2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit6 Good manners(第三课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit6 Good manners(第三课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册Teaching Aims:1. Learn some negative prefixes to master the word formation rules of changing the meaning of a word to its opposite.2. Learn more about table manners in China.3. Understand the Restrictive Attributive Cla-use and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.Teaching Important Points:1. Master the word formation rules to improve students ability to enlarge their vocabulary.2. Master the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.Teaching Difficult Point:How to help students tell the differences between the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.Teaching Methods:1. Practising to learn the word formation rules.2. parative and inductive methods to tell the differences between the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.3. Exercises to consolidate the word formation and the grammatical item.Teaching Aids:1. a projector and some slides2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:FStep .GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.FStep .Revision and Lead-inT: Yesterday, we read a passage about table manners at a dinner party. Youve learnt something about table manner culture in western countries and in China. Can you tell me something different between them?S1: At a western dinner party, you can get your napkin to put on your lap when you sit down at the table. In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands.S2: The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once, but westerners usually take only a sip. When drinking to someones health, westerners only raise glasses, but the glasses should not touch. In China, people not only raise glasses, but also touch glasses.S3: On a western dinner table, you will find a small bread roll and three glasses for white wine, red wine and water separately before meals. But on a Chinese dinner table, you will find only a cup of tea before meals.T: Anything more?S4: Westerners use two pairs of knives and forks. Chinese use a pair of chopsticks.S5: Many westerners think the chicken breast with its tender while flesh is the best part of the bird, but I think we Chinese are happier with a wing or leg. Westerners dont use fingers when eating meat on bones, but we are allowed to use our hands to eat meat on bones.T: Perfect! You all did very well. So much for revision. Today, we will read another passage about table mannersnot in western countries, but in China. You will learn more about the table manners culture. Besides, we will learn the word formation rules of changing the meaning of a word to its opposite. Now lets learn the new words in this period.(Teacher deals with the new words.)FStep .Word StudyT: Now please turn to Page 40.Look at the second part in Word Study. Here is a passage about table manners in China. First read the whole passage quickly to get the general idea. Then fill in the blanks using the words in the box. After that, check the answers with your partner. At last, Ill ask someone to read the plete passage. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: OK, you can begin now.Suggested answers:damp;custom;dishes;middle;noodles;breast;tender;chopsticks;bones;spoon;spirits;toast(After checking the answers, teacher says the following.)T: Well. Now please read it aloud for a few minutes and try to further understand it.(Ss begin to read the passage. Teacher shows the following on the screen and deals with the next content after a few minutes.)Change the meaning of each word to its opposite.1. alive-2.easy-3. dirty-4.busy-5. dry- 6.polite-7. safe-8.borrow-9. strong-10.long-T: OK, stop reading. Now please look at the words on the screen and give their opposite ones. First work in pairs. Then I will collect them.Suggested answers:1. dead 2.difficult 3.clean 4.free 5.damp 6.rude 7.dangerous 8.lend9. weak 10.shortT:(After checking.)Well done. But some words can be changed to their opposites in a different way. For example, we can add the prefix“im-”to “polite”to form the opposite“impolite”.We can also add another prefix“un-”to“safe”to form the opposite“unsafe”.Some other examples: likeunlike, usualunusual, possibleimpossible. Now can you tell me anything in mon between“im-”and“un-”?S1:I think the meaning of each prefix is“not”.T: You are right. That is to say, we can add a certain negative prefix to a word to change the meaning of it to its opposite. For example, the first syllable of “impossible” is “im” and without the prefix we keep the word “plssible”. But for the word “invite”: although the first syllable is “in”, “vite” is not an existing word. So here “in” isnt a prefix. Can you understand?Ss: Yes.T: Then, do you know any other negative prefix like “im-”and “un-“? S2:Yes,“non-”and“in-”.(Bb: im-,un-,non-,in-)T: Very good. Now please turn to Page 40 and look at the first part in word study. Look at the word formation rules first. Then finish the exercise below. If you have any problems in finishing the exercise, you can ask me. At the end, Ill collect your answers.Suggested answers:nonstop, unfold, incorrect, unlucky, impossibleFStep .Grammar(Teacher writes the following two sentences on the Bb: The man who greeted me is my teacher. John, who greeted me, is my teacher.)T: Well. Now please look at the sentences on the blackboard. In each sentence, there is an Attributive Clause, but there is something different. Please pare them carefully and tell the differences between them. I give you two minutes to discuss and prepare. Then you can tell your opinions to the class.(Two minutes later.)S1: A ma is used between the noun and the clause in the second sentence. No ma is used in the first sentence.T: Thats right. Who can tell us more?S2: In the first sentence, the Attributive Clause tells us which person the speaker is talking about. However, in the second sentence, which person is being talked about is already clear, so I think the Attributive Clause is not a necessary part.T: Excellent! Whod like to translate them into Chinese?S3: 向我打招呼的那个人是我的老师。:约翰是我的老师。他向我打过招呼。T: Quite right. You are all clever. The first Attributive Clause is called the Restrictive Attributive Clause. The second one is called the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause. Well, now please turn to Page 41. Read the explanations for the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause carefully and finish the following exercise. Before doing the exercise, remember to look at the example first. (A few minutes later, teacher asks some students to read their sentences to the rest of the class.)Suggested answers:1. I finished reading the book which my father gave me for my birthday.2. The car which my uncle bought two weeks ago was stolen./ The car, which had been parked in front of our house for more than a week, was stolen.3. Paula, whose parents have gone abroad, lives alone on the fourth floor.4. My sister Ellen, who is warm-hearted, is a nurse.5. This morning Andrew, whose old teacher retired, told me about his new teacher.6. The meeting will be held in the dining hall, where more than 150 guests can be seated.7. My father works for a pany which produces puters in a big city.8. Lisa will always remember her childhood, when she stayed with her aunt in the mountain village.FStep .WorkbookT: Well. Now lets do another exercise. Turn to Page 116. Look at the first exercise in Vocabulary. I give you two minutes to prepare. Then Ill check your answers.Suggested answers to Ex.1:1. B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D(Then ask the Ss to do Ex.2 and check the answers.)Suggested answers to Ex.2:1. unknown 2. unable3. uncertain 4. impossible5. polite 6. possible7. non- smoker 8. non- stop9. happy 10. formal; informal(At last, Ex.2 in Grammar at Page 118.)Suggested answers to Ex.2(Grammar)1. who/ whom 2. which3. sho 4. which5. which 6. whom7. who 8. whichTranslation:1. 一个年轻人让我给你捎个信,我不认识他。2 长江上将又建起一个大坝,它可为沿岸地区提供更多的电力。3 穿黑色大衣的这个人曾经当过我们的校长,他刚从巴基斯坦回来。4 崇祯皇帝就是在景山公园里的这棵古树上自缢的,这棵古树1960年被砍掉了。5 希望工程始于很多年前,它帮助过许多贫困地区的孩子上学读书。6 这些外教大多数以前从未到过中国,他们很喜欢在这里工作。7 在这趟包头到大连的火车上,我们碰到了一位日本人,他的汉语说得很好。8 这座1456年建于湖岸上的寺庙毁于两年前的那次地震中。T: In this class, weve learned the usages of some negative prefixes. They are“in-”,“im-”,“non-”and“un-”.We can use them to change some words to their opposites. Weve also learned the two kinds of the Attributive Clausethe Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause. Besides, weve read a passage about table manners in China. After class, please finish off the workbook exercises for Vocabulary and Grammar, Write the answers in your exercise-book and hand them in. Suggested answers (Vocabulary):Ex.3: 1. It was my fault that your new cell phone was stolen. 2. The old temple made a great/ deep impression on me. 3. She has been fond of reading since childhood. 4. She had been an excellent gymnast before the accident, which disabled her. 5. More and more Westerners are being interested in Chinese culture.Suggested answers (Grammar):Ex.1: 1. The bus which/ that often takes the children to school is owned by the pany. 2. The man is Mr. Fisher, who works in the bank. 3. The woman who/ whom you saw in my office yesterday is a scientist. 4. The lady who is getting off the bus is Helen Jones. 5. The painting which/ that was destroyed in the fire was a Turner. 6. The policeman who/ that directs the traffic here is Mr. Wangs son.Translation:1. 经常送孩子们上学的这辆汽车属于这家公司。2这俱是菲舍先生,他在银行工作。3你昨天在我办公室碰到的那位女士是科学家。4 那位正下公共汽车的女十是海伦琼斯。5那次火灾中被烧毁的油画是特纳的作品。6在这儿指挥交通的警察是王先生的儿子。FStep .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 6 Good mannersThe Third Period.Word formationim+ politeimpoliteun+ safeunsafeNegative prefixes: im-,un-,non-,in-。GrammarThe Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive ClauseRestrictive: The man who greeted me is my teacher.Non-restrictive: John, who greeted me, is my teacher.FStep .Record after Teaching_

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