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2019高三我们最后一课,考前指导,静,从6年的积累到高考的释放, 我们要有一个专心、静心地集聚能量的过程。蚕宝宝蜕变有一个停食过程,总攻号前的战场上也会是寂静无声的,勇士们子弹已经上镗,就等待着那一庄严时刻的到来。此时,我们需要的是静心,静心,再静心,高考PK知识+身体+心态,我们已经历经千辛万苦积累了6年的知识和经验,完全可以应付高考了。 我们现在所需要的是一个好的身体,好的身体是做成任何事情的本钱。 我们还需要一个好的心态。心态是知识与能力释放过程的催化剂。心态越好,催化剂就越多,知识与能力的释放就越充分、越完美。 高考年年都有黑马。黑马就是心态超好,导致超常发挥,知识与能力尽其释放。 高考年年都有遗憾。一味苦做难题则会使大脑因过度疲劳而产生“自我抑制”,最终导致前功尽弃!,听力测试 25 阅读理解 45 完形填空 30,语法填空 15 短文改错 10 书面表达 25,英语答题时间,时间就是分数,时间就是金钱,时间就是前途,英语建议答题步骤,只是建议而已,甚至可以先完成书面表达,把这25分拿到手再说,听力测试三个环节,听前 稳定情绪,抓紧预测 听时 高度集中,抓关键词 听后 迅速回忆,梳理信息,充满信心、严阵以待、沉着冷静、静心倾听,抢先进入环境,预测对话的话题和内容,如何迅速进入状态?,考前几分钟应独处,不要和人议论。进入考场不要东张西望。 觉得紧张时,深呼吸 ,全身绷紧十秒钟再放松,连续6次。 口中提醒自己:放松、放松!是啊,我们已经连续听了几学期了,怕什么呢? 握紧拳头再放松,或让手自然垂到体侧,轻微摆动。 听力难度不会很大,它的选文都是非常口语的,内容所以不会很难。从自己心理上要给自己降压、放松。 心平如水,气运丹田,呼吸均匀。 重视试听阶段,熟悉朗读者的语音语调、音质语速。一经开考,就能迅速自然地进入状态。 使自己进入“角色”,以对话人的身份听对方所谈的话 。,一定要抢先读题! 正常人一般做不到边听边读题的,听前一定要抓紧时间读题,尤其是利用正式开始前说明时,熟悉一下你要听的将是些什么内容。 Where did this conversation most probably take place? A. At a concert. B. At a flower shop. C. At a restaurant.,策略: 我将捕捉关键词!,Man: The music and flowers are lovely.,Woman:YesI hope the food is good, too,应特别注意倾听第二个人的答语,Q : Whats the man doing? A. Hes working in a hotel. B. Hes visiting a young couple. C. Hes traveling around.,W : So, how long have you been here? M : Just a couple of days actually. Im on a big journey, you know. Im visiting all the places of interest here.,脑记和笔记相结合,How much did the man pay for the tickets? A. 8. B. 12. C. 16.,4$ a 2$ c 2a+2c =,需记录的有日期、数字、时间或人名地名等,W : Tickets are four dollars for adults, childrens tickets are half price. M : OK. Id like two adults and two childrens tickets, please.,声音是能传达感情的,我们要能根据语调听出话外音,W: Can you explain these difficult words for me? M: Me? Q: What does the man mean? A. He will explain them. B. He doesnt know them, either. C. He doesnt want to answer.,要特别注意“软否定”,注意是升调,讲话者的语气可以说明很多问题,M: What does our program look like for tomorrow? W: Lets see. A meeting with Bill Lyons at ten in the morning, and all the paper work is ready. Then, a trip to the National Lab at three P.M. . And at seven in the evening were having dinner with Mr. Cooper, manager of LG Company. M: Another busy day. But please dont plan anything for Saturday. Im going to watch basketball with my family. What do you know about the woman? A. Shes the mans wife. B. Shes a business manager. C. Shes a company secretary.,录音未听清怎么办?,听力是非常快的考试,头脑中不应该有杂念,也来不及有杂念。 边听、边理解、边记录、边推测、边选择。保持良好心态,切忌因急躁而影响听后面的内容。 把握复听,侧重难点和漏点。 “3选1”本身就是给考生提供了三分之一的得分可能,决不可让它空着 。 根据前后几道题所提供的信息,运用阅读理解的推理手段处理未听清的内容。,利用信息进行推理、分析、判断,Q: What are the two speakers doing? A. Walking down a hill. B. Climbing stairs. C. Discussing a trip.,M: Oh, dear, I wish we had taken the lift. W: If I had known it was so far up, I wouldnt have suggested walking.,信息要做简单的处理,比如数字运算、时间顺序、比较筛选、同义转换、因果关系、深层推理等。,Whom does the man consider the least famous? A. Austin. B. Miss Green. C. John.,W:Miss Green is a very well-known film star, and John is famous too. M: Do you really think so? I believe that Austin is more famous than both of them and John is the last one Id regard as famous.,又是一个软否定,最后的独白要注意:,迅速扫描选项,力争短时间内综合分析独白的中心内容 对选项中出现的专有名词,不熟悉的词或有些“怪词”要默读几遍,这些词都极有可能是独白中将出现的词 听独白时一定要认真听好首句和首段 注意试题排列次序。这类题型的命题原则之一是小题应按材料所给的 顺序排列。,对话填空,熟悉口语特点,注重语言交际能力。 听力一完就做该题,保持思维一致。 渗透着一定的文化背景和常识。 利用你丰富的生活经历和社会经验。 还是快速要通读全文,把握大意再填空。 和完形填空一样,有前制性设空、后制性设空和语篇性设空三种。,对话填空解题3步骤,通读全文,确定话题 快速通读,抓住对话的脉络 寻找线索,初选答案 从上下文中找线索,在文中空格中初步写出每个题的答案 重读对话,核实答案 将答案带入原文通读,在答题卡上填入答案 特别要注意词尾变化,有空格不会填怎么办? 话题联想,这一招对完形填空也有帮助,I put my head in, expecting the worst. But to my surprise, the room wasnt empty at all. It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and even paintings on the wall. And then on the well-made bed sat Amy, my new _ , dressed neatly. A. roommate B. classmate C. neighbor D. companion,有空格不会填怎么办?,话题线索 搭配线索 find fault with, consist of 结构线索 even if, while, however 口语线索 sort of sleepy, , though 语法线索 have been developing 如果有的空格一时做不出来,应立刻跳过此空,继续往下做。甚至留个记号,先完成书面表达后,再返回研究。千万不要在某一空上花费大量的时间。,单项选择,加强审题意识 ,在语境下答题。 多种解题方法并用,尤其是结构还原法、增元补全法 、抓关键词法、化繁为简法 、结构重组法 等,力争要做一题对一题。 多使用“错误排除法”来提高答题准确率。排除错误答案时,多问几个为什么 提高警惕,提防陷阱。最好能辨认出陷阱。 不可恋战,尤其是词组辨析题,不会就是不会,不要浪费过多的时间。 整体不难,但要细心,会的做对不留遗憾。,每题时都要问一下考什么?相关知识是什么?,We _ the umbrella for it didnt rain at all. A. must not have taken B. wouldnt have taken C. dont have to take D. neednt have taken,要对症下药,考什么?相关知识是什么?,It is _ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it. A. so unusual B. such unusual C. such a unusual D. so unusual a,考什么?用什么方法解题?,I stared into the blackness and wondered if he was aware of my presence as I . A. was of his B. did of him C. was him D. did his,以前没见过,超难!不过好象缺什么成分,补起来再说,语法题要进行句子分析,What plan did he think of _ the building ahead of time? A. complete B. completed C. completing D. to complete,think of a plan to do sth.,语法题要进行句子分析,The old man never fails to help _ is in need of his help. A. whom B. anyone C. whoever D. whomever,whoever 做从句的主语,要把句子看完,不要遗漏关键词,Robert is said abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying,要把句子看完,不要遗漏关键词,Father is sleeping. Please _ the radio a little. A. turn out B. turn off C. turn on D. turn down,对粗心的同学来说,高考题陷阱很多耶!,克服思维定势,Good manners are not always the same _ different countries. A. with B. as C. in D. to The exam wasnt difficult , was it? No, but I dont think could pass it. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody,克服思维定势,Physics always interested my classmates and me . A. is B. are C. have D. has There will be more people living in the development zone soon. A. much B. plenty of C. a lot D. a lot of,克服思维定势,Quickly he himself down, and soon fell asleep. A. lay B. laid C. lain D. lied A computer does only what thinking people . A. have it do B. have it done C. have done it D. having it done (本题47.33%的考生选了B项。),日常用语:礼貌+习惯,先确定对话的背景或场合,后看是否有习惯表达,最后留意是否存在中西方文化的差异。 -Waiter! -_ - I cant eat this soup. Its too salty. A. Yes, sir? B. What? C. All right? D. Pardon?,完形填空答题技巧,上下求索寻信息,左顾右盼找联系,前呼后应谐主题 双向(顺向、逆向)思维 填空时先易后难,没有必要按序填写 答案随手填入空格内,以便思路不受干扰 最后带着选项再复读校正,看全文是否前后一致,寻找突破口,细读第一句,它是全文的窗口。 借助直线尺,快速阅读全文,了解文章大意 答案不仅要在原句中合理,也要在全文中合理,要有全局观。 短文中的连词、代词等作用重大,不可忽略。 领会词句的感情色彩,捕捉信息词,找出解题突破口,从不设空的首句中看出点什么,Ella Fant was a middle-aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house. 文体是什么?话题大概是什么? She 1 John very much. In her 2 he couldnt do anything 3 1. A. depended on B. waited on C. trusted D. loved 2. A. hope B. eyes C. head D. beliefs 3. A. wrong B. great C. good D. strange,上下文找联系,Traveling , today becomes yesterday; traveling west it is tomorrow. A. south B. east C. north D. west Many old people dont have good . They cant watch TV, but they can listen to music or news over the radio. A. hearing B. health C. eyesight D. time,词意复现是完形填空一大特色,The strange thing was that practically all the students went to class, and very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or _ class. A. attended B. took C. missed D. studied The parents said that most of the homework was a waste of time, and they wanted to _ it. Spain and Turkey are two countries which stopped homework already. 56. A. delay B. stop C. block D. prove,大量题目根据中学生应有的常识来判断,On _ days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. A. sunny B. rainy C. cloudy D. snowy But we ran so much that, afterwards, we had trouble _ . A. speaking B. sleeping C. breathing D. moving,常识能帮助选择答案,When the papers were _ , the teacher discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the same mistakes throughout the test. A. examined B. completed C. marked D. answered,一定要积极调动自己的常识,It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their _. A. jobs B. homes C. buses D. offices,不会每一个人上班都有office吧?,善于利用语篇标志,让步: although, even if, whatever 转折: but, however, while, when, and yet 递进: even, also, besides, moreover, nor 选择: or, otherwise, eitheror 结果: so, therefore, thus, as a result 原因: because, since, due to, owing to,善于利用语篇标志,He used to be very lazy, but now he is very _. A. hardworking B. patient C. humorous D. grateful “Did she have an accident? Something _ ?” I thought to myself about her disappearance. A. better B. worse C. more D. less,暗含递进关系,需要逻辑思维、推理,and the officers then began to eat their meal, saying that the mushrooms had a very strange quite pleasant taste. A. besides B. but C. and D. or,需要逻辑思维、推理,Picture-writing was useful in many ways. It could be used to express ideas as well as _ . A. stories B. animals C. subjects D. objects,ideas 抽象的思维 objects 具体的东西,高频词组、固定搭配,_ , for example, the neatly-dressed woman I used to see - or look at - on my way to work each morning. A. Make B. Take C. Give D. Have,take for example,高频词组、固定搭配,The city was named George Washington, the first president of the United States. A. by B. for C. as D. after Heres a fellow who just walked into a bank and helped himself so much money. A. for B. by C. to D. of,be named after help oneself to ,有时语法还是要考虑的,I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most surprising and tiring games Ive ever had. When Ed first phoned and _ we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an easy victory. A. declared B. mentioned C. persuaded D. suggested,只有suggest后面可以跟we should play,特别注意形容词,Soon father said in a _ voice, “Kate and Joan, a friend of mine is coming here to see me this evening, and I wish to be _ with him. Will you go up to your own room?“ We obeyed, went to our room and closed the door. A. loud B. calm C. pleasant D. sad A. pleased B. alone C. careful D. patient,译汉语 讲故事,能流利地讲下去吗,?,校对时不妨试一试:,合情合理吗,阅读理解,第一篇不一定是最容易的一篇 在35分钟左右完成,一定要给二卷留下充足时间 不单考查语言而且考查对英美文化的了解 遇有不考查的生词又猜不出意思,跳过去继续看 猜词要依据上下文来确定,要特别注意熟词生义 infer是指原文没有明说但可猜出之意 有的题可根据常识理解 找具体信息时用跳读的技术,概括中心时用掠读的技术,把以前讲过的东西再强调一下,文章偏难,可先看看所需回答的问题,往往能获得提示。 根据问题中的关键词,快速阅读、扫描相关段落或句子,以准确获得所需信息。 应用笔在文中作分析符号,在答题依据旁标注题号,表示这个问题我是有案可稽的。 答题不可脱离原文,凭空想象,一定要有根据。 阅读题要求选的是最佳答案,有的答案从某个枝节来看是对的,但从全文来看则不是最佳的.,阅读理解也有解题顺序,广告、新闻阅读属于信息性阅读,容易直接在文章中找到答案。 史地类文章属客观性较强文章,一般没有深层理解,可以省出时间来回答其他更复杂的问题。,阅读理解解题顺序,先文后题 快速读文,把握文意 浏览问题 带着疑题跳读短文 定位划出与问题相关的部分 选择答案,先题后文 主要用于广告新闻体裁 浏览问题 带着问题去阅读短文 定位划出与问题相关的部分 选择答案,题型1: 主旨概括,主旨概括题的范围一般包括:短文标题、主题、大意或段落大意等。做这类题目时,要迅速地剔除文中的细节事实、作者所使用的论据,找到各段的主题句,然后进行归纳、总结和概括。 注意:概括出来的中心意思一定要能够覆盖全文或整个段落,绝对不可离题太远、太笼统,或者只概括一段或几句话的意思。 干扰项或是远离文章内容,或是以偏概全。主题常与该段首句、尾句相关。,What is the main idea of the passage?,Joshua Bingham studied 4 years at the University of Paris and decided to leave his graduation. He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and, later, Boston College provided him with an excellent legal background. He is presently a corporation lawyer in Miami, Florida.,全面考虑,综合分析,高度概括,What is the main idea of the passage?,A. How Joshua Bingham became a lawyer. B. Bingham is a diligent student. C. Joshua Bingham received an excellent education. D. A good lawyer needs good education.,我们要有加工与浓缩信息的能力,What is the topic of this text?,Kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desire to steal. Such a person is not really a thief. They are sick and cannot help themselves. All small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to control their actions. People with kleptomania for certain medical reasons have failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to them. With medical help they may become normal citizens again. The things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. They often give away what they have stolen or collect objects without using them.,What is the topic of this text?,A. Young thieves. B. An unusual illness. C. Reasons for stealing. D. A normal childs actions.,题型2:推理判断,要严格依据作者所陈述的细节、事实以及作者的措词,找出能够表露作者思想倾向和感情色彩的词语,然后利用自己已获得的相关知识进行推理判断,从而得出符合逻辑的结论。 很容易犯主观武断错误,自以为是、凭空想象。一定要考虑作者态度(即使不一定正确) 注意:当问及作者的看法、意图与态度时,不是在问你作为中国学生的想法,而是作者本人在字里行间所表述的观点。,Divers and planes were searching for more than 400 missing passengers in an Egyptian ship which had sunk near the Safaga port. Two days later, divers discovered that most of the lifeboats never left the ship. Hundreds of bodies are still inside the ship. More than 450 passengers and sailors died under the water.,Hundreds of passengers died under the water and are still in the ship because _.,A. most of the passengers on the ship could not swim B. the Egyptian ship sank into the sea very quickly C. most of the lifeboats are still on the ship D. they were too frightened to escape from the sinking ship,阅读理解需要最佳答案,The old saying “An apple a day keeps doctors away” is not as silly as some people think. The body needs fruit and vegetables because they have vitamin C. Many people take extra vitamins in pill form, believing that these will make them healthy. But a good diet is made up of nourishing (营养) food and this gives all the vitamins you need. The body does not need or use extra vitamins, so why waste money on them.,In this paragraph, the writer tries to let us know _.,A. vitamin C is of great importance to our health B. apples can take the place of doctors C. taking extra vitamin pills is completely useless D. often eating fruit and vegetables is a good habit,题型3:词义辨别,猜测词义时,一定要回到原文中,因为没有上下文就没有词义,不可仅凭印象 The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. The underlined word “family” in the second paragraph means _. A. home B. children C. wife and husband D. wife and children,题型4:细节理解,考查考生对文中某一细节或重要事实的辨认、理解。因此,我们应该首先阅读短文(特别是广告、说明文等)后面的问题,找出“key words”,确定所需查找的细节及事实的范围,然后利用略读手法快速确定文中的出处,并对其进行转换、加工,直至确定最佳答案。 占阅读理解试题的50%,是得分大户,也是最容易得分的题目,前提是细心!,10,细心划线 稳得分,细节题,大部分细节就是用英语解释英语,原文:The things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. 考题:Kleptomaniacs usually steal things that are unimportant. 原文: Highway accidents are the leading killer of teenagers. 考题: Most teenagers lost their lives driving on highways.,非常幼稚耶,只要信心,这20分就没问题,Valencia is in the east part of Spain. It has a port on the sea, two miles away on the coast. It is the capital of also named Valencia. The city of Valencia has been known since the 2nd century. In the 8th century it was the capital of Spain. There is also an important city in Venezuela named Valencia.,From the passage how many places have the name Valencia? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four., “Im glad of that!” answered the stranger. He wanted to say more, but the east wind blew right down his throat whenever he tried to speak. From the passage we know the two speakers were facing _? A. east B. west C. northeast D. northwest,迂回细节,有时要脑筋急转弯,Amarillo gets very cold in winter. There is sometimes more snow in Amarillo than in New York, which is a northern city. Summers are better, but sometimes gets quite hot. The best time to visit Amarillo is in the fall when it is cool.,迂回细节,有时要脑筋急转弯,According to the passage, Amarillo probably lies _ of America.,. in the north . in the south . in the hot area . in the cool area,脑瓜转得过来吗?,书面表达审题写点非常重要,审题 审体裁,审人称,审时态 篇章框架构思 写点 6-10个得分点,千万不可遗漏 写出动词短语 疏于审题,随意就写,涂改严重,绝对等于自杀,用词造句,扬长避短,用词有疑,另找替代。一法不成,另寻他途。 选择使用自己最熟悉的词语和句型以及自己最有把握的表达方式,以达扬长避短的目的。 善于到前几项中,尤其是阅读理解中找可以借鉴的好句子、好词组。,用词造句,扬长避短,这饼干味道很香。 The biscuit tastes nice. 他写了些读后感。 He wrote something after reading. 他们家家有存款、余粮。 They have more grain and money than they can use for themselves.,变换句式,长短结合,句法句式上,要求变换各种句式,如强调句、倒装句、感叹句、省略句、各种从句和固定句型等,长句和短句交错使用。,怎样写出好句子? 改变结构,Mr. Zhang is an English teacher. Mr. Zhang is willing to help others. Mr. Zhang is an English teacher and he is willing to help others. Mr. Zhang, who is an English teacher, is willing to help others. Mr. Zhang, an English teacher, is willing to help others.,怎样写出好句子?改变结构,I will fly to Shanghai if I have time. I will, if I have time, fly to Shanghai. He was very surprised to find everybody gone. What surprised him most was to find everybody gone. We met at the school gate and went there together early in the morning. Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together.,怎样写出好句子?运用短语,She doesnt like sports. She cares nothing for sports. A new railway is being built here. A new railway is under construction here. We badly need the equipment. We are in great need of the equipment.,怎样写出好句子?运用从句,He had to go home. All he could do was to go home. I studied Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer at school. The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer.,怎样写出好句子?打破常规,Our dog had saved my little sister bravely. It was our brave dog who had saved my little sister. We were glad to see the vegetables growing very well. How glad we were to see the vegetables growing so well. My brother was riding the bike and I sat on the seat behind him. My brother was riding the bike with me sitting on the seat behind him.,连句成文,过渡自然,为了使文章在整体上结构严密,浑然一体,应该在句子与句子之间,甚至段落与段落之间,恰当地使用一些过渡性词语。,连接词,表时间顺序: first, after that, soon, then, now, finally, at last 表空间顺序: here, there, under, in front of, next to, opposite to 表并列关系: and, also, too, as well as, therefore, so 表转折关系: but, and yet, however, though, otherwise, even if 表因果关系: because of, since, thanks to, due to, as a result, owing to,Nowadays, some of us students have formed some bad habits on campus. For example, some students leave the lights on in the daytime, or let water running after washing. Some leave over much food on the table after eating. Besides, waste paper and spoiled books can be seen everywhere. So it is high time that we had to deal with the problems. As we all know, these bad habits will have a bad influence on our character and behavior. Whats worse, they can not only increase our cost at school and add financial burden to our parents, but also waste the limited resources.,结构紧凑,层次清楚,过渡自然,But how to reduce the waste? In my opinion, we should start with ourselves to save everything. Here, Id like to remind my friends to take the lead in reducing the waste. Therefore, Im sure, with everyone doing his bit, we will change the present situation.,表格对比类书面表达越来越八股了,模板1,The topic of is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view that for the reason of . What is more, . While others think that B is a better choice for the following three reasons. Firstly, . Secondly, . Finally, . In my opinion, I think A . For one thing, . For another thing, . Therefore, .,模板2,Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the issue that . In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in . Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, . Secondly, . Just as a popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides“, is no exception, and in another word, it still has some negative aspects. To begin with, . In addition, . To sum up, we should try to take the advantages of , and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the .,As is shown by the graph, has been increasing steadily from in 1978 to in 2005. From the sharp rise in the chart, it goes without saying that . There are at least two good reasons accounting for the change. On the one hand, . On the other hand, is due to the fact that . In addition, is also responsible for . Maybe there are some other reasons to show . But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that . I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.,模板3,看图说话类文章要认真准备,请按照下面6幅图的提示和所提供的主题句,写一篇题为“Changes in Our Life”的英语短文。 Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place


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