull the boy out of the river full of strength. And the dog also jumped in when seeing that. It helped them out finally. At last, they succeeded in saving the boy and took him back home.Grammar一.一般过去时:1、表示过去的动作或状态:常和具体的过去时间状语连用,如just now, last year等。 Youve already missed too many classes this term .You _ two classes just last week. A. missed B. would miss C. had missed D. have missed 答案:A(1995年59题)2.有些情况,发生的时间不很清楚,但实际上是过去发生的,应当用过去时态。 What was the final score of the football match?3.在谈到已死去人的情况多用过去时: Lu Xun was a great writer.注意:在口语中一般过去时有时可用来代替一般现在时,使语气变得婉转一些。 I wonder/wondered if you could spare a few minutes.二.过去进行时 表示在过去某一段时间正在进行的动作。常需用表示过去的时间状语或通过上下文来判断时间。 He was doing his homework at nine last night. 昨天晚上九点他正在做作业。三.现在完成时 1、表示动作刚刚结束(常和just, now, already, yet等词连用);或表示动作的结果(一般不用时间状语)。 (1)Li Ming has just turned off the lights.李明刚刚把灯关上。(说明现在灯已经关上了。) (2)She has lost her pen.她把钢笔丢了。(说明过去某时丢的,现在她还没有找到这支笔。) 2、表示过去某时开始的动作一直延续到现在,并且可能会继续延续下去(常用since引导的短语或从句,或由for引导的短语连用)。 (1)He has _ the army for ten years and is now an officer. A. gone into B. joined in C. been in D. e into 答案:C(1995年49题) 他入伍十年,现为军官。(现在还在军中。) (2)Theyve known each other since childhood. 他们从小认识。(现在还继续来往) 3、非延续性动词和it is +时间+since.(过去时) 英语中有些动词不能延续,因此不能和表示延续的时间状语连用(如for ten years)。下题是非常典型的例子。(1) It is 15 years since he joined the army.他入伍已15年。 对非延续性动词,表达完成时态时常用it is +时间+since 的句型代替,从句用过去时态。 4、have(has)been to和have(has)gone to的区别 have(has )been to:去过某地(表示某人的一种经历),可以和once,twice,often,never,ever连用。 have(has)gone to:去某地了(表示某人已经离开此地,在去某地的路途上或已在某地,所以一般来说此 句型只用于第三人称), (1)He has gone to Japan.他已经去日本了。(现在不在此地) (2)He has been to Japan twice. 他(曾经)去过日本两次。四.现在完成时和一般过去时的区别: 一般过去时主要表示过去某个时间发生或完成的动作或存在过的状态。这种动作或状态与现在没有任何联系。它只是表示过去发生过(或已完成),过去存在过。句中往往有明确的表示过去的时间状语。如:just now, last year, when I was nine years old等。 现在完成时则是由现在回顾过去的一种时态式,注意的是“是否曾经有过这么一回事,该事完成后遗留下来的影响或结果”。绝对不能使用指定过去某一时点的时间状语。常与下列副词连用:already, recently, yet, before, just, ever, never,since, so far, in (over, during) the past few years等。 知识巩固 选择填空 1. I_all the work to be pleted as soon as I_. A. shall expect; return B.expect; have returned C. expect; shall return D. have expected; have returned 答案: A as soon as 遵循“主将从现”。 2 .Mr. Smith wondered whether they_ the factory the next day. A. will visit B .visited C. has visited D. would visit 答案:D 从过去某个时刻看来将要发生的事应该用过去将来时。 3. The cat _ him on the leg when he _ it. A. was biting; was catching B.bit; caught C. bit; was catching D. had bitten; had caught 答案:C 当一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作发生了。 4. I _ a holiday since last year. What about you? A. have not had B.had not had C.didnt have D.doesnt have 答案: A 与since“自从”连用的句子,句子的谓语或主句的谓语用现在完成时。 5. Why _, Tom? Was there something funny? A.do you smile B.are you smiling C.did you smile D. Were you smiling 答案: C 由“was”可知是是过去发生的事。 6. He decided to take a second course since he_ the first one. A. has pleted B .is pleting C.had pleted D.will plete 答案: C since在这句中是“既然”的意思,且“完成”的动作在“决定”的动作之前。 7. The police_ for the thief everywhere when he suddenly turned up in a shop. A .search B.have searched C.were searching D.had searched 答案: D had done sth.when.表示“刚刚做完某事这时.”。 8. Tom is leaving for a meeting next week. Someone _ take his place. A. will have to B.is having to C. have to D. had to 答案: A 根据句意,本句应该用将来时。 9. The robber _to death five days ago. A. had sentenced B. would be sentenced C. sentenced D. was sentenced 答案:D “ago” 只能与一般过去时连用。 10. I cannot find my book .I wonder whether Mary _it now. A. has B.is using C.had D.uses 答案:B 由“now” 可知是现在正在发生的事,故用现在进行时。 11. She_her husband since he left home thirty years ago. A. is not hearing of B.does not hear C.has never been heard D.has never heard from 答案: D 与since“自从”连用的句子,句子的谓语或主句的谓语用现在完成时。 12. Sorry, hes out, and_back until 5:30. A. has e B. hell e C.hell be back D.he wont be 答案: D “回来”为短暂性动词, not.until 的必须否定短暂性动词。 13 .The policeman asked the woman what she_at 9:30 when the robber rushed in. A. is doing B.was doing C.has sone D.had done 答案: B 由“asked”,“ rushed ”,“at 9:30”可知,是过去某个时刻正在进行的动作。故用过去进行时。 14.When he arrived at the airport,Mr Smith found that he_his ticket in the office. A. has left B.had left C.was left D.would leave 答案: B “丢票”是在“到达”之前,“到达”是过去的事,“丢票”显然是过去的过去,故用过去完成时。 15. Miss Jones wrote to me, saying that she_call me as soon as she got to Japan. A. would B.will C.can D.may 答案:A “wrote”为过去,“call me”是在它之后将要发生,故用过去将来时。 16. Silence. They_a test now. A. will have B.have C.are having D.have had 答案: C 根据句子的意思,显然是正在进行的事。 17. I_ this day all my life. A. have remembered B.will have remembered C.shall remember D.remember 答案: C 根据句子的意思,显然是“将永远记住这天”。 18. Your letter came just as I_my office. A. was leaving B.left C.had left D.had been leaving 答案:A 根据句意,显然还没有离开。 19. My friend Bob_when the accident happened. A. had driven B.was driving C.drove D.would drive 答案:B was / were doing sth when.表示“正在做某事这时.。 20. As I was ing to school this morning, I met a beggar who_for money. A. was asking B.had asked C.would ask D.asks 答案: A 根据句子的意思,“要钱的动作”显然正在进行。阅读欣赏The Monument to the Peoples Heroes The Monument to the Peoples Heroes,constructed from August 1952 to May 1958,was the first large-scale memorial built in New China. Towering to stories high its northern fagade is dominated by the inscription, “Eternal Glory to the Peoples Heroes,” in Mao Zedongs hand. The 17,000 pieces of marble and granite brought in from Shandong Province and Fangshan on the outskirts of Beijing, weigh over 10,000 metric tons. The monument is projected to last 800 to 1,000 years. The lower plinth is decorated with 10 two meter high marble bas-reliefs depicting the Chinese revolutionary movement over the past hundred years. “Burning the Opium,” the incident on June 3, 1839 in which chests of opium were destroyed by an angry crowded at Humen, begins on the eastern face. Next es the 1851 Jintian Uprising,a crucial event in the Taiping Revolution,A swarm of Han and Zhuang warriors wield their makeshift weapons under a flag-filled sky. On the south there is the Wuchang Uprising, a key event leading up to the Revolution of 1911, in which rebellious soldiers and civilians storm the mansion of the local Imperial Viceroy, inflicting a deadly blow to the last fedual dynasty in Chinese history. The May 4th Movement (1919) is the theme of the next panel, A young man is shown demanding “national sovereignty as a defense against the foreign powers and punishment for all traitors” before a crowd at Tiananmen. Next is depicted the May 30th Movement(1925),where tens of thousands of workers, students and urban residents fought their way through sandbags and barbed wire to the British Concession in Shanghai. On the west side is the Nanchang Uprising against the Kuomintang on August 1, 1927.The panel shows a pany mander making the signal to attack. Guerrilla War Against the Japanese lnvasion (1937-1945)is depicted beside;Guerrillas thread their way through forests and fields;peasant supporters stand ready with spades; an old woman gives her son a gun; a group of young men await their offices orders.“Crossing the River” on the north side is the largest of the 10 panels. Crossing the Yangtze River, the peoples Liberation Army rushes toward Nanjing, the stronghold of the Kuomintang and in the background, battleships plow through the waves. (China.org.cn)


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