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2019-2020年高中英语必修7Unit4Theundergroundintheworld-TaskandProject1. Dalian is linked to the national railway system, and has direct train running to Beijing and most major cities in north-east China, including Changchun, shenyang, Qiqihar, Jilin and Harbin. (P59)linkv. T to make a connection between two or more people, things or ideas:diplomatic links between the two countriesThe explosions are not thought to be linked in any way.The use of CFCs has been linked to the depletion of the ozone layer.n. C a connection between two people, things or ideas:Theres a direct link between diet and heart disease.Their links with Britain are still strong.2. The storms washed away soil along the road and part of the road is still under repair. (P59)wash sth. away If water or rain washes sth. away, it removes it or carries it away:The blood on the pavement had been washed away by the rain overnight.under repairbeing repairedThe house is under repair now, so we have to rent one to live in for a while.引申:under discussion 在讨论中 under consideration 在考虑中 under construction 在建设中3. In addition to the frequent fast ferries to ports in Weihai and Yantai, there are slower ferries to Shanghai, Qinghuangdao and Inchon in Korea. (P59)in addition (to)besides, as well as 除之外还有In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty unto midnight.There is, in addition, one further point to make.4. Also tell him the time when you will be leaving and remind him not to be late. (Page 61)remindv. T to make someone aware of sth. they have forgotten or might have forgotten:Could you remind Paul about dinner on Saturday?+ to infinitive Please remind me to post this letter.+ (that) I rang Jill and reminded her (that) the conference had been cancelled.remind you of sth./sb.to be similar to, and make you think of, sth. or someone else: 使人想起Your hair and eyes remind me of your mother.Project 1. The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased greatly over the past year. (P62) arisev. I (arose, arisen) to happen:Should the opportunity arise, Id love to go to China.Could you work on Saturday, should the need arise (= if it were to be necessary)?Are there any matters arising from (= caused by) the last meeting?2. This notice is aimed at increasing peoples awareness of the problem because it has bee quite extreme. (P62)aim at sth. to plan, hope or intend to achieve sth.:The talks are aiming at a promise.+ ing form of verb The governments campaign is aimed at influencing public opinion.aware adj. 1) knowing that sth. exists, or having knowledge or experience of a particular thing:+ that I wasnt even aware that he was ill.Were you aware of the risks at the time?She was well (= very) aware that he was married.Has Claude paid the phone bill? Not as far as Im aware. (= I dont think so)I suddenly became aware of (= started to notice) him looking at me.awarenessn. U Public awareness of the problem will make politicians take it seriously.Environmental awareness has increased dramatically over the past decade.3. We must all be aware of the potential causes of traffic accidents and act to prevent them. (P 62)potentialadj. possible when the necessary conditions exist:A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the pany.Many potential customers are waiting for a fall in prices before buying.The accident is a grim reminder of the potential dangers involved in North Sea oil productionactv. I to do sth. for a particular purpose, or to behave in the stated way:+ to infinitive Engineers acted quickly to repair the damaged pipes.She acted without thinking.He acted as if hed never met me before.Dont be so silly - youre acting like a child!He never acts on other peoples advice (= does what other people suggest).4. Many drivers are aggressive and push into other lanes of traffic or overtake other cars. (P62)aggressiveadj. 1) behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person:Men tend to be more aggressive than women.If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting.2) determined to win or succeed and using forceful action to achieve victory or success:an aggressive election campaignaggressive marketing tacticsovertakev. (overtook, overtaken) 1) T to go beyond sth.by being a greater amount or degree:Our US sales have now overtaken our sales in Europe.Wed planned to hold a meeting tomorrow, but events have overtaken us (= things have changed).2) I or T UK to e from behind another vehicle or a person and move in front of it:Always check your rear view mirror before you overtake (another car).5. Drivers have to take the responsibility to watch out for people crossing the road, especially older people who may walk slowly and young children who may not look before stepping into the road. (P62)responsibilityn. C or U sth. that it is your job or duty to deal with:+ to infinitive Its her responsibility to ensure the project finishes on time.take the responsibility负起的责任She takes her responsibilities as a nurse very seriously.watch outused to warn someone of danger or an accident that seems likely to happen:Watch out! he shouted, but it was too late - she had knocked the whole tray of drinks on the floor.stepv. I + adv. or prep. (-pp-) to move by lifting your foot and putting it down in a different place, or to put your foot on or in sth.:She stepped backwards and fell over a chair.They stepped out onto the balcony.Be careful not to step in the mud.Ow, you stepped on my foot!6. Recently the number of people fined for speaking on their mobile phones while driving has increased by 30 percent. (P62)finen. C an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law:The maximum penalty for the offence is a $1000 fine.If found guilty, he faces six months in jail and a heavy (= severe) fine.v. T Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily.+ two objects They fined him $100 for using threatening behavior.increased by增长了There were 39, 000 new cases last year - an increase of 7 per cent.increased to增长到Gradually increase the temperature to boiling point.7. If you drive after you have consumed alcoholic drinks, you are violating the law and risking your own life as well as the lives of others. (Page 62)consumev. T 1) to use fuel, energy or time, especially in large amounts:Our high living standards cause our present population to consume 25 percent of the worlds oil.2) FORMAL to eat or drink, especially a lot of sth.:He consumes vast quantities of chips with every meal.violatev. T to break or act against sth., especially a law, agreement, principle or sth. that should be treated with respect:They were charged with violating federal law.It seems that the planes deliberately violated the cease-fire agreement.The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.riskv. T 1) to do sth. although there is a chance of a bad result:Its dangerous to cross here. Ill just have to risk it.+ ing form of verb He risked losing his house when his pany went bankrupt.2) If you risk sth. important, you cause it to be in a dangerous situation where you might lose it:He risked life and limb to get the cat down from the tree.She was prepared to risk everything on a last throw of the dice.


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