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七年级上册,Unit 1 My names Gina. Section B (2a-Self check),1了解中英文名字的区别。 2会制作身份卡片,以综合运用所学的姓名和数字。,学习目标,one,two,three,知识回顾,four,five,six,four,知识回顾,seven,eight,nine,知识回顾,119,telephone number,Whats the ?,知识回顾,Help !,110,Telephone number:,知识回顾,120,Telephone number:,知识回顾,Whats the phone number ?,Its 02055885588.,知识回顾,自主学习,Unit 1 My names Gina-Section B (2a-Self check) 听101名师微课My names Gina.-Section B核心词汇 My names Gina.-Section B词法句法,first /f:st / 第一的,last /l :st / 最后的,first name 名字 given name,last name 姓氏 family name,family /fml / 家庭,自主反馈,Can you read these words?,friend /frend/ 朋友,Chinese 中国人 中国的,China 中国 in China,自主反馈,Can you read these words?,name,My name is Yang Panpan. 我的名字是杨盼盼 盼盼是我的名。 杨 是我的姓。,新课学习,His name is Jim Green. 思考 哪个才是他的姓? Jim? Green? 哪个才是他的名? Jim? Green?,?,新课学习,His name is Jim Green.,他的名是 Jim . 他的姓是 Green . His first name is Jim. His last name is Green.,新课学习,My name is Yang Panpan. 我的名字是杨盼盼 盼盼是我的名。 即: My first name is Panpan. 杨是我的姓。 即: My last name is Yang.,姓 : last name / family name 名 : first name,新课学习,中文名字和英文名字的区别: 中文名字 姓+名。 英文名字 名+姓。,分组活动,小组讨论,1 组,2 组,3 组,4 组,English Full Name,a first name,a middle name,a family name,given names,a last name,新课学习,Yao Ming Bill Gates,family name,family name,Chinese name,English name,新课学习,Notes: Mr/ Mrs / Miss / Ms + last name For example: Her name is Cindy White. We call her Miss White. The old man is John Smith. We can call him Mr Smith.,新课学习,Bill Gates,first name / given name,last name / family name,名字,姓氏,在英语中,姓氏放在名字的后面,新课学习,Whats his name? _. _.,last name,first name,Look and say,His Chinese names Sun Wukong,His English names Monkey King,新课学习,Zhu Ting,Her first name: _ Her family name: _,Ting,Zhu,新课学习,Make your own name card,First name:_ Last name:_ Telephone number:_,新课学习,1. Alan 2. Green 3. Miller 4. Mingming 5. Gina 6. Jack 7. Smith 8. Brown 9. Zhang 10. Mary,2a.Write F for first name and L for last name.,L,L,F,L,L,F,F,L,F,F,Whats your first name?,Jack,Whats your last name?,Smith,新课学习,1. My name is Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-4672. 2. Im Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344. 3. My name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.,2b.Read the messages and match them with the pictures.,新课学习,Read the messages again circle the first names and underline the last names.,Eric Brown Gina Smith Dale Miller Zhang Mingming Jenny Green Mary Brown,新课学习,Names Telephone numbers Eric Brown 358-63444 Gina Smith 929-3155 Dale Miller 281-9176 Zhang Mingming 257-8900 Jenny Green 357-5689 Mary Brown 232-4672,2c.Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of friends.,新课学习,分组活动,小组讨论,1 组,2 组,3 组,4 组,总结本课自己的收获,小组内交流。,英语国家人名,English name,first name,last name,given name,family name,中国人名,Chinese name,名字,姓,last name,family name,姓,first name,given name,名字,新课学习,随堂检测,在线完成101智慧课堂上Unit 1 My names Gina-Section B (2a-Self check) 随堂测试!,1.主题讨论:Make your own name card 在101云课堂发布你自制的名字卡片,大家互批改。 2.预习Unit 2 This is my sister-Section A (1a1c)导学案 3.听101名师微课This is my sister-Section A核心词汇,作业布置,


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