2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2+Healthy eating单元质量评估(含解析) 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2+Healthy eating单元质量评估(含解析) 新人教版必修3(120分钟 150分) 第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Why did the man return early from his holiday? A. Because he didnt plan the holiday very well. B. Because he had an important conference. C. Because he had some trouble. 2. What does the man suggest the womans father should do? A. Stop smoking. B. Smoke less. C. See a doctor. 3. How will the speakers go home probably? A. By bus. B. By subway. C. On foot. 4. What does the man suggest? A. The woman should be more careful next time. B. They should try to think of a solution. C. They should e downstairs. 5. What is the dialogue about? A. The woman hated to work with the man here. B. The woman didnt like the culture here. C. The woman wanted to experience a new culture. 第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第68题。6. Why does the man think it is bad to take a taxi at first? A. Because these suitcases are not heavy. B. Because there are just a few suitcases. C. Because the traffic is heavy. 7. How much time is left for the speakers to get there? A. Fifty minutes. B. Fifteen minutes. C. Half an hour. 8. How do they probably go there at last? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By taxi. 听第7段材料, 回答第911题。9. What do we know about Madame Curie? A. A hero. B. An actor. C. A film. 10. Why is the woman not satisfied with the director? A. Because he followed the story. B. Because he left out some important people. C. Because he was improving the story. 11. Where does the dialogue take place? A. In a film. B. In a cinema. C. Out of a cinema. 听第8段材料, 回答第1214题。12. What is the telephone number of the hotline in Guangzhou? A. 12355. B. 13215. C. 12351. 13. Who cant call the hotline in Guangdong for help? A. Young people who have psychological problems. B. Teenagers who have questions on legal issues. C. Adults who have psychological problems. 14. What is the mans opinion about the free hotline? A. Its useless. B. Its unmon. C. Its helpful. 听第9段材料, 回答第1517题。15. Whats the topic of the dialogue about? A. Likes and dislikes. B. Music and dancing. C. Swimming and reading. 16. Whats the probable relationship of the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Friends. 17. Where does the dialogue take place?A. In the party. B. In the school. C. In the cinema. 听第10段材料, 回答第1820题。18. What is the topic of the passage? A. Third World countries open many new factories. B. Rapid industrialization of Third World countries. C. Many new factories fire workers with specific skills. 19. What do the factory owners do to get maximized profits(利润)? A. They make full use of automation(自动化)if possible. B. They hire as many workers as possible. C. They train workers for different factory jobs. 20. Which point does the speaker focus on? A. The hopes of rapid industrialization. B. The problems of rapid industrialization. C. The news of rapid industrialization. 第二部分词汇知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节多项选择(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)21. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know theirand weaknesses. A. strengthsB. benefitsC. techniquesD. values22. Both China and the United States havefrom their growing business ties over the past four decades. A. learnedB. sufferedC. eD. benefited23. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he couldhis customers back. A. holdB. winC. payD. take24. Low-ine residents cant afford toa doctor or purchase medicines when they get sick. A. claimB. consultC. occupyD. capture25. No one should expect tothe wrong they have done. A. get throughB. get hold ofC. get down toD. get away with26. Mr. White has been working all the morning with no rest. He is a(n)man. He never looks tired. A. energeticB. powerfulC. lovelyD. attractive27. Lucyher daily spending in order to survive the financial storm. A. cut inB. cut downC. cut upD. cut off28. Education has no. It can take place anywhere, whether in a kitchen or in the job. A. strengthsB. limitsC. benefitsD. weaknesses29. (xx南阳高一检测)It has been proved that having a(n)diet helps to keep healthy. A. balancedB. increasedC. addedD. decreased30. He tried to work hard to earn enough money to avoid beingagain. A. in debtB. in troubleC. in vainD. in danger第二节完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a car and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can vaguely remember the brightness of31and what color red is. It would be32to see again, but a(n)33can do strange things to people. I dont mean I would34to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me appreciate more what I had35. My parents and my teachers saw something in mea36to livewhich I didnt see, and they made me want to fight it out with37. The38lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. I am not talking about simply the kind of39that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. I40something bigger than that: a confidence that I am, despite being41, a real, positive person; that there is a special place where I can make myself fit. It took me years to discover and strengthen this confidence. It had to start with the easy and simple things. 42a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was laughing at me and I was43. “I cant use this, ”I said. “Take with you, ”he urged me, “and roll it around. ”The words44in my head. “Roll it around! ”By rolling the ball I could45where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought46before: playing baseball. At Philadelphias Overbrook School for the Blind I47a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball. I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to be clear about my48. It was no good trying for something that I knew at the start was49out of reach because that only invited bitterness of failure. I would fail something anyway, 50on the average I made progress. 31. A. skyB. cloudC. sunshineD. mist32. A. helpfulB. wonderfulC. hopefulD. successful33. A. disasterB. environmentC. incidentD. wonder34. A. manageB. tryC. wantD. prefer35. A. lostB. leftC. usedD. cared36. A. purposeB. potentialC. pressureD. preparation37. A. energyB. happinessC. luckD. blindness38. A. hardestB. dullestC. simplestD. easiest39. A. self-respectB. self-controlC. self-confidenceD. self-defence40. A. thinkB. considerC. guessD. mean41. A. imperfectB. perfectC. unfairD. fair42. A. LaterB. SoonC. OnceD. Then43. A. worriedB. encouragedC. shockedD. hurt44. A. stuckB. impressedC. occupiedD. held45. A. seeB. hearC. noticeD. observe46. A. importantB. unimportantC. possibleD. impossible47. A. inventedB. discoveredC. instructedD. directed48. A. experienceB. advantagesC. knowledgeD. limitations49. A. hardlyB. wildlyC. highlyD. deeply50. A. soB. forC. butD. and第三部分阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)AEating a diet high in processed food(加工食品)increases the risk of depression, research suggests. Whats more, people who ate plenty of vegetables, fruit and fish actually had a lower risk of depression, the University College London team found. Data on diet among 3, 500 middle-aged civil servants(公务员)were pared with their emotional state five years later, a British journal reported. They split the participants into two types of dietthose who ate a diet largely based on wholefood, which includes lots of fruit, vegetables and fish, and those who ate a mainly processed food diet, such as sweetened desserts, fried food, processed meat, refined grains and high-fat dairy products. After accounting for factors such as gender, age, education, physical activity, smoking habits and chronic(慢性的)diseases, they found a significant difference in the future depression risk with the different diets. Those who ate the most wholefood had a 26% lower risk of future depression than those who ate the least wholefood. By contrast, people with a diet high in processed food had a 58% higher risk of depression than those who ate a diet low in processed food. Study author Dr. Archana Singh-Manoux pointed out there was a chance that the finding could be explained by a lifestyle factor they had not accounted for. There was a paper showing a Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower risk of depression, but the problem with that is if you live in Britain, the likelihood(可能性)of you eating a Mediterranean diet is not very high. Dr. Andrew McCulloch, chief executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said, “This study adds to an existing body of solid research that shows the strong links between what we eat and our mental health. ”He added peoples diets were being increasingly unhealthy. The UK population is consuming less nutritious, fresh produce and more saturated(饱和的)fats and sugars. 51. The text is mainly about. A. the increasingly unhealthy diet of the UK populationB. the link between processed food and depressionC. the relationship between physical and mental healthD. a healthy diet largely based on wholefood52. What do we know about the participants? A. They are of different ages from young to old. B. They have been eating a less healthy diet these years. C. Most of them prefer wholefood to processed food. D. Those who ate wholefood generally were happier in the long term. 53. What can we learn from the passage? A. It is difficult for most British people to have a Mediterranean diet. B. The Mediterranean diet is the most healthy in the world. C. Many studies have been done on the Mediterranean diet before. D. The Mediterranean diet is not good for depression. 54. Dr. Andrew McCulloch agrees that. A. our diets are closely related to our mental healthB. the present study needs more facts and other informationC. the UK population will bee ill in the near futureD. more saturated fats and sugars should be taken inBKnowing how much her own children loved presents at Christmas, Ann Sutton always tried to seek help for one or two poor families. With a social worker mother, the Sutton children had inherited her mitment to service, and knew never to take their good fortune at Christmas for granted. This year, Kinzie, her seven-year-old daughter was thrilled that Santa Claus would make a special visit to a 22-year-old mother named Ashley who worked in a factory raising her 12-month-old son by herself. The phone rang on Sunday. A representative from a local organization was calling to say that the aid Ann had requested for Ashley had fallen through. No Santa Claus, no presents, nothing. Ann saw the cheer vanish from her childrens faces at the news. Without a word, Kinzie ran into her bedroom. She returned, her face set with determination. Opening up her piggy bank, she put all the coins onto the table: $ 3. 30. Everything she had. Mom, she told Ann, “I know its not much. But maybe this will buy a present for the baby. ”At a breakfast meeting the next day, Ann told her coworkers about her daughters story. To her surprise, the staff members began to open their purses and empty their pockets to help Kinzie. By days end, the story of Kinzies gift had spread beyond Anns office. She received a call from an unknown donor. If a seven-year-old could give everything she had, he said, he should at least match her gift 100 to 1. He contributed $ 300. On Christmas Eve, Ann drove through the pouring rain to the small trailer where the Ashleys lived. Then she began to unload the gifts from the car, handing them to Ashley one by one. Ashley was very moved. Reflecting on a little girls generosity, Ashley says shell one day be able to do something similar for someone else in need. “Kinzie could have used that money for herself, but she gave it away, ”Ashley says. “Shes the type of kid Id like my son to grow up to be. ”55. According to the text, Ann Sutton. A. is making lots of moneyB. is ready to help othersC. is only caring about herselfD. is a hard-working mother56. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? A. Ashley lived a hard life with her little son. B. The Sutton children took Ann as an example to follow. C. The coworkers of Ann helped Kinzie to realize her wish. D. Ann Sutton tried to ask for help for her own children. 57. What can we learn about Kinzie? A. She was afraid that Santa Claus would visit the Ashleys. B. She should get some presents from her mother at Christmas. C. She devoted all her coins to buying a present for the baby. D. She was cheerful when hearing the aid had fallen through. 58. Which of the following can be inferred from the text? A. It rained heavily on Christmas Eve. B. Ann handed gifts to Ashley one by one. C. Ashley hoped she would help someone else in need. D. A good deed can influence many peoples behavior. C(NEW YORK)A French tourist highly praised for rescuing a two-year-old girl in Manhattan said he didnt think twice before diving into the freezing East River. Tuesdays Daily News said 29-year-old Julien Duret from France was the man who left the spot quickly after the rescue last Saturday. He lifted the little girl out of the water after she fell off the bank at the South Street Seaport museum. He handed the girl to her father, David Anderson, who had dived in after him. “I didnt think at all, ”Duret told the Daily News. “It happened very fast. I reacted very fast. ”Duret, an engineer on vacation, was walking with his girlfriend along the pier(码头)when he saw something falling into the water. He thought it was a doll, but he realized it was a child when he approached the river. Immediately, he took off his coat and jumped into the water. When he reached the girl, she appeared lifeless, he said. Fortunately, when she was out of the water, she opened her eyes. Anderson said his daughter slipped off the bank when he was adjusting his camera. An ambulance came later for her, said Duret, who was handed dry clothes from onlookers. Duret caught a taxi with his girlfriend shortly after. The rescue happened on the day before he left for France. Duret said he didnt realize his story of heroism had greatly moved New York until he was leaving the city the next morning. “I dont really think Im a hero, ”said Duret. “Anyone would do the same thing. ”59. Why was Duret in New York? A. To meet his girlfriend. B. To spend his holiday. C. To work as an engineer. D. To visit the Andersons. 60. What did Duret do shortly after the ambulance came? A. He was interviewed by a newspaper. B. He went to the hospital in the ambulance. C. He disappeared from the spot quickly. D. He asked his girlfriend for his dry clothes. 61. Who dived after Duret into the river to save the little girl? A. David Anderson. B. A passer-by. C. His girlfriend. D. A taxi driver. 62. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Duret thought twice before he jumped into the cold water. B. Duret dived into the water before the girls father. C. The rescue happened on the day Duret left for France. D. Duret didnt think he was brave enough to be a hero. DPeoplePeople is Americas No. 1 magazine about fascinating people. Its a guide to who and whats hot in the arts, science, business, politics, television, movies, books, music and sports. It is published weekly. Publisher: The Time Inc. Magazine panyCover Price: $211. 47Our Price: $117. 00Issues: 53 issues/12 monthsLuckyLucky is the shopping magazine with the best buys, and the fashion tips youll need before you hit the stores. What makes Lucky really special is that it gets you the information you need before anyone else has it. Publisher: Conde Nast Publications Inc. Cover Price: $35. 40Our Price: $15. 00Issues: 12 issues/12 monthsParentsThe most trusted magazine for parents who want to raise smart, loving and self-confident children. Each issue has age-specific child-development guidance, advice on your childs health and safety, and the best ways to encourage your childs learning. Publisher: Meredith CorporationCover Price: $42. 00Our Price: $9. 97Issues: 12 issues/12 monthsEntertainmentThis magazine covers movies, television, music, Broadway stage productions, books, and popular culture. Unlike celebrity-focused magazines like People, its main concentration is on entertainment media and reviews. Its intended for a more general audience. Publisher: The Time Inc. Magazine panyCover Price: $199. 50Our Price: $38. 95Issues: 57 issues/12 months63. Which of the following targets mon readers? A. Lucky. B. Entertainment. C. Parents. D. People. 64. According to the passage, what makes Lucky so special? A. Its exclusive information related to shopping. B. Its pictures of fashion stores. C. The access it provides to bargains. D. Its petitive price. 65. Youre most likely to find the above information. A. in an educational magazineB. on a magazine club websiteC. in a guide to magazinesD. in a magazine sales report66. Which costs the subscriber least each issue? A. Lucky. B. Parents. C. People. D. Entertainment. EIts really true what people say about English politeness: its everywhere. When squeezing past someone in a narrow passage, people say “sorry”. When getting off a bus, English passengers say “thank you” rather than the driver. In Germany, people would never dream of doing these things. After all, squeezing past others is sometimes unavoidable, and the bus driver is only doing his job. I used to think the same way, without questioning it, until I started travelling to the British Isles, and here are some more polite ways of interacting(交往)with people in UK. People thank each other everywhere in England all the time. When people buy something in a shop, customer and retail assistant in most cases thank each other twice or more. In Germany, it would be exceptional to hear more than one thank you in such a conversation. British students thank their lecturers when leaving the room. English employers thank their employees for doing their jobs, as opposite to Germans, who would normally think that paying their workers money is already enough. Another thing I observed during my stay was that English people rarely criticize others. Even when I was working and mistakes were pointed out to me, my employers emphasized several times but none of their explanations were intended as criticism. It has been my impression that by avoiding criticism, English people are making an effort to make others feel fortable. This is also showed in other ways. British men still open doors for women, and British men are more likely to treat women to a meal than German men. However, I do need to point out here that this applies to English men a bit more than it would to Scottish men! Yes, the latter are a bit tight-fisted. 67. What is the aut

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