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,With the Forbidden City and Jingshan Park to its east, Zhong Nan Hai to its south, Beihai Park is one of the oldest, largest and best-preserved ancient imperial gardens in China located in the center of Beijing,The oldest The largest The best preserved,HISTORY AND OVERVIEW,1.according to a traditional Chinese legend,2. Actually, was built in the Liao Dynasty,3.0.71 sq km,4. more than half :lake,总体布局 Overall layout,主要建筑群: Main buildings : 琼华岛Jade Isle 东岸 East shore 北岸 North shore,亮点小结 Highlights summary,一、整体布局,山水镶嵌,构架精彩 Overall layout, hills and lake mosaic, wonderful architecture,全园用水,是大面积用水的典范之一,唯有颐和园与承德避暑山庄与之齐名 The water apply of beihai garden is a kind of model of water using of large area.As famous as Summer palace and Chengde Mountain Resort . 琼华岛占据视线最高点,而若视角位于琼华岛上,与远处的景山,故宫互为借景 Jade isle occupies the highest point of view of the garden, but if your angle is in Jade isle.The Jingshan, the Forbidden City each other by Jade isle.,亮点小结 Highlights summary,二、琼华岛-园中有苑 Jade Isle-Garden in the garden,山南坡寺院沿南北中轴线对衬布局 Along the southern slope of the temple in the mountains north-south axis of the liningBoard,亮点小结 Highlights summary,三、濠濮涧-大中有精 Haopujian-a fine medium and large,位于东岸,基本上是一座爬山廊 Located in the east shore, is essentially a mountain Gallery 精妙的空间变化,层次丰富 Sophisticated spatial variation, the level of rich,延伸思考 Extended Thinking,一、皇家园林中的精妙“借景” Borrowed scenery in the imperial garden,传统上认为,皇家园林的建造注重于气场和广阔的空间塑造。而精细程度却不如南方的私家园林。是否果真如此呢? Traditionally, the imperial gardens focus on gas field and construction of vast spaceshape. The sophistication is not as good as private gardens of the South . If so is it?,延伸思考 Extended Thinking,可见,即使是皇家园林,其造园构成依然会经常用到一些景观的精妙处理。 Can be seen, even the Royal gardens, the garden will still often use some form ofsubtle landscape treatment. 并且从整体上,北海公园的借用了故宫和景山的景色,在大型配景方面,与园外形成互动,却成了皇家园林自身的特点 And from the whole, the Beihai Park, Forbidden City and Jingshan borrowed scenery,in a large area with landscape, interact with the garden outside, but it became a royal garden of their own characteristics,一、皇家园林中的精妙“借景” Borrowed scenery in the imperial garden,延伸思考 Extended Thinking,二、地形山水构件为造园的第一要素 the terrain landscape components as the first element of the garden,造成多样的园林空间效果,仅靠放置假山等人为的变化是远远不够的 Effect caused by a variety of garden space, such as artificial rockery placed alone is not enough to change 由图可见,无论是假山、路径、还是大树的相互配合,都以地形为基础。 The figure shows, whether it is a rockery, path, or tree of each other, are based on theterrain. Therefore, the topographic landscape components as the first element of the garden,延伸思考 Extended Thinking,三、感人的建筑空间序列 Moving sequence of building space,北海公园几乎所有建筑都成为一个有序的状态,在体量大小、色彩、高差上都应用了强烈的对比关系,使建筑在造园空间中的空间效果达到最高 Beihai Park, almost all buildings have become an ordered state, the volume size, color, height difference applied on both the strong contrast between the architecturalspace in the garden space in the effect of the highest,景点一览 Attractions,九龙壁,现存三座九龙壁中最有特色的一座,全部用彩色琉璃砖砌成,长25.86米,高6.65米,厚1.42米。壁的两面各饰有九条蟠龙,戏珠于波涛云雾之中,造型生动,色彩艳丽,工艺高超,为我国琉璃建筑中的珍贵作品,景点一览 Attractions,静心斋,该处主要建筑有静心斋、韵琴斋、抱素书屋、枕峦亭、叠翠楼及沁泉廊等。位于西北侧的叠翠楼为园内的最高建筑,楼高两层,登楼远眺,北海景色尽收眼底。该园以山、池、桥、廊、亭、殿、阁的优美建筑布局取胜,是一座风光如画,妙趣无穷的小巧园林,为园林艺术中的杰作之一。,

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