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,A STRATEGY FOR PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE 性能卓越的策略,Workshop at Aconic GuangDong-China Facilitator: Vy Ly 在中国广东乌头工厂 主持人:Vy Ly 1,5S and Visual Management System 5S和可视化管理系统,Where Is The Red Cable Go? 红色电缆哪里去了,3,Is this your office? 这是你的办公室?,4,Is this your working environment? 这是你工作的环境吗?,Levels of the Visual Workplace,(1),Share information 分享信息,Workplace organization and standardization 工作场所组织和标准化,(2),Share standards 分享标准,(4),Alarms 安全,(5),Stop defects 阻止缺陷,(6),Eliminate,defects清除瑕疵,(3),Build standards into the workplace 在工作场所建立标准,视觉工作场所的等级制,5S is a way of looking at our working environment that will benefit the employees and the employer. 5S是一种寻找我们的工作环境,受益雇员和雇主。,An essential step required for Waste Elimination 一个必不可少的步骤,需要消除废物,It increases productivity 能提高工作效率,A required element to achieve Lean-site Manufacturing 实现精益生产的必需元素,A easy tool to increase Safety 一个方便的工具,以提高安全性,什么是5S?,5S,Seiri 整理 1 Sort 分类,5 Sustain 维持,Shitsuke 素质,2 Set 集合,Seiton 整顿,3 Shine 闪,Seiso 清理,4 Standardise 标准化,Seiketsu 清洁,Good or bad - how does it seem to you? 好和坏,对你来说是怎样,Essentials? 概要,Need to keep them on the floor? 需要让他们一直在地上吗? Are they all needed? 它们都需要吗? Need both wrenches? 需要两个扳手? Lets see another example 让我们来看看另外一个实例,Fire risk ? 火险?,Fire risk ? 火险?,Good or bad - how does it seem to you? Correct location? 正确位置 Productive environment? 能生产的环境,Red-Tag Holding,Areas 红头 标志 区域, Held a holding area for long time or non daily usage. 举行一个长期的时间或非日常使用的保持区, ,Are used for temporary storage 用于临时储存 Find appropriate locations for all items 为所有项目找到合适的位置 Should be in a located nearby 应该坐落在附近 Establish the rules 建立规则 Needs someone to be responsible for it 需要有人负责 Needs to be cleared out often (Weekly?) 经常需要清除(每周) Establish authority to remove 建立即将消失的权威 Measure red-tag volume (make highly visible) 测量红色标记量(非常明显) Should be clearly identified 应明确标识 Set up a clear disposal procedure 设置明确的处理程序 Explore recycling options 探讨回收选项,Red Tag Areas 红色标记的区域,1 3,Before 以前,After 之后,15,Example- SORT实例,排序 Before 之前 After 之后,1,2,3,4,5,6,Order of use 使用的顺序,123465 Toolbox? 工具箱,Identify who is using a common tool. 确定谁是使用一个共同的工具。,- Display who will return the tool when it is used. 显示谁将返回时使用的工具。,- Display missing tools, broken tools or tools to be supplied 显示缺少工具,破碎的工具或工具来提供,Common Tool Control 常见的工具控制,Before and after之前和之后,A place for everything,and,Everything in its place 物应各有其所,亦应各在其所,5 S in the home 在家的5S,22, Organize whats left to minimize wasted motion 组织剩下的减少浪费的运动,Set in Order 整顿,EXAMPLES 实例,2 3 23,2 4,example 实例 Before,After,Identify faults and problems. 识别故障和问题,As the cleaning is underway we must consider the fact that: 由于清洁工作正在进行中, 我们必须考虑这一事实:,Inspection is about checking and confirming that an aspect or feature is as required when compared against a standard. 检查是关于检查和确定的,当与标准相比时一个方面和特征作为必要的,Cleaning is Inspection,清理检查,Before 之前,After 之后,30,Shine examples 发光的实例,Coloured Bunding Pallet 有色岸堤托盘,Colour label all lubrication points that use the same oil. 颜色标签所有润滑点,使用相同的石油。,Daily Cleaning and,Maintenance inspection 日常清洁和维护检查,3,5,NAME,M,T,W,T,F,S Su,Ken Sonya Paul Ross Mell Cathy Jesse Roger Ken D. Douglas,examples 实例 DailyClean-Up,區域/設備 具體項目 Khuv?c/ H?ngm?c thi?tb? c?th?,標准要求 Yuc?utiuchu?n,標准圖片展示 Hi?nth?hnh?nhtiuchu?n,主要使用工具 Cngc?s? d?ngch?y?u,執行周期 Th?igian ch?phnh,負責人 Ng?iph? trch,辦公 桌面 Bnlm vi?c,干淨無灰塵整齊定位線清楚無脫落資料需按 資料屬性分類標示清楚資料夾有用統一的標簽標 示資料夾名稱和內容有按正確位置擺放離開5分,鐘以上時所有用后物品需歸位無任何多余的無用 物品 S?chs?,khngb?ib?m,ngnn?p,bngkeo?nhv?r rngkhngb?trc,tli?u?ngkhuv?cqui?nh .Temhi?nth? filetli?uc?nth?ngnh?ttheom?tqui,cch.N?ur?ikh?iv? trtrn5phtc?ns?px?pv?t d?ng? ngv?tr.Trnbnlmvi?ckhng?v?t d?ngth?aho?cv?td?ngkhngc?nthi?t.,抹布 Khnlau,1次/每天 個人自己負 隨時保持 責 Ngy/1l?n M?icnhn Lunduytr t? ph?trch,抽屜內 H?ct?,干淨無灰塵物品擺放整齊分類清楚公 私物品有分開 H?ct?ph?is?chs?khngb?ib?m,v?td?ng ph?is?px?pg?ngng.V?td?ngcngtyv c,nhnc?nphnchiarrng.,抹布 Khnlau,1次/每天 個人自己負 隨時保持 責 1Ngy/1l?n M?icnhn vlunduytr t? ph?trch,辦公桌區 域的地面 N?nnh khuv?c lmi?c,干淨無垃圾無污積 S?chs?,khngrc,khngv?t?,掃把 Ch?i,個人自己負 隨時保持 責 Lunduytr M?icnhn t? ph?trch,幕僚,單位6S清掃點檢標准表,B?NGTR?CV?SINHC?AT?_,個人工作 區域 Khuv?c lmvi?cc,nhn,What to do 做什么,How to do it 怎么做,HABIT 习惯 Want to do It 想做,5S Audit审计 Confirmation by supervisor that all is as expected. 由主管确认,一切都如预期。 Can be scored and displayed at the worksite as a team metric 可以得分,在现场为团队的指标显示 5S Audit Sheet,Tools 工具 Lubricants润滑油 Equipment设备 Layout 陈列,1 1 1 1,2 2 2 2,3 3 3 3,4 4 4 4,5 5 5 5,Sustain 维持 Keep it everyday & every day. 保持每天和每一天,Monday 星期一,Tuesday 星期二,Wednesday 星期三,Thursday 星期四,Friday 星期五,38,Implementation 实施,Some thoughts before you start 许多想法在你开始之前, Who will take the overall responsibility谁将承担整个责任,(5S Manager)(5S管理员), Who will be in the main team?谁将在主团队? (建议这个团队),(Suggest this team), How to start? A) Pilot place or b) Whole factory? 如何开始?试点的地方或整个工厂, Form teams in each department/workshop with one top,responsible to follow through. 各部门、各车间的团队,由一个最高负责人跟进, People need to be trained 人需要被训练,Workplace Scan Diagnostic Checklist 工作场所扫描检查表,48,Visual Management System 可视化管理系统,Visual Display 可视化显示 Visual Metrics 可视化指标 Visual Control 可视化管理,Identify the categories to focus on based on factory objectives 确定类别集中在基于工厂的目标- What Identify the problems associated with those categories 识别与分类相关的问题- Why Identify who needs to see the display - 确定谁需要看到的显示Who Determine the best location 确定最佳位置 - Where Develop and test the display 开发和测试显示- How Finalize and implement the display 完成并实现显示,How to Impleme nt Visual Display,50,如何实现可视化显示,Visual display examples- Location Indicator 视觉显示实例-位置指示器,5 1 51,Visual Display Examples- work standard 可视化显示实例工作标准,52,Visual Display Examples 可视化显示实例,5 3,How to develop a visual metrics 如何开发一个可视化指标 Need to Decide :, ,What needs to be measured 需要测量什么 Who the user will be 用户将会是谁 How to keep track of the details 如何跟踪的细节 How often to take the data 多久去收集数据 Who will do the tracking 谁将去做跟踪 How to display the data 如何显示这些数据 Where to locate the display 定位显示在哪里 Where is the data needed / useful 数据需要在哪里/有用,54,需要决定,Dont collect data if you are not going to use it! 如果你不会使用它请别收集数据!,55,Examples of Visual Metrics 可视化指标的实例,57,5 8,Examples of Visual Metrics 可视化指标的实例,Levels of Visual Control off Automobile Lights 汽车灯的视觉控制水平,Clearly labeled light switch 明确的标示,灯 的开关,Share Information 信息分享,Instructions are in manual 手册中的说明,Share Standards 分项标准,Instructions posted on dash board 控制板上发布指令,Build into the workplace / SOPs 构建到工作场所,Bell sounds if door is opened 如果门被打开, 钟响了,Alarms 警报,Device prevents key removal 设备可以防止 按键去除,Stop defects 阻止缺陷,Eliminate defects Mistake Proofing 消除缺陷的措施,Lights switch off when engine is turned off 灯关掉当发动机关闭,59,60,Examples of Visual Control 可视化管理的实例,6 1,Examples of Visual Control 可视化管理的实例,Visual Controls : Andon 可视化管理 :安灯,62,Visual Controls : Color Code 可视化管理:色码,Developed by: Vy Ly,


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