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初三英语上期末练习题三一、单词拼写。根据中文提示,填入正确的单词。1、Im looking for a pair of black_(鞋)2、John put the suit on, and then went to look at _(自己)in a mirror.3、They talked on and on very _(高兴的)4、If youre not_(好)by then, Ill take you to see the doctor.5、Thank you very much for _(指给)me the way.6、They _(离开)five minutes ago.7、If you learn even a little English, you will find it _(有用的)8、The watch was the _(便宜)one in our country.9、There are three _(德国人)in his factory.10、May is the _(五)month of the year.二、单项选择1_ trees have been planted in our school in the past 10 yearsAThousands of BTwo thousands CThousand of DTwo thousand of2He hardly hurt himself in the accident, _ ?Adoesnt he Bdidnt he Cdid he Ddoes he3Is the street too narrow for the bus to go _ ?Athrough Bacross Con Din4It really took him _ to draw the nice horseAsometimes Bhour Clong time Dsome time5Could you tell me _ with the money?Ahow to do Bwhat should I doChow I should do Dwhat I should do6. The Chang Jiang River is one of _in the world.A. the longer river B. the longest riverC. the longest rivers D. the long rivers7.How long _ his dog_?A. has, been dead B. has, died C. has, been died D. has, dead8. Yesterday Jack _ a story book to Dicks sister. She can _ the book for two days.A. lent, borrow B. borrowed, keep C. lent, kept D. lent, keep9. Have you found your English teacher_?A. still B. already C. yet D. ago10. The workers wear glasses to keep their eyes _.A. safe B. safely C. to safe D. to be safe11. Ten years _ passed.A. have B. has C. is D. are12. His grandfather will die if he _ a doctor.A. sends for B. doesnt send for C. isnt send for D. wont send for13.They _ here since they _ to China.A. have lived, come B. have lived, comes C. have lived, came D. lived, came14. Dont talk in class, _?A. do you B. will you C. are you D. shall we15. The head master will return _ two daysA. on B. at C. to D. in16. Each of the stocking s _ full of presents.A. is B. are C. have D. has17._ Day and _ Day are important for the students.A. The Teachers, the Childrens B. Teachers, ChildrensC. Teachers, Children D. Teachers, Childrens18. Would you please _ on the blackboard?A. dont draw B. not to draw C. not draw D. to not draw19.The students _ when the bell rang.A. talking B. are talking C. were talking D. talked20. Is there _ in his talk?A. something difficult B. difficult something C. difficult anything D. anything difficult三、用括号内动词的正确形式填空。1. The sun_ (go) down earlier in winter than in summer2. I _ (write) a letter to my pen-friend yesterday3. Miss Gao _ (teach) the students to sing an English song now4. The Greens _ (stay) at home next Friday5. He _ (tell) to return his book to the library yesterday morning6. I d like you _ (meet) my parents tomorrow evening7. There _ (be) a lot of great changes in China since 19498. The fridge is used for _ (keep) food fresh四、根据中文提示,完成句子。1. 他喜欢说不喜欢写.He _ speaking to _.2. 他说他讨厌乘飞机旅行.He said that he _ _by air.3. 在他小时候,他总是尝试新的实验When he was a small child, he _ always _ out new ideas.4. 我们好久没有收到他的来信了We havent _ _him for a long time.5. 他们上周都在为凯特的生日聚会担心They _all_ about Kates birthday party last week.6老师让我们上课别说话The teacher asked us _ _talk in class.7一定要让他准时还书_ _that he can return the book on time.8我已经把它写在这张纸上了Ive _it_ on this piece of paper already.9当我看到她们时,她们正在喂马。They were _ the horses some _ when I saw them10活到老学到老。Youre _ too _ to learn.五、阅读理解 A Jack worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss said to him. “ Jack, I want you to go Machester, to an office there, to see Mr Brown. Heres the address” Jack went to Manchester. When he walked out of the railway station, he thought,” The office isnt far from the station. Ill find it easily.” But after an hour he was still looking for it, so he stopped and asked an old woman. She said, “Go straight along this street, turn to the left at the end, and its the second building on the right.” Jack went and found it. A few days later he went to the same city, but again he did not find the office, so he asked someone the way. It was the same old woman! She was astonished and said,” Are you still looking for that place?”1. Manchester is the name of _.A. a city B. a building C. a country D. a street2. The boss wanted Jack to _.A. go to Machester B. go to his office C. send for Mr Brown D. visit Mr Brown3. How did Jack go to Manchester?A. By bus B. By train C. By car D. By plane4. Jack left the station and _.A. found the office himself B. was led to the officeC. asked where Mr Brown was D. didnt know where he was5. From the story we know _.A. Jack had a bad memory B. it was really difficult to find that placeC. Jack had never been to Manchester D. Jack was still looking for that place B Have you ever heard of the saying, If you want a friend, be one? What does it mean? There are many different things that you can do to make friendsYou may find out what they are if you watch someone make friends Here is how one new teacher made friends with the students in her class on the first day of the school When the bell rang, the teacher smiled at all the students Then she said, Good morning How nice it is to have all of you in my class this year! I want to know each of you very much I am sure we will enjoy working together The teacher smiled, used a pleasant voice , and acted in a friendly way She told the students her name and wrote it on the blackboard Then she told them something she liked to do and hoped to do with them during the yearThe students knew that she liked many of the same things they liked Everyone felt that she meant what she said Each of them wanted to know her better and be her friendThen she let the students tell something about themselves So they felt that the teacher knew them Could you make friends as the teacher did? How do you know and like your classmates? One way is to find out more about themDuring the break you can talk to themYou may ask them their names and the names of the schools they went to last yearThey want to know about you, tooYou may tell them about your interests or your holiday experiencesIt is often easy to be friends with people who have the same interests and play the same gamesAs you talk, the others may be thinking, I like to do the same things you doIt should be fun to be friends with you Remember! Just talking together in a friendly way is one good way to make friends6. Which do you think is the best title for this passage?AMaking Friends BHow to Talk to OthersCA Talk in Class DWith the Teacher in Class7. How did the teacher get the students to feel that she would be a good friend?AShe laughed at each boy and girl and told them many things she knewBShe told the students many things she liked to doCShe laughed and made the students only to know her well in a friendly wayDShe talked and acted in a friendly way to let the students know she really wanted to be friends with them8. If you want to make friends with others, you should _ Atell others as many things you like as possible during the breakBtry your best to show what you can do for them in classCtalk with them to find out more about them in a friendly wayDask them to have dinner with you and play games with you after class9. Everyone felt that she meant what she said means that _Aevery student in her class felt that she really liked themBeveryone in her class understood what the teacher saidCall the students thought it was nothing telling them theseDeverybody felt tired when they heard what the teacher said C Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is becoming desert all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the desert in time. Why is more and more land becoming desert? Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth. Some places on the earth dont get very much rain. But they still dont become deserts. This is because some green plants are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places. Plants dont let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants dont let the wind blow the dirt away. When a little bit of rain falls. The plants told the water. Without plants, the land can become a desert much more easily.10. Deserts _.A. get very little rainB. never have any plants or animals in themC. can all be turned into good land before longD. both A and B11. Small green plants are very important to dry places because _A. they dont let the sun make the earth even drierB. they dont let the wind blow the earth awayC. they hold waterD. all of the above12. Land is becoming desert little by little because _A. plants cant grow thereB. there is not enough rainC. people havent done what scientists wish them to doD. scientists know little about the deserts13. Which is the main idea of the first paragraph?A. Scientists know how to change desert into good landB. Land is becoming desert faster than scientists can change it back into good landC. If scientists can bring water to desert, people can live and grow food there.D. More and more places are becoming deserts all the time.14. After reading this, we learn that _A. plants can keep dry land from becoming desertB. it is good to get rid of the grass in the desertsC. all places without much rain will become desertsD. it is better to grow crops on dry land than to grow grass六、完型填空。Dear Meimei,Thank your for your last letter. I have been here more than a month 1 I left Shanghai for Tokyo. Now, let me tell you 2 about Tokyo. I enjoy 3 all places of great interest here very much. But it is difficult for me to find my way around the city. 4_ Tokyo, only the important streets have names, and houses are numbered by age(按年代编号)._5 , when the first house was built in a place, it was Number One, and the second was Number Two. Sometimes, the second house may be over a kilometer 6 from the first house. Most of the people here are 7 to tell other persons ways. One man even drew a 8_ for me when I asked him how I could 9 the station. How strange it is! Please write to _ 10 soon. Yours, Fangfang( ) 1. A. when B. until C. since D. after( ) 2. A. interesting something B. something interesting C. anything interesting D. interesting anything( ) 3. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visits( ) 4. A. In B. On C. At D. With( ) 5. A. At times B. By the way C. From now on D. For example( ) 6. A. far B. away C. wide D. long( ) 7. A. happy B. angry C. sad D. sorry( ) 8. A. pen B. book C. map D. bus( ) 9. A. arrive B. reach to C. go D. get to( ) 10. A. my B. I C. me D. mine七、书面表达。仔细通读短文,用英语完成每个空格,每空只填一词。One afternoon just before Christmas, an old kind man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy _1_ in front of a beautiful shop windowThe old man _2_ why he was crying there The little boy said that he had lost the ten dollars given by his motherWhen the old man _3_ this, he put his hand into his pocket and took _4_ a small wallet and gave him _5_ dollarsThe little boy _6_ him and stopped crying and smiledThe old man walked awayAn hour later, the old man was returning home by the same route(路线)To his surprise, he saw the same boy at the _7_ placeHe went up to him and asked if he had lost his money _8_ The little boy said that he had found the _9_ the dollarsHe was waiting for him thereHe wanted to _10_ back the ten dollars to him初三英语(上)期末练习题三答案一、单词拼写。根据中文提示,填入正确的单词。1. shoes 2. himself 3. happily 4. well 5. showing6. left 7. useful 8. cheapest 9. Germans 10. fifth二、单项选择1. A2. C 注意hardly这个词是含有否定意思的,相当于almost not,因此在反问的时候,应该用肯定句式。3. A through是“穿过、穿越”的意思。4.D some time:一些时间5.D 宾语从句后接陈述句语序。如果答案C改成 “ how I should do it”就对了。6. C one of后接形容词的最高级和名词复数。7. A be dead表示已经死亡的状态。8. D for two days要与持续性动词keep连用.9. C yet用语现在完成时的否定或疑问句式。10.A keep + adj结构11.B 一段时间作主语,视为单数。12.B 该题为if所引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将(主句用一般将来时)从现(从句用一般现在时)的规则。13.C since所引导的时间状语从句用过去式,主句用一般现在时。14.B 请求或命令句式的反问句用will you.15.D in+ 一段时间,表示这段时间之后,常用于一般将来时。16.A Each做主语时,谓语动词常用单数。17.D 教师节: Teachers Day 儿童节:Childrens Day18.C Would you please not do sth19.C 在过去的某一个时间点正在发生应该用过去进行时。20.D 不定代词要放在修饰它的形容词前,因此首先排除B和C;由于该句为疑问句,因此只能用anything.三、用括号内动词的正确形式填空。1. goes 2. wrote 3. is teaching 4. will stay 5. was told6. to meet 7. have been 8. keeping四、根据中文提示,完成句子。1. prefers, writing2. hated traveling3. was, trying4. heard from5. were, worried6. not to7. make sure8. written, down9. feeding, food10. never, old五、阅读理解1.A “ A few days later he went to the same city”.2.D “ I want you to go Machester, to an office there, to see Mr Brown.”3.B “ When he walked out of the railway station”4.D 此题采用排除法。A、B、C均不正确,因此D为最佳答案。5.A 做法同上题。6.A 通读全文可知,本文是在教读者如何与人为友。7.D 只有D为最佳答案。选项A中的laugh at是“嘲笑、笑话”的意思。8.C9.A10.D11.D “ Plants dont let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants dont let the wind blow the dirt away. When a little bit of rain falls. The plants told the water.”12.C “ Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.”13.B 从文章可以得知,科学家们是知道如何将沙漠变为良田的,只是改变速度不及人类毁坏的速度而已。14.A 此题用排除法。 六、完型填空。1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C 七、书面表达。仔细通读短文,用英语完成每个空格,每空只填一词。七、书面表达。仔细通读短文,用英语完成每个空格,每空只填一词。1. crying 2. asked 3. heard 4. out 5. ten6. thanked 7. same 8. again 9. lost 10. give


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