高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Reading1课件 新人教版必修3.ppt

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高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Reading1课件 新人教版必修3.ppt_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Reading1课件 新人教版必修3.ppt_第3页
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Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars,Pre-reading,Do you know how our life began on the earth? Do you know any ancient idea about the beginning of the universe?,盘古开天辟地 女娲补天造人,In the western culture, who creates everything in the world?,The God,HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH?,Reading,Scanning,1. What is the main idea of the text?,2. Which paragraph are the questions mentioned in?,1) How old is the earth? 2) How does the universe begin? 3) Is there any water in the Mars? 4) When did dinosaurs disappear? 5) Which animal is the most important one on the earth?,Para.4,Para.2,Para.3,Para.5,Para.1,How life began on the earth,Passage structure,Main body,Para 1:,Para 2: Para 3: Para 4:,Para 5:,A widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe.,The formation of the earth.,The importance of water for life.,The development of plants and animals on the earth.,The arrival of humans and their impact on the earth.,Read the passage carefully and analyse its structure:,earth, atmosphere and water,life development,Human beings,Carefully Reading,( )A Insects and amphibians appeared. ( )B Dinosaurs appeared. ( )C The earth became a solid ball. ( )D Small plants grew on the water. ( )E Reptiles appeared. ( )F Plants began to grow on dry land. ( )G The earth was a cloud of dust. ( )H Water appeared on the earth. ( Shellfish and other fish appeared. ( )J The universe began with a “Big Bang”. ( )K Clever animals with hands and feet appeared. ( )L Mammals appeared.,5,10,6),2,9,4,8,3,7,1,Detailed reading,Put the order of development of life into a time line.,12,11,After reading the passage, discuss the following questions.,1. Why was the earth different from the other planets? 2. Why is it wrong to show films with dinosaurs and people together? 3. What problem is caused by human beings?,2. Why is it wrong to show films with dinosaurs and people together?,1. Why was the earth different from the other planets?,Because the water remained on the earth.,Because dinosaurs died out long before human beings developed on the earth.,3. What problem is caused by human beings?,Human beings causes global warming.,After the “Big Bang”, the earth was full of water.,Original cells appeared in the ocean.,The cells in the water began to separate. Marine animals came into being.,Some animals (amphibian & insects) came to land.,Reptile appeared.,dinosaurs,Mammals,Man had evolved from apes.,They developed new methods of growing food, hunting and moving around. As time went by they covered the earth and have become the most important animals on the planet.,After the “big bang”, the earth was still just a cloud of _, it _loudly with fire and rock, which were _ to produce the_, water vapour and other gases. Then _ began to appeared on the earth. _ in water are considered to be the earliest lives on the earth. The O2 they supplied encouraged the lives of_. Slowly green plants grew on land, which were followed by _ like insects & _. When the plants grew into_, _ appeared. Then _ developed but disappeared later, which made the rise of a totally different animal,_, possible, and finally _ spread all over the world.,dust,exploded,in time,carbon,water,summary,The small plants,shell-fish and fish,land animals,amphibians,forests,reptiles,dinosaurs,mammal,humans,As a student, what little things can we do for the earth?,Discussion,solar energy,plant trees,recycle rubbish,prevent desertification,save water,purify air,Design an activity on Earth Day,What the activity is about Why the activity is designed When and where to do the activity Who takes part in the activity What to be done in the activity ,Homework Search the Internet for the information of the development of life. 2. Read the text again and find out your difficult points.,


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