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其他范文/相声小品剧本 双峰镇:双峰伴我行TwinPeaks:FireWalkW t w i n p e a k s - fire walk with me, teresa banks and the last seven days of laura palmer screenplay by david lynch and bob engels typed by: deep thoughtlynch/frost productionsshooting draftfade in:1.ext. wind river, washington - dayon screen it reads: 1988, wind river, deer meadow, washingtonteresa banks body wrapped in plastic floating through hells canyon,drifting along in wind river.on screen it reads: teresa banksfade out:fade in:2.ext. fbi office in portlandestablish.3.int. gordon coles officegordon cole talks on the speaker phone. coleget me agent chester desmond infargo, north dakota.4.ext. highway, fargo, north dakota - daya school bus. two very buxom prostitutes are being handcuffed by aplain clothes special agent, chester desmond. another agent has hisgun to the spread eagled bus drivers head. the kids inside the busare screaming. the phone inside chester desmonds car starts toring. desmond walks to the car.5.int. desmonds car - daydesmond picks up the ringing phone. desmondyes.intercut with: cole colechet, i am calling you fromportland. oregon. desmondok, gordon. coleno, its oregon, portland, oregon.its regional bureau chief cole. outin portland oregon. i need you out here, chet. desmond (little louder)ok, gordon. coleoregon. a young girl has beenmurdered. seventeen years old.named teresa banks. desmond (very loud)okay, gordon!desmond electronically lowers the aerial adjusting the volume. colegot a map of the environs of theyakima indian reservation withyour name on it. better bring apole. desmondsmell something fishy, huh? coleive got a surprise for you, chet.something interesting that i wouldlike to show you. arrangements arebeing made and i will meet you atthe portland, airport.6.ext. small airport outside of portland - daysmall government plane lands.another angledesmond exits the plane.7.int. security lounge of the airport - samedesmond enters. cole and another man, sam stanley, walk towards him. cole (motioning to the man standing there)chet, give sam stanley the gladhand. hes come over from spokane.desmond and stanley shake. stanleyits a pleasure. ive heard a lot about you. colesams the man who cracked thewhiteman case. desmondcongratulations. i heard about that. cole (plowing ahead)your surprise, chet. her name is lil.lil walks to them from another room. she goes into a contorted dance.8.lils dancethings we notice.- she makes a sour face.- she walks in place.- she puts one hand in her pocket and makes a fist with the other.- while she is doing this, she blinks with both eyes.- she is wearing a red wig.at one point during this cole adds a sentence. coleshes my mothers sisters girl.cole holds four fingers in front of his eyes. desmond (noticing the fingers)federal?cole gives him the thumbs up.lil finishes her dance. colegood luck, chet. (turns to sam)sam, you stick with chet, hes gothis own m.o. modus operandi. (back to chet)you can reach me at thephiladelphia offices. i am flyingout today desmondright, gordon. well be in touch.9.ext. highway on the way to deer meadow - daydesmonds car on the highway.10.int. desmonds car - sameas they barrel down the highway - stanleythat was really something. thatdancing girl. (after a beat)what did it mean? desmondcode. if you work with gordon you learnthat right away. stanleycode, ive heard a lot about this.desmond pulls his arm back so that only his fingers come out of hissleeve. desmondsort of shorthand. stanley (missing the humor)shorthand. really? desmondwere heading into a difficult situation. stanleyhow do you figure? desmondill explain it to you. do you rememberlils dance?as desmond explains we -intercut with:11.flashback: lils dancein slow motion.on lils sour face desmondlil was wearing a sour face. stanleywhat do you mean? desmondher face had a sour look. that meanswere going to have trouble with thelocal authorities. they are not going tobe receptive to the fbi.on lil blinking both eyes desmondboth eyes blinking means there is goingto be trouble higher up. the eyes of thelocal authority. a sheriff and a deputy.that would be my guess. two of thelocal law enforcers are going to be aproblem.on lil putting one hand in her pocket and one in a fist desmond (continued)if you noticed she had one hand in herpocket which means they are hidingsomething, and the other hand made afist which means they are going to bebelligerent.on lil walking in place desmond (continued)lil was walking in place which meanstheres going to be a lot of legworkinvolved.we see cole putting his fingers in front of his face and saying lilis his sisters girl. desmond (continued)cole said lil was his mothers sistersgirl. what is missing in that sentence?the uncle. stanleyoh, the uncle is missing. desmondnot coles uncle but probably thesheriffs uncle in federal prison. stanleyso the sheriff had got an uncle whoscommitted a serious crime.on lils red wig desmondright, which is probably why lil waswearing a red wig meaning we areheaded into a dangerous situation. letme ask you something, stanley, did younotice anything about the dress? stanleythe dress she was wearing had beenaltered to fit her. i noticed a differentcolored thread where the dress had beentaken in. it wasnt her dress or shemust have lost some weight. desmondgordon said you were good. the tailoreddress is our code for drugs. did younotice what was pinned to it? stanleya blue rose. desmondvery good, but i cant tell you aboutthat.stanley rides along quietly for a while. stanleywhat did gordons tie mean? desmondwhat? thats just gordons bad taste. stanleywhy couldnt he have just told you allthese things? desmondhe talks loud. and he loves his code. stanleyi see. he does talk loud. desmondgordon would not have sent us to deermeadow without thinking it was a high priority situation. stanleyit must be a high priority situation.12.ext. highway - samedesmonds car drives off.dissolve to:13.ext. deer meadow sheriffs station - afternoondesmond and stanley arrive. the sheriffs station is in a sorrystate outside. they walk up to the old steps and enter.14.int. deer meadow sheriffs station, reception area - dayagent desmond and stanley walk into a very small reception area. atthe counter desmond shows his badge to cliff howard, the deputy. desmondgood afternoon, federal bureau ofinvestigation, special agent chetdesmond. id like to see sheriff cable.cliff just smiles for a long minute. cliffwhy dont you folks have a seat. makeyourself at home. its gonna be a while.desmond stays standing and stanley sits. after another long moment,cliff joins the secretary in a conspiratorial giggle over the longwait they are planning to give the fbi. in the middle of a gigglecliff smiles up at desmond. cliff (continued)why dont you have some of that coffee.it was fresh two days ago.cliff has a good laugh over this and leans again over the secretarypretending to look at some paper work. they both laugh. desmondokay, thats it. ive had enough of thewaiting room now. cliff (still smiling)oh.desmond walks towards the door that obviously must go to sheriffcables office.cliff blocks his way with his arm across the doorway, daring him todo something. while they stare eye to eye, desmonds hand goes upslowly towards cliffs face in a slow mesmerizing way. cliff triesto knock chets hand away. chet counters by grabbing cliffs noseand pinches a nerve to its side injecting cliff with a great amountof pain. cliff (continued)aaahhhhhhhh.desmond spins the deputy 180 degrees placing himself on the inside ofthe office and then still pressing the nerve guides cliff down into achair.while the deputys eyes tear copiously desmond turns to the secretary. desmondyou can start that fresh pot of coffeeright now.desmond stalks to sheriff cables office. stanley remains behindcontinuing to observe every detail.15.int. sheriff cables office - daysheriff cable looks up from his work. cablehow the hell did you.desmond shows his credentials. desmondfederal bureau of investigation, specialagent chet desmond.cliff, still holding his nose, appears just behind desmond, who turnsto him. desmond (continued)thats all right, deputy, sheriff cablecan take it from herecable signals cliff to leave. desmond (continued)im here to investigate the murder ofteresa banks. cablewell, little fella, we dont need anyoutside help here. i dont like youpeople sniffin around my neck of thewoods. in fact, when the state boyscalled me about a j. edgar coming up ithink i said, so what? desmondyour behavior is not funny and iswasting the time of the federalgovernment. cableyoure lucky i am not wasting you. desmondwell, little fella, let me put it this way.the operative word here would befederal. with or without thesemantics of all this, i am now orderingyou to release all pertinent informationconcerning teresa banks, both whileliving and deceased.cable retrieves a box with the paper work and some personal effects.he throws it to desmond. cablea basic kill. banks was a drifter andnobody knew her. my boys have been allover this. its a dead end. desmondthats why were here, sheriff cable.wheres the body? cableout back in our morguedesmond starts to leave. cable (continued)its 4:30. we close at five. desmondweve got our own clock. well lock up.as desmond turns to leave he notices on the wall a framed newspaperclipping with picture.the caption reads: cable bends steelthe newspaper shows a picture of cable in a he-man pose bending asteel bar into a u shape. he turns to leave and stanley seems tohave appeared right on time. desmond moves down the hall and stanleyfollows.16.ext. sheriffs station - dayas desmond and stanley walk to the adjoining morgue they see a pile ofsteel bars similar to the one they saw cable bending in the picture.at the morgue doorstanley moves up to desmond and speaks confidentially. stanleyyou know, agent desmond, i figure thiswhole office, furniture included, isworth 27,000 dollars.desmond doesnt know what to say to him. they enter the morgue.17.int. tiny morgue - dayteresas body is on the platform in the middle of the room, stanleyhangs his recorder on the hooks at the end of the autopsy table andputs on rubber gloves. desmond opens teresa banks file. desmond (reading)teresa banks lived at the canyontrailer park for a month. well checkthat. and worked as a waitress at hapstruck stop. worked the night shift.good place for dinner when were thruhere, sam. (flips to another page)no one came to claim the body and noknown next of kin.as desmond is doing this, stanley takes out his special machine.desmond looks up from his work and notices. stanleysolved the whiteman case with this. desmondthats what i heard. stanleyno one could find those splinterswithout a machine like this. and no onehad a machine like this. desmondthats good. stanleyyes, it is good. (looks around)what do you think is in these otherdrawers? desmondi dont know, sam. stanleymaybe, later we could take a look. desmondsure, but lets finish up with this first.getting to work, stanleys face goes right over teresas. stanley (into his recorder)crushed skull. probable cause repeatedblows to the back of the head with anobtuse angled blunt object. subjectlooks to be between 16 and 18 years ofage. desmondcole said she was 17.stanleys eyes drift to teresas left hand. stanleyi wonder where her ring is?desmond notices the mark on her hand as well. desmondyeah. (looking into the personal effects)personal effects include a watch, undergarments, and a blue waitressuniform. the ring is missing. it saysthe rest of her things havent beenremoved yet from the trailer. letshope its there.stanley picks up her left hand.insert: banks left handin stanleys hand.on the scene stanleythere appears to be a contusion underthe ring finger of her left hand. desmondoh.stanley peers underneath the fingernail. stanleya laceration.stanley brings over his whiteman instrument. works the left handunder it. desmondaccidental? stanleyagent desmond, would you hold thefinger for me. theres something upthere.he gets whatever it is with a long set of tweezers. desmondwhat is it? stanleyit is a piece of paper with the letter timprinted on it. take a look.desmond comes around and takes a look.on a piece of paper.closeup: desmondpondering what he has seen.on the scenewe move across to a clock on the wall that reads: 5:04.dissolve to:the same clockit now reads 3:33. stanley zips up a regulation body bag aroundteresa.dissolve to:18.ext. morgue - late nightdesmond and stanley come out of the morgue. stanleygeez, agent desmond, its three-thirtyin the morning. where are we going tosleep? desmondwere not. you and i are going to getsome food. stanleyyes, its been several hours since weveeaten. i didnt realize that so muchtime had past, did you, agent desmond?desmond takes a long look at stanley. stanley (continued)youve got your own m.o., dont you,agent desmond?desmond gets in and starts the car.19.ext. haps diner - late nightestablish.20.int. haps diner, managers office - late nightdesmond and stanley talk with jack, the manager who has black wavyhair with a black full mustache to match, shiny silk shirt with silverstrands sown in and an indian turquoise belt. he has a sign on hisshirt that says, say goodbye to jack.a guy in the room is working on a light that keeps buzzing andshorting out. he doesnt really know what hes doing so he ispoking at the wiring. jackhad the fbi here once before. back inthe fifties when hap was running theplace. desmondwheres hap? jackhes dead - good and dead. desmondsorry to hear it. jackhe didnt suffer. desmondid like to ask you a few questions aboutteresa banks jacksheriff cables already asked me a fewquestions about teresa banks. sheworked nights for a month. thats it. desmondany friends? jackno. desmondever see her with someone else? jackno. desmonddid she ever mention any friends? jackno. (pointing)ask irene over there.he gestures thru a door that leads out to the diner, pointing out awoman behind the counter. jack (continued)now, her name _is_ irene and it _is_ night.dont take it any further than that.theres nothin good about it.21.int. haps diner - samethey sit at the counter and irene comes over to them. behind her isthe coffee and she is working on a cigarette. lipstick smeared onthe coffee cup. irenetake a good look around. theres nobody inthis place - youre meetin the reasonwhy. whatll it be? desmondhow come jack lets you work here? irenejack and i are united in holy matrimony. desmondsay no more.stanley is casing the restaurant as irene pours them a couple of cupsof coffee. desmond (showing credentials)federal bureau of investigation, specialagent chet desmond. id like to ask youa few questions about teresa banks.jack said you knew her. how well? ireneshe only worked here a month. nicegirl. never seemed to get here on timethough. ask me she had a little problemwith -she makes a sniff to indicate a cocaine problem. irene (continued)came looking for a job with a friend ofhers. pretty girl. couldve been hersister. desmondwhat happened to her? irenethere was only one job. teresa took thejob. her friend took a hike. never sawher again. desmonddid you ever see teresa take cocaine? ireneno. desmonddo you take cocaine, irene? ireneno, i do not. i never took cocaine or anyother drugs. i dont take drugs. stanleynicotine is a drug. caffeine is a drug. irenewhos shorty? those drugs are legal. desmondhes with me. (back on the track)anything you would like to tell us aboutteresa banks that would help us out? ireneive thought about that. i think herdeath is what you would call a freakaccident. desmondthanks.an old guy, long and skinny, smoking, gets desmonds attention. old guyyou talking about that little girl thatwas murdered? desmondyou have something to tell us? old guyyeah. desmondwhat? old guyi can tell shit from shinolah. gets mealong way down that road.desmond moves away from him. stanleyyou think we ought to question him?desmond looks down at the coffee cup in stanleys _left_hand_. desmondwhat time is it, stanley?stanley checks his watch pouring hot coffee on himself. stanleyoh.desmond guides his laugh into a cough. stanley (looking at his watch while his legs burn)agent desmond, its. desmondits late, sam. stanley (to himself as be dabs his pants with napkins)its not late, its early. really early.irene comes up to them with her purse in her hand. she is going offduty. ireneyou know, i never told anybody, but oncefor about three days, just before hertime, teresas arm went completelydead. desmondwhat do you mean? ireneher left arm. it was numb. she said shecouldnt use it. said it had no feeling.probably from the drugs she was taking. (after a beat)i just thought i ought to tell you. desmondthanks.stanley watches her leave. stanleyi doubt it was drugs, more likely aproblem with a nerve. i could recheckthe arm for injuries, but for real nervework we are going to have to take thebody back to portland. desmondi think thats a good idea.22.ext. haps diner - near dawnas desmond and stanley head towards their car. desmondi think we should see the sun rise at thecanyon trailer park. stanleyare you speaking to me in a code? desmondno, sam, im spe


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