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2019-2020年中学英语语法知识分类综合练习一 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Most of the electric lines were damaged in the earthquake. It will be quite some time _ the lines get repaired. A. after B. before C. sinceD. when2. Little _ about their own safety when the PLA soldiers were searching the fallen buildings for the trapped persons in the village.A. they cared B. they had caredC. had they cared D. did they care3. With new inventions ing out, life in the future is being much easier than _.A. that used to be B. it is used toC. it was used to D. it used to be4. It is a tradition for most Chinese people to _ some money in the bank for old age.A. put on B. put awayC. put out D. put off5. In order to help collect money for the people in the earthquake-hit areas, the famous singers will be giving some _ performances next week.A. moreB. the otherC. elseD. another6. The mother found her missing child at last. With such a heavy burden _ off her mind, she sighed with relief.A. taken B. taking C. having taken D. being taken7. Im sorry to have failed in the experiment. How I regret _ your advice!A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking8. There wasnt any _ of rain when we left home this morning. Thats why we didnt take any raincoat or umbrella. A. signal B. signC. sightD. mark9.Life is limited. The most important is _ we should value _ we have and enjoy it. A. that; what B. what; 不填C. which; that D. 不填; that10. His parents were teachers in that school, _ lost their lives in order to save their students in the earthquake.A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. both of whom11. In the dark night, the white branches look like arms _ the sky in the street light.A. for B. againstC. fromD. to12.Have you seen _ umbrella I put here this morning?Is it _ black one? It is in the corner of our office.A. the; a B. the; theC. 不填;theD. the; 不填13.Listen, someone is knocking at the door.Yes. _ answer it.A. I was going to B. Ill C. I plan to D. I prefer to14. How can you ask for leave from work _ there is still great demand for skilled hands here? A. if B. whenC. becauseD. before15. Why _ you make so much noise here while Im sleeping? It will take me a long time before I go back to sleep again.A. can B. mayC. mustD. will16. You have hurt your girlfriend badly. Youd better go and say sorry to her in person, _ she wont forgive you.A. and B. soC. but D. or17. His uncle left his hometown in 1958 and he has never returned home _.A. ever since B. even though C. soon after D. since ever18. When you get home, please dont forget to give my best regards to your family and friends, _?A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. wont you19. What can I do for you, madam?Well, I _ if you could show me the way to the railway station.A. will wonder B. was wondering C. have been wondered D. have wondered20.What do you think of _ evening party we had last week?In my opinion, it was _ great success.A. a; a B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. the; 不填21. It cant be Mike who has done such a foolish thing. He is _ but a fool.A. nothingB. something C. everything D. anything22. With so much work _ his head all day long, he feels rather stressed in his daily life.A. filled B. filling C. to fill D. being filled23.Children usually cant keep still for long because they have too much _. A. power B. strengthC. forceD. energy24. The weather report said we would have a fine day, but it _ quite rainy.A. turned outB. found out C. gave out D. looked out25._ no need to inform Mr. Li of the meeting again. Ive already told him about it.A. It is B. There isC. It has D. There has26. What do you think of his painting?Good enough _ a boy of six.A. to B. byC. for D. on27. The patient is so seriously ill. I dont think he can pull through _ miracles take place.A. unless B. sinceC. once D. when28.Hows the mountain you visited last month? Is it beautiful?It _ be, but now many trees have been broken in the snow disasters. A. will B. wouldC. shouldD. must 29.Why are you so unhappy? Well, I dislike my position _ in such a rude manner.A. to be mentedB. mentedC. menting D. being menting30. With the reform and open door policies, there _ great changes in the last thirty years in all walks of life in our country.A. used to be B. had beenC. have been D. seem to be31.Are we _ to make some preparations for the ing examination?Of course, you must.A. suggested B. supposedC. persuaded D. offered32. The two good friends quarreled to such a situation _ they turned their backs on each other and wanted to say goodbye. A. whichB. whyC. whenD. where33. This little boy seems _ something hard; lets take him to the hospital for a check-up.A. to be swallowing B. to have swallowed C. having swallowed D. swallowed34. _ I admit that the problems are difficult, I dont agree that they cant be solved.A. As B. SinceC. WhenD. While35. Generally speaking, teachers are more _ than other professions because they must turn up in class on time every day.A. punctualB. familiarC. uneasyD. regular36. _ money is concerned, we still need much support from the public so as to help the survivors of the earthquake.A. As well as B. As soon asC. As far as D. As long as37. Seeing his parents being kept busy all day long, the little boy tried to do something to help them, only _ things worse. A. to make B. making C. made D. having made38. The most important thing we must consider before carrying out the plan is _ it is possible for us to carry it on.A. whenB. whyC. whetherD. that39. Students nowadays spend so much of their time getting more and more educated in schools that they have little time for social experience and, _, stay children forever.A. above all B. at all costs C. in some ways D. on the other hand40. The old workers made a very practical suggestion at the meeting, but it was _ by the manager. A. turned out B. turned overC. turned up D. turned down41. He _ another career but, at the time, he didnt have enough money to attend graduate school.A. might choose B. might have chosenC. had to choose D. must have chosen42.How many times have you visited Beijing?Never. This is the first time I _ Beijing.A. visited B. had visitedC. had been visiting D. have visited43. You should know that _ happiness is not what you have. I have not much money, but I think I am _ happiest man in the world.A. 不填; the B. the; 不填 C. the; the D. a; 不填44.Did you tell her the news?Yes, I did. But I would rather that I _ that. She is so sad now.A. didnt do B. hadnt doneC. havent done D. wouldnt do45. _ is no point in your doing that. You should stop doing that foolish thing immediately.A. It B. ThereC. WhatD. Which46. Circumstances undoubtedly _ many potential managers of opportunities. As a result, few succeed to the top position.A. cure B. accuseC. depriveD. remind47. She is still too young to be aware of her mistakes. But Im sure that little by little she will _ realize she has made a serious mistake.A. prefer toB. e toC. turn toD. lead to48. The number of the students is increasing rapidly in this school, _ it necessary for this school to set up more teaching buildings soon.A. makes B. making C. to make D. having made49.I did very badly in the exam this time, so I am very upset.Cheer up, guy! I did _ than you, but I remain happy.A. better B. no better C. no worse D. not worse50. When the government is making a decision, the claims and suggestions from the citizens will be taken into _.A. account B. record C. treatment D. preparation Key: 1-10 BDDBAADBAD 11-20BABBC DACBB21-30DBDABCACBC 31-40BDBDACACCD41-50BDABBCBBBA


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