2019-2020年高二英语常用短语 新课标 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语常用短语 新课标 人教版be similar to 与相似work on 从事, 继续工作be / get engaged to 与订婚be / get engaged in从事 dream of 梦想,梦到use up 用光, 用完the other way around 相反的,反过来go by 走过,过去according to 根据turn out 证明是, 结果是, 最后是take measures 采取措施take steps 采取措施the crime scene 犯罪现场be satisfied with对满意take a look at 看一看reach ones goal 实现目标on the other hand 另一方面search for寻找in search of 寻找in ones search for. 寻找go on doing 继续干(同一事)go on to do接着干(另一事)go on with 继续干某事more than 超过,极其, 不仅not more than 至多,不超过,还比不上no more than 仅仅,只有(后跟数量词)in order to = so as to 为了,以便havein mon with 与有共同之处in mon with 与一样doubt of / about sth 对持怀疑态度cast / throw doubt on 对产生怀疑stop sb (from) doing 阻止某人做=prevent sb (from) doing =keep sb from doingagree with 同意某人, 与 一致, 适合.agree on(双方就某一点)达成一致意见agree to sth. 同意(计划,建议)burn down 烧毁,夷为平地,”火力减弱”burn up 烧旺,消耗掉,烧成灰烬burn out 熄灭fall in love (with) 爱上()change ones mind 改变主意go up 上升,增长(为不及物)be addicted to 沉溺于switch on 接通电源a feature story 专题故事on all sides 在各方面adapt to 适应suffer from受痛苦, 患病ment on 对 评论change the attitude towards 改变对.的态度look up to 尊敬, 钦佩focus on专注于lead to导致, 引起for once 仅此一次draw attention to . 对 注意.in spite of 尽管pare to 把比喻成pare with 把和 相比with ones aid 在帮助下belong to 属于(没有被动和进行时)in bold 用黑体, 用粗体jointo 把和连在一起fill up with 用装满set aside 放在一边, 留出, 节约take examples 举例子remind sb of 使想起/想到go against 违反, 冲突act as 扮演, 担当refer to 提及, 涉及, 参考recognize as 认为是, 承认是decoratewith 用装饰be decorated with 装饰着in a hurry 匆忙glance at 扫视look up 查阅start with以开始send for 派人去找(请)get through 通过, 经过e into being 开始形成translateinto把译成call up 召唤, 使想到, 回忆起stand out 显眼, 突出play with 玩弄, 和玩follow the patterns 遵循格式remend sth to sb.向推荐contribute to sth/doing捐献,贡献,导致set up支撑,建立light up照亮,点亮have ones attention 对.有吸引力fire back 还击call on sb 拜访某人, 号召call at sp 参观某地consist of 组成, 构成be made up of由组成consist in 在于, 存在于take advantage of 利用lie in. 位于(境内)lie on位于(接壤)lie to位于(境外)be made of 由制成(看得出原材料)be made from由制成(看不出原料)be made into制成(成品)make use of利用make the most of = make full use of充分利用hold together (使)连在一起lie off 稍离开(陆地)stand for 代表, 象征run over 从驶过, 溢出spread out 展七, 伸展as far as 远到, 有之远; 就 而言a matter of 一个问题; 在于a long-term (time) friend 一位长期的朋友e into fashion 开始流行go out of fashion 不再流行be in (the) fashion 合乎时尚follow the fashion 赶时尚after all 毕竟,终究be concerned about 担心, 忧虑e true 实现pay attention to注意, 留意catch a glimpse of 一眼瞥见as usual 跟往常一样in general 一般地, 大体上in store 贮藏着, 准备着keep in touch with 与保持联系get in touch with与 取得联系hear of 听说keep sb pany 给 做伴, 陪伴某人binewith结合,联合searchfor搜查以寻找at least 至少, 起码cure sb of 治愈某人treat sb for治疗某人treat sb to用招待某人treat sb as 把看着是transform sth into把改造成break down (使)崩溃,(机器)坏掉be infected with感染, 染上cheer up 振作起来, 为 喝彩give sb a hug拥抱, 紧搂take samples 抽取样品on the contrary 相反take a chance碰运气, 抓住机会for the moment目前,暂时be immune to 对有免疫力the total number of总数allocate funds 分配资金, 拨款persuade sb of sth使某人相信persuade sb to do sth =persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做persuade sb not to do sth = persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做lack of 缺少, 缺乏for / through / due to / because of (a ) lack of 由于缺乏die of因而死(内因)die from因 而死(外因)die for 为而献身break away from.从中脱离, 与断绝关系break in强行闯入, 侵入break into 破门而入break out 突然发生, 爆发break through 突破catch fire 着火be on fire 燃烧leave for到去leave sth about乱放leave out 漏掉, 去掉leave school 毕业,in honor of 庆祝, 为纪念keep in mind 牢记,记住have in mindtake trouble 费力, 费神roll over 翻转,倒转upside down颠倒着,倒转着;乱七八糟do good 做好事, 有好处on the way 即将到来, 在路上in an emergency在紧急情况下spit out 吐出throw up 呕吐;扔在空中;产生wish to do sth 希望某人做wish sb to do 希望某人做cover with用覆盖share ideas about exchange ideas about 就交换意见pare ideas aboutpare notes aboutshare (in) sth with 与分享(担)have access to 有进入的路径有的权利,有的机会,有的方法take (up) responsibility to sb 对负责have the responsibility for sth of doing sth to do. 有责任做be responsible for sb / sth 对负责be responsible to sb 对(上辈或上级)负责take action(s) to do sth. 采取措施做.in (doing) sth.be willing to do sth 愿意做, 乐于做in harmony with与和谐相处out of harmony with与不和谐put an end to e to an end 结束 bring an end to be at an end 完毕,结束(作表语)There is a chance that有可能Chances are that有可能The chances are that有可能Less of a problem = short of a problem不是的问题Supply sth to (for) sb. = supply sb with wth.给提供provide sth for sb. = provide sb with sth.给 提供above all 首先,首要all the same 仍然, 还是and so on 等等in fact = as a matter of fact 事实上as a result 由于, 因此by the way 顺便说for example 例如in ones opinion = in the opinion of sb.依看来in a word 总而言之,简言之in other words 换句话说more or less 或多或少generally speaking 一般说来of course 当然, 自然to ones joy 令人高兴的是so far 到目前为止to tell you the truth 老实说to be frank 坦率地说take notes 做笔记,记录make progress 取得进步sustainable development 可持续发展in rural areas 农村地区(be) ih harmony with 与协调all too often 很经常, 往往take better care of 更好地照料, 善待spring to life 突然活跃起来wipe out 消灭, 清除, 清洗clear up 清理,清除knock about 漫游,游荡,接连打击all of a sudden突然do for 破坏,毁坏calm down 平静,冷静下来strike a match 划火柴scare sb to death = frighten sb to death =terrify sb to death 把吓得要死burn to ashes 烧为灰烬give sb a favor = do sb a favor 帮一个忙drop in 顺便来访drop in on sb 顺便来访某人drop in at sp 顺便参观某地to ones own measure 按某人自己的尺寸put sb to the trouble of doing sth 麻烦某人做morethan是, 而不是与其说是, 不如说是make efforts 做出努力in a better way 以一种更好的方式be replaced with 被代替scare away / off 把吓跑scare out / up 把吓出来scare the wits out sb 把吓得要死give sb a scare 把吓一跳throw a scare into sb. 吓坏了某人frighten sb into (out of ) doing sth.吓得某人做(或不做)be frightened of = be afraid of 害怕be frightened out of ones life / wits. =be terrified out of ones life / wits.吓得要死be terrified of对感到惊恐terrify sb into doing sth. 恐吓某人做urge (ones) doing sth. 敦促做, 强烈要求做urge sb to do (into doing ) sth 敦促某人做, 强烈要求某人做urge sth on / upon sb. 向某人强调某事 = urge on / upon sb sthurge that sb (should) doflee (from) sp 从逃走flee to sp 逃到hold ones course for / into (船只)朝前进; 向方向行驶; 采取/坚持方针pick out 挑选


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