2019-2020年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 17 DiSab-lities 人教版大纲第二册.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 17 DiSab-lities 人教版大纲第二册I单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1disablcd 2abled 3guide 4gift 5assistance,6sympathize;sympathetic 7encourage8conduction 9Access高考须掌握的短语:1around,about 2used 考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇1assist vtvi帮助;援助eg: She asked us to assist her in carrying out the plan 她要我们帮她实施那个计划。 Two Studenls assisted me with the experiment 两个学生帮助我做这个实验。 A good dictionary will assist you to understand English好词典会帮助你理解英文。相关链接:assistant n助手,助理assistance n帮助,援助U用法拓展:assist sbwith sth帮助某人做某事assist sbin doing sth帮助某人做某事assist sbto do sth帮助某人做某事 assist in(-doing)sth帮助做某事案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1 (典型例题To our joy they all in mendmg the toof yesterday Aaided Bhelped c suPporled Dassisted考题1点拨:答案为D。此题考查动词词义辨析。aid表示“援助构成aid sbin doingsth;help sb(to)do/help sbwith sth表示“帮助某人干某事”;support表示“支持”,是及物动词?在此搭配不对;而assistl既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,构成assist in doing sth表示“帮助干某事”。故选D。 2sense n感觉;意识;常识;明智 eg:She has a poor sense of direction她的方向感很差。 I have no sense ofbusiness我没有经商意识。 I dont think there is much sense in hanging about here我认为在此闲逛没有意义。相关链接:sensible adj明智的;可感觉到的sensitive adj敏感的用法拓展:have a sense of有意识(感觉) theres no sense(in)doing sth做某事没 有意义 make sense有意义;有道理eg:This sentence doesnt make sense这个句子 讲不通。 mflke sense of理解;弄懂特别提醒:make sense为不及物动词短语,若接宾语后面加of。 考题2 (典型例题)I dont think there is much sense them advice. They wont take it. A. to give B. to giving C. in give D. in giving考题2点拨:答案为D。此题考查theres no sense(in)doing sth“做某事没有意义”,句意为:“我认为给他们提供建议没有多大意义,他们不会接受的。”3adjust vt调整;调节 vi适应 eg:ThP body quickly adjusts itseIf to changes of tern perature身体能很快自行调节以适应温度的变化。 My eyes havent adjusted to the dark yet我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。 I have the brakes olmy-bike adjusted我请人调整自行车的车闸。相关链接:adjustment n调整;修正 adjustable adj可调节的;可调整的用法拓展,adjust(oneself)to“适应于adjust sth调整;修正特别提醒:adjUSt用作不及物动词时,后面接介词to,表示“适应于”。考题3 ( 典型例题 分 ) It is never easy to adjust big changes. Those who can do it faster are more likely to suc-ceed. A. for B. with C. to D. in考题3点拨:答案为c。此题考查介词的用法,adjust后接介词to。构成adjust to表示“适应子一”。句意为:“要适应大的变故是不容易的,那些适应快的人更可能成功。”4encouragement n鼓励eg: He received a lot of encouragement from his teacher他的老师给予他很多鼓励。 Their interest in my writing is a great encouragement to me 他们对我的文章感兴趣对我是很大的鼓励。相关链接:encourage吨鼓励 courage n勇气 encouraging adj令人鼓舞的 discourage vt使沮丧,泄气用法拓展:encourage sbto do sth鼓励某人做某事 encourage sbin sth 在方面鼓励某人 discourage sbfrom doing sth阻止某人做某事特别提醒:encouragement通常用作不可数名词。考题4 ( 典型例题1 服 ) Though he failed several times, people still him to work hard and to try for examination again. A. encouragement B. invited C. encouraged D. discouraged考题 4点拨:答案为-c。根据题意“虽然他失败了几次,但人们仍鼓励他努力干再次参加考试”。encourage sbto do sth“鼓励某人干某事”,discourage sbfrom doing sth阻止某人干某事。二、重点短语5get around(about)四处走动,活动eg: Tom gets about all over the Europe汤姆游遍了欧洲。 The child can get around这孩子会走了。用法拓展:get together聚集,碰头get along(on)with相处融洽;进展 get away逃跑,逃脱get down to开始认真干某事特别提醒:get around中around为副词,get around为不及物动词短语。考题5 ( 典型例题1 分 ) All this snow and ice make it difficult for old people to very well. A. get about B. turn away C. pick up D. take off考题5点拨;答案为A。此题考查动词短语的词义辨析。get about“四处走动”,turn away“离开”,pick up“捡起,拾起”;take off“脱下,起飞”。根据题意“所有的这些雪和冰使老年人很难自如地四处走动”,可知A为正确答案。6get used to doing sth习惯做某事 eg:At first,I didnt get used to SIUdying with the disabled起初,我不太习惯跟残疾人一起学习。 He has got used to getting up early他已习惯了早起。用法拓展:get/bee used to doing sth习惯做某事 be used to doing sth习惯做某事(状态) used to do sth过去常常做某事 be used for被用来做(目的)be used as被用作(方式) be used to do sth被用来做某事 特别提醒:(1)get/bee used to doing sth表示动作,而be used to doing sth表示状态。 (2)be used to“习惯于做某事”,to为介词,后接doing;而当“被用来做某事”,后接to doto为不定式符号。考题6-1 (典型例题)I to be quite afraid to live in that country,but now I have to the life there. A. used; been used B. ussed; used C. was used; got used D. get used; been used考题6-2 Coal can to produce electricity. A. used to B. be used as C. be used D. get used to考题61点拨:答案为A。根据题意:“我过去常常害怕住在那个国家,但现在我已习惯了那儿的生活。”used to do“过去常常”;be used to(doing)sth“习惯于”。 考题6-2点气话:答案为c。此题考查be used t_0 do一“被用来做”。句意为:“煤能够被用来发电。 三、重点交际用语7I would try to一我会设法干eg: Dont lose courage,1 would try to improve it不要灰心,我会尽力去提高它的。用法拓展;(1)try vt尝试;打算(接不定式)eg: He tried to break away ftom me他想摆脱我。 (2)try+名/代/动名词试用;试试eg: We are going to try a new treatment我们将试用一种新疗法。 He tried writing OUt his new VieW他试着写出自己的新观点。 (3)try on试穿 (4)try ones best to do sth尽力做某事 (5)try out试验;试用特别提醒:(1)try to do表示“尽力做某事”;try doing表示“试着做某事”。 (2)try to do与manage to do try to do表示“尽力_做某事”,不强调结果 manage to do相当于succeed in doing强调实现某一目标。考题7 (典型例题Its not safe for you to take the drug, because it hasnt been on humans yet. A. tried B. tried on C. tried out D. trying考题7点拨:答案为c。try out表示“试验;试用”一句意为:“你服用这种药品是不安全的,因为它尚未经过人体试验。”四、重点句型8while I may not be able to walk,there ale many other great things I can do 虽然我可能不能走路,但还有许多其他我可以做的伟大的事情。 while当时候;虽然;只要;然而 (1)while引导时间状语从句,表示“当时候”eg: They arrived while we were having dinner他们来时我们正在吃饭。 Ill be kind to him while you are away你不在时,我会好好待他。 His fingers trembled while doing it他做那件事时手在抖。 (2)“然而;可是”,引导并列句eg: A couniryside is quiet while a city is noisy乡村是安静的,而城市是喧闹的。 (3)“尽管;虽然”(多用于句首)引导让步状语从句eg: While I like the color of the hat。I dont like its shape 尽管我喜欢那顶帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢它的外形。 While Im willing to1 would like it better if yoO went 虽然我愿意去,但你要是去我就更乐意。 (4)“只要”引导条件状语从句eg: While there is life,there is hope只要有生命,就有希望。特别提醒:(1)while表示“当时候”时,所引导从句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词。 (2)while表示“然而”时,强调两者的对比,而but强调前后两句的转折关系。考题8-1 ( 典型例题 分 ) Tony has recited every word of the passage Mary hasnt remembered a single one of it. A. since B. when C. as D. while考题8-2 (典型例题) I admit that there are problems, I dont agree that they cannot he solved. A. When B. While C. As D. Since考题81点拨;答案为D。while表示转折,“然而;可是”。考题82点拨;答案为B。while引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管;虽然”。句意为:“尽管我同意有问题存在,但我不同意说这些问题不能解决。” 9It is+adj+for/of sbto do sth eg: It is impossible for them to finish the work in two hours对他们来说,在两小时内完成这项工作是不可能的。 It is fooIish of you to believe in him你信任他是愚蠢的。特别提醒:(1)It is+adj+of/for sbto do sth该句型中真正主语不是it,而是to do sth。用of或for是不一样的:用for s1)表示“对某人来说做某事是”,形容词修饰不定式;用of表示“某人做某事是”,形容词修饰人。 (2)用介词of时,通常形容词是表示人物性格和特征的:kind,honest,clever,wise,brave,polite,foolish等,介词后的“sb”可替代“it”的位置。 (3)当句中形容词为描绘事物的性质、特点的tinportant,difficult,impossible,easy,natural等时,“s1)”不能替代“it”,此时用“for”。 (4)还有部分形容词,如good,right,wrong等词出现时,既可用介词of,也可用for,只是表达意义的不同。考题9-1(典型例题t is hard him change his mind. A. of you to make; to B. for you to make; / C. for you to make; to D. of you making; /考题9-2 We all think it is most foolish this mistake. A. for you making B. of you to make C. for you to make D. of you making考题91点拨:答案为B。此题考查It is+adj+of/for sbto do sth在此句子中hard是表示描绘事物性质的词。不能构成:You are hard to do sth故用介词“for”;而make sbdo sth“使某人做某事”结构中:不定式符号to省略。故选B。句意为:“对你来说。很难说服他改变主意。” 专题9-2点拨:答案为B。此题中foolish为表示人的性格的形容词可构成You are foolish to do sth。故选氏句意为:“我们都认为你犯这样的错误是愚蠢的。”五、词语辨析 l0Win beatdefeatseize win后面宾语为“事”或“物”特指赢得奖品或比赛等如Will a game/ a war/a prize(赢得比赛/战争/奖金)。 beat多用于口语指在比赛中击败或胜过对手如beat sba team/a nat/ion(打败某人/队/国家)。 defeat击败战胜常指战胜打败战争中的敌人也可用于比赛中战胜对手: defeat sb/a team打败某人/某队 seize用来表示“夺取;攻占”。特别提醒:win后接赛事或奖品不接人作宾语Ibeat/defeat后多接人指战胜或击败的对手。 考题10 (典型例题She is so good at table tennis that l have never her. A. strnck B. hit C. won D. defeated考题10点拨;答案为D。表示。战胜某人”用defeat/beat sb1win后不接人而接奖品或赛事。句意为:“她打的乒乓球如此好,以至于我从未击败过她。” 语法归纳 精通规则 游刃有余直接宾语和间接宾语 在英语中有些及物动词可以有两个宾语一个指人一个指物前者叫作l司接宾语后者叫作直接宾语,合称双宾语能接双宾语的常用及物动词有:bring(带来)give(给)1end(借给)show(给看)pass(递)1each(教)send(奇送) tell(告诉)buy(买)hand(递)nlake(制作)find(发现)write(写)offer(提供)等。 eg:Excuse nlebut could you tell me the way to the post office?对不起请问到邮局怎么走? He gave me some in k他给了我一些墨水: I told him my name我告诉了他我的名字。特别提醒:间接宾语一般在直接宾语前。 (1)如果直接宾语是人称代词就须用介词to或for引导间接宾语并置于直接宾语后。 eg:Do you see the photo there?Hand iIlo meplease那儿的照片你瞧见了没有?请递给我: (2)双宾语句于中若间接宾语放在直接宾语之后间接宾语前要用介词to或for构成。 eg:Lend me you r dictionaryplease=Lend yonr dictionary to mepIease请把你的字典借给我. Please buy me a book=Please buy a book for me请给我买本书。考题1 (典型例题)It looks as if they are going to us a lot of money for the concert halt. A. demand B. cost C. charge D. took考题2 (典型例题)Each of them bad tried their best to their job a success. A. do B. believe C. make D. get考题1点拨:答案为C。demand“要求”;cost“花费”:不用人作主语charge“索价要价“;charge s1)some money“向某人要钱”。考题2点拨:答案为(、。此题四个动词,只有made作“使成为”解后接两个宾语。句意为:他们每个人都努力使工作成功。专题探究 由点及面 由表及里专题探究:专题详解:主要考查的知识点:从历届高考题可以看出高考并没有完全放弃测试语言形式。语言知识这类的题目尤其是强调和倒装两部分所占比例并不小。从试题分析来看加大知识类题目的结构复杂程度和句意理解难度注重知识类题目的情景化是近几年高考命题的趋势。考查知识之间的相互交叉的现象加强综合考查语法知识的力度应该是这一内容命题的新趋势。重点复习:it 形式主语和there be句型的结合.强调句和定语从句的结台。情态动词和反意疑问句的结合.祈使句和反意疑问句的结台;主谓一致和时态语态的结台。独立主格结构、平行结构和从句的结合.考题1 (典型例题He failed in the final ex-amination last term and only then the im portance of studies. A. he realized B. he had realized C. had he realized D. did he realize考题2 (典型例题The ,eacber. with 5 girls and a boys of his class, visiting a museum when the earthquake struck. A. was B. were C. had been D. would be考题1点拨:答案为D。这是一道倒装和时态结合考查的题目。only then位于句首,句子应进行部分倒装。“意识到”这个动作是指“过去某时的动作”,而不是指failed之前的动作,故用一般过去时。考题2点拨:答案为A。这是一道时态和主谓一致交叉考查的试题。with 5 girls and 9 boys of his class作状语,谓语动词的数应和the teacher保持一致。因事情发生在地震的时候,谓语动词应用过去进行时。 V考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊回顾1 测试考点 8 (典型例题1分)I do every single bit of housework, my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.A. since B. while C. when D. as1B 点拨:while在此句中表转折,“然而;可是”。句意为:“我做每一件家务而我的丈夫鲍勃只是偶尔做做藻。”回顾2 测试考点 2 (典型例题 am sure David will be able to find the library he has a pretty good of direc-tion.A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense2D点拨:此题考查名词词义辨析。idea“观点,想法,意见”;feeling“感情感觉触觉”;experience“经验,经历”;sense“官能,判断力,感觉。感”。根据题意“我肯定大卫能找到图书馆一他的方向感很强”。故答案为D。a pretty good sense of direction意为“方向感很好”。回顾3 测试考点 4 ( 典型例题) My advisor encouraged a summer course to improve my writing skills.A. for me taking 15. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take3D点拨:本题考查动词encourage的用法。题意为。我导师鼓励我参加一个暑期培训班,以提高写作技能。”encourage常用于encourage sbto do sth“鼓励某人干某事”句型。回顾4 测试考点 8 (典型例题_ I accept that he is not perfect, I do,actually like the person. A. While B. Since C. As D. If4A点拨:此题考查连词的意义辨析,题意为“虽然我承认他不完美,但我真的很喜欢这个人”。while“当时候,虽然,只要”;since“自从。因为,既然”;as“当时候,因为”if“如果”。故选A。回顾5 测试语法 ( 典型例题 Theyve us 150,000 for the house, shall we take it? A. provided B. supplied C. shown D. offered5D 点拨:此题考查动词词义辨析。从题干“us 150,000”可以判断出,此处所用动词须接双宾语。排除掉A、B两项,provide/supply sbwith sth“提供某人某物”;根据题意“他们主动提出150000英镑买这座房子”,故用D。offer sbsth“主动提供某人某物”。回顾6 测试考点 8 (典型例题 modeling busi-ness is by no means easy to get into,the good model will always be in demand. A. While B. Since C. As D. If6A点拨:此题考题连词词义辨析。题意为“尽管模特行业不容易做,但好的模特总是需要的”。while“当时候,尽管,只要”;since“因为,自从”;as“因为,当时候”;if“如果”。故选A。回顾7 测试考点4 (典型例题ll the employees except the manager to work online at home. A. encourages B. encourage C. is encouraged D. are encouraged7D点拨此题考查encou rage的用法。encourage sbto do sth“鼓励某人做某事”。题意为“除了经理,所有雇员被鼓励在家里利用网络工作”。主语为alI the employees与encourage之间为被动关系。故选D。2011年高考题预测 高瞻远瞩 占尽先机一、考情预测 年考情预测预测1:形容词或形容词短语作状语的用法 预测根据:在英语中通常由副词或副词短语作状语,所以考生在形容词或形容词短语作状语的问题上很容易出错。而形容词或形容词短语作状语,是高考考查的重点内容之一,应引起备考时足够的重视。 命题角度预测:形容词或形容词短语作状语,主要表示原因、时间、伴随状态或结果。可放在句首、句中或句尾。 eg:Ripe,these apples are sweet(苹果熟的时候,它们是甜的。)/The old man lay in bed,silent,thinking of his childhood(老人躺在床上,一言不发,想起了他的童年。)高考中对形容词或形容词短语作状语考查时,常把考题设在单项选择或完形填空中。预测2:不定式的省略 预测根据:不定式是非谓语动词的重要组成部分,其中不定式的省略是高考题对不定式进行考查的一个重要方面。在hope,wish,want,like,love,plan,need,mean,forget,have to,be going to,used to,ought to等动词后再次出现与前面相同的不定式时,可以省去动词而只留下不定式符号to。不定式在 afraidanxious,able,glad,willing等形容词后面也可省略,但不定式的完成形式中的have和一般式中的to be不省略。eg:Dont stop until you have to(不到不得已的时候不要停下。)一Hasnt he finished writing the report?(难道那份报告他还没写完吗?) 一Nobut he ought to have(没有,但他本来应该写完的。) 命题角度预测:高考对不定式省略的考查,会在单项选择中进行。考生应清楚可出现省略的词和条件,尤其注意不定式的完成形式中的have和一般式中的to be不省略的情况。预测3:get的搭配 预测根据:get是一个高考常考的词汇,尤其近几年的高考题中,与get有关的搭配考查的频率很高,须引起考生足够的重视。 命题角度预测:与get有关的搭配在单项选择,完形填空或短文改错中出现的几率都很大。主要从以下几方面进行考查:get构成的搭配有get done;get sb/sthdoing;get sbto do sth;get sthdone;get doing。get done可表示被动语态。但在有些搭配中。后面的过去分词可看成是形容词,这样的结构有:get lost(迷路);get married(to)(结婚);get engaged to(与订婚);get started(开始);get set(预备);get used to(习惯于);gettired(疲惫);get drsed(穿好衣服);get paid(付报酬);get drunk (喝醉);get caught in(被困在);get stuck in(被陷入)。 get sb/sthdoing这一结构表示“让某一动作进行起来”的意思。 eg:l can get the machine working(我能让机器工作起来。)They finally got everyone studying the su bjeet(他们最后让大家都来学习这门课程。)get sbto do sth是“让某人做某事”的意思,相当于have sbdo sth eg-You should get your friend to help you(你应该叫你的朋友帮你。)get sthdone可以表示“让别人做某事;自己完成某事;遭遇某事”。eg:Go and get your hair cut(去把你的头发理了。)It is up to you to get the work done(该你干这项工作了。)get doing表示“开始做”的意思。 eg: We went out for a moment and then got chatting together(我们外出了一会儿,然后开始一起聊天。)预测4:辨析With pleasure和Its a pleasure 预测根据:With pleasure和Its a pleasure是在交际口语中常用到的表达也是考生很容易发生混淆的两个交际用语。命题角度预测:这两个交际用语会在高考的单项选择中出现。考生务必清楚:With pleasure是一个礼貌的回答,表示“答应对方的请求”或“接受对方的建议”,译为“很愿意;十分乐意”。Its a pleasure常用于致谢应答的用语,也可以说My pleasure或Its my pleasure译作:别客气,那算不了什么。预测5:话题预测 本单元的中心话题是“残疾”,具体涉及“残疾人的生活”、“如何关心残疾人”、“特殊奥运会(简称特奥会)”等。高考与之相关 的话题会在阅读当中出现,从一个角度体现整个社会对残疾人的态度,如建筑或公共设施中的专为残疾人而设的通道等的介绍,然后从猜测词义、主旨大意、推论推断等几方面进行设题。二、考题预测 备考1测试考点1 He asked us to them in performing the operation. A. provide B. encourage C. assist D. persuade1C 点拨:此题考查动词词义辨析。provide sbwith sth“用提供某人”;encourage sbto do sth“鼓励某人干某事”;persuade sbto do sth“说服某人做某事”。而assist sbin doing sth“帮助某人做某事”。符合句子结构。 备考2测试考点2 I have just been in Australia for a week and Im trying to the new climate here. A. adjust to B. agree with C. fit in D. rely on2A点拨:此题考查动词短语用法,根据题意“我来澳大利亚一周了,我正尽力适应这里的气候”。adjust to“适应,习惯”;agree with。气候(食物)适合某人”;rely on“依靠”;fif in“适合”。故选A。备考3测试考点10 We them in the game last Sunday and finally the match. A. defeated; won B. won; won C. heat; defeated D. won; beat3A点拨:此题考查同义词词义辨析。beat/defeat sb“打败某人”win后接“比赛项目或奖品”。故选A。备考4测试考点2 I think it to let farmers have their wn land. In this way,they can farm the land by themselves and production will be higher. A. no good B. makes sense C. takes action D. usefulness 4B点拨:根据题意“我认为让农民拥有自己的土地是有意义的,这样他们可以自己耕种土地,提高产量”。no good“没好处”;make sense“有意义,讲得通”故选B。备考5测试考点 6 Everybody knows that coal electricity for agriculture and indus,try. A. is used to produce B. used to produce C. is used to producing D. used .for producing5A点拨此题考查be used to的用法。根据题意“每个人都知道煤是用来发电的”。be used to“被用来做一”后接动词不定式。当“习惯于”讲时,后接动名词,故选A。备考6测试考点8 _I may not be able,to succeed,Ill keep trying. A. When B. While C. Since D. If6B点拨此题考查连词的用法。根据题意“虽然我可能不会成功但我会坚持”。故选B。while当时候,虽然”。备考7测试考点6 My brother is used with the win-dows in summer. A. to sleeping;open B. to sleep;open C. to sleeping;opened D. to open;opened7A点拨:此题考查be used to当“习惯于”讲,后接动名词这一结构。with windows open“让窗户开着”。故选A。备考8测试考点9 Isnt rude him to talk to his mother like that? A. that; for B. that; of C. it; for D. it; of8D 点拨此题考查It is+adj+of/for sbto do sth因him与rude之间可以构成主谓关系,故用of。备考9测试考点5 The snow is so heavy that they cant ,so they will stay at home. A. get around B. get up C. get off D. walk away9A点拨此题考查动词短语辨析。根据题意“雪这么大以至于他们不能四处走动,只有呆在家里”。get around四处走动”;get up起床”;get off“下车”;walk away“走开”。故选A。备考10测试考点7 Im tired of reading at home all day. -Why not for a walk for a-while? A trying going out B. to try going out C. try going out D. try to go out10C点拨:此题考查动词try的用法。根据题意:“我已厌倦了整天呆在家里读书;为什么不出去走一走?”。表示“试着做某事”用try doingsth故选c。why not do sth“为什么不做”后面接动词原形。


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