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Unit THREE 主谓一致,SAT语法强化课程,一、主谓一致的基本原则,e.g.1 A book is on the desk. 主单谓单;主复谓复 e.g.2 Two books are on the desk.,1、主单谓单,单数可数名词 (主)单(谓) e.g.1 A book is on the desk. 不可数名词 (主)单(谓) e.g.2 Water is colorless. doing,to do,句子 (主)单(谓) e.g.3 Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. What you saw is true. 复合不定代词 (主)单(谓) e.g.4 Nobody knows his name.,课堂练习1:,The use of irrigation in the once-arid region have increased the production of alfalfa and of many other crops as well. (OG-P839-20) has increased,课堂练习2:,Building new windmill farms reduces fossil fuel consumption and keeps tons of carbon dioxide emissions out of the atmosphere. (OG-P408-10),2、主复谓复,可数名词复数(主)复(谓) e.g.1 Two books are on the desk. A and B (主)复(谓) e.g.2 A pear and an apple are fruits. both A and B (主)复(谓) e.g.3 Both Lucy and Lily are girls.,课堂练习1:,Both her work on community service projects and her dedication to learning have gained Ms. Stevens the respect of the entire faculty. (OG-P534-23),课堂练习2,The convenience and widespread availability of watercolor paint account for its popularity with amateur artists. (OG-T10-S10-Q14) (A)account for its popularity (B)account for their popularity (C)accounts for its popularity (D)is why it is popular (E)are a reason for its popularity,课堂练习2,The convenience and widespread availability of watercolor paint account for its popularity with amateur artists. (OG-T10-S10-Q14) (A)account for its popularity (B)account for their popularity (C)accounts for its popularity (D)is why it is popular (E)are a reason for its popularity,课堂练习2,The convenience and widespread availability of watercolor paint account for its popularity with amateur artists. (OG-T10-S10-Q14) (A)account for its popularity (B)account for their popularity (C)accounts for its popularity (D)is why it is popular (E)are a reason for its popularity,名词单复数的一致性,The convenience and widespread availability of watercolor paint are a reason for its popularity with amateur artists. n1+n2 a/an + n(单),课堂练习1:,Interested in studying insects and their effects on agriculture, Larissa and Tariq plan to become an entomologist then return to help the farmers in theirs mall town. (OG-P409-12) entomologists,课堂练习2:,The origins of the Teapot Dome scandal can be traced to the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. (OG-P429-Q3) (A) can be traced to the presidency of (B) can be traced to the presidencies of (C) happened in the presidency of (D) happening during the presidencies of (E) that happened in the presidency of,课堂练习2:,The origins of the Teapot Dome scandal can be traced to the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. (OG-P429-Q3) (A) can be traced to the presidency of (B) can be traced to the presidencies of (C) happened in the presidency of (D) happening during the presidencies of (E) that happened in the presidency of,课堂练习3:,Nursing and physical therapy are an example of health-care fields that have shortages in staffing. (OG-P531-Q4) (A) are an example of health-care fields that (B) are examples of health-care fields that (C) are examples where health-care fields (D) exemplifies a health-care field that (E) exemplify health-care fields where they,课堂练习3:,Nursing and physical therapy are an example of health-care fields that have shortages in staffing. (OG-P531-Q4) (A) are an example of health-care fields that (B) are examples of health-care fields that (C) are examples where health-care fields (D) exemplifies a health-care field that (E) exemplify health-care fields where they,二、主谓一致的特殊原则,1.就远原则,N1+修饰成分+N2+谓动,1.就远原则,N1+修饰成分+N2+谓动,1.就远原则,N1+修饰成分+N2+谓动,of/in/for/with together with combined with as well as including rather than,doing done,课堂练习1:,The harmful effects of smoking on the vascular system is increasingly well documented. (OG-P656-3) (A)is increasingly well documented (B)is more and more documented (C)are increasingly well documented (D)are increasing in better documentation (E)has increased in better documentation,课堂练习1:,The harmful effects of smoking on the vascular system is increasingly well documented. (OG-P656-3) (A)is increasingly well documented (B)is more and more documented (C)are increasingly well documented (D)are increasing in better documentation (E)has increased in better documentation,课堂练习2:,For months, one of the most popular breakfast foods were selling for so little that people thought something was wrong. (A) were selling for so little that people thought something was (B) was selling for so little that people thought something were (C) were selling for so little; so people thought something has gone (D) was selling for so little that people thought something was (E) was selling for very little; so people thought of it as,课堂练习2:,For months, one of the most popular breakfast foods were selling for so little that people thought something was wrong. (A) were selling for so little that people thought something was (B) was selling for so little that people thought something were (C) were selling for so little; so people thought something has gone (D) was selling for so little that people thought something was (E) was selling for very little; so people thought of it as,课堂练习3:,Equipment in both factories have now been upgraded from which we can assume there will be no further disruptions of our production schedule. (A) have now been upgraded, from which we can assume (B) have now been upgraded, and we can assume (C) has now been upgraded, we can assume (D) has now been upgraded, so we can assume that (E) having now been upgraded to where we can assume that,课堂练习3:,Equipment in both factories have now been upgraded from which we can assume there will be no further disruptions of our production schedule. (A) have now been upgraded, from which ,re can assume (B) have now been upgraded, and we can assume (C) has now been upgraded, we can assume (D) has now been upgraded, so we can assume that (E) having now been upgraded to where we can assume that,课堂练习4:,Countries included in this varied and interesting study of economic theory was the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, and France (A) Countries included in this varied and interesting study of economic theory was (B) Countries included in this varied and interesting study of economic theory were (C) Countries being included in this varied and interesting study of economic theory was (D) Varied and interesting, this study of economic theory included countries that were (E) In this varied and interesting study of economic theory, such countries included as,课堂练习4:,Countries included in this varied and interesting study of economic theory was the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, and France (A) Countries included in this varied and interesting study of economic theory was (B) Countries included in this varied and interesting study of economic theory were (C) Countries being included in this varied and interesting study of economic theory was (D) Varied and interesting, this study of economic theory included countries that were (E) In this varied and interesting study of economic theory, such countries included as,课堂练习5,Diabetes, together with its serious complications, ranks as the nations third leading cause of death, surpassed only by heart disease and cancer. A ranks as the nations third leading cause of death, surpassed only B rank as the nations third leading cause of death, only surpassed C has the rank of the nations third leading cause of death, only surpassed D are the nations third leading causes of death, surpassed only E have been ranked as the nations third leading causes of death, only surpassed,课堂练习5,Diabetes, together with its serious complications, ranks as the nations third leading cause of death, surpassed only by heart disease and cancer. A ranks as the nations third leading cause of death, surpassed only B rank as the nations third leading cause of death, only surpassed C has the rank of the nations third leading cause of death, only surpassed D are the nations third leading causes of death, surpassed only E have been ranked as the nations third leading causes of death, only surpassed,Attention!,1. the number of VS. a number of,The number of awards given this year to biochemists accentuate the significant gains being made in the study of the chemistry of living organisms(og-t5-s6) accentuates A number of trees run alongside the beach.,2.就近原则,not only N1 but also N2+谓动 not N1 but N2 +谓动 neither N1 nor N2+谓动 either N1 or N2+谓动,2.就近原则,not only N1 but also N2+谓动 not N1 but N2 +谓动 neither N1 nor N2+谓动 either N1 or N2+谓动,课堂练习:,Of the two options, neither the system of appointing judges to the bench nor the process of electing judges are entirely satisfactory. (05.3-S3-Q23 ) is,2.就近原则,There be +N1 There be +N1 and N2,2.就近原则,There be +N1 There be +N1 and N2,课堂练习1:,Since there are a pad of papers a ruler, and two pencils on each desk, students do not have to bring their own supplies. (OG-P166-Q1) is,课堂练习2,There is many challenges associated with starting ones own business. (OG-P429-1) (A) is many challenges associated (B) is many challenges to associate (C) is many challenges associating (D) are many challenges associated (E) are many challenges which associate,课堂练习2,There is many challenges associated with starting ones own business. (OG-P429-1) (A) is many challenges associated (B) is many challenges to associate (C) is many challenges associating (D) are many challenges associated (E) are many challenges which associate,3.就后原则,倒装结构,主谓顺序颠倒,谓语(一部分)放在主语前,3.就后原则,(倒装结构),3.就后原则,介词短语放句首的倒装 Out of the classroom grows many flowers. Many flowers grow out of the classroom. 倒装语序: Out of the classroom grow many flowers.,课堂讲解练习1:,In the foothills of that large mountain range are the sources of a river whose course was not fully mapped until this century.,三、就后原则,done短语放句首的倒装 Inscribed on the wall is the names of famous people in USA. The names of famous people in the USA are inscribed on the wall. 倒装语序: Inscribed on the wall are the names of famous people in USA.,课堂讲解练习2:,Also supported by the commission was the proposed health clinics and the proposed center to distribute information on job-training opportunities. were,三、就后原则,形容词放句首的倒装 Present at the meeting were President Obama, Warren Buffet and many magnates. President Obama, Warren Buffet and many magnates were present at the meeting. 倒装语序: Present at the meeting were President Obama, Warren Buffet and many magnates.,课堂讲解练习3:,Absent from the curtain call, to our disappointment, was the director and the producer, both of whom had done so much to bring about this triumphant opening night. (2007) were,三、就后原则,only+状语放句首的倒装 Only in these ways are she able to learn English well. is 正常语序: she is able to learn English well only in these ways .,课堂讲解练习4:,Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied for years, but only recently has the harmful effects of noise pollution became known. (OG-P167-P6) have,课堂练习1:,Across the southern surface of the Moons far side sprawls an asteroid-impact crater, 1,600 miles wide and 8 miles deep, called the Aitken Basin. (200901-S6-10) side sprawls an asteroid-impact crater, side there sprawls an asteroid-impact crater, it is side, a sprawling asteroid-impact crater, side, an asteroid-impact crater that sprawls side, sprawl an asteroid-impact crater,课堂练习1:,Across the southern surface of the Moons far side sprawls an asteroid-impact crater, 1,600 miles wide and 8 miles deep, called the Aitken Basin. (200901-S6-10) side sprawls an asteroid-impact crater, side there sprawls an asteroid-impact crater, it is side, a sprawling asteroid-impact crater, side, an asteroid-impact crater that sprawls side, sprawl an asteroid-impact crater,课堂练习2,Alongside the trail on which we ride our bikes each moming run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees. (2007.10-S10-Q3) (A) run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees (B) runs a crooked line of rugged old oak trees (C) runs rugged old oak trees in a crooked line (D) there runs rugged old oak trees in a crooked line (E) there run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees,课堂练习2,Alongside the trail on which we ride our bikes each moming run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees. (A) run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees (B) runs a crooked line of rugged old oak trees (C) runs rugged old oak trees in a crooked line (D) there runs rugged old oak trees in a crooked line (E) there run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees,主谓一致总结,Thank you,


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