高中英语 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern heroPeriod Three课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

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高中英语 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern heroPeriod Three课件 新人教版必修1.ppt_第3页
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Period Three Using Language,课文理解 1.Why did the name of Robben Island make them afraid? A.Because Robben Island was an island that was not beautiful. B.Because they spent the hardest time of their lives there. C.Because Robben Island was a bad mans name. D.Because Robben Island was not their home.,课 文 预 读,2.Mr.Mandela began a school to _. A.make some money B.spend his spare time C.teach some prisoners D.make friends with the prisoners 3.Why did Mr.Mandela allow the prison guards to study too? A.Because he needed the guards help. B.Because he thought the guards had their rights to study. C.Because the guards were black people too. D.Because the guards could pass their exams.,4.How long was Elias in prison named Robben Island? A.Four years. B.Four months. C.Four weeks. D.Four days. 5.Elias lost his job because _. A.he wasnt well educated when he was in prison B.the boss knew he had been in prison C.he was not fit for his work D.he didnt get on well with the other workers 答案 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B,【美丽学习】 What Comic Book Heroes Teach Us About Life 漫画英雄教我们的生活之道 Always have a sidekick,Batman without Robin is grumpy,brooding,reluctant to leave his man-cave (in his case,an actual cave).Stick a cheesy protege by his side and he lightens up immeasurably,as demonstrated by the beyond-kitsch 1960s Batman series.What this tells us is that its immensely beneficial to cultivate a loyal follower,though it is perhaps best they dont wear a cape,Lone Ranger mask and green short-shorts to the office.Unless you work at a tech start-up,at least one of those is probably against company dress code.,.核心单词 单词拼写 1.Since she was better _ (教育),she got a job working in an office. 2.He was _ (判刑)to ten years in prison. 3.He gave the children some candies to _ (奖励)them for behaving well. 4.It is time to stop his _ (残忍)to the animals. 5.He couldnt decide any important things.He asked his wifes o_ on every important decision.,知 识 梳 理,答案 1.educated 2.sentenced 3.reward 4.cruelty 5.opinion,.重点短语 补全短语 e _ power 当权;上台 2.set _ 设立;建立 3.be sentenced _ 被判处(徒刑) 4._ ones opinion 依之见 5.stop._ doing 阻止做 6.the _ time 第一次 答案 1.to 2.up 3.to 4.in 5.from 6.first,.写作句式 句式运用(完成句子) 1.It was a prison _ no one escaped. 那是一座任何人都逃不出去的监狱。 2.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we _. 他在午餐后的休息时间以及晚上本来该睡觉的时间教我们学习。,3.They were not cleverer than me,but they _ their exams. 他们不比我聪明,但是确实通过了考试。 4.I felt bad _ I talked to a group. 第一次给旅行团作讲解时,我的心情很不好。,答案 1.from which 2.should have been asleep 3.did pass 4.the first time,.单句语法填空 1.You can try_second time if you fail_first time. 2.A new school was set_in the village last year. 3.Only_(educate) people can have a good understanding of the lecture given by the scientist. 4.Advertisements are not allowed to be put_on the pole without special permission. 5.The criminal(罪犯),who _(sentence) to 4 years in prison by the judge last week,was 21 years old.,6.There is a notice saying:Anyone returning the ring will _(reward). 7.Tom_(come) to his friends birthday party,but he was too busy yesterday. 8.Whoever breaks the law wont escape_(punish). 9.He thought of a very good way to stop the car_(steal). 10.This is the very reason_all of you want to know.,答案 1.a;the 2.up 3.educated 4.up 5.was sentenced 6.be rewarded 7.should have come 8.punishment/being punished 9.(from)being stolen 10.that,【知识链接】 1.They were not cleverer than me,but they did pass their exams.他们并不比我聪明,但他们却通过了考试。 在此句中,did是助动词,用来加强语气。当句子的时态是一般现在时或一般过去时,谓语动词又是实义动词时,常用助动词do,does,did来加强语气,表示强调。 I did go to the concert last night. 昨晚我确实去听音乐会了。 Please do come to my birthday party. 请一定要来参加我的生日聚会。 He does look tired. 他的确显得很疲倦。,完成句子 _ (务必小心)when crossing the street. She _ (确实告诉过)me about her address,but I forgot all about it. In my opinion,what they _ (他们所做的确实有好处) to our countrys international position. 答案 Do be careful did tell what they did does do good,2.sentenced to five years hard labour for encouraging violence against anti-black laws.因为鼓励反对反黑人法的暴力行为而被判了五年的苦役。 sentence vt.判决;宣判 be sentenced to被判处(徒刑) sentence sb to do判决接受的刑罚 sentence sb to death判处某人死刑 The thief was sentenced to three years in prison. 这个小偷被判三年徒刑。 The murderer was sentenced to death.杀人犯被判死刑。 He has been sentenced to pay a fine of $200 for drunk driving.他因酒驾被判罚款二百美元。,单句语法填空 The judge sentenced the governor _ 14 years in prison. No one can avoid being sentenced to _(die) if he kills someone. She _ (sentence) to life imprisonment for turning against her country. 答案 to death was sentenced,


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