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Chapter 5 Morphology(形态学,词法学),Internal structures of words and rules of word formation,careful wonderful successful beautiful widen deepen shorten fasten sharpen Impossible, incorrect, improper, illegal, report, import export transport support porter respect inspect expect suspect prospect boys girls toys books tables bottles working, thinking speaking, cutting, hitting the, to,for,bird, leg, air, captain. suffixes,prefixes,roots,inflectional suffixes,free root,Semantically:root(词根) and affix affix( 词缀): prefix(前缀), suffix(后缀) ; derivational affixes(派生词缀) and inflectional affixes(屈折词缀) Structurally: free morphemes(自由词素,即自由词根) and bound morphemes(粘着词素),5.1 what is morphology,Morphology studies the internal structures(内部结构) of words and word formation rules. It divided into two fields:inflectional morphology(屈折词法) and derivational/lexical morphology(派生词法). It studies the different categories of morphemes( bound, free, derivational and inflectional) morphological rules,5.2 morpheme(词素,语素),Morpheme is a minimal meaningful grammatical unit in a language. 1 minimal: smallest,it can not further be divided. un, bird but not blackboard=black+board disagree=dis +agree 2 meaningful: can not be further divided without destroying its meaning cap+tain, man+age=manage,3, grammatical: not only lexical morphemes like bird, leg, table,but also grammatical ones, liketo ,for, -s, ed, -er, the a an international=inter+nation+al tourists=tour+ist+s disagreements=dis+agree+ment+s,Classification of morphemes,Free morphemes: those that can exist as individual words: the , to for cap shoe Lexical morphemes: nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs. Open class, large part of vocabulary 实词 Functional morphemes: prepositions, conjunctions, articles, pronouns. Closed class. 虚词,Bound morphemes(粘着词素): those that can not occur alone as separate words.-ful, -less, re- de, tele-vis-ion, un-happy Roots(词根),the most important part of a word that carries the principal meaning: receive, conceive, deceive, Respect, expect, suspect, diction, contradiction bird leg hand,Affixes(词缀): those that lexically depend on roots and do not convey the fundamental meaning of words. Interralation: all free morphemes(like bird) are roots but not all roots are free morphemes. (like spect). All affixes are bound morphemes but not all bound morphemes are affixes (like ceive),affixes,Position: prefixes, suffixes and inffixes(中缀) dislike, disagree, discourage; movement, encouragement spokesman, townspeople Function: affixes can be divided into: inflectional affixes and derivational affixes,Inflectional affixes: indicate grammatical function, do not produce new words or cause a change in grammatical class. Number, gender, tense, aspect, case and degree (8个:-s,-s,s, -ing, -ed,-en,-er,est P60) Derivational affixes: produce new words, some change grammatical classes of words. dis-,un-,re-,in-, -ly,-y, ful, -er, ment, tion, (P 61),root: the basic part of a word that can not be further analysed without total loss of its identity base: the form that a derivational affix is attached, disagree+ment=disagreemen stem: the form that an inflectional affix is attached: reopen+ing=reopening. eat+ing=eating(stem) eat+able=eatable(base) eat+er=eater,incorrect, impossible illegal irregular inexact impracticle illegible irrelevant inaccurate improper inefficient in-/in/, /im/,/il/,/ir/ enlarge embody ensure empower enrich en-/en/, /em/,Morpheme, morph, allomorph,Morphemes are the minimal meaningful units in a grammatical system of a language. ing Morphs are the realizations of morphemes in general and are the actual forms used to realize morphemes Allomorphs(词素变体): the realizations of a particular morpheme. /in/,/il/ /ir/,/im/,d: /t/ after voiceless consonants except /t/; hoped, looked, stopped, finished /d/ after vowels and voiced consonants except /d/; loved, lived, realized /id/ after /t/ and /d/. Visited, stated, headed,z: /s/: after voiceless consonants except /s/, / /, and / /, books, maps streets; /z/ after vowels and voiced consonants except /z/, / /, / /.bags, cars keys /iz/ after /s/, /z/, / /, / /, / /, / /. sizes, bridges bosses, matches,haus- /haus/: house, housework, housewife ; or /hauz/: houses waif-/waif/ wife, housewife or /waiv/ wives naif-/naif/ knife , or /naiv/ knives Morphs are related to morphemes in general and allomorphs are related to a specific morpheme.,empty morph and zero morph,empty morph: a morph whcu has form but no meaning. children=child+r+en oxen=ox+en zero morph: a morph which has meaning but no form. They work in Nanjing. work=work+/ / sheep(plural)=sheep+/ /,IC analysis,Morphemic analysis: to analyse the number of morphemes and the relationships between the morphemes. linear order of morphemes: the horizontal(水平) order or the sequential characteristics of morphemes in a word: meanings=mean+ing+s disagreements=dis+agree+ment+s,hierarchical order: the internal structure or relationships of the morphemes. Immediate constituent analysis(IC analysis) to divide the morphemes of a word into two groups and then divide them into sub-groups and so on, until the irreducible constituents or the morphemes are obtained.,replacements replacement + s replace +ment re +place ultimate constituents(最后成分):re,place, ment, s immediate constituents: constituents:all the forms except the one at the top(word),replacements re+placements placement+s place+ment disagreements dis + agreements agreements+s,IC analysis must conform to the morphological rules: the rules that determine how morphemes are combined into new words. 每次切分所得的词素都必须有意义,反映词构成的先后顺序. un+truly, unman+ly,5.6 word-formation processes 1 coining(创造新词): the first-time creation of non-complex words whose form and meaning is completely unmotivated and arbitrary. Clone aspirin, nylon, zipper, dacron, Kleenex, 雷人 2 borrowing: taking over words from other languages.,borrowed words, borrowings or loanwords fall into 4 categories: aliens(非同化词):elite(精英), coup detat(政变) coupe(汽车); denizens(同化词): get, theater, socio(French)+logy(Greek). translation-loan(译借词):black humour(humour noir), mother tongue(lingua materna).,semantic borrowings(借义词): gift( the price of wife in Old English)-”gift or present” from the Scandinavian term “gift”,word-formation processes: the rule-governed processes of forming new words on the basis of already existing linguistic resources. productive ones: derivation(派生), conversion(转换) and compounding(复合); less productive ones:blending(拼缀法), clipping(截短法), backformation(逆成法),acronymy(首字母法),Derivation: a process in which one or more affixes are attached to a root or a base to produce a new word known as derived words. Derivation will often change the part of speech or grammatical class of the root or base. happyhappily. It is the most common word-formation process, including prefixation and suffixation.,compounding: a process in which two or more free morphemes are combined to form a new word called compound word or compound. sleepwalk, forget-me-not, water-bed. 3 types: hyphenated compounds: linked by a hyphen. father-in-law,baby-faced, whistle-blowing, lets-make-a-deal.,A solid compound: two words are written together: fingerprint, sunburn doorknob. Open compound: the words are written separately: April Fools day, Boston terrier. A compound may be permanent or temporary,Conversion: a process to turn a owrd into a new word class without the addition of affix. It is also called functional shift or zero-derivation. Increase-increase. full conversion, partial conversion: the rich, the poor, the last,blending: to delete parts of two words and combine the remaining parts to form a new word. breakfast+lunch=brunch clipping: to form a new word by deleting one or two syllables without any change in meaning or part of speech. ominibus= bus,back-clipping: automobile=auto Front-clipping: airplane=plane front and back clipping: influenza=flu Phrase clipping: popular music=pop,back-formation: to form a new word by removing the supposed suffix from a longer word already in a language. baby-sit from babysitter edit from editor,acronymy: to form a new word by joining the first letters of several words together. Acronym: the letters are pronounced as a single word. APEC, NASA Initialism: the letters are pronounced one by one. UFO, VOA,


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