七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,Part I Words Part II Phrases Part III Sentences,Part I Words,1. post n. 邮政 2. office n. 办公室 3. police n. 警察 4. hotel n. 旅馆;酒店 5. restaurant n. 餐馆 6. bank n. 银行,7. hospital n. 医院 8. street n. 大街 9. pay v. & n. 付费 10. near prep. 在附近 11. across adv. & prep. 过;穿过 12. front n. 前面,13. behind prep. 在的后面 14. town n. 镇;市镇 15. around prep. 在周围 adv. 在周围;大约 16. north n. 北;北方 adj. 北方的 17. along prep. 沿着 18. turn v. 转向;翻,19. right adv. 向右边 n. 右边 20. left adv. 向左边 n. 左边 21. crossing n. 十字路口 22. spend v. 花(时间、钱)等 23. monkey n. 猴子 24. climb v. 爬,25. road n. 路 26. often adv. 时常;常常 27. air n. 空气 28. free adj. 免费的 29. enjoy v. 享受;喜爱 30. easily adv. 容易地 31. money n. 钱,Part II Phrases,1. post office 邮局 2. police station 警察局 3. pay phone 付费电话 4. across from 在对面 5. in front of 在前面 6. go along (the street) 沿着(这条街)走,7. turn right/left 向右/左转 8. spend time 花时间 9. enjoy reading 喜欢阅读,Part III Sentences,1. How can I help you? 需要我帮忙吗? 这是一句向他人伸出援手、主动提出帮助的套语,此句还可说成:How could I help you?或How may I help you? 类似的套语还有: May I help you?(Could/Can I help you?) Do you need any help? Is there anything I can help (you) with?(Is there anything I can do for you?) What can I do for you?,2. To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road. 要去那儿(动物园)的话,我通常步行外出,在大桥路向右拐。 这是英语行文的一种方式,即在句子的开头用To do . 短语,并用逗号将其与句子的主体部分隔开,相当于汉语“(若)要做的话”。例如: To listen to world news, please key in “1”. 若要收听国际新闻,请键入“1”。 To get it right, you must think hard. 要想把它做对,你必须得认真思考。,3. It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there. 图书馆很安静,我喜欢在那里看书。 enjoy 表示“从中得到乐趣;欣赏;喜欢”,后面接动词时,动词用-ing形式,即enjoy doing .,表示“喜欢做某事;享受做某事所带来的愉悦和乐趣”。例如: I enjoy reading at home when it is raining.我喜欢下雨天呆在家里看书。 My mother enjoys listening to soft music.我妈妈喜欢听轻柔的音乐。,Thank you!,

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