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,模块备考方略,选修8,栏目导航,听力主要考查学生三个方面的能力:听懂材料的字面意思(当然这里是语音输入的理解);理解材料的深层含义;把握内容模块间的过渡或连接。有老师把它们简称为“记信息,懂深意,判逻辑”。,听力,一、解题步骤 【步骤一】抢先看题,适当记题。 要充分利用试卷分发后到播放试音乐曲和试音材料前的一段时间,做到对听力题有一个总体把握,对题型、题量心中有数。特别是在浏览试题时,要留意对话或短文中可能会涉及到的地址、年、月、日、价格、数字、年龄等。听力测试的对话或短文的测试点一般都集原因(why)、方式(how)、程度(how long, how soon, how much)、数字(how many/how much)、选择(which)、人物的职业(career)、身份(profession)和目的(purpose)等等。而试卷上的选择项往往有许多基本相同或近似的部分,所以,此时考生可把注意力集中在选项中不同甚至相矛盾的地方,以便迅速对录音原文做出准确推断。,例如:What kind of room does the man want to take? A.A single room. B.A double room. C.A room for three. 分析:从上述选项中可以看出,重点应放在single、double、three三词上。听时应注意材料中的数字。重在一些主要信息上, 如人物(who)、事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、方向(direction)。 【步骤二】利用听力试音时间认真读题并适应语音、语调。 【步骤三】抓关键,听要点。 在放正式的听力材料时,集中精力,细心听题,较短的对话应尽量立即作答,较长的段子应用简单符号记下要点。,在听对话理解时,要善于捕捉信号词,以利于理解所听内容。如表示思路转折的but、however、yet、although等;表示顺序的first、second、then、next、last、finally、before、after等;表示原因和结果的because、as、for、since、now that、so、as a result等;表示强调的anyway、indeed、in fact等;因为它们往往提示了问题的答案。 听短文时,要尽量整体理解其中心内容。绝不能孤立地一个词一个词去听,要一句一句地连续听完,从整体上去理解,不要对某个词或某个句子“钻牛角尖”。 【步骤四】及时检查答案。 根据常识、笔记和记忆,迅速检查答案,不要留到最后来检查,那时记忆就已经模糊了。切勿轻易改动所选之项。在某一段材料或其中某一部分,难以确定答案时,考生要在所听信息的基础上,排除错误选项,进行优化处理,相信第一感觉。,二、应试技巧 【能力考法一】预测 学会预测。预测是在做听力理解之前根据各种暗示,如所给答案选项,段落或对话标题等已有知识,对即将听到的段落或对话内容进行预测。 1.从答案选项中预测: Q:What does Tom do? A.Hes a truck driver. B.Hes a ship captain. C.Hes a pilot.,录音原文:W:Tom flew to Anchorage last night, then took some passengers from there to Dallas. M:Yeah, but he couldnt land because the airport in Dallas was snowed in. 从选项看,问题应是关于职业方面的,再从flew, passengers, airport这些信息词中可知道Tom的职业。 2.从说话人口气预测: 在A,B两人的对话中,如果B是附和或赞成,往往说“Yes”,“I agree”,“Sure”,“I think so”等。但如A用否定句,B表同意时则用“No”,“Neither/Nor”等。 例如:A:Harvey doesnt seem to fit into this class. B:No, he is really a fish out of water.,【能力考法二】速记 做简要笔记。听录音时快速,准确,简要地记下有关信息(包括数字,人名,地名,关键词),前提是不要影响跟听速度,采用自己习惯的符号。 例:How much will the man pay for the tickets? A.$18 B.$24 C.$30 原文:W:Tickets for the movie are $6 for adults, half price for children. M:All right, Id like three tickets for adults and two tickets for children, please. 笔记可简化为:$6A(A代表adult),C代表children,3A+2C或6A(3)+half C(2)。,【能力考法三】运算 听清数据,简要记录,加以运算。在获取时间信息时,不要误把会话中提到的时间简单确定为问题的答案。高考听力考查时间时往往要进行简单的时间换算。 At what time does the train to Leeds leave? A.3:00 B.3:15 C.5:00 录音原文: W:Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train to Manchester is? M:Sure. Well, its 3 now. The next train to Manchester leaves in 2 hours, but you can take the train to Leeds which leaves in 15 minutes, and then get off at Manchester on the way.,对话中提到了三个时间Its 3 now, in 2 hours, in 15 minutes. 现在是3点,开往Manchester的火车要两小时后才开,即The train to Manchester leaves in 2 hours.若简单机械地把3点和2点相加,会得出火车5点才开的错误选项C。 数字类问题分辨别类和计算类两种: 1.要注意区分-teen和-ty及four和five的发音;辨别多位数,如电话号码,门牌等 2.计算时间,钱款,距离,年龄,人或物的数量等;听出数字间的关系,更要听清问题,因为对运算方法的要求通常寓于问题中;注意more, less, as much(many)as, another, double, a couple of; to, past, quarter;记住时间是60进制如出现几个数字,应注意鉴别问的是哪一个。,例:At what time does the office open? A.At 8:15 B.At 8:30 C.At 7:45 从常识判断,办公时间往往以整点开始,而不会在几点几分。 听力原文: M:I wonder why the office is still not open. W:But its not yet eight. In fact, its only a quarter to eight.,【能力考法四】关键词 抓住关键词,对症下药。听力考试常出现以Where提问的问句,考生要通过对话的具体情节和背景判断对话发生的地点。一般来说,特定场景的用语和关键词是基本固定的,考生要对此多了解,熟悉明白。在遇到Where does the conversation take place?/Where does sb.work? Whats his job?之类的问题时,就会派上用场。 如:restaurant: menu, bill, order, tip, hamburger, beer, soup;hotel:luggage, single room, double room, room number, check in(out); hospital:course, term, dining hall, playground;library:librarian, magazine, seat对于前五道简短对话,要根据问题的类型,从第二个讲话者的答语中来捕捉关键词。,如:Whats the man going to do? A.Run to the airport. B.Wait for another bus. C.Hurry to get the next bus. 根据选项看,对话似乎与bus有关,主要信息捕捉范围是在“Hurry”或“Run”和“Wait”之间。听音范围明显缩小。 原文M:Excuse me, can you tell me when the next bus leaves for the airport? W:It leaves in three minutes. If you run, you might catch it.关键词“run”和“catch”正好对上答案C的“Hurry”和“get”。,【能力考法五】抓听首句和首段 较长对话和短文的理解抓听首句和首段有助于整体理解文章;结尾部分所给出的信息不一定是题目的正确答案,可能只是一个陷阱;推理思路要正确;语境中抓要点。独白部分(即第十段材料)可分为四种类型:1.人物与故事型:叙述人物的经历和成就,要抓住故事发展线索,所问问题多属事实细节题。2.普通知识型:内容涉及面较广,问题以事实细节题居多。3.社会科学型:涉及到文化教育,社会治安,代沟问题,就业问题,妇女问题,人口问题,环境保护,国家发展等。问题常涉及独白的主题或题目,故需作推理判断。4.科普知识型:主要涉及自然科学,如生物,物理,海洋,计算机,医学,气象,科学发明等。如遇专业词汇和术语,可利用语境线索猜词义。,【能力考法六】果断选题 学会放弃。相信第一感觉,当机立断,决不能反反复复,甚至影响后面的答题,切记不可因某个小题未听懂而患得患失,不可因一题失多题。 总之,只要掌握基本的听力技巧和方法、排除一切干扰,全身心地投入语境、持之以恒地坚持高考全真模拟听力训练,高考中定能取得理想的成绩。,1Encouraging others to speak: Well done!干得好! You can do it.你能行。 Youll make it.你会成功的。 Just have a try.试一下。 To be confident.务必自信。 Keep trying.加油/继续努力。 Cheer up!高兴起来,振作起来! Come on!加油!,素养一 鼓励别人说话;方向和方位,2Questions and expressions: Where are you?你在哪里? What are you doing there?你在那里正做什么? Really?真的吗? And what about?怎么样? Whats it really like?它到底像什么? What do you think?你怎么想的? What happened then?接着发生什么事了? Indeed?真的吗? Is that so?真的是那样吗?,Good.好。 Yes,thats right.是的,就是那样。 That sounds interesting.听起来很有趣。 Oh,I see.哦,我明白了。 Sounds great!听起来挺棒! Just as I thought.和我想的一样。,语法填空。 Jonny:Hey!Im just practicing tai chi(太极)Would you like to join me? Peter:I know nothing about it.Is it difficult? Jonny:It seems easy,but you need a lot of practice.You just follow me like this. Peter:OK.Dont laugh 1._ me.I may look funny. Jonny:Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches,naturally and 2._(soft)Try to keep your body straight.Move slowly,then be sure to keep your balance and dont let your body shake. Peter:I cannot control my body well.My legs become 3._(pain),at,softly,painful,Jonny:Keep 4._(hold) your position for a while.It helps develop your strength and flexibility.Raise your leg and let 5._ stay in the air for seconds. Peter:I feel my legs shaking.I cannot do this any longer. Jonny:Be patient!Tai chi 6._(call) “shadow boxing” in English.It asks you to act like water:to be flexible as well 7._ strong.In real competition,a tai chi master borrows the strength of the competitor and uses this energy to fight back.The 8._(hard) you try to beat him,the more likely you will get hit.He controls you! Peter:Unbelievable!Oh,9._you dont mind,Ill stop and take a deep 10._.,holding,it,is called,as,harder,if,breath,1Acceptance and refusal: (1)Im happy to accept 我很乐意接受 What do you think of the idea? Im happy to accept it. 你觉得这个主意怎么样? 我很乐意接受它。,素养二 接受与拒绝;表扬与鼓励;不关心,(2)I supportbecause 因为我支持 Do you like the decision? I support it because I think it is reasonable. 你喜欢这个决定吗? 我支持这个决定,因为我认为它是合理的。 (3)Id like to agree with you but 我同意你的观点,但是 Do you agree with me? Id like to agree with you but I have some advice for you. 你同意我的观点吗? 我同意你的观点,但是我有些建议。,2.Praise and encouragement: (1)Well done!干得好! I have finished my homework. Well done! 我完成作业了。 干得好! (2)Thats a great idea.好主意。 Why not go shopping? Thats a great idea. 为什么不去购物呢? 好主意。,(3)Thank you./Its nice of you to say so. 谢谢/谢谢你这么说。 Your English is very excellent. Its nice of you to say so. 你的英语非常好。 谢谢你这么说。 (4)Cheer up.振作起来。/Keep trying.继续试试吧。 Dont give up hope.不要放弃希望。 I think you should keep up your courage. OK,Ill try my best. 我认为你应该鼓足勇气。 好的,我会尽力的。,语法填空。 A:Hi,Bob.Come in. B:Hi,Mary.Thank you.These flowers are for you. A:Oh,thank you.They are beautiful. B:What a 1._(love) house you have. A:Well,thank you.Im so glad 2._ you can come.Lets sit here so that we 3._ see the garden when the sun 4._(go) down. B:Your garden is nice,Mary. A:It is very kind of you to say so.I beautified 5._ yesterday afternoon. B:I 6._(simple) dont know how to continue with the work.,lovely,that,can,goes,it,simply,A:Dont feel 7._(discourage)If you keep 8._(try), you will certainly find 9._ new way out. B:But I have been trying. A:At this time perhaps you have to use your head as well as your hands. B:Thank you 10._ your advice.,discouraged,trying,a,for,1.Making telephone calls 表示打电话的常用交际用语有: (1)Hold the line/Hold on,please.请稍等。(表示让对方不要挂断电话) Is Sue James in? Hold the line/Hold on,please.Ill just put you through. 苏詹姆斯在吗? 请稍等。我这就给您转接。,素养三 打电话,(2)Just a moment,please.等一会儿。 (说明有事情耽搁一下) Im sorry,but he is out of the office right now. When will he be back?I wonder if you could give Mr.Wang a message for me. Just a moment,please.Ill get a pen. 很抱歉,他现在不在办公室里。 他什么时候回来?你能不能帮我给王先生捎个口信? 请等一下,我拿支笔。,(3)Sorry/Im sorry对不起, (当被找的人因某事不在场时,要首先说“对不起”,然后说明理由) Id like to speak to Mr.Wang. Im sorry,but Mr.Wang is out right now. 我想和王先生讲话。 对不起,王先生现在不在。,(5)I must ring off now because 我现在必须挂断,因为(表示因有事要挂断电话) I am sorry.I must ring off now because there is another call. Nothing serious. 对不起,我现在必须挂断,因为有另一个电话。 没关系。,Police:Hello,Police Station.Can I help you? Emma:Yes,sir.Actually,I need your help.I 1._(call) to report a missing credit card. Police:2._ is the card number? Emma:Oh, I dont remember the card number. I dont like to remember such things. Police:Whats your name and 3._? Emma:Emma Smith, 85 King Street, Sydney, Australia. Police:You are not an 4._(Australia) citizen,are you? Emma:No.Im American.Does that matter?,am calling,What,address,Australian,Police:Oh,no,no. Did you say your card 5._(lose) or stolen? Emma:Stolen. I left my wallet on the counter in the department store 6._ I went to the fitting room to try a dress on. Police:When did you discover that it was stolen? Emma:I didnt find that 7._I went to pay. Is there anything you could do? Someone may be charging things to my credit card at this very moment. Police:Dont be 8._(anxiety), Miss Smith.Once we have your card number, we can make sure that your card cant be used all over the world 9._ 30 seconds. Emma:Oh.Im glad 10._(hear) that.Thank you very much. Police:Thats all right.,was lost,when/as,until,anxious,within,to hear,1.Conjecture(推测,猜测): (1)I wonder whether我想知道是否 (2)Is it possible that?可能吗? (3)Why do you think so?你为什么这么认为? (4)Do you know if?你知道是否? (5)Do you think that?你认为? (6)Perhaps/Maybe,but也许/可能,但是,素养四 推测、猜测;情感;判断与评价,2.Emotions(情感): (1)How do you feel about?你感觉怎么样? (2)What do you think would make?你认为什么使得? (3)He is disappointed at他对失望。 (4)They are worried他们担忧 (5)They are amazed他们吃惊,3.Judgement and evaluation(判断与评价): (1)Perhaps you could do more也许你能够做得更 (2)I know you talked aboutbut我知道你们讨论了但是 (3)Yourhas improved,but you still need to 你的已经提高了,但是,你仍然需要 (4)I think you need more practice at 我认为你在方面需要更多的练习。 (5)I think you look perfect,but 我认为你看起来很完美,但是 (6)Your use ofis much better,but 你的关于的使用很好,但是,语法填空。 Wife:Its Friday today.How do you want to spend the evening, darling? Husband:Well, why 1._ go dancing? We havent done that for a long time. Wife:Oh, 2._ (tell) the truth, I dont really feel like going dancing tonight. I had a hard day and Im sort of tired. Whats more,I 3._(suppose) to go rock climbing with my colleague Dorothy tomorrow morning. Husband:Well, in that case,we could go to the new movie Life of Pi, 4._ that worldfamous director Ang Lee. I really like his work, 5._ will stop showing the day after tomorrow.,not,to tell,am supposed,by,which,Wife:Oh,we go to the movies too much. Cant we do something different for a change,honey? Husband:Well, do you have any 6._ (suggest)? Wife:Let me see. 7._ do you feel about asking some friends over to play cards? Husband:Its OK with me, 8._ we dont have any beer or anything to eat at home. Wife:Well, 9._ is better to call Juliet and ask her and that neighbor of 10._(her), David, to come over, and Ill go to the store and buy some food and drinks. Husband:OK. Thats a good idea.,suggestions,How,but,it,hers,1.Description of Features(特征描写): (1)It looks like看起来像 What does the ape look like? It looks like a monkey. 猿是什么样子? 它看起来像猴子。,素养五 存在与不存在;度量;特征,(2)It could be made from它可能由制成。 What was the old tool made from? It could be made from stones. 这个旧的工具是由什么做的? 它可能是由石头制成的。,2.Suggestions(建议): (1)I think that we shouldbecause 因为我认为我们应该 (2)What if?如果将会怎么样? (3)Perhaps we should/could也许我们应该/能 (4)I suggest we我建议我们 3.Assumption(假设,猜想): (1)Perhaps there was也许有 Is there anyone in the classroom? Perhaps there are two. 教室里有人吗? 也许有两个。,(2)It could bebecause可能因为 Where is my hat? It could be on the bed because you were lying on the bed. 我的帽子在哪里? 可能在床上,因为你刚刚在床上躺着。 (3)It may/might have been used as/for 它可能已经被用作 What was it used for? It might have been used as needles. 它是做什么用的? 它可能已经被用作针了。 好像是来自动物头部的一块骨头。,(4)It seems that好像 What was that? It seems that a bone came from the animals head. 那是什么? 好像是来自动物头部的一块骨头。,语法填空。 Assistant:Good morning. Can I help you? Customer:Yeah. Id like to rent a car for three days. Assistant:Okay.Let me check to see 1._ we have one available.Hmm,we have a couple of economy and fullsize cars available. Customer:Well, what is the main 2._(different) between these cars? Assistant:The main difference is the size.The economy car is the 3._(small),and it holds fewer people and less luggage.How many people are with 4._ (your)? Customer:Just me and my son.,if/whether,difference,smallest,you,Assistant:Well,the economy car would work.We have one right over there. Customer:Where?That one? It looks more 5._ a shoebox to me.Im really tall. Assistant:Well,if you need 6._ (much) room,I recommend the fullsize car.It also has a nice CD player,safety door locks,power locks and windows. Customer:Well, Im not so concerned about how it 7._(equip) I just want to make sure it is comfortable 8._ (drive)And what is the daily rate 9._ that? Assistant:Well,lets see here.Oh,yeah.Itll come 10._ $50 a day.,like,more,is equipped,to drive,for,to,


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