2019-2020年高三下学期第二次双周考试英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三下学期第二次双周考试英语试题 含答案第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How will they go home?A、By bus.B、By taxi.C、On foot.2. What will Tom do at last?A、Sweep the floor.B、Go outC、Clean the car.3. What do we know from the dialogue?A、There will be fewer people in the afternoon.B、They will probably take something to sit on.C、They wont have to wait in line in the morning.4. What are the two speakers probably doing now?A、Walking past a music shop.B、Singing a song.C、Shopping in a music shop.5. Why didnt the man drive to work yesterday?A、Because he likes to take a bus.B、Because he lent his car to others.C、Because his car broke down.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6题和第7题。6. Who is going to the supermarket?A、Mr Jackson.B、Mrs Black.C、Mrs Blacks nephew.7. What will Mr Jackson do?A、Buy some food.B、Go to a hospital.C、Buy some medicine.听下面一段对话,回答第8题和第9题。8.What will the woman do?A、Stay in her aunts home.B、Take her aunt to her house.C、Give John a call.9. When will John e back?A、Next Sunday.B、In about five weeks.C、In about two months.听下面一段对话,回答第10至12题。10.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A、Teacher and student.B、Classmates.C、Father and daughter.11. Where is the newer living now?A、In California.B、In the southern part of the city.C、In the Urban Design Institute.12. What did the womans father say the other day at home?A、Two of his classmates had left him.B、His classmates daughter was in his daughters class.C、He would invite his classmates to dinner.听下面一段对话,回答第13至16题。13.Why did Mr Yang go to Washington in xx?A、To study for his masters degree.B、To look for a job.C、To see a special teacher there.14. How many times did Mr Yang have to read the books?A、Only once.B、Once or twice.C、At least three times.15. What will they to next?A、Tell the pany of their arrival.B、Go to the pany by taxi.C、Give Mr Yangs mother a call.16. When will Mr Yang see his family?A、Next week.B、Right now.C、In two weeks.听下面一段独白,回答第17至20题。17. What is the authors wish?A、People could be as innocent as when he was a child.B、People could read books written by Rockwell.C、People could watch TV in their living rooms.18. Which of the following words can best describe girls clothes in the past?A、Beautiful.B、Long.C、Tight.19. What can we learn about grown-ups in the past?A、They trusted each other.B、They seldom visited each other.C、They didnt speak about their neighbors.20. Whats the authors attitude toward Mr Rockwell and his Sears Wish Book?A、Grateful.B、Delighted.C、Depressed.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给出的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAt times my mom has been unfortable seeing these qualities in me. For example,when I was 12,I went to Puerto Rico all by myself to stay with my grandmother for the summer. My mom was extremely nervous about it. She kept telling me how things were different in Puerto Rico,to always put on sunscreen,not to wander away from my grandmother,and other warnings. She helped me pack and did not leave the airport until she saw my plane take off.But despite her worries,she let me go on my own. As I moved into my teens,she continued to give me space to grow and learn,even when it might have been difficult for her. When I reached my senior year,I decided to move away for college. Once again I found that I differed from my peers:While many of them wanted to stay close to home,I couldnt wait to be out in the world on my own. While my mom may not have been happy at the thought of my going away,she was supportive and excited for me.One big thing I realized during my senior year,as my mom granted me more freedom,was that she actually believes in me and trusts me. That means a lot. Most of my life,and especially when I was little,the main person I tried to impress in my schoolwork or other things was my mother. I knew she expected nothing but the best from me. Sometimes it was hard to live up to her standards;getting a single B on my report card would make me feel bad because I knew she wanted me to have all As.I know that her high standards have helped me stay focused on whats important,like education,and made me who I am. I am thankful for her support and involvement in my life . Most of all I respect her. She is the strongest woman I know and thats why I have turned out so strong and independent.21.When the author decided to go to Puerto Rico,his mother_. Awanted to go with him Bworried about his safetyCdidnt allow him to do soDasked his grandmother for advice22.The author decided to move away for college to_. Abe different from his peersBkeep away from his motherCbe independent in the outside worldDmake his mother unhappy23.We can learn from the third paragraph that the authors mother_. Ahad a high expectation of himBwas too strict with himCused to expect nothing from himDcared little about his learning24.In the passage,the author mainly wants to tell us_. Ahis long way to being independentBhis good relationship with his motherCthe importance of a mothers trust and supportDhis mothers deep love for himBIf you see a group of people dancing and singing on the street or in the railway station, you dont need to feel surprised. They are a flash mob(暴民). Who are they? Are they mobs? Dont be confused by their name. Actually, a flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period of time, and then quickly disappear.They are usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital munications networks. The messages may be sent to friends, who send to more people. At a predetermined time, they gather and perform some activities such as exchanging books, ing together to look at the sky, waving their hands and yelling something at the top of their voice for 30 seconds. Then, they quickly disappear before the police can arrive. Using mobile phones, the flash mob can change its place if the first one has been cancelled for any reason.Bill Wasik, senior editor of Harpers Magazine, organized the first flash mob in Manhattan in May xx and the first successful flash mob gathered on June 3, xx. Wasik claimed that he created the flash mob as a social experiment designed to laugh at fashion seekers and stress the cultural atmosphere of wanting to be an insider or part of “the next big thing”.Flash mob gatherings can sometimes shock people. Such an activity might seem amusing and magical, but it also might frighten people who are not aware of what is taking place. Undoubtedly, flash mob can serve as good political tools and have great potential, such as using flash mob to advertise a product.The flash mob is now being more and more popular. People use it to do many things. For example, in xx, Michael Jacksons fans took part in a flash mob to remember him. Hundreds of his fans gathered singing and dancing Michaels famous song “Beat It” together. Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to e together to create a memory.25.What is NOT the feature of the flash mob? AIt can get together quickly.BIt can change its place freely.CIt can do activities suddenly.DIt can injure people seriously.26.How do flash mobs inform one another?By using the Internet.By writing letters.By yelling.By waving hands.By using mobile phones.By holding a meeting. A BCD27.Why did Bill Wasik create the flash mob? ATo advertise some products.BTo help people make friends.CTo laugh at fashion seekers.DTo create some memories.28.What can we learn about the flash mob from the passage? ABill Wasik organized the first successful flash mob in May, xx.BPeople are encouraged to take a more active part in an activity.CFlash mobs tend to do something illegal for a short time.DFlash mob gathering can frighten all the people present.CFOREIGN TEACHERS ARE NEEDED ALL OVER CHINAAd No90374Posted February 12, xx by AmandaExpire Date April 12, xxTag:Beijing Language Teaching Part TimeWe are looking for Teachers, whose Native Language is English, willing to teach in China. Mostly schools are in South of China.The Benefit package for ESL Teachers includes:One-year Contract:1st September xx to 1st August xxSalary 4,000 RMB to 5,000 RMB/MonthTeaching load & schedule:20 teaching hours per weekA rent-free, fully furnished apartment with a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom Kitchen facilities provided, other electric appliances will be supplied, water, heater, microwave etc. If you are interested, please read the information above and kindly send your application to attach the following documents (in doc or JPEG format)The subject to be mentioned, as “teach in China”1).CV/Resume(简历)2).A copy of academic degree/diploma/certificate/or college transcript3).A photocopy of the data page of valid passport4).A recent color photo5).A letter of remendation or release letter from your previous Chinese school (Only if you worked in China previously)6).Any other relevant information that you think might help your application29.This advertisement is about_. Aintroducing a schoolBseeking a teaching positionCtaking on English teachersDattracting foreign students30.If you are employed, you will_. Awork full timeBnot have to pay the apartment rentCprepare furniture yourself Dwork four months for two years31.Where can you mostly probably read the advertisement? AIn a telephone bookBIn a paperCIn a travel guideDIn a textbookDDiet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, no-fat diet, vegetable diet We are surrounded by the word “diet” everywhere we look and listen. We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us. We are paying for products that harm us psychologically(心理上的) and physically. Diet products significantly weaken us psychologically. On one level, we are not allowing our brain to admit that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight, but in controlling the consumption of fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy foods. Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤)instead. All we have to do is to swallow or recognize the word “diet” in food labels. On another level, diet products have greater psychological effects. Every time we have a zero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we dont have to work to get results. Diet products make people believe that gain es without pain, and that life can be without resistance and struggle. The danger of diet products lies not only in the psychological effects they have on us, but also in the physical harm that they cause. Diet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are preventing our bodies from having basic nutrients(营养成分). Diet foods and diet pills contain zero calorie only because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder products. Diet products may not be nutritional, and the chemical that go into diet products are potentially dangerous. Now that we are aware of the effects that diet products have on us, it is time to seriously think about buying them. Losing weight lies in the power of minds, not in the power of chemicals. Once we realize this, we will be much better able to resist diet products, and therefore prevent the psychological harm that es from using them.32. From Paragraph 1, we learn that _. Adiet products fail to bring out peoples potentialBpeople are fed up with diet productsCpeople have difficulty in choosing diet productsDdiet products are misleading people33. One psychological effect of diet products is that people tend to _. Ahesitate before they enjoy diet foodsBpay attention to their own eating habitsCwatch their weight rather than their dietDtry out a variety of diet foods34.The purpose of writing this passage is _. Ato warn people of the side effect of diet productsBto tell people how to lose weightCto advise people to eat diet productsDto introduce some diet products35.Which of the following shows the structure(结构) of the passage?CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Sub-point(次要点) C: Conclusion第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If someone says you are smart, what dothey mean? 36 The answer is not as easy as you might think.This is because the word smart has many meanings. For example, someone could say you look smart or aredressedsmartly. 37 To use a slang expression(俚语), they could say, “You look really cool!” 38 If you accidentally trip over a chair and fall down, you might shout, “Wow!That smarts!” If you are standing too close to a campfire, you could say your eyes aresmartingfrom the smoke of the fire. Here the word “smarting” means a sharp pain. 39 If someone issmart as a whip(鞭), they are able to think very quickly.However, different people have different ways of being smart. Some people are consideredstreet smart. They may not have a strong education. But they are good at dealing with people and problems in the real world. Other people might bebook smart. 40 But they may not be so smart when dealing with people or real-world problems.A. Is it a good thing or something bad?B. This means they have spent many years in school.C. In fact, maybe that person is no longer your friend.D. But the most mon meaning of smart is to be intelligent.E. That means they like what you are wearing and your physical appearance.F. In fact, a child who has asmart mouthmakes rude ments, not smart ones.G. But if somethingsmarts, it can be unkind or hurtful, either physically or mentally.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One morning I wasted nearly an hour watching a tiny ant carry a huge featherSeveral times, it 41 several obstacles(障碍) in its pathAnd after a momentary pause it would make the necessary detour (绕道) 42 one point, the ant had to cross a crack(裂缝) about 10mm wideAfter some 43 thoughts, the ant laid the feather over the crack, walked 44 it and picked the feather up on the other side, then continued on its wayI was 45 by the cleverness of this antIt was only a small insect, lacking in 46 yet equipped with a brain to reason, explore, discover and overe 47 this ant, like the other two-legged creatures 48 on the earth, also shares human failings After some time the ant 49 reached its destination - a flower bed and a small hole that was the entrance to its 50 homeIt was there that the ant met its 51 How could that large feather possibly 52 such a small hole? Of course, it couldntSo the ant, after all this 53 and using great brightness, overing problems a1l along the way, just gave up the 54 and went homeThe ant had not thought the problem through 55 it began its journey and in the end the feather was 56 more than a burdenIsnt our 57 like that? We worry about our families; we worry about the 58 of money; and we worry about all kinds of thingsThese are all burdens - the things we pick up along lifes path, and drag them around the obstacles and over the cracks that life will bring, only to 59 that at the destination they are 60 and we cant take them with us41Acame across Bcame about Cgot over Ddealt with42AFor BAt CTo DWith43Abrave Btiring Cshort Dmagic44Athrough Bacross Cbeside Dbehind45Asatisfied Bfrightened Cannoyed Dattracted46Aheight Bsize Cdepth Dlength47ATherefore BOtherwise CBut DMoreover48Aliving Bworking Csleeping Dwalking49Afinally Bprobably Csuddenly Deasily50Alonely Bfortable Cunderground Dbig51Apartner Bparent Cmatch Dfriend52Afix Bfit Cfill Dsuit53Atrouble Bpleasure Cdecision Dmatter54Ainsect Bproblem Cfeather Dhole55Abefore Bafter Cuntil Donce56Aeverything Banything Csomething Dnothing57Astudy Baim Cdream D1ife58Awaste Black Cworth Ddanger59Athink Bwonder Cwarn Dfind60Abad Buseless Cmeaningful Dpractical 第卷注意:将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 “Remember, your father is only one year 61 (old) than you.” That was Mums usual excuse when Dad said the wrong things or did something 62 (fool).Dad quitted drinking exactly one year before I was born. He joined a group of other people. He said they 63 (stop) drinking, too. I loved my dad 64 I hated the way his weekly meetings took him away 65 me. It seemed that they were more important to him than I was. But with my birthday ing up I thought Dad would make an 66 (except). “ Cant you miss it just this time? Saturday is my birthday!” I begged him but 67 (refuse). He said “ I am chairing the meeting this Saturday. We will have your party on Sunday.”Saturday evening I sat on my bed, 68 (feel) sorry for myself. Dad started to leave, then paused and said, “Why not e with me together tonight? Its an open meeting. All are wele”. 69 would I do at a meeting ? But maybe I needed to see why something Dad did every week mattered so much.After we arrived , Dad announced the theme of the meeting was going to be gratitude. He told his story about giving up smoking. Later, a man 70 (call) Dave also told his story. Only then did I know it was Dad that saved his life from drinking. Showing up week after week and meeting with people, Dad was changing lives. Shame washed over me.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。A boy who was cleaning the shoes in the street said to a young men passing by, “Let me clean your bootsItll cost you only a penny.” But the young man refuseD Then the boy told him that he will clean her boots for nothing .The young man agreed, and soon a boot shining brightly .Then he put the other boot on the box, and the boy refused clean it unless he was paid two pence for his work .The young man refused to pay anything and went awayBut the well-cleaned boot made the dirty one such bad that he could walk onFinal, he turned back and gave the boy two pence.第二节书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,上周六你在China Daily上读到一则招聘信息,招收餐厅兼职服务员,请写一封求职信,要点如下:1. 去信目的; 2. 自我介绍; 3. 希望有机会面试。注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Manager,I am Li Hua, a senior high school student that will graduate this summer. yours Sincerely,Li Hua 高三英语第二次双周考答案听力15 CCBAC 610 BCABB 1115BCACB 1620 AABAA阅读理解21-24BCAC 2528 DBCB 2931CBB 3235DCAB36. A37. E 38. G 39. D 40. B 完形填空:41-45 ABCBD 46-50 BCACC 5


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