2019-2020年高一英语 Unit13 Language study Integrating skills45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Unit13 Language study Integrating skills45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版基础过关.单词拼写1.They were very hungry and had everything that can be filled in their_(肚子).2. It is not good for you to eat too much_(脂肪).3. The_ (作用 ) of an adjective is to describe a noun.4. It is not the right time to eat apples. They are not_ (成熟的) enough to eat.5.He is such a young man full of_(精力).6. You look so_ (困乏的). You d better have a good rest.7. They eour passports very carefully.8. The man is not ffor that position.9. Some foods are dmore easily than others.10. This drink is a mof three different sorts.11. The kettle was son the stove.12. After a day in the hot sun, my skin began to p.13. How can you hope to ghappiness?14. How long can you byourself on one foot?15. If you want to make this dish, you have to sthe potato thinly.答案:1.stomachs2.fat3.function4.ripe5.energy6.sleepy7.examined8.fit9.digested10.mixture11.steaming12.peel13.gain14.balance15.slice.选用所给短语的适当形式填空keep up with,instead of,make a choice,a bar of,roll up,choose from,make sure,even if,plenty of,be harmful to1.In order to lose weight,she spent_time and money.2.Dont run so fast!I cant_you.3.He_between wearing a green shirt and a white shirt.4. _going to the park,he stayed at home with his parents.5.Could you help me to buy_soap when you do shopping?6.Youd better not eat junk food.It_your health.7. There are many restaurants to_.8. _that you have finished all your homework. Then you can go out and play.9. Jack_the picture and left quickly when he heard a person call him.10. _there were many difficulties, he still made up his mind to finish his work on time.答案:1.plenty of2.keep up with3.made a choice4.Instead of5.a bar of6.is harmful to7.choose from8.Make sure9.rolled up10.Even if巩固提高.单项选择1.Ive decided to take the job and I_change mymind.A.mustntB.cantC.wontD.may not答案:C提示:will当情态动词时,表示“意愿”。本句意为“我已决定去做那项工作,我不会改变主意”。2.You_have told him the bad news, which made things even worse.A.shouldntB.needntC.couldntD.wouldnt答案:A提示:shouldnt have done是虚拟语气,意为“过去本不该做某事,而事实上已经做了”。3.You must be excited about going abroad for schooling._, but I am worrying about my poor English. A.I m not sure B.Certainly notC.Well, I ought to D.Not at all 答案:C提示:根据上下文,可知“我应该很兴奋”。因此答案选C项。4.Today is New Years Day. _I go to Grandpas house with you, father?No. You_miss the lesson though this is your extra lesson.A.Shall; neednt B.Shall; mustntC.Mustnt; must D.Can; neednt答案:B提示:shall和第一人称连用,表示征求他人意见。mustnt意为“禁止,不准”。5.How much shall I pay for the phone call?You_. This is free of charge.A.shouldnt B.cantC.dont have to D.mustnt答案:C提示:dont have to意为“不必”。6.I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I_for her.A.had to write it outB.must have written it outC.should have written it outD.ought to write it out答案:C提示:should have done意为“过去本应该做某事,而事实上并未做”。7. My sister_here by now, for she took the early train.A.must arriveB.can have arrivedC.ought to arrive D.ought to have arrived答案:D提示:ought to have done=should have done。8.When can I e for the bike? I need it this afternoon.It_be ready by 12:00.A.can B.shouldC.mightD.need答案:B提示:should表示可能性。本句意为“他们在12:00时应该好了”。9.You cant imagine that a wellbehaved gentleman_be so rude to a lady.A.might B.needC.should D.would答案:C提示:should在本句中意为“竟然”。10.You ought to have finished your position the day before yesterday, _you?A.oughtB.oughtntC.haventD.hadnt答案:B提示:反意疑问句要遵循前肯后否或前否后肯的原则。11.Can I leave this door open at night?No, you _better not.A.shouldB.wouldC.couldD.had答案:D提示:Youd better是You had better的缩写形式。12.One ought_for what one hasn t done.A.not to be punished B.to not be punishedC.to not punished D.not be punished答案:A提示:ought to do sth.的否定形式为“ought not to do sth.”。13.(xx苏、锡、常、镇高三教学情况调查二,34 )_anyone phone, tell them that I am busy with my paper.A.WouldB.ShallC.Should D.Will答案:C提示:should用于条件状语从句或让步状语从句中表示“万一的话;即使也”,如果省略if,要将主语和should调换位置。14. The gardener was called to tell the way_the poor dog had died.A.that B.whichC.in that D.of which答案:A提示:way意为“方式”,充当先行词引导定语从句时,定语从句用in which或that引导。15. _she did not like the teacher, she shouldn t have stayed away from the class.A.Because B.HoweverC.As D.Even though答案:D提示:even though意为“即使”。拓展应用.根据英文提示,翻译下列句子。1.这株植物死了,我本应该给它多浇些水。(should have done)2.你不该在全班同学面前取笑他。(ought not to)3.外面很冷,你最好多穿些衣服。(had better)4.我偶尔会试着给自己买点东西。(now and then)5.该影片是根据真实故事改编的。(base on)答案:1.The plant is dead.I should have given it more water.2.You ought not to make fun of him in front of the whole class.3.Its cold outside.Youd better wear more clothes.4.I try to buy myself something now and then.5.The film is based on a true story.下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正。1. Wed better not to stay up at night.2. Either your parents or your sister ought to afford to send you to university.3. Growing rice need hard work and good skills.4. Its not like him think of himself before thinking of others.5. This is such a good advice that we all think it will work.答案:1.去掉to2.oughtoughts3.needneeds4.thinkthinking5.a后加piece of

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