2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit5 The silver screen(第四课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit5 The silver screen(第四课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit5 The silver screen(第四课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册Teaching Aims:1. Do some reading.2. Practise making ments and giving opinions.3. Do some writing.Teaching Important Points:1. How to make ments and give opinions.2. How to train the students writing ability.Teaching Difficult Points:How to improve the students integrating skills.Teaching Methods:1. Asking-and-answer activity to go through the reading material.2. Individual or group work to train the students writing ability.Teaching Aids:1. a puter2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:FStep .GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.FStep .RevisionT: In the second period we read a passage about a film director whose name is Steven Spielberg. In the third period we learned something about the Attributive Clause. Please find out all the Attributive Clauses in the reading text “Getting to know Steven Spielberg.”You can finish this task by yourselves first, then Ill check the answers with you.(Teacher gives students some time to prepare, then shows the following on the screen. The underlined parts are the Attributive Clauses.)1. Steven Spielberg, whose mother was a music teacher, was born in 1946 in a small town in America.2. This was a film in which Spielberg used real actors instead of toys.3. In 1959 Spielberg won a prize for a short film which he made when he was 13 years old.4. The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low.5. Here he worked on a short film, which won him a job as the youngest film director in the world.6. This was the moment when Spielbergs career really took off.7. It is about a big white shark that attacks swimmers who are spending their holidays in a small village by the sea.8. Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark.9. Spielberg has made two films about creatures that e to the earth from outer space.10. For example, ET is about a young boy called Elliott who makes friends with a small creature from outer space and helps him to find a way to go home.11. But in the world of children and the world where ET es from, love and friendship are the most important things in life.12. Jurassic Park, which Spielberg made in 1993,is about a park where a very rich man keeps different kinds of dinosaurs.13. He met actress Cate Capshaw, who is an actress,when he was working on one of his films.T: You can see some of the Attributive Clause are with mas. They are called the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause. Well learn about it later.FStep .Reading(Teacher shows a picture on the screen and says the following.)T: Look at the picture on the screen. Its taken from a film directed by the famous director Zhang Yimou. Do you know the name of the film? Have you seen it?S1:Yes.The film is called “Not one less”.I saw it several years ago.T: Very good. Today well read a passage about this film. Please look at the text on Page 34.While you are reading, please find out the words, expressions and sentence patterns that you dont understand, and the ones you think important.(After a while, teacher asks students to say the language points and writes them on the blackboard.)(Bb: start with, keep sb. /sth. +adj./prep. phrase, lock up, run after, run away from, make it +n.+ infinitive, can/be able to afford(to do)sth., after having done,fail to do sth.,appear live on air, not justbut also)(Then teacher asks students to say the meanings of the useful expressions and explains the difficult points to the students with the help of the screen.)T: Now Ill explain these difficult points to you. Please look at the screen.1.take sbs plave = take the place of sb./ sth.e.g. She could take the place of the family he had lost.2. keep sb./ sth.+adj./ prep.-phrase.e.g. Please keep the classroom clean. She likes to keep everything in good order.3.afforde.g. I cant afford(to buy)such an expensive car.4. live e.g. The football game was broadcast live.The Oscar ceremony is the biggest, most extravagant live event on television.5. on the aire.g. We will be on the air in five minutes.This programme es on the air at the same time ecery day.6. not just but also= not only but alsoFStep .Post-readingT: Now read the passage once again and plete the table on Page 35 with the information from the text.(Teacher gives students some minutes to prepare, then asks some of them to give the answers.)Suggested answers:Title: Not One LessDirector: Zhang YimouWhats the film about? Tell the story in your own words.This film tells a story about a 13-year-old girl named Wei Mingzhi who takes care of the village school when the teacher, Mr. Gao ,is aways for a month. She has to make sure that all the students stay in the school. When one of them runs aways to the big city, she follows him and brings him back.Does the film have a happy ending? Why?Yes. The film has a happy ending. Minxhi finds Huike and bring him back to the school, together with the people from the TV station.What do you think about the story of the film?Why?I think the story gives us hope. The film shows us thatpeople care for each other.Even people in the city will take care of people in the village when thdy know about their problemsHow do you feel about the ending of the film?Why?I like this film because it is so moving. I thing the ending of the fulm is happy, but you almost have to cry.Step .WritingT: Next lets write a review about a good or a bad film you have seen. First look at the tips on the screen. They may help you to make ments on a film.T: Now work in groups. First you can have a discussion about the content of the film, then give your own opinion about the story and make ments on it. Finally you should write your passage on a piece of paper. Ill collect your papers in fifteen minutes.Suggested answer:Forrest GumpForrest Gump is an American film. The hero is an idiot named Forrest Gump. He is lame in one leg. When he is a student, he is not popular with his classmates. He bees a very self-abased man, but he has a good mother and a girl-friend name Jenny. Encouraged by them, he succeeds in his career and bees a rich man.I think its a very good film, especially to young people. Gump gives us enlightenment. As a human being, he should be naturd. He should live for himself, for his natural and beautiful heart at birth, not to show off to others. And the actor who plays role of Gump acts wonderfully.I like this film very much. I think its well worth seeing. Gump sets a good example to us in character, attitude to career and love. If there is a chance, youd better see it. Im sure you can benefit from it.Not One Less by Zhang YimouThe film is about a 13-year-old girl called Wei Minzhi, who takes care of the village school when the teacher, Mr Gao, is away for a month. She has to make sure that all the students stay in the school, When one of them runs away to the big city, she follows him and brings him back. The film has a happy ending. Minxhi finds Huike and brings him back to the school. Together with the people from the TV station. I think the story gives us hope. The film shows us that people care for each other. Even people in the city will take care of people in the village when they know about their problems. I like this film because it is so moving. I think the ending of the film is happy. But you almost have to cry.The Princess Diaries by Garry MarshallWhat happens if you wake up one day and find out that yor father is a king? You must be very surprised and happy, and your life changes pletely. That is what happened to the actress in the film “The Princess Diaries”.Mia Thermopolis, played by Anne Hathaway, is a girl with funny hair and big black glasses, who one day finds out she is a princess in small. unknow country in Europe. Before that, she was the most unpopular girl in schoolthe kind of girl that most kids would not make friends with. No one but her friend and her friends brother notice her. When the news breaks that she is a princess, everything changes and she has to make many decisions about her life. Some people try to take advantage of her. People take pictures of her when shi is most frightened. The only people she can trust are those who always were her friends, when she was still the invisible Miss Unpopular.I think it is a good and funny movie for the whole family, and a nice story to watch.FStep .TestT: In this unit weve learned some useful expressions. Have you remembered them? (Ss: Yes) Well. Lets have a dictation. Lifei, e to the blackboard, please. The others take out a piece of paper and write on it. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Lets begin. (Bb: take off, stay away, silver screen, go wrong, lock sb. up, on the air, in all, owe sth. to sb., think highly of)T: Weve alwo learned the Attributive Clause introduced by the relative adverbs “when, where and why”. Besides. Weve learned the Attributive Clause with prepositions. Now, please write five sentences containing the Attributive Clauses introduced by “when, where, why” or “prep. + which/ whom”.(Teacher tells students to write the sentences on a piece of paper and collects the papers.)Suggested answers:1. Ill never forget the day when I was born.2. This is the house where I used to live.3. This is the reason why he didnt e to school.4. The village has a very big tree under which the villages often have meetings.5. The teacher from whom I learnt most was Mrs Zhu.FStep .Summary and HomeworkT: In this class, weve done some reading and writing. Weve learnt how to make ments and give opinions. Weve also reviewed the useful expressions and the grammar in this unit. After class, go over all the important points weve learnt in this unit and do more exercises by yourselves. You should also prepare for Unit 6.Thats all for today. Class is over.Suggested answers:Ex.1Ture: 2,5 False: 1,3,4,Ex.2: The old Jackie Chan films were made without tricks. Most of Chans films involve Karate and martial arts. In the old films the actors made most movements themselves, the fighting was fast but real. In modern films, jumps and fighting sre made with puters and other ways. They arent real.Ex.3: Films that are made in the American way are successful in America, and films that are made in Asia are successful in Asia have different ideas about what is funny and what type of action is interesting to watch. For example, people in Aia dont understand jokes in American movies or think that they are not funny. Also, the action is different. In American movies, much of the action involves fighting is mostly done in traditional Kung-fu fighting. American people think such fighting isnt interesting to watch.Ex.4: Some films by Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, such as “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragan” were very successful in the West. They are all films that are really about China and Chinese culture, so the people who watch these movies are interested to watch China as it really is.Chinese filmWestern filmWhat is it about?漂亮妈妈(Breaking the Silence)Erin Brockovich(永不妥协)What are the actors/ actresses like?The lead actress is Gong LiShe is tall and prettyShe plays the ro1e of a singlemother struggling to raise a young,deaf child on her ownThe young boy is played by an actual deaf boyThe lead actress is Julia RobertsA1so tall and beautiful,she plays the role of adivorced mother with three little kidsShe has to work very hard to earn a living for the whole family and earn respect and self-value for herselfIs there a lot of action? What kind?There isnt much action in itThe movie shows the great 1ove of a mother for her child and reflects on the hard life of the lower middle classThere isnt a lot of actionThe movie is based on a reallife storyThe woman helps herself while helping others win a billiondollar law caseWhat feeling to you have after you see it?The film is beautifulLove works magic with its strong power In this film,we feel love between parents and children, love between friends and love between people who dont know each otherI was impressed by the 1ively character of the heroineIt 3hows that a woman can realise her self-value by working smart and hardSample writing;Halle Berry The whole world cheered for her when she became the first black woman to win an Oscar for list Actress。Halle Berry was born to a white mother and black father on August 14,1968 in Cleveland, Ohio In 1985,at the age of seventeen, she won the Miss Teen AllAmerica Beauty (选美大赛)Later, she became the first black girl in the Miss World cmpetition However, being beautiful wasnt enough of a challenge for HalleIn the late l980s, she began to take an active interest in acting and got small parts in some filmsIn Jungle Fever, and again in Losing Isaiah, she played a woman using drugsHalle is proud of her role in these filmsIn 200l,Halle Berry played a role of a woman called Leticia Musgrove in the film Monster,s BallThe film changed Halles ideas about life I like her very much not only because she is beautiful, but she also sets a goodexample, showing that hard work and self-confidence win lead to success some dayStep .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 5 The silver screenThe Fourth PeriodUseful words and expressions:Stay away, take sbs place, keep sb./ sth + adj./ prep.-prase, lock sb. up, run after,(can/ could/ be able to)afford to do, live ,on the air, not just ut also, take off ,silver screen, to wrong, owe sth. to sb., in all ,bring sb. back, think highly ofFStep .Record after Teaching_


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