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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2WorkingthelandSectionGrammar-动词-ing形式作主语和宾语课时作业新人教版.单句语法填空1We visited other relatives the next day, who had prepared a lot of delicious food. At night, we all went to KTV and had a great time singing (sing) together.2Remembering (remember) some new words every day can enlarge your vocabulary.3Its no use persuading (persuade) him any more.He wont change his mind.4My daughter is practising playing (play) the violin in her room now.5Attending (attend) the party last night made Alice very excited.6Its no use asking (ask) him for help,for he is very selfish.7Marys being (be) late for class this morning made the teacher angry.8The two students who had broken the school rules were lucky enough to escape being_punished (punish)9It is a waste of time trying (try) to persuade him to give up playing puter games.10When Jane saw me,she stopped talking (talk) with our classmate Linda and smiled to me by the roadside.阅读理解 Narwhals are midsized whales living in the cold waters of the Arctic Circle near northern Canada and Greenland. They grow between 4 and 6 m in lengtha similar size to the beluga whale. But it is not difficult to tell narwhals from beluga whales. Male (雄性的) narwhals have a great spiraled (螺旋形的) tooth that es out from their heads, making them different from beluga whales. The long tooth can reach up to 3 m in length and grows continually to replace wear (磨损). Researchers are unsure of the right purpose of the tooth. Some believe it is used to attract a mate, while others believe it is used to fight. One researcher believes that the tooth has the ability to notice changes in water temperature. Narwhals also differ from belugas in skin color. Adult belugas are white, while narwhals have black and white mottled (杂色的) skin. Like many other whales, narwhals travel in groups. Their groups have 1520 whales. Sometimes several small groups will meet in groups of up to 100 whales, although it is hard to get the right numbers. Narwhals have proven difficult for researchers to track, mainly due to the cold and icy water conditions and the fact that narwhals do not e very close to shore. Searching for food mainly on the bottom of the sea, narwhals dive on average 800 m, but can go twice that deep. The dives last around 25 minutes. In the summer, narwhals dont feed very often, having stored up enough energy during the winter feeding season. They return to the same feeding grounds each year.【文章大意】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了独角鲸。1Whats the main difference between narwhals and beluga whales?ATheir size.BTheir eating habits.CTheir tooth and skinDTheir living conditions.解析:C细节理解题。根据第二段中的Male narwhals have a great spiraled tooth that es out from their heads, making them different from beluga whales和Narwhals also differ from belugas in skin color可知,独角鲸与白鲸的区别在于它们的牙和皮肤。2What is one reason why it is hard for researchers to track narwhals?AThey swim very fast.BThey are small in number.CThey are fearful of humankind.DThey stay away from the shore.解析:D细节理解题。根据第三段中的mainly due to the cold and icy water conditions and the fact that narwhals do not e very close to shore可知,独角鲸不会游到岸边,所以研究人员很难追踪到它们。3What can we infer from the text about narwhals?AThey live at the bottom of the sea.BThey suffer a lot from icy water.CThey stop eating in summer.DTheyre social animals.解析:D推理判断题。根据第三段中的Like many other whales, narwhals travel in groups可知,独角鲸是群居动物。4Whats the purpose of the text?ATo introduce a sea animal.BTo pare two kinds of whales.CTo call on readers to protect the sea.DTo inform readers of the whale family.解析:A写作目的题。本文从独角鲸的外表、生活习性等方面向读者介绍了这种生活在北极冰冷海域的鲸。.完形填空Chuck is not an ordinary frog. For one thing, his name is Chuck. What a strange _1_ it is for a frog! For another, he loves _2_ flies, but he _3_ catches flies himself. Some frogs think Chuck is really _4_. However, that doesnt matter to Chuck. Each morning, Chuck sits and _5_ under a spider web near a pond. Then when the spider goes off to wash her feet in the pond, Chuck catches flies from her _6_. One morning, while Chuck was _7_ his breakfast, the spider _8_ and saw him. “Youre the one who _9_ eating my flies! Go and catch your own!” she cried. Chuck _10_ jumped into the pond. Suddenly, Chuck got an idea! “Why not make my own web?” he thought. Chuck worked on his web for hours _11_ stars appeared in the sky. And then he _12_. When he woke up the next morning, he found he was _13_ inside. “Help!” he shouted. Finally, with the help of the spider, Chuck was _14_ and fell down onto the ground.“No matter how hard I try, I cant make a spider web,” Chuck said. “Making a spider web is not as _15_ as you think,” the spider said.“But you can swim. I always see you in the _16_.How wonderful it would be to _17_ in the middle of the pond in the sun!” From that day forward, Chuck began to _18_ the spider out to the middle of the pond, where they played together.After they returned to shore, they _19_ the flies from the spiders web. It wasnt exactly an ordinary _20_. But Chuck was fine with it.【文章大意】本文讲述了青蛙查克与一只蜘蛛的故事:查克经常偷吃蜘蛛的食物,后来他和这只蜘蛛竟然成了好朋友。1A.qualityBhabitCname Dquestion解析:C根据上文的For one thing,his name is Chuck可知,此句句意为:对于一只青蛙来说,这是多么奇怪的“名字”啊!2A.killing BeatingCplaying with Dfighting with解析:B根据上下文可知,另一个原因是:他爱“吃”苍蝇,但是他从不自己去捕捉苍蝇。3A.always BoftenClater Dnever解析:D根据上下文可知,他“从不”自己去捕捉苍蝇。4A.lazy BbusyCstupid Dfunny解析:A根据上文Chuck从不自己捕捉苍蝇的语境可知,一些青蛙认为Chuck太“懒惰”。5A.shouts BcriesCwaits Dlistens解析:C根据下文的Then when the spider goes off to wash her feet in the pond.可知,每天早上,Chuck在一个蜘蛛网下面坐着“等”。6A.nest BwebCmouth Dbasket解析:B根据上文提到的a spider web可知,Chuck抓蜘蛛“网”上的苍蝇。7A.looking for Bpreparing forCcooking Denjoying解析:D一天早上,当Chuck正在“享受”他的早餐时,这只蜘蛛回来看到了他。8A.stopped Bstood upCreturned Dflew away解析:C根据上文的Then when the spider goes off to wash her feet in the pond.可知,这里指这只蜘蛛“回来”了。9A.likes BkeepsCappreciates Dsuggests解析:B根据上文的Each morning, Chuck sits and .可知。句意为:你就是那个“一直”吃我苍蝇的那个家伙!10A.immediately BfinallyCsuddenly Dhappily解析:A根据语境可知,看到蜘蛛回来后,Chuck“立即”跳进池塘。11A.since BonceCafter Duntil解析:D句意为:他连续几个小时织网,“直到”星星出现在天空中。12A.jumped down Bran awayCsat down Dfell asleep解析:D根据下文的When he woke up the next morning.可知,这里指他“睡着了”。13A.educated BcriticizedCpunished Dcaught解析:D根据下文Chuck喊救命的场景可知,他被“困”在里面。14A.fed BdonatedCsaved Dwounded解析:C根据上文的“Help!”he shouted. Finally, with the help of the spider.可知,在蜘蛛的帮助下,Chuck“获救”了。15A.quick BeasyCinteresting Dmon解析:B根据上文的“No matter how hard I try, I cant make a spider web,” Chuck said. 可知,编蜘蛛网并没有想象中那么“容易”。16A.water BhillCroom Dfield解析:A青蛙一般都在水中,故选“water”。17A.float BboatCsing Dskate解析:A能在阳光下“漂浮”在池塘中央是多么美好啊!18A.push BcarryCinvite Dencourage解析:B从那天之后,Chuck开始“背着”蜘蛛到池塘中央,在那里他们一起玩耍。19A.discovered BusedCshared Dmoved解析:C当他们返回岸边后,他们一起“分享”蜘蛛网上的苍蝇早餐。20A.family BanimalCmethod Dfriendship解析:D这真不是一般的“友谊”。.语法填空Every morning, I wake up at 7 am. to get ready 1._ school. Our elementary and high schools are in 2._ same building; we have 72 kids in 3._ (grade) one through twelve. You can begin to see that Willow City is a small town. The population of it is about 300. Our main street 4._ (consist) of two bars, one post office, three banks, a clothing store, a hair care center 5._ (call) Brendas Boutique and the Willow City Grocery Store. In New York if people are out and about, its not often that they see anyone they know. Here, its just the opposite. Its unusual 6._ (see) anyone you dont know. Everybody who lives here has always felt safe, and slept well. That 7._ (change) a little in the past months. Believe it or not, the World Trade Center attacks have even 8._ (serious) affected this small town. We live 70 miles away from an Air Force Base, 9._ makes us feel pretty unsafe. Eventually Willow City is back to normal. Before I didnt think I liked living in a small town, but after these incidents I feel much 10._ (safe)【文章大意】本文主要介绍了作者家乡小镇的基本情况。1解析:for考查介词。ge ready for表示“为做好准备”,故填for。2解析:the考查冠词。这儿特指相同的教学楼,故same前填定冠词the。3解析:grades考查名词。grade是可数名词,由后面的one through twelve可知,此处应该用复数形式,故填grades。4解析:consists考查主谓一致和时态。此处描述的是客观事实,且主语main street是单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故填consists。5解析:called考查非谓语动词。a hair care center与call之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作定语,故填called。6解析:to see考查非谓语动词。It isadj.to do sth, 表示“做某事是的”,it是形式主语,不定式是真正的主语,故填to see。7解析:has changed考查动词的时态。由时间状语in the past months可判断,此处使用现在完成时,主语是that,谓语动词用单数,故填has changed。8解析:seriously考查副词。修饰动词affected用副词,故填seriously。9解析:which考查关系代词。此处为非限定性定语从句,关系词指代前面的句子且在从句中作主语,故填which。10解析:safer考查形容词的比较级。feel后接形容词作表语,much修饰形容词的比较级,故填safer。


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