2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit19 Modern agriculture(第三课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit19 Modern agriculture(第三课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit19 Modern agriculture(第三课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册Teaching Aims:1.Get the students to master the structure:It is that.2.Get the students to obtain some knowledge about word formation so that they can enlarge their vocabulary.Teaching Important Points:1.The usage of the structure:It isthat2.The basic rules of word formation.Teaching Difficult Point:How to use the sentence pattern:“It isthat”when we emphasize the nouns which mean places or time.Teaching Methods:1.Pair work or group work to get every student to bee active.2.Drills in grammar to get the students to have a clear concept.3.Repetition to make the student master what they learn.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder.2.a projector and some slides.3.a puter for multimedia use.Teaching Procedures:step .Greetings and Revision(Greet the whole class as usual.Then teacher asks some students to read the text aloud.)T:Now look at the screen,please.Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.Pair work.Write your answer on a piece of paper.Later well check the answers.1.droughtA.(of land)suitable or used for growing crops2.arableB.hang upon,be dependent of3.fertilizationC.a long period of dry weather,when there is not enough water4.depend onD.not having enough5.shortageE.putting fertilizer on land6.short ofF.use;put in use;take advantage of7.irrigationG.a condition of having less than needed8.make use ofH.supplying water to dry land by man-made streams9.delegation I.a group of persons acting for one or more others(A few minutes later.)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Ill show the answers on the screen.Please check your answers with them.Suggested answers:1.C2.A3.E4.B5.G6.D 7.H 8.F9.Istep .Word StudyT:Lets go on to do Language study.First well do the first part:Word study.As we all know,word formation is a useful tool in learning English.It can help us enlarge our vocabulary.We can get a noun by adding some sufixes to a verb,for example,formformation,Generally a verb+-tion=a noun.But there is something you should pay special attention to.Now lets do the following exercise.Write the noun form of the given verbs and the verb form of the given nouns.If you are not sure about them,please turn to a dictionary.Then make sentences with each word.If you have anything you dont understand,have a discussion with your classmates.(Teacher goes among the students and help them to do the exercise.)T:Have you finished?(Ss:Yes.)Lets check the answers.SA.Write your answers on the blackboard,please.AnswersVerbNounirrigateirrigationmodernize modernizationpopulate populationproduce productionfertilize/fertilise fertilizationinform informationprotect protectionmodify modificationT:Now make sentences with each group words.One student,one group.SB:irrigate:They irrigate their crops with water from this river.irrigation:We often see irrigation canals on the land.SC:modernize:They have failed to modernize the factories.modernization:We will realize the four modernizations.SD:populate:America was populated mostly by Europeans.population:China has a population of more than 1 200 000 000.SE:produce:Australia produces wool and meat.production:This country is famous for the production of cars.SF:fertilize:Rice growers fertilize their fields by flooding them with water.fertilization:Proper fertilization is important for farming.SG:inform:He informed them of his arrival.information:The information might be false.SH:protect:It is our duty to protect our country.protection:The protection of our country is the duty of us all.SI:modify:Adjectives modify nouns.modification:The article needs some modification.Step .Grammar:The use of “It”(2)T:(Teacher shows some sentences on the screen.)Look at the two groups of sentences on the screen: T:Are sentence a and b in each group have the same meaning?Ss:Yes.Both of the two sentences in each group have the same meaning.T:Are there any difference?Sa,can you tell me?Sa:Yes.Sentence a is the emphatic form,while sentence b is normal.Am I right?T:Yes,you are right.“It is/wasthat”is the emphatic construction.This structure can be used to emphasize almost any part of the sentence (except emphasizing the verb).Besides,if we emphasize the subject,“who”(referring to a person)is possible instead of “that”.If an object is emphasized,“whom”(referring to a person)is possible.Look at the screen.Read this sentences and rewrite them,emphasizing the parts underlined,using“It is/wasthat”.Please prepare them in pairs.Rewrite the sentences:1. The children often help the father and mother do the farm work.2. In 1993,a tomato was developed that was very different from any grown before.3.The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the shortage of arable land.4. The plants grown in greenhouses are protected from the wind,rain and insects.5.Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?(Ss:Yes.)Please change these sentences.One student,one sentence.Who will be the first?Sb:Ill try.Sentence 2:It is the children who/that often help the father and mother do the farm work.Sc:I want to rewrite the second sentence,but Im not sure whether I should use“is”or“was”.T:Here you should use “was”.Sc:Sentence I:It was in 1993 when a tomato was developed that was very different from any grown before.T:Is he right,Sd?Sd:Yes.T:Youre both wrong.We should pay special attention to “that”when we emphasize the adverbial of time and place.In both situations,we should use“that”instead of “when ”or“where”.Are you clear about that?Ss:Yes.T:Lets go on with the other sentences.Se:Sentence 3:It is the shortage of arable land that the biggest problem of Chinese farmers is.SF:Sentence 4:It is the plants grown in green houses that are protected from the wind,rain and insects.SG:Sentence 5:It is high technology as well as traditional methods that future agriculture should depend on.T:Are they right?Ss:Yes,they are all right.Step .PracticeT:Now lets do the second part of Grammar.Rewrite the sentences,emphasizing as many parts as possible.First look at Example.Read it carefully and then do the exercise.You can have a discussion with your classmates if you have any questions.A few minutes later,well check the answers.(When students finish,teacher shows the answers on the screen and get the students to check their answers.Then teacher answers the questions raised by the students.)Answers to the exercise:1.It was Herry who/that gave George a new tie for his birthday last year.It was George whom/that Herry gave a new tie for his birthday last year.It was a new tie that Herry gave George for his birthday last year.It was last year that Herry gave George a new tie for his birthday.2.It was during that period of time that they made three important discoveries.It was they who/that made three important discoveries during that period of time.It was three important discoveries that during that period of time they made.3.It is some people in South America who /that still practise this kind of farming.It is this kind of farming that some people in South America still practise.Step .Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,weve done some exercises about Word Formation.Please remember these words on the blackboard(Pointing to the blackboard).We should also remember the emphatic construction:It is that(who,whom)What should we pay special attention to?Who can tell us?Sh:1.The verb can not be emphasized.2.When we emphasize the adverbial,we should remember that we cantt use when or where.T:(Write what the student said on the blackboard.)Thats right.After class,we should do more exercises so that we can master it.Todays homework:Do the exercises concerned in the workbook.Thats all.Class is over.Step .The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.Unit 19Modern agricultureThe Third PeriodWord Formation:VerbNounirrigate irrigationmoderniz emodernizationpopulate populationproduce productionfortilize/fertilisefertilizationinform informationprotect protectionmodify modificationThe emphatic structure:It is that(who)Notes:1.The verb can not be emphasized2.When we emphasize the adverbial,we should remember that we cant use when or where.Step .Record after Teaching_ _ _


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