高中英语 3.2 Vocabulary and Reading课件 外研版选修6.ppt

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.单词识记 1_ vmake sb face or consider sb/sth unpleasant, difficult, etc. 2_ vto calculate the total number of things or people in a group 3_ prep.directly under another object or covered by it,Period Two Speaking; Listening and Vocabulary; Function and Speaking; Vocabulary and Reading; Everyday English,confront count underneath,4_ adj.someone who is lively has a lot of energy and is very active 5_ v& nan angry argument or disagreement 6_ vto feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it 7_ adj.always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them,lively quarrel regret considerate,.短语天地 1_在通电话 2_和好,和解 3_保持联系 4_与失去联系 5_对感到惭愧/羞耻 6(be) blessed with_ 7(be) allergic to_ 8(be) on good terms with_ 9(be) nostalgic for_,on the phone make up keep in touch(with) lose touch with (be) ashamed of,享有的福气 对过敏 与某人关系很好 对很怀念,.句型搜索 1I was blessed with a happy childhood,one that most people would want to have. 信息提取 one为a happy childhood的同位语,that引导定语从句。 例句仿写对于很多大学高年级的学生来说,最后一年将会是一个不快乐的经历,那意味着校园里浪漫故事的结束。 For many seniors in some universities, the final year can be an unpleasant experience, _ _ _ the campus romance.,one that ends,2Im now back in touch with Danny,and its a privilege to call him my friend. 信息提取 its a privilege to do sth 做是一种荣幸 例句仿写认识你真是莫大的荣幸。 _ _ _ _ _ _ know you.,It is a great privilege to,1count vt. there are thirty. 她数了数她班上的学生,一共三十人。 (2)认为,看作 We count her as one of our oldest friends. 我们把她看作交情最久的一个朋友。 (3)有重要意义,值得考虑 Her opinion counts because of her experience. 因为她有经验, 所以她的意见很重要。,【完成句子】 我认为你是我的一个朋友。 I _ _ _ one of my friends. 她盼望着你为她的朋友们放电影呢! Shes _ _ you to show movies to her friends. 他的行为没有任何价值。 His behavior _ _ nothing.,count you as,counting on,counts for,2lively adj.活泼的,有生气的; 生动的 The band played a lively tune. 乐队演奏了一支轻快的乐曲。 【比较网站】lively/alive/live/living (1)lively 有“活泼的、快活的、生动的”等意思,可以指人或物,可作定语或表语;但它没有“活着的”意思,而其他三个都有。 (2)alive,live,living都有“活的、有生命的”的意思,与dead意义相反。但live通常只作前置定语,且一般用于动物;alive,living不仅可作定语(alive只能置于名词后;living一般置于名词前,也可置于名词后),也可以作表语。,This is a live(living) fish.(This is a fish alive.) 这是一条活鱼。(指动物,且作定语时,三者均可用) Whos the greatest man alive(living man)? 谁是当今最伟大的人物?(指人,不能用live) The fish is still alive(living) 那条鱼还活着。(指动物作表语时不能用live),(3)living主要指在某个时候是活着的,而alive指本来有死的可能,但仍活着的。而且,作主语补足语或宾语补足语时,只能用alive;作比喻义(如“活像”、“活生生的”等)解时,要用living。 The enemy officer was caught alive.(作主语补足语,不用living)那位敌方军官被活捉了。 We found the snake alive.(作宾语补足语,不用living) (4)只有living前加the方可表示“活着的人”,作主语时,视作复数。 The living are more important to us than the dead. 活着的人对我们来说比死去的人更重要。,选词填空(live/alive/lively/living) He is dead, but his dog is still_. My first teacher is still_. Jenny is a _ girl. Do you like a _ show or a recorded show?,alive,living,lively,live,3quarrel (1)vi.吵架;争吵 She quarrelled with her brother about the terms of their fathers will.她和哥哥为父亲遗嘱条款一事争吵起来。 (2)n.C 吵架 He had a quarrel with his wife about their children. 他为了小孩的事和妻子争吵。 【归纳拓展】 (1)quarrel with sb over/about sth因某事同某人吵架 (2)have a quarrel with sb about sth和某人就某事争吵 settle a quarrel with sb与某人解决纷争;讲和,【单项填空】 The local people quarrelled _ the new settlers_ the land rights. Aamong; over Bwith; for Cwith; over Damong; about 答案 C 考查 quarrel with sb over/about sth“因某事同某人吵架”。,4regret (1)v.后悔;遗憾;抱歉 Weve always deeply regretted selling the farm. 我们一直为卖了这个农场而后悔。 We regret to inform you that you owe the bank100. 我们很遗憾地告诉你,你欠银行100英镑。 (2)n.U懊悔;遗憾;失望 He gave up teaching in 2011, much to the regret of his students. 他于2011年放弃了教学生涯,这使他的学生深感遗憾。,having missed not having seen,to inform,to my regre t,5forgive v(forgave;forgiven)原谅,饶恕,宽恕 We forgive your faults. 我们原谅了你的过错。 Please forgive me for interrupting/my interrupting. 对不起,打搅了。 【归纳拓展】 forgive sb for (doing) sth原谅某人所做的事 forgiveness nU原谅,【单项填空】 Mary did do some bad things about me,but I have _ her for that. Aregretted Bfreed Crelaxed Dforgiven 答案 D 句意:玛丽对我做了些不好的事,但是我原谅了她。,1make up (1)和好,和解 The two friends have just made up after their quarrel. 这两个朋友吵架后刚刚和好。 (2)编造;组成 The student made up an excuse for his being late. 那个学生为他的迟到编造了一个借口。 (3)组成;构成 Farm workers make up only a small section of the population.农民工只占人口的一小部分。,(4)弥补 Im trying to make up the time I lost while I was sick. 我正在试图补上我生病时耽误的时间。 (5)化妆 It took her more than an hour to make herself up. 她花了一个多小时才打扮好。 【归纳拓展】 make up for 弥补,补偿 be made up of 由组成 make up ones mind 决心,决定,【单项填空】 Strangely the story_ is popular_ the young. Amade up; to Bmade up of; with Cmade up of; to Dmade up; with 答案 D 由句子结构和题意知前一空为定语。make up of意为“由组成”;make up“虚构”;be popular with sb“受某人的欢迎”。,2keep in touch保持联系 We have kept in touch with each other for twenty years. 二十年了,我们一直保持着联系。 【归纳拓展】 get in touch with与接触,与联系 lose touch with 与失去联系 in touch with 与联系 out of touch不联系,不接触,【单项填空】 With the rapid development of Chinas economy, close _should be kept in with worldfamous scientists and advanced technology. Aconnection Brelation Ctouch Dfriendship 答案 C 句意:随着中国经济的快速发展,我们应当与世界闻名的科学家和高科技保持紧密的联系。keep in touch with为固定短语,表示“与保持联系”,题干中用的是该短语的被动结构。,3be on good terms with sb与相处得好 He is on good terms with everyone, so he is popular. 他与每个人的关系都很好,因此他很受欢迎。 【归纳拓展】 be on bad terms with sb 与交情不好 in terms of 涉及;就而言;在方面 in the long/short term 从长远/眼前观点看来 come to terms with sb 与妥协,与和好,【完成句子】 从长远看来对孩子们要求严格对孩子们大有裨益。 Being strict with the children will do great good to them_ _ _ _. 在英语中,就词义而言,这两个词是不同的。 In English, the two words are different _ _ _ meaning. 最终,兄弟俩又言归于好。 In the end, the two brothers came _ _ with each other.,in terms of,to terms,4be ashamed of对感到惭愧/羞耻 I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed of myself now. 我昨天表现不好,我现在为自己感到很惭愧。 【归纳拓展】 be ashamed to do sth以做某事为耻 be/feel ashamed that.对感到惭愧 Its a shame that./to do sth 是可耻的事,遗憾的事 What a shame!多可惜!,【完成句子】 我对向自己的父亲撒谎感到内疚。 I _ _ _ _ _to my father. 汤姆因自己发脾气感到惭愧。 Tom_ _ _ he had lost his temper.,was ashamed of having lied,was ashamed that,1I was blessed with a happy childhood, one that most people would want to have. 我很幸运,有一个快乐的童年,一个大多数人渴望的童年。 (1)句中的be blessed with表示“在某方面有福气,幸运地享有”。 He is blessed with excellent health. 他身体好极了, 真有福。,(2)句中one为a happy childhood的同位语,that引导的是定语从句,one thatwhich,即同位语one that定语从句,相当于which引导的非限制性定语从句。one前是否带有限定词,取决于它所替代的词是泛指,还是特指。泛指不带;特指带。 He has an excuse for being late, one that sounds reasonable.他有一个迟到的理由,一个听起来合情合理的理由。,【单项填空】 My most famous relative of all, _who really left his mark on America, was Rob Sussel, my great grandfather. Aone Bthe one Che Dsomeone 答案 B 根据句意可知,空白处在句中作同位语,意思是“我亲戚中最出名的那个”。在用来代替同类中特指的一个或“限定词十名词”时,要用“the one”。one用来代替同类中任何一个;he用来代替具体的某一个人;someone是“某人、有人”的意思,用来指代不明确的某个人。one作同位语时是否要特指取决于其前边的同位名词或代词,如果同位名词或代词是特指,后边要用the one,否则就用one。,2But while Im nostalgic for the happy times we spent together many years ago, Im ashamed of my feelings, and I dont want to remind the recording of my life and remember my loss and my pain.但当我回忆起许多年前我们一起度过的美好时光时,我就为我的一些感受感到羞愧,我不想再重拾以前的生活,唤起我曾经的损失和痛苦。 (1)本句为主从复合句,其中while引导时间状语从句,在从句中又含有一个省略了引导词which/that的定语从句we spent together many years ago,该从句用于修饰先行词times;主句为and(第一个)连接的并列句。,(2)若先行词为表示时间的名词,如time,day,moment等,引导词不一定用when。如果引导词在定语从句中作宾语,要用that或which;如果引导词在定语从句中作状语,要用when。 This is the time when you should get up. 是你该起床的时间了。 He will never forget the time which/that he spent in Paris last year.他永远不会忘记他去年在巴黎度过的时光。,【单项填空】 Did you remember the days _we worked on the farm? Certainly. Especially the hard times _we spent together. Awhich; when Bwhen; which Cwhen; when Dwhich; which 答案 B 第一空用于引导定语从句,且其在从句中作时间状语,故用when;第二空也用于引导定语从句,但其在从句中作宾语,故用which或that。综上可知选B。,


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