2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit11 The sounds of the world(第五课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit11 The sounds of the world(第五课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit11 The sounds of the world(第五课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册Teaching Aims:1. Summarize the Passive verb-forms in different tenses.2. Revise the use of the Passive Voice in different tenses.Teaching Important Point:The form and use of the Passive Voice.Teaching Difficult Point:How to change the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.Teaching Methods:1. Revision to help the Ss to remember what they have learned.2. Practice to help the Ss to master the important points.Teaching Aids:1. a projector and some slides2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:FStep . GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.FStep .RevisionT: In this class, well revise the Passive Voice we have learned. We know the basic form of the Passive Voice is“be+ past participle”(Bb: be +p.p.).As we know, the Passive Voice is generally used when the doer is not important or unknown, or when we wish to highlight the object of an active sentence. The agent introduced by“by”is the same person or thing as the subject of an active sentence. Please look at the examples on the blackboard and pare them.(Bb: Mr Smith locks the gate at 6 oclock every night.The gate is locked by Mr Smith at 6 oclock every night.)The agent is only expressed when it is important to say who or what something is done by. In most passive sentences, there is no agent. As for the tenses of the passive verbs and the rules for their use, they are the same as for active verbs. Now lets do the exercise on the screen to revise the Passive verb-forms and their use in different tenses. Then well fill in a form.(Teacher shows the exercise on the screen. First ask Ss to finish it individually and check the answers with their partners. Then show the right answers on the screen.)Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice.1. People regard him as a brave man.2. He published the book in 1960.3. The man is repairing his car at the moment.4. He said they were building the bridge.5. Her friends will give her many presents at her birthday party.6. He said that a special mittee would examine the plan.7. I cleaned my shoes this morning.8. Two men tried to sell the painting that they had stolen.Suggested answers:1. He is regarded as a brave man.2. The book was published in 1960.3. The car is being repaired at the moment.4. He said the bridge was being built.5. She will be given many presents at her birthday party.6. He said that the plan would be examined by a special mittee.7. My shoes were cleaned this morning.8. Two men tried to sell the painting that had been stolen.T: Now look at the answers on the screen and sum up the passive verb-forms in different tenses. Fill in the form on the blackboard with the verb “do” as an example.FStep .DiscussionT: Lets discuss the following sentences on the screen.Put them in the Passive Voice.(Show the sentences on the screen.)1. My brother gave me two notebooks this morning.2. We elected him monitor of our class.3. How did you make it clear?4. He made the boy stand still.5. We have sent for the doctor.6. We shall make use of every minute and second.T: (A few minutes later.)Are you ready? Who will give the answers?SA: I was given two notebooks this morning.SB: Two notebooks were given to me this morning.SC: He was elected monitor of our class.SD: How was it made clear?SE: The boy was made to stand still.SF: The doctor has been sent for.SG: Every minute and second will be made use of.(After Ss finish them, teacher shows all the right answers on the screen and gives some explanations.)T: You all did very well.(Pointing to the first and the second sentences)If there are two objects in a sentence, either can be used as subject. Most often in such cases the person bees the subject of the passive verb.(Pointing to the third and the fourth sentences)If the predicate is a verb with plex object, we use the object as the subject in the Passive Voice, object plement is left as the subject plement. In the fifth sentence, when “make” is used as the predicate, we use “stand” not “to stand”as object plement. But in the Passive Voice, we should use “to stand” not “stand”.Can you give other verbs like “make”?Ss: Look at; see; watch; observe; notice; listen to; hear; have; let; feel etc.T: In the last two sentences, the predicate is phrasal verbs. We should remember that when they are changed into the Passive Voice, the prepositions should not be lost. Have you any questions? Well, there are two points we should remember.1. Some transitive verbs denoting state can not be used in the passive voice.e.g. The book cost me three dollars.I have a book.2.The examples of some active forms in passive sense.e.g. The door wont shut.The knife cuts well.The dish smells nice.Much remains to do.The radio needs repairing.Other verbs; read; draw; write; clean; cook; add up; look; sound; feel; taste; want; require etc. should be remembered, for they are the same as those in usage.FStep .ConsolidationT: Now lets do some exercises. Work in pairs first. Then Ill check the answers.(Show them on the screen.)Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.1. Many old houses_(pull) down to make way for the new building.2. Much of London_(destroy) by fire in the 17th century.3. He was a bit nervous, for he_(never, operate) on before.4. Research_(do) all over the world into possible causes of cancer.5. Rice_(mainly, grow) in the south.6. The bridge_(close) for repairs for two weeks.7. Who will the children_(look after)by?8. Where are the children? They must _(hide) somewhere in the garden.9. I shouldnt trust him. He_(know) to the police as a cheat.10. A fire_(break out) in our school the other day.Suggested answers:1. have been pulled2. was destroyed3. had never been operated4. is being done5. is mainly grown6. has been closed7. be looked after8. be hidden9. is known10. broke outFStep .TestT: Now lets have a test. Please do the exercises on the screen. A few minutes later, well check the answers.Choose the best answers:1. Coal can to produce electricity for agriculture and industry.A. have B. be used C. use D. used2. You can see the house for year.A. isnt painted B. hasnt paintedC. hasnt been painted D. painted3. Some new oilfields since 1976.A. Were opened up B. has opened upC. have been opened up D. had been opened up4.Why does Ling Ling look so unhappy?She has by her classmates.A. laughed B. laughed at C. been laughed D. been laughed at5. This is the photo of the power station that in my hometown.A. has set up B. has been set upC. was set up D. is set up6. Both my brothers work at the power station that in my hometown.A. has set up B. has been set upC. was set up D. is set up7. Great changes in the city and a lot of factories .A. have been taken place; have been set upB. have taken place; have set upC. have taken place; have set upD. were taken place; were set up8. Doctors in every part of the world.A. need B. are needed C. are needing D. will need9. I promise that matter will .A. be taken care B. be taken care ofC. take care D. take care of10. No permission has for anybody to enter the building.A. been given B. givenC. to give D. be givingSuggested answers:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.B 10. AFStep .SummaryT: In this class, weve revised the verb-forms and the use of the Passive Voice in different tenses. After class, you should do more exercises and use what weve learned as often as possible. Thats all for today.FStep . The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 11 The sounds of the worldThe Passive Voice1. Mr Smith locks the gate at 6 oclock every night.The gate is locked by Mr Smith at 6 oclock every night.2. Form(The passive verb-forms in different tenses. c.f Step .)FStep . Record after Teaching_


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