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2019-2020年高中英语必修7Module1Basketball-Section2TheAnalysisoftheDifficultSentences1. Jordon surprised everyone when he retired before the 1993-1994 season, but he rejoined the Chicago Bulls and won three more championships with them from 1996 to xx. 1993-1994赛季之前乔丹退役,引起举世震惊,但后来他又回到了芝加哥公牛队,并和队友们一起在1996到xx年间又获得了三次冠军。动词前面加前缀re- 表示“重新,又,再”,rejoin 的意思是再次加入,类似的动词还有rebuild, replace, remarry, reuse, rewrite2. They have fantastic stories to tell about Michael Jordan, such as the time when he rescued the Bulls from ending a game on a tie. 他们可以讲述很多关于迈克尔乔丹的传奇故事,例如一次他在比赛的关键时刻拯救了公牛队,从而避免打成平局。 1. rescue from把从某种状态拯救出来They rescued a child from drowning.他们救起一落水儿童。The lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat.The government has refused to rescue the pany from bankruptcy.e to ones rescue 拯救 2. end a game on a tie/ draw 打成平局3. At one point, Chamberlain was so much better than all the other players that they changed the rules of the game to try to stop him.曾几何时,张伯伦比其他的队员都优秀的多,以至于他们改变了比赛规则来企图限制他。 at one point 一度,曾经 My friend and I saw a film yesterday and at one point she was moved to tears. 昨天我跟朋友看电影了,期间她一度被感动得潸然泪下。point (noun.) 1 观点 make interesting points 提出有趣的几点 take ones point 赞同某人的观点 2 要点 e straight to the point 开门见山 keep/be to the point 简洁恰当;中肯 miss the point 没明白 Thats not the point. 那不重要 Do you see my point? 你明白我的意思吗? 3 目的;意图 There is no point in doing. 做某事没有用 e.g. There is no point in getting angry. 发火是没有用的。 4 特点;特征 strong points 强项 5 时刻;关头;瞬间;阶段;程度 on the point of 在关头 The climber was at/on the point of death when they found him.当他们发现那个登山者时,他已奄奄一息。 reach a point were just trying to reach a point where both sides will sit down and talk.4. The giant player joined the NBAs Philadelphia Warriors in the 1959-1960 season and was an immediate success. 1959-1960赛季间,这位篮球巨人加盟NBA费城勇士队并立即获得成功。success( n.) 可数 “成功的人或事” Our meeting last week was a great success.我们上周的会议开得很成功。5. By the time he retired, Wilt held many NBA records.一直到退役,威尔特还保持多项NBA纪录。set (up) / establish a record 创纪录break a record 打破纪录hold a record 保持纪equal a record 平了纪录6. But there is no doubt that he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”. 但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”的称号。 1. There is no doubt that毫无疑问 2. deserve 值得;应受This report deserves careful consideration. 这个报告应给予认真考虑。They didnt deserve to win. 他们不该赢。


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