2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Travel Journal teaching plan课件 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Travel Journal teaching plan课件 新人教版必修2授课时间:Teaching time xx年10月20日 星期三 第三节授课班级:Class 高一七班授课教师:Teacher 马琼晖1.课题SubjectUnit 3 Travel JournalJourney Down Mekong River part22.课型Teaching typeReading 3.教学目标Teaching objective1)知识目标: Knowledge objective 提高学生阅读能力学会分析文章结构和作者思路加强学生对一些表达时间,景物的单词,短语的认识使学生了解感官动词的用法及感官动词后接原形和动词ing 的区别2)语言目标Language objective使学生认识比喻句在增添文章色彩方面所起到的作用并培养学生在写作中运用修辞的意识3)情感目标Emotional objective培养学生团队合作意识协作能力培养学生独立思考能力4课时安排Class arrangements一课时5教学重点 teaching key分析文章结构和作者思路6教学难点Teaching difficulties感官动词的用法及感官动词后接原形和动词ing 的区别比喻句在增添文章色彩方面所起到的作用7教学方法Teaching method小组讨论任务型阅读法,演绎式语法教学法,引导学生探究式学习8教学过程Teaching process1)review (5)Review Journey Down Mekong River part oneAsk some students to introduce the Mekong River, including its source, its other name, and the countries it flows.T: last class we have learned about Mekong River, right? Now who can tell something about the Mekong River to us? Ss:T: ok, very good. We know that two persons want to take a bike trip to Mekong River? Who are they?Ss: Wangwei and Wangkun.T:There would be many difficulties on their trip, right? In front of the difficulties, Wangkun and Wangwei have different attitudes, right? Do you agree with Wangkun or his sister? Why?Ss: Wangkun, because his sister is too stubborn.T: Although their journey would be very hard, they finally get started. What would happen on their journey? Do you want to know?Ss: Yes.T: ok, now please turn your book to page222) Pre-Reading (3)Ask the students to imagine what would happen on their trip in odder to stimulate their interest in reading the passage.T: We know that Wangkun and Wangwei planned to begin their trip from the source of Mekong River. It is very cold and hard to breathe. But Wangwei and Wangkun did not change their mind and begin their bike trip from the source of Mekong River in Qinghai province. What would happen on the trip? Who can imagine?S1:S2;3) Reading (15)A): Ask students to read the passage following the tapes and try to imitate the pronunciation and asking the following questions.Is their trip hard or easy?Do they like this trip? Find the expressions about time in the passage.T: Do you get the main idea of the passage? Ok, now please tell me; is their trip hard or easy? Do they like this trip? Do you find expressions about time in the passage? Who can tell me?Ss:T: OK, now please look at the blackboard. B): Ask students to read the passage in group and plete the following tasks in group work. (8)Group1: How did the weather change as time went by?Group2: What did they see on their trip?Goup3: What did they do?T: Ok please read the passage in groups. Before you go, please look at the table. There are several expressions about time in the passage. They are After you have finished reading the passage, please try to finish the table. The first group is asked to fill the first line, the second group to fill the second line, and the third group to fill the third line.timeweatherviewdoAt the beginning of their tripSnow fall coldchildrenRide bicyclesIn the late afternoonCold Sun set ,lakeWangwei rode in front of meWhen climb the mountainscoldSee for milesWhen at one high pointcoldFeel cycling in cloudsWhen go down the hillswarmerButterfly yaks sheep Change clothesIn the early eveningWarm Make campAt midnight Sky clearer stars brighterSky starsSleep thought how far they travelledc) Ask students to find out three metaphor sentences in the passage (10)T: There are three metaphor sentences in the passage, who can tell me what they are. And you can just tell one of them.Ss: Have you ever see snowman ride bicycles?The lake shone like glass in the setting sun.We found ourselves cycling through clouds.d) Ask students to find out the following three sentences in the passage and make parison between them.T: could you please find out three sentences in the passage.The first one “Have you ever see snowman ride bicycles.” The second one “we found ourselves flying through clouds” The last one “we saw many yaks and sheep eating green grass.”Please draw line under these sentences.(The teacher analyze the grammar point to the students)Sb see/hear/find/ sb/sth do sth. 表示看到全过程或曾经看到过听到过感受过。Sb see/hear/find sb/sth doing sth. 表示看到听到感到某事正在进行。4)Post-reading (5)Ask the students to read the passage together and after that ask them to ask the following questions.Do you agree with wangwei or wangkun now ?What is their next destination?T: now please read the passage together T: Now can you tell me whether you agree with Wangkun or his sister now.Ss: Wangwei.T: And what is their next destination?Ss: Yunnan province.5) Summary T: we have read the second travel journal of Wangkun. You should pay attention to the metaphors in the passage and the usage of see, hear, and find. 6) HomeworkT: We have read two travel journals of their trip to Mekong River and what would happen in Yunnan province. Do you want to know? Ok, please read part3 on page 59 after class.


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