高中英语 Module5 第2课时GrammarⅠ-Everyday English and Functio课件 外研版必修1 .ppt

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高中英语 Module5 第2课时GrammarⅠ-Everyday English and Functio课件 外研版必修1 .ppt_第3页
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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 必修1,A Lesson in a Lab,Module 5,第二课时 Grammar Everyday English and Function,Module 5,根据句后的提示,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 The earth is fortynine times _(large) than the moon.(倍数表达法) Its getting _ and_(bright)!(比较级and比较级) _(close)you are, _(much) youll see.(the比较级主语谓语,the比较级主语谓语) Itll be a lot _(heavy) than magnesium.(比较级than),larger,brighter,brighter,The closer,the more,heavier,1.object vi. 不赞成;反对;n.物体;目标 知识拓展 object to sb./sth. 不赞成某人/某事 object to doing sth. 反对做某事 object that. 反对 I object. 我反对(用于正式会议或商谈中),We object to leaving in such a hurry. 我们反对这样匆忙离开。 Students objected to being treated like children. 学生们反对像对待小孩子似地对待他们。 知识拓展 objection n. 反对 objective n. 目标 adj. 客观的,单词拼写 Those who o_(反对)to the suggestion,please put up your hands. 请反对这个计划的人举起手来。 答案:object,2balance (1)n. 天平;秤;平衡;均势;收支平衡 We weigh something in/on the balance. 我们用天平称东西。 The two boys kept the seesaw in balance. 那两个男孩让跷跷板保持平衡。 (2)vt. 权衡;对比;使平衡;抵消;跟相抵 We must balance the two plans. 我们必须把这两个计划比较一下。,助记 图解“天平”与“平衡”,即学即用 完成句子 在作出最后的决定之前,一定要权衡权弊。 You should _ before your final decision. 争取把娱乐和工作更好地结合起来。 Try to _ between play and work. 答案:balance the advantages against the disadvantages keep a better balance,1.a little意思为“稍微;有点儿” Her letter irritated me a little. 她的信有点让我生气。 a little nearsighted 有点近视,知识拓展 a bit 有点儿 a little bit 稍微有点儿 a little bit cold 稍有点冷 a bit of 有点儿;有些 not a bit 一点也不 quite a bit 相当多地,辨析:a bit;a little,not a bit和not a little (1)a bit可当作程度副词来使用。意思与a little相同,在名词之前要用a bit of。 l have got a bit of problem. 我有一个小问题。 (2)not a bit其意义与not at all“毫不,根本不”相同,而不同于not a little“非常”。,即学即用 完成句子 Im _ _ _ tired. 我一点也不累。 Im _ _ _ tired. 我非常累。 答案:not a bit not a little,2keep.down控制;限制;压迫;镇压 Please keep the noise down. 请减少噪音。 The government kept the poor people down. 政府压迫贫困的人民。 知识拓展 在英语中“让他人保持安静”还有shut up,be quiet等。 Shut up! You cant speak to your parents in such a rude way. 闭嘴,你不能这么粗鲁地跟你父母讲话。 Be quiet please!The teacher is coming. 保持安静,老师来了。,即学即用 语法填空 The people have been kept_for years by a brutal regime. 答案:down,3put on 1)穿上;戴上 He put on his hat and went out. 他戴上帽子出去了。 2)上演;表演 We are putting the play on again next week. 下周我们将再次上演这部戏。 3)打开(灯、收音机) Ill put the light on. 我把灯打开。,4)增加;拨快 The train is putting on speed. 火车正在加速。 Put the clock on one hour. 把表拨快一小时。 5)假装 He put on an air of innocence. 他装出一副无辜的样子。,知识拓展 put aside 搁在一边 put away 收拾起来 put down 写下;放下;镇压 put off 延期 put over 超过 put through 穿过 put up with 容忍;忍受,即学即用 语法填空 Do you know the girl_(dress)white ? 答案:dressed in 过去分词短语作定语。,4go ahead前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说说吧! You go ahead and tell them wed be there shortly. 告诉他们我们马上就到。 Hes going ahead fast. 他进步很快。,知识拓展 (1)开始(做某事);开始(讲话) Go ahead,were all listening. 说吧,我们都在听。 May I start? 我们可以开始了吗? Yes,go ahead. 开始吧! (2)进行;进展;继续下去 Work is going ahead. 工作正在进行。,(3)往前走;走在前面;先走 You go ahead and Ill follow;Im not quite ready. 你先走。我就来。我没有完全准备好。 The police examined the cars and allowed them to go ahead. 警察检查了那些小汽车并且让他们往前走。 (4)(用于祈使句)可以(拿,用等) Would you mind me using your dictionary? 用一下你的字典,你介意吗? Go ahead. 请用吧。/可以用。,即学即用 语法填空 I probably shouldnt have any more cake. Oh,_.It wont kill you. 答案:go ahead 本题考查情景交际。句意:“我不应当再吃蛋糕了”。“吃吧,撑不死你的。”go ahead“吃吧,用吧”,等意思,用于鼓励某人干某事。,1.To find out if there is a change in weight when the metal magnesium burns in air. 弄清楚当金属镁在空气中燃烧时,重量是否有变化。 (1)to find out是不定式短语,后跟if引导的宾语从句,when引导的是一个时间状语从句。不定式作主语时,常常表示具体的动作,尤其是将来的动作,此外还可以作宾语、表语、定语、状语或宾语补足语,但不可作谓语。,To say is easy but to do is difficult. 说着容易做着难。(作主语) I have something to tell you. 我有事情要告诉你。(作定语) I dont know how to go. 我不知道如何去。(作宾语) She got up early so as not to be late for the meeting. 她早早起床以便开会不迟到。(作目的状语) She heard him sing the song. 她听他唱过那首歌。(作宾补) He was heard to sing the song.(作主补) 他被听到唱过那首歌。,(2)weight意为“重量;分量”;by weight“按重量” The gold coin is fifty grams in weight. 这枚金币的重量是50克。 (3)in air意为“在空气中;在气体中”;in the air“在天空中,在高空;未定的;悬着的”,on the air“在播送(电视、广播)” A big bird is flying in the air. 一只大鸟在空中飞翔。 The programme is on the air now. 节目正在播出之中。,即学即用 语法填空 Energy drinks are not allowed_(make)in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand. 答案:to be made 此处为不定式作主语补足语。,2We need a piece which is(very)much bigger than that. 我们需要比那块大得多的一块。 本句中which引导的是个限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a piece,which在此定语从句中作主语。which在定语从句中除了作主语还可作宾语,它所指的先行词为物时,可与that互换。并且which在定语从句中作主语时不能省略。 This is the book which/that I want to buy. 这就是我想买的那本书。 My new coat is yellow which is my favourite color. 我的新上衣是我最喜欢的黄色。,注意:which还可引导非限制性定语从句,指代先行词或整个主句的内容。 Tom has a little dog, which is friendly to me. 汤姆有一只小狗,小狗对我很友好。 He asked her to leave, which made her very sad. 他让她离开,这使她很难过。,即学即用 语法填空 Small computers need small amount of power, _means you use less electricity. 答案:which which引导非限制性定语从句。,3The more books I read ,the more information I learn. 读书越多,了解的信息就越多。 “the比较级,the比较级”这个句型结构的意思是“越就越”或“愈是则愈是”。此结构中的比较级可以是形容词,也可以是副词。 The more one has, the more one wants. 越是有就越想要。(越有越要) The greater progress you will make,the harder you study. 你学习越刻苦,进步就越大。 The sooner you do it,the better it will be. (The sooner, the better.) 你越早做那件事就越好。(愈早愈好),即学即用 翻译 你越表扬他,他工作就越努力。 _ 答案:The more you praise him, the harder he works.,4Continue to heat the mixture until the water evaporates,leaving the salt in the crucible. 继续给混合物加热,直到水蒸发,坩埚内只剩下了盐。 句中leaving the salt in the crucible是分词短语作状语,表示“结果”。 The fire lasted for three hours,killing 15 workers in all. 大火持续了三个小时,总共烧死了15名工人。 Her parents died in the same year,leaving her an orphan. 在同一年里她的父母都去世了,结果剩下她成了孤儿。,For where there are trees their roots break the soil upallowing the rain to sink inand also bind the soil, thus preventing it being washed away easily. 因为在有树木的地方,树根穿破了泥土让雨水渗进土里树根又把泥土凝集起来,从而使土不容易被雨水冲走。,即学即用 语法填空 Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always_(say) the same thing. 答案:saying 此处为ving形式作伴随状语。,5What about this piece?这片怎么样? What about.? 意为“怎么样?”用于提出建议。 What about going to the movies this evening? 今晚去看电影怎么样? 知识拓展 除了What about.? 这一句型,英语中还有很多说法: “Would you like.?” “What do you think of.?” “How do you like /find.?” Would you like me to bring some food to the party? 我要不要带些食品来参加聚会?,即学即用 语法填空 How about the two of us_(take) a walk down the garden? 答案:taking 此处作介词about的宾语。,表解语法助记() 比较等级1 本部分语法重点是倍数修饰表示比较意义的句型的用法,常见于以下几种句式:,表解语法助记() 比较等级2 1比较级的特殊用法 比较级除了最基本的“比较级than”结构外,还有以下两种用法:,2.比较级的修饰语 形容词的比较级前可以用一些表示程度的词修饰,说明两者相比差异程度的大小。常用的有:a little, a bit, a lot, any, much, even, far, still, yet, no, rather等。 This computer is much more expensive than that one. 这台电脑比那一台贵得多。 It is even colder. 今天更冷。 She is a little taller than her sister. 她比她妹妹稍高一点。,即学即用 语法填空 1The staterun company is required to make its accounts as _ as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money. 答案:transparent 本题考查形容词用法。句意:国有公司被要求使账目尽可能透明,以便公司职工监督资金的使用。根据语境中monitor“监管,监督”一词,可以确定账目要让职工了解,清楚,自然就是“透明”。,2. Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _. 答案:more 本题考查形容词比较级。句意:许多人已经捐献那种血液,但是血库需要更多那种血液。因为两者进行比较,根据句意可知用more。,.单词拼写 1Try a different m_if the first one fails. 2What s the a_of this experiment? 3Have you set the a_up yet? 4G_ brings things down to earth. 5We use e_ to provide power for machines. 答案:1.method 2.aim 3.apparatus 4.Gravity 5.electricity,.语法填空 Our hometown has changed a lot in recent years. Compared with 20 years ago, our town has become twice 1._ (large) than what it used to be from west to east and from south to north. The street has become much 2._ (wide). The old buildings have been pulled down and the new ones are a lot 3._ (high) The living standard of people is getting 4._ (high) and higher. In the supermarkets, there are all kinds of things we need. Even farmers have become richer and richer. Seen from the mountain, the town looks 5.l_ (attractive),All the people in our town the 6._ (hard) we work, the 7._ (much) progress well make. So all of us need to make 8._ (many) efforts in the future. I hope our town will become more and 9._ (beautiful) and richer and 10._ (rich) 答案:1.larger 2.wider 3.higher 4.higher 5.more attractive 6.harder 7.more 8.more 9.more beautiful 10.richer,.根据要求完成句子 1The meeting room is three times bigger than our office.(同义句转换) The meeting room is four times _ our office. 2今年比去年粮食产量增加了8%。 The gain output is _ this year than last year. 3这个壶里的水量是那个壶里的三倍。 There is three times _ in this pot as in that one.,4她是我们班个子第二高的学生。 She is _student in our class. 5你赚钱越多,花得就越多。 _ you make, _ you spend. 6Mike is the most clever in his class. (同义句转换) Mike is _ any other student in his class. 答案:1.as big as/the size of 2.8 percent higher 3.as much water 4.the second tallest 5.The more money; the more 6.more clever than,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1Bob is _(young) than Fred but _(tall) than Fred. 2The orange is a little _(big) than the apple, but much _(small) than the watermelon. 3Her mother is getting _ and _(fat) 4I think its too expensive. Id like a _(cheap) one. 5Your classroom is _(wide) and _(bright) than ours. 6The _(much), the _(good),7Nowadays (现在) English is _(important) than any other subject. 8Things are getting _ and _(bad) 9(2015四川,7改编)Andy is content with the toy.It is _(good) one he has ever got. 10Now his life is becoming _ and _(difficult) 答案:1.younger; taller 2.bigger; smaller 3.fatter;fatter 4cheaper 5.wider;brighter 6.more;better 7.more important 8. worse; worse 9. the best 10.more;more difficult,.完成句子 1_ money you make,_ you spend. 你挣钱越多,花钱也越多。 2The boys were _ about having a party. 对于开晚会男孩们并不高兴。 3He is _ than I am. 他比我仔细得多。 4This bridge is _ than that one. 这座桥比那座桥长9米。 5Li Ming is much cleverer _ in their class. 李明是他们班中最聪明的学生。,6This question is _ that one. 这个问题并不比那个问题难。 7How beautiful she sings! Ive _. 她唱得多好啊!这是我听到的最美的歌声。 8There are _ as we expected. 学生数量是我们预期的6倍。 答案:1.The more; the more 2.less than happy 3.far more careful 4.10 meters longer 5.than any other student 6not more difficult than 7.never heard a better voice 8six times as many students,


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