七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip单元能力测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip单元能力测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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Unit 11单元能力测试,Unit 11 How was your school trip?,一、单项选择 (20小题,共20分) ( ) 1. - How was your last summer vacation? - _. A. Thank you very much B. Good idea. C. It is great. D. It was really great. ( ) 2. I _ lots of food last night. A. eat B. eated C. ate D. eating,D,C,( ) 3. _ it was sunny all day, _ we went fishing. A. Because; / B. /; because C. /; / D. Because; so ( ) 4. Everything _ OK yesterday afternoon. A. were B. is C. are D. was ( ) 5. Could you teach us how _ the piano? A. play B. to play C. playing D. that play,A,D,B,( ) 6. Its easy for her _ all the questions. A. answer B. answers C. to answer D. answering ( ) 7. Mary bought a birthday gift _ Sandy. A. to B. for C. at D. / ( ) 8. It was so noisy that I cant _ you. A. listen B. listened C. heard D. hear,C,B,D,( ) 9. - Jim, I have _ for you. (2010.广东湛江) - Wow, its an MP4. Thank you. A. nice something B. something nice C. nice anything D. anything nice ( ) 10. - Sorry, you have missed the train. It _ five minutes ago. (2011.广东湛江) - Oh, bad luck! A. has left B. had left C. left D. is left,B,C,( ) 11. We are all interested _ having math class. A. in B. on C. at D. of ( ) 12. _ you take _ photos when you were in the park last week? A. Do; some B. Did; some C. Do; any D. Did; any ( ) 13. Mr. Green _ his son very much, because his son went to the USA last month. A. worry about B. worried about C. worries D. be worried,A,D,B,( ) 14. Where did you go _ last weekend? A. In B. on C. at D. / ( ) 15. - Was there a clock on the wall? - _. A. No, there was. B. No, there werent. C. Yes, there was D. Yes, there wasnt. ( ) 16. Im _ to hear the _ news. A. excited; exciting B. excited; excited C. exciting; exciting D. exciting; excited,D,C,A,( ) 17.Its too _ in the room. I cant see anything. A. dirty B. dark C. noisy D. quiet ( ) 18. She _ like going fishing _. A. is; at all B. doesnt; too C. doesnt; at all D. is; either ( ) 19. - _ was the weather in Beijing last Tuesday? - It was windy. A. What B. When C. Where D. How,B,C,D,( ) 20. Were you at home _? A. yesterday B. at night C. tomorrow D. every day,A,二、完形填空(10小题,共10分) Long, long ago, there was a poor man. He had an orange tree in his garden. On the tree there were many fine oranges. One day he 21 one of his oranges was much bigger than the others. It was as big as a football. 22 could ever see such a big orange. The poor man 23 the orange to the king. The king was very happy 24 gave the man a lot of money 25 it. When a rich man heard of it, he said to 26 , “Its 27 an orange. Ill take the gold cup to the king. He must give me 28 money.” The next day when the king 29 the gold cup,“What a beautiful cup! Ill show you 30 . Please take this great orange. ”,D,A,C,B,B,C,A,D,A,A,三、短文填空(10小题,15分) Do you know Deng Yaping? She was 31. _ outstanding(出色的) table tennis player. She was born 32. _ June 2nd, 1973. She started to 33. _ table tennis in 1978. She 34. _ the Henan table tennis team five years later. When she 35. _ fifteen years old, she joined the national table tennis team. She played very 36. _ so she beat many champions (冠军) in the world. 37._ the age of twenty-four, she went to Tsinghua University. She was also good at 38. _ English. Besides, she was the,an,on,play,joined,was,well,At,speaking,No. 1 womens singles player in the ITTF between 1993 39._ 1998. She is so great that everyone likes 40. _,and,her,四、阅读理解(1小题,10分) 信息匹配。请根据对以下任务的描述,请为每个人选择最合适的一个信息。,A,C,D,F,B,五、根据所给单词的中文意思或者根据所给单词的适当形式完成句子。(10小题,共10分) 46. We _ (喂养) some chickens last weekend. 47. She is such an _ (优秀的) student that we all like her. 48. She visited the _ (博物馆) yesterday afternoon. 49. John saw a lot of beautiful flowers and _ (采摘) them his my parents. 50. Sandy didnt want to buy the robot because it was too _ (昂贵的).,fed,excellent,museum,picked,expensive,51. All the children are _ (interest) in the story. 52. Peter and his family _ (grow) flowers together yesterday. 53. Lily bought some _ (love) gifts for his sister. 54. Mary often helps her mother _ (clean) the house. 55. _ (farm) grow strawberries from December to June.,interested,grew,clean/ to clean,lovely,Farmers,六、完成句子(5小题,共10分) 56. 李老师昨天教我们如何制作机器人模型。 Mr. Li _ make model robots yesterday. 57. 我对唱歌一点都不感兴趣。 Im _ singing _. 58. 我爷爷在乡下种了花。 My grandfather _. 59. 总的来说,他是一个优秀的学生。 _, he is an excellent student. 60. 对我来说,下国际象棋很难。 It _ play chess.,is difficult for me to,taught us how to,not interested in,at all,grew flowers in the countryside,All in all,七、读写综合(本大题分A、B两部分,共25分) A. 信息归纳(5小题,共10分) Mike and Dick work in the same office. They dont like the cold weather. And one day they decided to take their holiday in Australia. Their plane arrived in Sydney at nine in the morning. They rented(租) a car in the city and began their trip. A few hours later the sun was shining in the sky and there were no shade(遮阴) trees beside the road. It was so hot that they could hardly(几乎不) go on driving. They had to stop to look around. Mike found a river was about half a kilometer(千米) away from them. They were both,happy and drove the car quickly. Soon they got to the river. Before they jumped into the river, Dick saw a boy playing under a big tree. He asked, “Are there any sharks(鲨鱼) in the river, boy?” “No, there arent.” answered the boy. So they began to swim in the river. After a while, Dick felt something hit against his leg. He told Mike about it. They were afraid and stopped swimming. Dick asked loudly, “Is is true that there arent any sharks in the river?” “Yes, sir,” said the boy, “Therere a lot of crocodiles(鳄鱼) in the water. All the sharks have swum away(游走了)!”,Information Card,Australia,By plane,A car,Half a kilometer,Under a big tree,B. 书面表达(1小题,15分) 你是否喜欢上文中有趣又刺激的旅行呢?请用大约70词描述你的一次难忘的旅行,包括旅行的时间、地点、交通方式、行程、难忘的原因和感受等。可适当发挥。,_ _ _ _ _,Our class had a picnic last Saturday. We went to Xiang Hill by bike. We had a short rest after we got to the foot of Xiang Hill. First we had our picnic lunch. After lunch we sang and danced happily. Then we began to climb the hill. We saw many beautiful flowers and heard the birds singing. We had a wonderful time. I felt very tied when I got home, but I was very happy.,


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