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其他范文/相声小品剧本 ThePatriot,爱国者 英文片名: the patriot 中文片名: 爱国者 上映: 2000 the patriot by robert rodat march 26, 1999fade in:ext. the swamps of south carolina - nightdark. ominous. kudzu hangs from the swamps maples. adark and forbidding place. a bird cries eerily in thedarkness. insects hum ominously.superimposition: french and indian wara detachment of french soldiers with several wagons makesits way along a muddy road cut through the swamp. thesoldiers are wary, scanning the underbrush, weapons the swamp, parallel to the road, shadowed figures,hidden among the brush, silently track the the lead wagon rolls over a muddy puddle, straddlingit, a mud-covered figure, reaches up, grabs the wagonsundercarriage, pulls itself up and clings, unseen to theunderside of the wagon. the figure, obscured by the mud,barely looks the other wagons roll over other muddy depressions inthe road, three more mud-covered figures reach up, graband cling to the underside of other wagons.fort charlesthe gates are opened. the relieved french soldiersquicken their pace and hurry into the relative safety ofthe fort. in the fort yard the weary detachmentdisperses.under the lead wagonthe first dark, mud-covered figure silently drops to theground and draws a distinctive tomahawk from his belt asthe other figures drop from the other wagons.the figures crawl through the shadows toward the sentrieswho are closing the main gates. they spring. the leadfigure dashes forward, raises his tomahawk and hacks downat a terrified french sentry.the other muddy figures join the attack. stifling thescreams of the french soldiers with vicious knifeslashes. gaining precious seconds.a french soldier cries out. sounding the alarm. otherfrench soldiers come running out of the darkness.the four muddy figures, make a stand at the gate, brutallykilling the french soldiers as they come, holding thegates open as.dozens of other muddy figures race out of the surroundingswamp, tearing through the fort gates, joining theslaughter.the lead figure, hacks, again and again with histomahawk.blood and flesh cover his arm as the vicious blade risesand falls amid the screams in the darkness. dissolve to:ext. south carolina countryside - daybeautiful sunlight. aerial shot of a post rider gallopingalong a road through peaceful untamed woodlands. soaringold-growth elms arch over riverside maples along theshores of the gently curving, deep-water santee river.superimposition: south carolina april, 1776the post rider rides along a raised swamp road. on eitherside of the road, gorgeous shafts of sunlight pierce thecanopy falling onto soft, swaying ferns that cover thehigh grounds. hundreds of birds sing. the water isclear, with fields of floating lily pads, each with astark white flower rising from it.ext. fresh water plantation - daythe post rider approaches a plantation built between thebanks of the river and the deep green of the swamps,passing acres of perfectly tended rice paddies. twothree adult male african freedmen, joshua, jonah, mica,planting rice. they look up from their work as the riderpasses. nathan and samuel take off running after the postrider.the housethe post rider approaches the house, built of nativebrick, well-constructed and well-maintained. theres abarn, a workshop and a forge. it is a home of substancerather than wealth. on the front porch, margaret, 11,pumps a butter churn while her brother, william, 6,watches. they see the post rider. margaret excitedlyruns off toward the workshop while william stares at theapproaching rider who is trailed by nathan and workshop - daya perfect colonial workshop, fastidiously arranged withevery conceivable tool of the period. a foot-poweredlathe. a drop-forge. a lifting saw. racks of tools,planes, hammers, augers, drills, blocks, all hanging intheir places. all very well-worn.benjamin martin methodically works his lathe, turning apiece of hardwood, shaving off tiny curls of wood with arazor-sharp chisel. hes in his late-forties, strong andweathered. his hands, though big and callused, handle thechisel with a surgeons precision. self-educated andself-sufficient, he has built himself, as he built hisfarm, brick by brick, from the coarse clay of the earth.a finely-made rocking chair, missing only the dowel onwhich martin is working, sits on the work table. thechair is a work of art, thin and light, a spider-web ofperfectly turned wood, no nails, no glue. sitting on thewoodpile, susan, 4, a silent, stone-face wisp of a child,watches her father. margaret races in. margaret father! a post rider!martin pointedly continues his work without looking up. martin very well.margaret waits, then, seeing that her father isnt goingto come, she turns and races out.ext. fresh water plantation - daythe post rider rides up to the house. abigale and abner,a middle-aged african couple, step out. abigale calls outto nathan and samuel as they run up breathlessly. abigale you go tell your father, there a post rider.they race toward the workshop, passing an workshop - daymartin calmly takes the piece of wood out of the lathe,carefully fits it into the chair, inserts a peg and tapsit into place. then he steps back and appraises hishandiwork. he picks up the chair and hooks the top railto a scale, countering with a three-pound weight. thechair floats. martin blows softly on the weight whichsinks. susan nods, so far, so good. nathan and samuelburst into the room. nathan father! father! samuel a post rider! mail!martin nods, keeping his attention on the chair. martin very well.the boys wait for more. nothing. they race out.ext. fresh water plantation - daygabriel, 18, strong and handsome, walks out of the woodswith a musket in his hand and a dozen game-birds over hisshoulder. at his side walks thomas, 14, also carrying amusket. they see the post rider giving the mail toabigale with the other children excitedly watch. thomasruns over. gabriel restrains himself and strides towardthe workshop - daymartin takes the chair off the scale and puts it on thefloor. he walks slowly around it, checking every angle.he takes a deep breath and starts to sit down but stops asgabriel enters. gabriel father, a post rider. martin i know.gabriel waits for martin to share his excitement. hedoesnt. gabriel may i bring it to you?martin pointedly keeps his attention on the chair. martin no. gabriel may i open it?martin turns with a surprised and authoritarian glare. gabriel uh. i can wait.gabriel leaves. martin exchanges a look with susan, thenturns back to the chair. he takes a deep breath andlowers himself onto the seat, gingerly adding an ounce ata time. not a creak. he smiles and sits back with asigh.crack! the chair splinters under martins weight, dumpinghim on his ass on a pile of broken wood. martin damnation!he picks up some of the wood, about to fling it across theroom but stops as susan shoots him a disapproving look.he calms himself. martin sorry.susan gets down from the woodpile and puts the remains ofthe chair in the fireplace. martin steps over to his woodrack and extracts a fresh dowel. as susan climbs back upto her perch, martin fits the dowel into the lathe andstarts it up.the mail sits, unopened, on the hall table. margaret,william, nathan, samuel, thomas and gabriel hover.abigale bustles in and shoos them away. abigale you get away from there, now. thats not your mail. you wash up for supper. you leave that alone.the children reluctantly follow her orders, leaving theunopened mail on the table.ext. hilltop - fresh water farm - sunsetthe loveliest spot on the farm. a beautiful view of thehouse, barns, river, fields and hills beyond. agravestone stands in the shade of a soaring oak treecovered with spanish moss. it reads: elizabeth putnam martin 1738-1773above her name is a carving of the night sky, at thecenter of which is the north star, steady and guiding.martin approaches. he gives himself a moment to look atthe grave. a soft wind blows some dry leaves along theground. martin turns his head, as if listening to spokenwords. push in on the north star on the gravestone. margaret (v.o.) thats her, the north star. dissolve to:int. girls bedroom - nightmartin stands in the doorway, unobserved, while margaretand susan look out the window at the night sky. margaret . you start from the front two stars of the big dipper and count up five fingers lengths. thats right. there.susan gazes up at the north star. the girls notice martinand climb into bed. he puts a chair against susans bedand kisses her. he pulls a blanket up around margaret,who whispers: margaret it helps her to know mothers there.martin nods with a thin smile, kisses margaret, picks uphis candle and walks boys bedroom - nightmartin enters, finding william asleep on the floor andnathan and samuel both asleep in their beds. he liftswilliam into bed, takes a slingshot from nathans hand.samuel looks up, three-quarters asleep, murmuring: samuel mail, papa. martin i know.he tucks in samuel and walks foyer - martins house - nightgabriel hovers near the still unopened mail. thomas lieson the floor, deploying squadrons of lead soldiers.martin walks in and pours a drink. martin very well. open it.thomas and gabriel leap for the mail, battling, tearinginto it. martin steps to the window with his drink,looking out into the night. gabriel scans, thomas readsmore slowly. gabriel the new york and rhode island assemblies have been dissolved. martin the middle colonies? gabriel rioting both sides of the bay, in chestertown they burned the customs house and tar-and-feathered the customs agent. he died of burns. in wilmington they killed a royal magistrate and two redcoats. martin foolish men. gabriel who, the rioters or the magistrates? martin anything about the convention in philadelphia? gabriel poor richard says theyll make a declaration of independence by july.martin extracts a delicate pair of reading glasses from awooden pocket-box and motions for gabriel to hand him someof the newspapers and pamphlets. gabriel does so. martinsits down and begins reading. gabriel scott higgins joined the militia.martin doesnt respond. thomas looks up from his leadsoldiers. gabriel hes seventeen. a year younger than i.gabriel and thomas wait for a reaction. none. gabrielsighs and sits down to open more mail. martins eyesdrift from the page to gabriel. suddenly gabriel starts: gabriel father! the assemblys been convened! youre called to charleston!martin nods, not pleased, not surprised. martin well leave in the morning.ext. swamp road - daythe martins drive on a beautiful swamp road. the archingmaples and willows form a tunnel of green. the childrenexcitedly chatter and sing. martin, driving one of thewagons, is troubled. gabriel, driving the other, is asexcited as his siblings, but he restrains himself.ext. bennington overlook - daythe two carriages pass a view of their entire valley.scattered farms with a patchwork of cultivated fields andrice paddies surround the town of bennington.ext. santee road - daypassing through rolling farmland, the martins head towardthe coast. they pass a large contingent of south carolinamilitia, drilling in a field. the children, particularlygabriel, watch avidly.ext. charleston - daybustling. martin and gabriel negotiate the carriagesthrough the busy streets. the children watch, wide-eyed,seeing taverns, a public gallows, drunkards, streetentertainers, well-dressed ladies attended by their maids,food venders. they pull up in front of a grand house charlottes house - charleston - daycharlotte selton, mid-thirties, beautiful, with a deepsadness that she keeps hidden as best she can, runs downthe grand staircase of her mansion. she stops in front ofa mirror and quickly primps, then hurries out the frontdoor.ext. charlottes house - charleston - daythe children leap from the carriages and swarm aroundcharlotte, embracing her, smothering her with kisses. the children aunt charlotte! aunt charlotte! charlotte welcome! welcome! margaret, william, look at you.! (to martin) theyre huge. what have you been feeding them? martin theyre from good stock on their mothers side. charlotte thank you. come, come, inside, wait until you see what i have. the children (simultaneous; all except susan) presents! for me? what do you have? charlotte inside, inside.the children race through the door, forcing martin andcharlotte together. they stand awkwardly, their bodiesclose, as the children pass. after the children go,martin and charlotte stand for an extra instant, then turnand see susan standing, staring. charlotte you, too, susan. theres something for you.martin and charlotte watch susan walk inside. charlotte she still hasnt started talking?martin shakes his head. they sigh and head insidetogether.ext. charleston square - nightchaos. a yelling crowd of sons of liberty is massedaround a liberty tree from which hang dozens of glowinglanterns. gabriel walks through the crowd drinking it allin, turning his head this way and that, seeing:drunk men. vendors selling rum, ale, food and bannersemblazoned with a coiled snake and the legend, donttread on me. scores of on-lookers, including respectablepeople, as well as street urchins, whores and drunkards,watch the proceedings.gabriel moves through the crowd, excited by the madness ofthe scene, listening in to bits of conversation as hegoes.gabriel stops, noticing peter howard, a one-legged,middle-aged man about martins age, standing with hisfamily on the edge of the crowd. howards daughter, anne,very attractive, around fifteen, stands a bit apart fromher parents.gabriel makes his way over and stands next to anne. theyexchange a look. she turns back to watch the crowd.gabriel clears his throat and speaks with earnest, adultpoliteness. gabriel miss howard, isnt it?she speaks without looking at him. anne you know who i am, gabriel martin. the last time you saw me i was nine and you put ink in my tea.gabriel straightens up and speaks officiously, trying toappear a man above such childish pranks. gabriel i believe that was one of my younger brothers. perhaps samuel or nathan. anne it was you and it turned my teeth black for a month. gabriel i. uh.the crowd cheers as several sons of liberty string upeffigies of king george iii and governor wilmington. asthey light the effigies on fire, annes father, noticesanne talking to gabriel. he motions for her to join himat his side. anne nods to gabriel, taking her leave.gabriel watches her go. with extreme effort, she keepsherself from glancing back at him. gabriel turns hisattention back to the crowd. seeing a small knot ofaffluent men gathered in conversation, gabriel walks overand stands just outside their circle, listening avidly.ext. charlottes balcony - nightmartin, his children and charlotte watch the mob in thesquare below, the children are transfixed. martin istroubled. charlotte looks closely at martin, gauging hisexpression. thomas look! theres gabriel!they see gabriel making his way through the crowd. hesees them and waves, then enters the house. a momentlater gabriel breathlessly steps onto the balcony. gabriel its coming. thomas war? war? gabriel harry lee is here from virginia recruiting for a continental army. he seeks a levy of troops and money. the governor has vowed that if the assembly votes a single shilling to lee, hell dissolve the body. charlotte which would force our delegates in philadelphia to vote for independence. martin and send us to war alongside massachusetts.gabriel nods enthusiastically. martin shoots him asidelong glance, troubled by the prospect. the square, a pair of drunk sons of liberty, pull downone of the smoldering effigies, cut off its head, andstart hacking at its groin with a sword.martin sees his younger childrens expressions as theywatch. martin inside, all of you, right now.they start to protest but a look at their fathers faceconvinces them otherwise. they file into the house.gabriel assumes the order doesnt apply to him but a sternlook from martin sends him reluctantly inside, leavingcharlotte and martin alone on the balcony. charlotte lee will be counting on your vote. hell expect you to be the first to enlist.martin looks down at the mob without responding. theflames of the burning effigies light his face.ext. assembly hall - charleston - daythe capital building of south carolina. a large crowd oflower-class men and women is massed in front of theassembly hall. as well-dressed assemblymen walk into thebuilding, the crowd yells words of encouragement to someand berates the square in front of the assembly hall a squadron ofblue-uniformed american continental soldiers drills. arecruiting table is being set up by a continental captainand several military assembly hall - daytwo dozen angry, yelling, men of property. among them arerobinson, hamill and johnson, who are patriots. opposedto them are simms, withington and baldridge who areloyalists. as martin makes his way to his seat, thespeaker of the assembly pounds his gavel. speaker order! order!slowly, the room quiets down. speaker our first order of business. simms and our last if we vote a levy.the room erupts. speaker order! order! mr. simms, you do not have the floor.the room settles down. speaker our first order of business is an address by colonel harry lee of the continental imposing figure makes his way to the front of theassembly, colonel harry lee, about martins age and cutfrom the same cloth - strong, weathered, with a powerfulbearing. lee sees martin and offers a familiar nod, whichmartin returns, stone-faced. at the dais lee pauses, thenspeaks simply. lee you all know why i am here. i am not an orator and i will not try to convince you of the worthiness of our cause. i am a soldier and we are at war and with the


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